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Blog Comments posted by swilkinson

  1. Nancy I am sometimes the same with friends who obviously could change the situation if they wanted to, my patience just runs out sometimes. I have not had a lot to do with Ray's family members in the last couple of years as it was always me chasing them. All but one of my sister-in-laws and she and I ring month about. I was great all the time I was looking after their brother. Hey ho - that's my life.

  2. Jeri, thanks for letting us know about your Dad, condolences on your loss.People do just disappear from our community and we never know what happened so it is good when we have a continuation of the story. I understand the grieving for your Mom, I couldn't properly mourn my Father who died in 2000 until after my Mum died in 2012. It is hard to be orphaned whatever your age. Thank you for being part of the chat group too. I retired as a Chat Host but stayed on here as Blog Moderator. I do remember fondly those people who made a contribution to my life during my time as a Host and you were one of them. Good luck with your future, I wish you every happiness.


  3. Kelli, how wonderful to give your parents a chance to renew old memories, glad it turned out to be something you found enjoyable too. I think it is time I went to some concerts too, don't know how that can happen but once I have an idea in my head I can generally work it out. Thanks is for the reminder.

  4. Sounds as if you are in a better place right now. The life of a caregiver is all ups and downs as we both know. Scanning sounds an ideal job for Dan and it is great you can have him near you for your own good mental health. I admire your resourcefulness Nancy, you are doing everything you can to keep your marriage alive.

  5. Hope this procedure is the end to your troubles, I had a girlfriend who experienced that during pregnancy so they put it down as a hormone  imbalance. Now there are more tests so they can pinpoint the cause and work out a solution. Hope it works in your case. .

  6. It is good that among the frustration, pain and neglect you suffer there is a gift from someone that is maybe a recognition of what you are going through. It doesn't compensate for what is past I know. But I know that you're a gracious person and can make an appropriate response.


  7. That is a long trip Sarah but sounds as if was worth it with all the friends and relatives you got to see. Good you had Carmen with you now that Gary is being uncooperative. I remember how hard the last few trips with Ray were. Sad how as we age and have our troubles so do our friends, comes as a shock sometimes when we see them after a long absence. Glad you are back safe and sound.

  8. Working on the leg is working against gravity which makes it harder to move the fluid than working on an arm. I do some massage on my upper thigh first thing of a morning but it doesn't seem to make a lot of difference. It does go down a little overnight though. I think  in summer I will try icing it ( with a cover to prevent skin damage) to see if that makes a difference. 


  9. Sounds as if you can't win with conflicting advice and treatments. Unfortunately Lymphoedema is irreversible. I have been told keep cool, no stress, regular periods with legs elevated helps. I find I know when I have been too !ong on my feet now but I'm still having swelling days. I think it is another one day at a time process. Mine is only left thigh so am really lucky, it could have been so much worse. Sorry you are having  so much trouble with it.

  10. I agree, never let anyone steal your happiness. I have done that in the past but don't now, knowing some people either say things for effect or are simply unreliable. Now if I ask for anything I want confirmation that it is happening. And if someone offers something and doesn't keep their words I am less likely to trust them next time. Life is too short to let others dictate your mood.