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Everything posted by swilkinson

  1. Just beautiful Janelle. You are very creative.
  2. Cookies are treats not regular food... naughty, naughty! The tomatoes are coming on really well. Keep up the exercise as much as you can. Really enjoying your updates.
  3. George, change is coming and maybe it was time. The world seemed to be going in all kinds of wrong directions to me. Went on my first cruise and even though I enjoyed it bigger isn't always better and with 3000 plus passengers way bigger than a couple of towns I have lived in. I have been self isolating and apart from the hospital visits home alone. I find something to do each day but it does seem like marking time. Without my regular activities there is nothing to distinguish one day from another. I have to look on my phone to find out what day it Is! Keep safe and well. (((Hugs)) to Lesley and her mum.
  4. swilkinson


    I think everyone is bored but there is a lot to do here. I could clean outside for years but the spiders would still be one web ahead of me. We have had rain so that was a hard few days to fill in. But there is reading, crocheting etc. Nancy, you have taken on a big job. Enjoy Dan being home while you can still find enough energy to cope. Eventually we will be the other side of this and no-one has a clue what life will be like then so now is the time to rebuild our inner strength then we will be ready for whatever happens.
  5. swilkinson


    Kev, what an active life you live, good for you, and it is paying off with weight loss and fresh farm picked vegetables. Hard in this time of isolation not to be grumpy, I am definitely grumpy at times but I live alone so no-one suffers. Keep up the good work, exercising, horse riding, whatever you can find to do that increases your heart rate. Love your herb pictures, I grow a few pots of herbs and just love that fresh taste adding to meals.
  6. This is my Covid-19, so far so good, update. This is Autumn, daylight saving is over. We are going through a wet period. Okay we needed the rain, in our part of the country rain comes west to east or down the coast from the tropics, we seem to be having both. Our inland and coastal areas that suffered the bushfire damage need the rain so I can't complain about it. But it does eliminate sitting in the sun on the front verandah from my daily activities. The farmers need the rain to grow the produce we depend on so I can't complain etc. I want to complain. Coved-19 is affecting my life, all our lives and we are not supposed to complain? Really? We are pretty good in Australia, we practice self isolation, people go by walking the dog, people exercise though I am a bit dubious about some of the categories, we all do essential shopping etc. But I was in a supermarket and a young man came so close to me that he brushed my arm as he walked with his mobile phone to his ear. The old are taking it very seriously after all we are the target group, the young seem to think it is a bit of a joke. But we are keeping up with the bulletins coming every day from the government on our progress and social distancing laws are being policed. And on the whole we don't complain. But on a personal level I am running out of things I WANT to do. Okay I could polish the furniture, clean the windows and spot clean the carpets BUT I don't find that fun. I am reading, crafting etc but I have been doing that for four weeks now minus my hospital time. So I might do an online course or start some vast project I will never finish. Drastic moves need to be taken. But the government tells us we are all in this together. And after making this announcement they go home to their wives or partners and their families. Bah humbug. I miss my friends, my Lions Club events, my children and grandchildren. Easter will come and go without the usual religious observances. I miss my gang that meet beside Muffin Break, the conversation, the comradely jokes, the feeling of belonging. I miss the people I go out to see who belong to the church and the lady I pick up on Sundays. She misses me too. Church is closed at the request of the Bishop and we have also had to discontinue the pastoral care aspect of the church that cares about people. No Playtime, no Coffee Mornings, no Bible study. So no Christian fellowship. I really miss that. Trevor and Alice can not come down for the first week of the school holidays because of the 200km rule and 200 kms from Broken Hill is still semi desert so they are stuck where they are. Alice loves to come down to the green grass she can lie on, the sea she can swim in and the many parks and lakeside walks that are a total contrast to the semi desert dry and dusty countryside she experiences every day. I will miss out on Trevor doing the odd jobs I alway line up for him to do. I know some of them will be fine until next visit,whenever that might be. But I can't do them myself now. A week ago I went up to weed under the orange tree. For the first time in years it has fruit on it and I wanted to clean under it and fertilise it. I backed down the bank with my armful of weeds , felt my right foot move downwards and followed it over the retaining wall. I fell five feet into pavers. I won't tell you the mess I was in but I went to hospital by ambulance and after a series of X-rays had six stitches in the wound. Due to the build up of Covid-19 panic I was then sent home. So back to the self isolating with a patch on my head and special shampoo to wash my hair. I am used to head wounds so only found sleeping uncomfortable. Bah humbug. This is a whinge not a pity party. I am not allowed to have a pity party with so many people worse off than I am. I live alone. I have no-one to look after, I have a roof over my head and food on the table. I have friends out there who think of me occasionally, as I do them. And from time to time my family remember me and ring me. I guess the crux of the matter is I am alone. For the duration, however long that turns out to be, I am alone.
  7. swilkinson

