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Blog Comments posted by swilkinson

  1. I don't have a big garden but love to grow salad greens and herbs. When I have to buy salad leaves it is never the same. I am glad you have found someone to partner up with and wish you all success in your next growing season. Your daily routine is pretty strenuous so don't be too discouraged by the occasional fall from grace.

  2. Thanks George, the bushfires have taken a huge toll here but people will rally round and help where they can. Your trip sounds wonderful and yes as soon as we get back home it is back to our old routine again. Hawaii is the only American state I have been in and that thanks to Sarah Rademacher who I met on here. We used to say when we were both caregivers: "One day in Hawaii" to remind each other there was a future still and so a few years after Ray died we had our week together there. Sarah is still a caregiver.

  3. Hi Sue, great to have you blogging again.That word you have chosen " Learn" has real power. It is good to be learning new skills and consolidating old ones. And learning not to beat yourself up, I need to do that too. I admire your  determination to overcome your stroke problems, you're a champion already with that kind of attitude.

  4. The mind singing is a symbol of what my life is about, being happy, giving smiles to people who don't seem to have one of their own. We used to say " a brief life but a happy one" well why not a long life and a happy one? There is always something special about every day we live. We just have to acknowledge the good even on what was overall a bad day. I hope to do that this year.

  5. Asha, you chose a great slogan for 2020. "Just do it" is a great reminder that procrastination just steals our time. You like me are not inclined toward sudden change so I understand that in you but sometimes decisions just have to be made. Glad your son is doing so well with his studies, we need good doctors, full of compassion as he will be. Happy New Year to you and your family too.

  6. Welcome to the Blog Community Kevin, hope you love it as I always have and make friends here which I have also done. A blog is a great way of putting what you experience into words, something you can look back on in the months to come. Including physical progress, emotional rebuilding, increase in activities, can also help others to look at and quantify their own experiences. And remember the occasional pity party just shows you are human like the rest of us.

  7. George I am amazed at your energy and your zeal in the pursuit of excellence at whatever you tackle. I think that is what keeps you strong and alive. Carrying a canoe at 74 is impressive. Looking forward to hearing more about your new hobbies. Best wishes to you and Lesley and her Mum for the Christmas season and for 2020.

  8. I have the feelings you are having but in June/July when I am going through the short dark days of winter. I keep a whole lot of craft to do, books to read, decluttering jobs to do for that period and use the phone or computer to connect to people if it is too cold or wet to go out. There is no way of avoiding the winter blues so you just have to go back to living one day at a time. I need people around me  and that is a problem. So sorry you are missing your loved ones, as a widow I know that feeling too. (((hugs))).

  9. We can only do what we do and be what we are. I have been estranged from my sister for many years, I attempt a reconciliation from time to time but it never works. I don't know why. There will always be a sorrow in my heart because of that but I have learned to live without her and her family in my life. She is the only relative I have in my birth family here in Australia.  I know something of your pain but know that what I feel is just a tiny fraction of what you feel over your daughter alienating herself. (((hugs)))

  10. So sad when someone who is special in our lives dies, so my condolences to you both. I am so grateful for the people of wisdom I have met throughout my life including YOU. Strange to say but Ray's strokes brought me into contact with so many good people I otherwise would not have met. So I try to look for good things to come out of what seems at the moment to be a negative event.

  11. It is good to be grateful in all circumstances. I have had a worrisome rash for a few days brought on by the heat and wearing heavy stockings is not ideal but I am grateful I still have my leg. I alway try to live hopefully. I am so amazed that you were able to stay friends with the lady who just died, your friendship had some ups and down but maybe that made it stronger. You will miss her. It is good you have reconciled with your daughter family is so important. May there be only good times ahead  for the rest of the year.

  12. Asha, sounds like a great holiday with so many welcoming you. I've always wanted to go to Singapore, I've changed planes there but not stayed so I am glad you enjoyed the experience. And coming home to kiddo on vacation is good too. Happy Thankgiving to you and family.

  13. Just big (((hugs))) to you, no advice. I am still getting over the death of my best friend of 60+ years who died from a ruptured brain aneurysm, her death was the reason I had mine clipped. There is no replacing dear old friends who have been precious to us for many years. But somehow we just soldier on.