
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by Vix

  1. I've been back at work for a week and already my brain is "full"!!! Greg and I had a lovely week away, I got to spend quite a bit of time with my sister which was an unexpected bonus. I've made up my mind that this year I'm going to concentrate on strengthing my left knee, I think that may help me stop walking like a peg leg - so its off to gym for me.
  2. Vix

    One week to go

    One week of work left then I'm on 2 weeks leave. I can't wait. I hate the last working week of the year - I'm tired and cranky! Our office has settled into our new premises, we are quite smart now!!! Greg and I also moved home for me to be closer to work, that went quite smoothly as well, we are nicely settled in our new home. It was an exhausting month though - no wonder I'm tired! I've written the final exam for the bookkeeping course I was on, just waiting for those results. I'm also waiting for results of a biopsy that I had yesterday. That sums up my last 2 months!!! Merry Xmas to all of us and a happy 2007.
  3. Vix

    OK - This blew me away....

    Mel, I can totally relate to this. It has taken me 7 years to deal with my Dad's death. Thanks for a great entry.
  4. Vix

    Who would have thought?

    LOL If I recall it was schnapps that evening!!!!! Asha, thank you, Greg is fine. A bit stressed at the moment because his company is restructuring and retrenchments are on the cards, but otherwise all is good. I can only sneak onto the site at work as I don't have a computer at home, so daily blogging is difficult.
  5. Vix

    Who would have thought?

    Jean, about 10 years ago, my sister moved to Cape Town and my Dad sent me (the big sister!) to help her find a place to stay. We were quite wild and went out partying quite a bit! We were laughing about the one night when we were dancing on the tables in an upmarket pub in Cape Town!!!!
  6. I NEVER thought I'd be thinking this.....I'm ok with me right now. Yes, I can't walk far or fast, can't use my left hand, but it's ok. When this whole nightmare started 18 months ago, I NEVER thought I would get used to this, but I have. Of course I still have my "woe is me" moments but they are nowhere near as frequent as they used to be. :Clap-Hands: I think the good belly-laughing at my sister's wedding last weekend helped!!!
  7. Vix

    Stroke - what the heck

    Hey Zain Hang in there, Farhaan has youth on his side (how I hated hearing that when I was in rehab but it is actually true) It sounds like I'm in your part of the country, I had my stroke in C.T. and was transferred to Entabeni Rehab, the team there is fantastic, they got me up and about. Feel free to mail me if you wish.
  8. Dearest Sue I am so sorry you are feeling so down. I wish I knew what to say to make you feel better, but you are much better at that than I am! I for one think you are an angel, as are all the care-givers, but I understand you need time out. Don't let "what other people might say" stop you for doing what you think is right for both Ray and YOURSELF. Loads of hugs xxxxx
  9. One of the huge advantages of living on the East coast of SA is that we are a 2hr drive away from a National Game Park which boasts the big 5 (lion, leopard, elephant, buffalo and rhino). This weekend we are off to the game park. We are leaving early Fri morning and coming home on Sunday. I can't wait, I love being in the bush!!!! A glass of red wine in the evening overlooking a water hole watching the animals coming down to drink - what a way to spend a Friday evening!!!!
  10. Vix

    This blasted E.L.

    I was never one to cry in front of people, I would always lock myself in my bedroom / bathroom until I had composed myself. Well, how that has changed! Now I burst into tears for anything. It's most embarrassing, especially when it happens at work. I've already had an episode this morning and now, anything will set me off again. It's terrible.
  11. Vix

    Confidence is the Key

    I think having the confidence to try something is half the battle. I am only recently trying to do more with my left (affected) hand and I'm winning. Last night I opened a tin can (it took me a while to figure out how to use a can opener again), but I did it!!!!! I'm also now putting deodorant under my right arm with my left instead of twisting my poor right arm. Apart from that, no new news. Carrying on day in and day out!
  12. Congrarulations, I'm so very glad everything turned out ok. I'm sure you are the bestest granma!!!
  13. Vix


