
Stroke Caregiver - male
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Everything posted by Alixandrea1

  1. Happy Anniversary Alixandrea1!

  2. Happy Anniversary Alixandrea1!

  3. Hey everyone. So sorry i havent really been on at all lately. I've been bussy with school and stuff. I just wanted to say hi. This year is not going as well as i thought it would. For my dad, everything has gotten better. He now owns a company with my uncle. They were actualy on the news today, with the woman who got all the trash dumped in her drive way. But for me everything just seems to be a mess. I'm not doign as good i should be in school, my teachers are gaining up on my, my sister and my brother are also taking sides away from me. Am i the only one who thinks that is wrong? Any way. I am sorry if i sound all moody lol i am 15 what do you expect. I just wanted to check in with you guys, and see how you are doing. Talk to you latter... Peace and Love Lex
  4. Alixandrea1

    "In this world"

    Thank you guys so much you guys are truly my online family. Love you lots guys!!
  5. Its hard to give something up you truly love. I am sure your grandmother is cheering you on, and that she hopes the best for you. I hope everything works out - Lex
  6. lol, thanks for the comment. Nooo im nor looking for a boy... I got one hehe
  7. Alixandrea1

    I want a vacation

    Everyone needs a vacation. My parents are actually sending me to my best friends house in june for 3 weeks becuase they think it would be relaxing. go for. Go some where locla even. I know on Long Island i would go to Montalk becuase of the water and everything. Good luck finding the special vacation place! lol. Peace And Love Lex
  8. It made my mom cry. A happy cry. And the we did what all girls do when you see another girl cry. I started bawling as well. hehe :-p
  9. Thank you for the comment I hope she likes it, I have to try to persway her to get on lol