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Blog Comments posted by swilkinson

  1. There are friends that  can turn into enemies, I have had a similar experience, but yours is most difficult being your room mate. Just go on as best you can. Love the blind man as a friend, a fellow sufferer and someone who loves you. Love is important in our lives whoever and wherever we are.

  2. I have been blogging for a long time. I did it initially for a way to expressing the feelings I felt bottled up inside me. I continued after Ray died as I wanted to be a support to others. I have a blog on a widows site too. I never wanted to make money out of it, just to help others really. I hope you find a friend to help you set up a website. Good luck with it.

  3. Tracy, I wish I was a fairy godmother I would send you some of what I have. Just sit tight and see what happens, there may be people who will help you out with furniture when the time comes. You are a good person, helping out your family even though you have so many difficulties yourself. Just do whatever you need to do and the future will take care of itself. (((Hugs)))


  4. I have also had the same misunderstanding with my older son, over his leaving his wife and children in the lurch. I do stand by what I said but it was the wrong time and place. Sometimes my timing is way off. It has taken years to get back to a normal mother/son relationship. I hope you can remedy the situation easier than I did. Mostly it just blows over. Keep on doing what you do is all I can advise.

  5. Pam you are a true friend, the kindly friend I would like to know in that situation. It is so hard to work out why someone would steal from a 96 year old veteran but it seems it is happening over and over. Your son is a saint, you are right, and learned it from his mother. I am amazed by the way you bring happiness to others under such difficult circumstances. 

  6. I agree, the therapists only do what they know how to do, they can't mend broken people. I used to get so frustrated that Ray's therapy didn't "cure" him. But the strokes changed me as well into what I am today and that was a good thing. Tracy you are the educator in this. Gently but persistently please tell them all you know about the road to recovery and encourage them in every way you can. Patience and persistence are key words in every recovery.

  7. Dear, dear Ruth, so sad that William passed away but so glad you survived the experience of being a great caregiver. Thank you for being part of the Blog Community and by doing so adding to the lives of other members. Thank you for being my friend also, it has been a great privilege. I hope the days ahead are full of happy memories rather than sad.  Big (((hugs))).