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Blog Comments posted by swilkinson

  1. Thanks Tracy, got an appointment with a specialist in thyroid problems today for the 29th March, which is pretty quick. I hope that will give me a range of options including the operation. I like to have full knowledge of what is going to happen next, and some knowledge of ongoing care before I make a definite decision. Then when everything goes wrong at least I know what should be happening...lol.


  2. So true ASHA, whatever you do if you do it in the right spirit is an offering up of something special, if you like it is a prayer.  So much of life is selfish pursuit but whatever you do with pure motivation is bound to bring you joy. Keep on widening your mind to embrace the positive possibilities in life. 

  3. Your Dan certainly has a way of getting his message across. Nice to hear from you. Hope you are doing okay. For me it is one day at a time but I do enjoy life, always something happens to make me smile every day. Today it was two little girls sitting at the next table having a milkshake and blowing bubbles, typical four year olds. Hope you feel great when your Spring comes, I'm sure you will  as you've had such a harsh winter

  4. ASHA, going through the last year of uncertainty has not been easy for me. I felt as if my life was on the line. Then there were all the deaths through the year, I got sadder with each person that passed. Of course we do expect our older friends to get incapacitated, even to die but in reality this robs us of their support and guidance in our lives. Life can be sad when you are older. But I try not to dwell on that now but to enjoy each day.

  5. Pam, I don't know what to say apart from I hope it is temporary. I have not had this happen to me but Ray was in a diaper for several periods of time over the years and then for the last 15 months of his life. One of the reasons I went to the nursing home daily was to make sure he  was clean and dry. The care is so much better if you have regular visitors, it seems to keep the staff on their toes. I wish I was close enough to drop in from time to time.

  6. Yes. One of the reasons I blog is to look back on how far I have come. I  am looking at who I was and who I have become. It is like the growth rings on a tree reflecting the good years and the bad years. I can see that also in those other members of the blog community who have been blogging for a long time as you have ASHA. I can see that post traumatic growth in both of us.

  7. There is really nothing we can do about our past and we've all done things we are ashamed of, worried about or  find distressing when we look back on them.  But somehow we have to reconcile that and move forward with our lives. I have to say to myself sometimes" Not my fault, not my problem." Naturally I hope the other person can see that too but if they can't I try not to stress about it. I guess that comes with age though.  Hope you have a fantastic year Tracy. You can think about what others say but you don't have to accept responsibility for it.

  8. Tracy it is heat, hot days and too warm nights, but I do fall asleep because I am tired.  In our area crowded car parks because we are a tourist spot about an hour and a half from the northern suburbs of Sydney. Our beaches are crowded with sun screen baked kids and parents with sunburned faces, but we don't care because tourists boost the economy. It is a great place to live.

  9. Thanks Tracy, our journeys are very different but we have a lot in common. I have just heard my next door neighbor come home. We don't speak often but I like to know he is there. I am out and about a lot of the time but still feel I am stepping into an empty shell when I come home. But I am used to it now.

  10. Pam I am so sorry, this is just one more burden to bear. I would ask what the prognosis is, what rate of spread etc then make the decision. It is the way I work through things. But I do not have your pain so there is no comparison. You need compassion as well as information, I hope you get that.

  11. Tracy, I find at this stage of my life I am grateful for so many things. Circumstances are not always perfect but I believe in hope, and hope makes life doable. I was glad to find out from your blog that many people are helping you through the lean times you have been through.  (((hugs))).