    Tom, let's see if I can explain. first I tie a knot as best I can with my right (good) hand. Wrap the left side of the lace around bad left hand. Pull in opposite directions as hard as possible, tightening the knot. Make a loop with good hand. place loop in index finger of bad hand. (Associated reaction helps me from here on!) Put the second loop through gap with good hand and pull. It is a lot more fiddly than it sounds and it took me a few attempts before I got it (with a few choice words thrown in as well!). Practise makes perfect. Now my OT wants all my shoes with laces to be done up properly. I'll have to get up even earlier now!
  14. Vix


    Yesterday I tied my own shoelaces :Clap-Hands: :Clap-Hands: :Clap-Hands: OK, it wasn't the neatest job, but I did it!!! :cheer: Even Greg was impressed! :big_grin:
  15. Sue, Happy, happy birthday to my Cyber friend. I'm glad you had a super time with your family.
  16. Vix

    Saying it like it is

    On Sat evening we went out to supper with friends. As I was getting ready, I decided to try a different pair of shoes, a pair of black boots with a small heel. I got the shoe on the left foot without too much of a struggle and stood up quite gingerly. I was fine standing still, my ankle held up ok but when I took the first step, it conked, so I gave up on that idea. So off came the nice shoes and on went the trusty trainers and when Greg came in to see what I was up to, here I was sitting on the floor, tears pouring down my face. All he said was "now what?" I told him my ankle conked and couldn't wear nice shoes and instead of him being all sympathetic and nice to me, he simply said "you WERE a heel person, now you're not. Deal with it". That told me!! So yesterday we went off to the shops and he bought me a pair of FLAT black shoes which I will practise wearing at home.
  17. Vix

    no more kid gloves

    Greg and I have a very tight knit group of friends who have tiptoed around me since my stroke for fear of upsetting me in some way. Last Tues evening we were all out to supper and I noticed no-one handled me with kid gloves, it was great! I was able to go to the loo without all the ladies jumping up offering help!! I was also told that my eyes are sparkling again, so maybe the uphill road to recovery has evened out a little?
  18. Last Fri evening Greg and I had a small fall out. :Tantrum: We were both in "out of sorts moods" and were ticking each other off. I eventually went to bed and sulked for a bit and realised we were having a "normal" tiff. This had nothing to do with my stroke - and that relevation actually got me out of bed and I apologised for being in a off mood. Wow - a normal tiff!!!! And this time I didn't burst into tears and feel sorry for myself. I apologised, we hugged and it was all ok again. :big_grin:
  19. Vix

    Sardonic laughter

    Hi Sue I think it has been humour that has pulled me through this dark patch. My sister and I have the same sense of humour and when we are together we giggle over things that others do not understand!
  20. Sue, that is Fabulous news. You can have some "Sue time" and recharge your batteries - you deserve it. Relax and enjoy. Hugs
  21. I'm no gardener and obviously here in South Africa we have a different climate, but my favourite flower is the Arum Lily.
  22. Vix

    We had a blast!

    Cape Town was great fun, we visited far too many wine farms :cocktail: resulting in my sister and I being silly and giggly, something we hadn't done for a long time! Greg, bless him, drove us around and took photo's, so we had a good laugh the next day! It was so good to have fun with my sister again. So, it's back to routine again.
  23. Tonight Greg and I will be on a plane to Cape Town to visit my sister for a long weekend. I had my stroke in Cape Town whilst visiting my sister last year. Now I'm not daft enough to think that Cape Town gave me my stroke but I know I'm going to have those "When I was here last......" thoughts. I think I may have an emotional weekend ahead of me. Poor Greg!
  24. Vix


    Kim, my mother is on another continent and she also panics if I don't reply to a text message IMMEDIATELY and gets impatient with me when I explain the time difference between us! But I do feel for her, it must have been the worst feeling in the world for her when she received that dreadful phone call from my sister, so I try cut her some slack, bite my tongue and just say "yes Mom"!!!!
  25. Last Sat evening we went to a fancy dress party, which turned out to be a fantastic evening. I had such a good time, I was even on the dance floor! I felt a bit self-concious with my left arm not joining in but I actually don't think too many people were taking much notice of my arm! So I can still jiggle my bum with the rest!!!!!