    Prepared for Isolation

    Sarah, as a long time widow I am used to being alone. I miss my usual routine but find plenty of activities to fill in time. It is a bit like walking through a desert though - no landmarks. I find it hard to remember what day it is and what I did yesterday as sometimes the days go by in a blur. I am glad you have some contact with your neighbors as that is important to me too. I feel the same about lunches out as you do going out to your breakfasts. Keep well my friend.
  8. Pam, what a pleasant surprise your posting on here was. The clipping of the aneurysm last July was a traumatic operation in a way and yet it gave me a new freedom, a freedom to live. I had a fall recently and split my scalp and had six stitches to close it up The doctor ordered me to have a CT scan and there was the clip doing what it was designed to do and working fine. I know that we are all here on earth in a temporary capacity so Angel Time will always apply. God bless you dear friend.
  9. Asha, Bonnie used to say to me the pity pot is okay to sit on but you have to get up and go on again. I think we are all finding the isolation a problem. I just read Pam's blog and know she is more isolated than I am, at least I can get out to the shops once a week. In the meantime I can find plenty to do around the house and still have time to keep in touch with friends by phone, email and computer chat. It is not the same as being person-to-person but it pays to sacrifice that and stay safe.
  10. Pam what a wonderful blog. I have been in different kinds of isolation since I was widowed. Because of deep grief and a kind of shyness, a realisation that being alone was different to being a member of a couple -scarier somehow, I stayed at home a lot after Ray died. In some periods of my life I have had weeks when I saw no-one because my life had changed so much.That eventually changed and I got back out into the world again. Also after operations I was unable to get out because of no driving for six or eight weeks on doctors orders. So for me this is just an extension of that. Since the shut down because of the Covid-19 virus I just go shopping once a week but apart from that stay home. I have food enough, a verandah to sit on on sunny days, I have books to read, craft to do and a computer to spend time on catching up with friends. I know self isolation is different to having it imposed on you but somehow I know we are both strong enough to get through this.
  11. swilkinson

    Here it goes

    Glad to hear Nancy. Remember to pace yourself and take time out for the sake of good mental health. We will be thinking of you and Dan and cheering you on. This is a wonderful thing you are doing for Dan. (((hugs)))
  12. swilkinson

    Water is Life

    Water is the gift of life. Kev good neighbors like you are hard to find. That was a mighty good deed mate.
  13. It is sad to see the Ruby Princess is sitting off the local beaches with her crews on board, some of whom are sick now. The ship is waiting for orders to go back to their home port or wherever the company sends them. It must be a very frustrating time for them all. I am so sorry this is happening to people who were so kind to me and my travelling companions.
  14. The latest batch of blogs include reactions to the Corona virus. If you have an opinion why not start your own blog. Whatever you do at least read the most recent ones and comment on them where that is appropriate. Remember we are all in this together.
  15. swilkinson


