
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by Vix

  1. Vix

    new pictures

    Katrina - you have the nicest smile I've seen in a long time. Go have fun at both the concert and the laser party.
  2. Vix

    home again

    I am so happy you had such a wonderful trip. You sound rested and ready to continue. I hope Ray doesn't catch the tummy bug - they are nasty things to get!! Hugs
  3. Sue, no words of wisdom (you know I'm no good at those!) but <<<<<<HUGS>>>>>>. You will feel revitalised after your little vacation - go and enjoy.xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  4. Vix

    send me sunshine

    Sue, would you mind sharing some of your sun with me in SA? Winter has set in and it is a cold one this year. I managed to convince Greg to buy us an electric blanket - what a life saver!!! I really battle in the cold - my bad side stiffens up terribly. The only good thing about winter is all the hot chocolate!!!!! Roll on summer. Stay warm ((((((hugs))))).
  5. Congrats on passing your test - way to go girlfriend!!!!!!!!!! :happydance: Comfy shoes are a MUST. Good luck with your seminar - that kind of thing would scare the daylights out of me - hats off to you.
  6. Katrina - Sending you best wishes and GOOD LUCK from South Africa.
  7. Vix

    quiet day

    Sue, belated happy birthday for yesterday. With our vast time difference, I never know whether we are on the same day or not. I will have a birthday toast for you tonight when I get home.:cocktail: xxxxx
  8. Vix

    gold in the sand

    Sue You truely are a special person. Your wise words always make me relook at my situation and stop me feeling so sorry for myself.
  9. Vix

    now I know!

    Sue I think any time away from the normal day to day routine is a good thing. At least you got a bit of a break as well. And ALL meals cooked by someone else taste so much better!!
  10. I have just returned from a 2 1/2 week holiday with Greg and 4 of our friends. It was absolutely fantastic - we had so many laughs!! We took a trip to a beach resort in Mozambique and our daily activities included scuba diving, reading, tanning, drinking and eating!!! Even I got to do a dive. Granted, Greg was never more than a ruler length away from me the whole dive, but I managed just fine! Even before stroke I wasn't really a confident diver, so I thought I did really well. Another thing I noticed was that a year ago, walking on beach sand was really difficult for me as my bad ankle always wanted to twist the wrong way, well this time, it was a lot easier so my ankle must be improving. Bring on those heeled shoes!!! But now it's back to the grindstone. Roll on the next holiday!
  11. Sue, I can't offer any wise words of wisdom, but I'm sending you huge hugs instead :friends: xxxxxx
  12. Vix

    Easter Weekend

    4 of our closest friends and Greg and I went into the mountains for Easter weekend. The scenery is absolutely stunning up there, but boy, was it cold!!! I sat under the blanket by the fire reading my book with a glass of red wine for most of the time whilst the boys were out fly fishing. But, I did get off my behind long enough to go horse riding!!! Yes folks - HORSE RIDING. Now, this was a huge deal for me as I have NEVER ridden a horse before let alone after having a stroke!!! So, Greg drags me up to the stables, has a chat with the groomsman and off we go!!!! It wasn't a very elegant ascent onto the horse, but once I was up there holding on for dear life, I was OK!! My horse was the oldest they had, so I was quite confident she wouldn't take off at a high speed and she didn't, she was super. We clip clopped our way over a mountain trail for 2 hours - it was fantastic. But, when I got off the horse, my legs didn't want to work - they were like jelly!!!! It was a fantastic weekend.
  13. Vix

    I did it!!

    So, all the worrying about travelling alone was for nothing. I did just great! I managed the walk from airport to plane without any mishaps, found my seat, sorted out my seat belt, all by myself! The weekend with my sister was fun but exhausting!!!! I think I may be getting too old for that kind of weekend! It has taken me the last 3 days to recover. I was very glad to be home on Sun night - there is no place like home! But at least I know I can do it, so next trip alone won't be as nerve-wrecking!
  14. I got tired just reading your blog!!! Whew what a week. Maybe somebody could help you remove the rubble, that's not a job for a lady!!! I hope you both settle down soon and hope Ray gets strong enough to help out again. Hugs from SA.
  15. Vix


    Greg and I have a cat - Napoleon is his name because he used to be in the wars all the time!! He was the neighnourhood bouncer!! Since he's been "done" he has calmed down a lot and only goes outside now to use the toilet. He only talks to us when it's food time, which in his mind is ALL day long!!!! Aren't pets wonderful!
  16. Vix

    He's Home!

    I am happy that Ray is home even though it will bring new stress! There truely is no place like home and I'm sure Ray is glad to be back. Hang in there - a new routine will work itself out.
  17. Vix

    Flying Solo

    Today is my sister's birthday and the 2nd anniversary of my stroke. Wow - 2 years of this. Anyway, I'm flying down to cape Town Fri evening for the weekend to celebrate her birthday. Only trouble is, it was too expensive for Greg and I to go so I'm going alone - yikes. no Greg's hand to hold onto, I am really nervous about this. In fact the nervousness is overriding the excitement at the moment.
  18. Vix


    BS I always brought lunch to work, but now we have a coffee shop downstairs which sells the most delicious quiches, so sandwich making went out the window!!! My excuse to myself was "my hand doesn't work so....". Well this morning, I surprised myself by deciding I actually wanted a home-made sarmie for lunch. So into the kitchen I went and made myself a sandwich. And it wasn't as difficult as I had anticipated. It all went quite smoothly actually. The only minor hitch was cutting the tomato, damn stupid thing wouldn't sit still for me to cut slices, so I have lop-sided tomato slices on my sandwich!!!!!! So no more blaming the stroke for not making lunch.
  19. Vix

    holding pattern

    Sending hugs and praying for you. Stay strong Sue xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  20. Vix


    I stroked the first day of my period, so I'm very aware on that day every month. I also used to get migraines but touch wood, haven't had once since. I will probably freak if I did!!!
  21. I am so glad Ray is showing improvement. Pity you didn't have a camera on hand for the fairies, must have been a lovely sight.
  22. Vix

    Progress is noticed

    When I first came out of rehab, I needed pants which were easy to pull on and off, so Greg & I went shopping. We went to a new shopping mall, parked right near the entrance and I barely made it to the first shop. Last Sat we were in the area and went to the same mall for tea. This time Greg parked where he could find a parking space and we walked the WHOLE mall. From one end to the other and it is a fairly large mall. Even Greg commented about my progress and told me how proud he was. I'm still locking my bad knee but I am hoping with the exercising I am doing it will improve. :cheer:
  23. Sue, I'm so sorry to hear abot Ray's fall, I missed that entry and didn't realise what a difficult time you've been having. You are both in my thoughts and prayers. :hug:
  24. Vix

    It's a pass!!!

    I got the results back from the part time bookkeeping course I did last year and I passed with a 75% pass. I'm really pleased with myself :Clap-Hands: My final exam was a nightmare and honestly didn't think I had passed. Here's to the next course - Financial Accounting.
  25. I am so sorry to hear of your father's passing. I can relate to how you feel, I was also very close to my dad and even though he passed 7 years ago, I still cry for him. I am crying now reading your entry, here's a hug.... :console: