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Blog Comments posted by swilkinson

  1. I've always preferred a hand bag with a shoulder strap anyway, so mine works fine on the back of Ray's wheelchair, I've got shopping bags that fit the chair too so I can carry extra and not make as many trips out to the car.


    Ray gets to have $50 in his wallet, if I need it I use it and replace it. I call him my "banker", he enjoys the responsibility. He has a spare car key too which has got me out of a jam a couple of times.


    It was raining today and I made four trips to the car park, got damp each time. If you hear a sneeze, that will be me.



  2. Hi Janice glad Joe is home. Now you will have someone to cook for. Ray lost a lot of weight after having his remaining teeth out but I give him extra butter etc to make him keep what he's got and hopefull gain some more.


    Does Joe have a special diet now?



  3. Ask your doctor if any of the mediction you are on will help you gain weight, I think some antidepressants do. Keep a food diary so those little things you consider snacks are counted. Ask your husband to cut back just a little on meal portions.


    If you can do some planned exercises even if you only do them with your good side that will help use energy and burn calories. Putting one arm up is half of two arms up, if you see what I mean so uses half of the energy.


    Ray's problem is losing wieight, runs out of energy eating as chewing is such a problem for him now.


    Welcome to the blog community where trivia and friendship abound.



  4. While not all change is good some changes can make us look at "our world" in a new way.


    I've only just got the idea with the size, font, colour that if you switch it on, you also switch it off. My son showed me that!


    Good on you Fred for looking around and exploring the interesting new features. Of course you and I are old hands now and for the newbie just getting onto the site is an amazing achievement.



  5. And today we did go to the beach, Toowoon Bay, with Trev and Tori. Tori bottomed out a couple of times but up came her head and she was fine. She managed to lose the bucket we had taken, flung it into the water: "Sorry, Granma, it was an accident." she said as usual.s


    Trev took a BBQ pack and I took salad and goodies and we had a BBQ lunch, it was a great few hours out.


    We took Ray down on the sand, lifting and dragging him and settled him down on a fold-up chair with sand between his toes. The return journey across the sand back to the car was interesting. Ray didn't want to put his shoes back on and toe drop means you dig channels as you go!!


    A fun day is one where you come home tired but happy.



  6. Sorry to hear you missed church today Fred due to pain. Not the way you want to be.


    I asked Ray about the feeling that your leg is like a log and he has it too more frequently now.


    Will your neuro authorise another MRIor MRA to see if there is more brain damage? Have you thought of accessing alternate pain treatment? I know some people try acupuncture/ relaxation/ aromatherapy. Just gving you something else to think about.


    Cheers mate, Sue.

  7. I have a feeling the person my mother warned me about was an older man with wandering hands.


    And as an English migrant child in a newly developing diversified suburb mainly populated by other migrants and refugees I knew people from everywhere else in the atlas.


    As Jean says it is surprising the different expereinces life has given us, and yet how much we still all have in common.




    A Mountain

    I have climbed a mountain, I was unfit, fat and over 40. I climbed it with a bunch of kids and carried their gear as well as my own. It was some expereince.


    What it taught me is that such an expereince wasn't just for the fit and the trained, anyone could do it as long as they stuck at it.I guess that is what caregiving for Ray has taught me too.



  8. I don't get to drive much on my own either, usually have Ray on board and he HATES loud music, so driving is mostly to and from doctors etc.


    I usually ring friends when I am bored, fills in some time and we might get an invite to lunch or a suggestion we meet up somewhere.


    Sorry you can't drive. Ray can't either and you certainly miss that independence.



  9. Jean, you may be right. It was the same situation with having my mum here. I tried to get my sisiter to help (still do) but if there was serious confrontation I just backed away. If you got your brother to share care you must be made of tougher stuff than I am.


    Our son helps out a little. He has cooked the evening meal the last two nights, I have a summer sinus virus and feel lousy. Probably why I am seeing the negative side of life, not the positive as I mostly do.



  10. Joy I am sure you quilts will give others much joy. I do afghan rugs too for new Mums, and for the elderly, that is what I do in winter. I sometimes see a rug I have made when I visit a nearby nursing home and know they give comfort and a feeling of homeliness to a stark and impersonal room.


    Keep on giving pleseure to others. Best wishes to you and Hans, and hopes for a healthy 2006.