    There isn't much we can do apart from self isolating. I am doing that because of a recent operation with following complications so I am on antibiotics. I have enough food etc for probably the next two weeks and will then have to go,out seeking more. Being 70+ I am in the endangered group but having faith in myself think if I wash my hands etc I will be fine. You take care of yourself and we'll both survive till the next Big Thing.
  16. A month ago I was embarking on my cruise. I don't care what the world thinks of the Ruby Princess my heart goes out to the wonderful crew those who served us so well and cheerfully, courteously and compassionately. Thanks to the Captain who managed to get us into every scheduled port. And thanks to those passengers who helped my friend with dementia when she lost her way and asked them: "Have you seen Michael, have you seen Sue." It was the passengers from the cruise after ours who caused the problems with Covid-19 by getting off the ship in Sydney without a health check. What a problem that has caused. I am so lucky I went cruising when I did as I have those memories now to see me through unhappier times. The week between then and the operation involved more tests but some good things came out that as some of the conditions my GP had worried about were less of a concern in those tests and my brain scan showed the clip perfectly in place and no additional problems. The next event, the operation to take out the right side of my thyroid and the attached polyps took place two weeks ago. I was only in hospital overnight and was assured all had gone I well. I was only home a couple of days when my neck began to swell. At first I thought it was nothing, then I thought something was probably wrong and in the end called an ambulance and went to hospital. I felt like a fraud, I just had a swollen neck, but the staff assured me that going there was what was needed as wounds that don't heal are liable to become infected. In hospital they drained the wound site for three days and then sent me home. I was sent home partly because of the Covid-19 virus because all hospitals were on standby in case of an influx of new seriously ill patients. At home I again self isolated, I have antibiotics and when they are finished hopefully I will feel that healing is taking place. On the two weeks visit to the specialist last Friday he dismissed the problem as just one of those things and said it would resolve itself in 4-6 weeks. Now haven't I heard that before? And so,like everyone else, I am here at home for the duration of whatever our government thinks is needed. As an over70 I am classed as a vulnerable person and so a danger to myself if I venture forth. So the ironing basket is empty, the laundry is up to date and the garden is gradually turning from a Jungle to an organised suburban lawn and series of flower beds. There were luckily a couple of bags of books I was keeping for winter reading so they are my relaxation. And Just Dance will keep me fit. With no Lions Club dinners, no church and Clubs and restaurants closed my social life is bleak but there is Facebook and Messenger and the phone so I can keep in contact with friends. And dear reader, like me you can keep others informed by using those forms of communication to beat depression and reassure yourself and others that we are not alone. I thank God for those wonderful friends I have who ring me and check to see I am okay. And especially those who have more more time whose phone calls last an hour or more, whose words brighten my days and lighten my heart. So remember through the tough times that there is always hope, hope for a better future. We pray for courage and endurance at times like these and a sense of humour to carry us through. We have survived for a reason, many here from stroke, others from personal distress and what others might call the hard life of a caregiver. We have endured so much and hopefully we will come out the other side of this stronger and with a smile on our faces. Watch out Covid-19, we are some of life's greatest survivors!!
  17. Tracy, hang in there, that is all any of us can do. I find my emotions are up and down at present and know that is because my social life is non-existent and while I seem outwardly a strong and independent person I rely on friends to keep me engaged with life. It seems like that is not going to happen for the next few weeks. I guess it is time for me to slip on the cheerleader dress and remember that others are in the same situation and go into my cheer up routine, even if it is just to cheer ME up . We have better days ahead of us.
  18. Tracy, this virus is a scary one and I can see with all you are going through right now you feel you are not able to control your life which is also scary. Each of us probably have some of the feelings you do. I have just had the partial thyroid operation, developed a leaky blood vessel where the half removed used to be and had four days in hospital. I went to see the surgeon yesterday and he said it is nothing new and will resolve itself in 4-6 weeks. I am - whatever- rolling my eyes and shrugging my shoulders. I know you need a hug so am sending you one from the recommended social exclusion zone plus a few thousand sea miles. ((( Hug. ))).
  19. swilkinson

    Weather Break

    Wish I had your hoop house set up, the seedlings look strong and ready to plant out. Your riding style should improve as you do more riding. You are doing well in your recovery which is what matters. Good for you!!!
  20. swilkinson

    My Ivy

    Janelle, no words, just (((hugs))).
  21. Jay, you will have to make your own fun. I have been home alone for a week and the days pass. I am rotating through my usual hobbies. Like you I really miss socializing but there is the phone and the computer and every day I ring someone or someone rings me. Weeks I can take, months I am not sure of. Nice to see you back blogging.
  22. swilkinson

    Here it goes

    Nancy you are very brave. That is a big move. I hope it works out for you. I always wanted Ray to come home but knew from the first that it was not possible. Our nursing homes are allowing visitors still but with limits, no more than two a day per person and only in the resident's room. My Shirley is now Chaplain in a Aged Care Facility and there residents are restricted from going out except for a walk on the beach, a special treat as it is directly in front of the facility. She has offered to help the staff in any way she can while the crisis is on. I'm hoping you can hold out for whatever time that takes. (((hugs))).
  23. I was glad I went on the cruise when I did, four people tested positive to COVID-19 on the next one on the Ruby Princess. That was a lucky escape for me and my travelling companions.
  24. swilkinson

    My Ivy

    Janelle (((hug))) so sorry this is happening. Beloved pets are like family, so hard to see them in pain. I hope she returns to her former bouncy self.
  25. In this time of self isolation why not start a blog? A blog gives others the chance to interact with you in a different way to the Forums. Here is an opportunity to give people an insight into your world. Your blog could be a weekly journal entry like Kevin Rider's blog, a way of updating what is going on in your life like my blog, or what you have learned from life like Asha's blog. Come on, you can do it!