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Blog Comments posted by swilkinson

  1. George I have intolerance to lactose, palm oil, which can be in anything marked vegetable oil, and seafood. I had my gallbladder out 33 years ago and have been on  restricted diet since then. Dairy free or lactose free foods have boomed recently and that has been wonderful for me. I do maintain a good healthy diet and try to keep it a nutritional one too. Sometimes I just envy others when I am eating out for being able to eat luscious desserts etc but I know I need to keep to what I can eat without pain or discomfort.

  2. Great to see you blogging again George. You and Lesley have had a wonderful time travelling around Scandinavia and Europe by the sound of things. I envy you that in a way. But I am a homebody these days, happy with a small circle of friends and an occasional visit from my kids and grandkids.


    My life has been involved with the church, my Lions Club and some socialising before Christmas and friends and family since. I have my younger son and youngest granddaughter here right now. I understand at our age we are still important for them to come home to.

  3. I am glad to see you are finding new things to do. It is not easy to reinvent yourself when the roles of wife and mother change to empty nesters. There are many new interests to take up and of course endless opportunities for volunteering. Including on here. Noone seems to be welcoming new members now.


    As a widow and with my children and grandchildren so far away I have to fill my life with other things so reading, gardening, shopping, handcrafts dominate but morning teas and lunches with friends are also important. The church takes quite a bit of my time, Lions Club too. In fact sometimes I am a little too busy. Without all of this I would be a sad and lonely person I think.

  4. Asha I have just had my grandson Christopher here for four days. He saved up his student money to fly up from Melbourne. I said something to him and he said: "Grandma I'm an adult now." Point taken, he is 23 and doing a Masters in Biomedical Technology. But he is still my grandson and I thought I was guiding him but it was inappropriate. So back off Grandma. 


    So it is just little things you say to guide rather than giving them a full on lecture. And laugh and joke and talk about the past and remind yourself that you need to back off to remain friends. And trust they will remember that coming home is about enjoying family not lectures about behaviour.

  5. I have several friends in Perth. One I met on  here although I met her on Dementia.net when that was active, one from my life locally. So next time I can stay in Perth for a couple of days in a hotel and catch up with them I hope It is a new adventure for me. It's good in a way to have somewhere new to go but I miss my family so much on days like Mother's Day and my birthday which comes up in a few weeks time.

  6. No amount of aloneness is long if your someone special comes home to you. A certain amount of aloneness is good for you. I'm glad you have come to that realisation now. Ray in part of his working life was away three days at a time, I didn't like that at first but realised that meant that the children and I could eat different food at different times, make a lot more noise and do other activities without him being there and that was okay. Having some time of quietness and your own choice of movies is also good. Congratulations on your perceptiveness.

  7. Thanks for the update George, you and Lesley have made great use of your time. I'm glad Lesley got back to New Zealand. Sorry to hear about her son's breakup, very sad, but looks like it has led to new opportunities for him.  Keep on going , improving and keeping busy. Golf! Who would have thought that you'd be able to go back to golf back in those early days? Great job!

  8. Yes it's fortunate I am high and dry but a lot of people in the lower lying areas of the Central Coast now have water surrounding them. My sister in law in Queensland is still isolated on her small farm and my friend Cate can't get back home. More and more people are flooded in in Southern Queensland and on the north coast of New South Wales.


  9. I still miss Ray after nine years as a widow. 44 years of marriage is never forgotten. I would have him back here beside me any day instead of the hole in my heart he left behind. But I knew that when he was here, that the days we spent together would be limited by his continuing strokes. Keep those good memories going for as long as you can. (((big hug)))

  10. ASHA. I have always found my purpose in being there for others. I feel sometimes I am guided to a certain place at a certain time to meet someone else's need. I don't know how you know exactly which way to go, whether something is right or wrong but maybe as well as intention there is that twinge of conscience when something is NOT right. And going with the flow as you have taught me works well for me too.

  11. I agree , I had that cruise on the Ruby Princess and if I hadn't  been on it because of my friends need I wouldn't have gone. But a couple of days on the Murray River would be fine. I am planning some travelling by train later in the year if that is feasible. At he moment Omicron is raging here so will have to wait and see.