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Blog Comments posted by swilkinson

  1. Pam, that poem has some really pretty images in it, I'll keep on coming back and looking at it. Some poetry leads you to contemplation and this one is certainly one of those.


    I really loves it when you are in one of your quieter moods...lol.



  2. I want pretty patterns, spring colours, a choice of heels, strappy sandals and jewl-encrusted slip-ons. And what every girl wants for winter - slinky boots, prefrrably patent leather or crocodile skin.


    Pushing the wheelchair you have to wear flats for safety and comfort as you often "do hills" getting to places like specialists rooms with NO parking. And being on a pension does not make expensive choices feaisble so it is Kmart style too.


    Hope they have shoe cam on Oscars night.


    Sue. :cloud9:

  3. I've never heard of this Gerry and never heard this song but it has words that I can see are very relevant to you and Patrick.


    When we were talking on chat this afternoon my time I thought for some silly reason of some words from "Pretty Woman". When asked what she would do after her knight on the white charger rescued her she said: "Why rescue him right back of course".. And I think that might just be what happened to Patrick and you. He rescued you and now you are rescuing him right back.



  4. Hey, how about chat room here I come? There are plenty of other lonely people in the world so reaching out to them solves more than one person's problems. And we do have a few laughs too.


    Can't help you with the Medicare problem as we work under a very different system Downunder. But loneliness is universal.


    Keep going with your OT at home and keep working on improving your health. Your kiddo needs her mom to be as fit as possible.


    Sue. :Good-Luck:

  5. Those were the days, we had our own "chooks" so always had fresh eggs and a loaf of stale bread and some eggs would make a big plate of what Dad called "Egg in a slice" add some bacon (if it was a week with ovetime in it) and we were in heaven.


    Happy birthday for tomorrow Rolly and hope the coming year takes you where you want to be health-wise and in all other ways.


    Sue and Ray. **hi** :Cheers:

  6. Hey Fred


    It isn't the thought that counts in this case, you've got to go out and give it a try. Even if it takes all week to do a ful two hours work your caregiver wife will love you for it.


    In my case it is Ray making an effort to do something for me that counts instead of turning a blind eye to all that needs to be done.


    Hope Sprig comes soon and brings some renewed life.



  7. Kristen I got lost on my way to Wollongong Hospital when Ray broke his hip. But I had never been there before in my life, that was my excuse, and the tears that blinded my eyes probably didn't help. I was still an hour late as I had to go back to the motel and pack our clothes and pay the bill as we were on holidays at the time.


    Even if I had been there on time there was nothing I could have done as I'm no orthopaedic specialist, I'm the woman who watches and waits, whispers a prayer etc. Luckily for Ray I am the woman who cook, sews, irons, cleans AND rebuilds the driveway etc. You can't fault me on my "cherishing" too as that is what I promised in my wedding vows.


    I think you do very well in a crisis and getting lost is the least of your worries as long as you can always find your way back home.





    Ray and I last danced at our daughter's wedding in 1994, he couldn't dance post 1990 but I was actually dancing, he was swaying. He used to be a dancing instructor in his early twenties so it was a blow after his minor stroke in 1990 to find that one of the abilities he lost was to turn round fast, something essential for dancing.


    I guess we all have our dreams Vicki and dancing is in some of mine too. Never mind the slinky dresses and high, high heels.


    I think dream programs such as "Dancing with the Stars" (there is an Australian version too) are just that, the stuff of dreams.



  8. Welcome to the blogging community Gail.


    Like yours my husband Ray has had multiple strokes, one in 1990 then back to work after six months off, two majors in 1999, forcing us both into early retirement, one in 2001, one May last year. He is left side affected, walks with a cane, has some dementia, swallowing issues etc.


    I've been a full time caregiver for going on for seven years.

    Tra,la,la,la life goes on.



  9. From my experience, if you want to work in the morning start as soon as Brandon goes to school, wheel or sit Patrick within chatting distance and chat as you work, he will be impressed by your busyness, besides we all need company. I do some housework at night, ironing,cupboard cleaning, wiping down cupboards etc. Ray "holds" things for me, or I pass him something to look at, photo albums etc.


    I also play music while I work, something we both like, I waltz by him and tickle him with the duster, he is a good sport and laughs sometimes when I am in a silly mood. If you don't think of it as WORK then it can just be a light-hearted way of spending some time together.


    Glad you have some future job prospects. Make the most of this break and get into that housework. You should have caught up on your sleep by now...lol



  10. I get real excited abot eating out too probably because I do most of the cooking and run out of new ideas. We had Italian food on Thursday with a group we go out with once a month and it was wonderful. Mind you we had roast chicken at home last night and that was good too.


    Have a happy, relaxing, soothing weekend. Hope you have some company also to make a difference to how you see life.


    Congratulations on the walking to and from school, just shows we can all put in that extra effort when we HAVE to.


    Stay well, Sue.



    Hi Kim


    I think we all have a different aspect on life after stroke, the survivors and caregivers like me. You have nothing left to lose? But you have done a lot of regaining by the sounds of what you said in your post which I just read.


    Welcome to Strokenet where you will find a great bunch of supportive people. We are survivors and caregivers from all around the world. Ray and I live on the east coast of Australia, 90kms north of Sydney.


    And welcome to the blog community too. Reading about what other people face so bravely in their lives gives us an example of courage rare in society theses days.



  11. Lynn


    I am glad Rod's return of abilities seem to be happening again. It is good when your survivor gets to another energised stage. Ray sometimes brings in a light shopping bag by draping it over his wrist and cane handle. I am not conviced it is safe but I let him do it.


    Sorry to hear you do have to have the op but if family rally round I am sure all will be well.



  12. One of my husband's cousins got "found" by his half-sister at a party. He said a woman had just come up to him and said "You X? I'm your sister." Although he likes them (she and her brother) he says he feels no kinship but keeps in touch as his parents and one brother are both deceased.


    Life is very strange isn't it? And the standards today which would have allowed your mother to share this information with you are not the same standards as years gone by.


    Enjoy rebuilding the relationship with your sister and getting to know these new relations too. We all need family.

