
Stroke Survivor - female
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Blog Entries posted by Vix

  1. Vix
    Cape Town was great fun, we visited far too many wine farms :cocktail: resulting in my sister and I being silly and giggly, something we hadn't done for a long time! Greg, bless him, drove us around and took photo's, so we had a good laugh the next day! It was so good to have fun with my sister again. So, it's back to routine again.
  2. Vix
    Tonight Greg and I will be on a plane to Cape Town to visit my sister for a long weekend. I had my stroke in Cape Town whilst visiting my sister last year. Now I'm not daft enough to think that Cape Town gave me my stroke but I know I'm going to have those "When I was here last......" thoughts. I think I may have an emotional weekend ahead of me. Poor Greg!
  3. Vix
    Last Sat evening we went to a fancy dress party, which turned out to be a fantastic evening. I had such a good time, I was even on the dance floor! I felt a bit self-concious with my left arm not joining in but I actually don't think too many people were taking much notice of my arm! So I can still jiggle my bum with the rest!!!!!
  4. Vix
    Here in Durban we don't often get big names performing so when one does come to town, I'm the first to book tickets. Well, Robbie Williams was in town last night and I dragged Greg and another couple to the show. I didn't realise that the seats I had booked were right at the top of the rugby stadium. So up we trudge and up and up and up!!!!! Anyway, we got to our seats and back down again after the show without any mishaps. We took longer than everyone else but who cares? I did it!!!! :bouncing_off_wall: I really enjoyed his show and the fact that he is really good looking helped as well!!! Yes I know I'm newly married but a girl can look can't she?Anyway, the point of this is that I got to the top of the stadium and back down again.
  5. Vix
    My OT asked me this morning what exercises do I do at home? I started giggling because all my home exercises are "made up". For example, when I'm in the bath, I reach for the shampoo or at least I try to! Then once out the bath, I practise balancing on one leg paying special attention to not letting my knee conk in!!! As you can tell I have ABSOLUTELY nothing exciting to blog about!!!
  6. Vix
    Last Fri we went to support SA playing Australia - which was great except we lost !!!! Sue - I was wearing a green hat along with 20 000 other SA supporters, so I didn't stand out in the crowd!!!!
  7. Vix
    Wednesday is my 1st Anniversary. I'm feeling a bit weird, can't explain it, this time last year (7th) I was having a ball with my sister planning what to do on her birthday (8th) and funnily enough ICU was not one of the things on our list!!!! Happy Birthday for tomorrow Sis, hope you have a better day than last year. Damn - now I'm crying (not a good thing to do at work).
  8. Vix
    I have a lovely OT and usually our sessions are quite productive, but this morning I got quite irritated. She was trying to get me to flick my fingers and move a balloon. Well - if I could flick my damn fingers, I wouldn't be sitting opposite her would I?
  9. Vix
    Well, I'm back at work and normal routine
    Mauritius was absolutely fantastic, one week was not long enough though. The only thing I found I battled with was exhaustion, I only watched the evening show once
    I was also extremely concious of my walking, but I still did lots of fun things, like para-gliding and snorkelling, which was great. :happydance:
    So, it's back to therapy, therapy, therapy!!!!
  10. Vix
    On Sat 21 Jan, I had my big day and it was fantastic. Everything went according to plan, even the weather played along. The only change I made was to go shoe-less, I wasn't confident enough to wear the shoes I had taken along, so I went barefoot, and as it was a country wedding, no-one looked twice. I have never received as many compliments as I did on Sat and it was great! Lots of champagne was consumed by all and everyone had a great time. :cocktail:
  11. Vix
    Everything is such an effort these days, I'm getting really bummed with this constant exhaustion that follows me everywhere. I really don't know how the people with kids manage to cope so well, just the thought of having a baby is exhausting! So yes, I'm sick and tired of being tired all the time, obviously it's one of "those" days!.
  12. Vix
    Last Fri evening Greg and I had a small fall out. :Tantrum: We were both in "out of sorts moods" and were ticking each other off. I eventually went to bed and sulked for a bit and realised we were having a "normal" tiff. This had nothing to do with my stroke - and that relevation actually got me out of bed and I apologised for being in a off mood. Wow - a normal tiff!!!! And this time I didn't burst into tears and feel sorry for myself. I apologised, we hugged and it was all ok again. :big_grin:
  13. Vix
    So, all the worrying about travelling alone was for nothing. I did just great! I managed the walk from airport to plane without any mishaps, found my seat, sorted out my seat belt, all by myself! The weekend with my sister was fun but exhausting!!!! I think I may be getting too old for that kind of weekend! It has taken me the last 3 days to recover. I was very glad to be home on Sun night - there is no place like home! But at least I know I can do it, so next trip alone won't be as nerve-wrecking!