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Blog Comments posted by swilkinson

  1. Lack of vitamin D can also add to depression so time in the sun or use a supplement, vitamin D plus magnesium is a good combination. I believe in routine too. I live on my own as I am a widow so some mornings am tempted to stay in bed as it is winter here but the routine doesn't provide for that and so up I get and go on with the day. Is there anyone who could come and visit and maybe take you out for a few hours for a change of scenery?

  2. Pam there are all kinds of pain but the pain of loss is often the greatest and you have lost so much. It is good to vent and I think most of us understand what you are experiencing, if not to the same degree.  The loss of your future is so hard. I just hope you can find some happiness in every day you still have ahead of you. That is what I want for all of us. That and a peaceful end.



  3. Add hugs from me. I am getting some disrespectful treatment because I am 70 so "possibly" senile in the eyes of those who are advising me. It is one way of those who feel nothing for others to cope, that give-it-here attitude and yes, I would get mad about it too. It is hard to be the good little Christian lady sometimes. I attempt it but often don't succeed So it is chin up and on we go with our life. (((Hugs))).

  4. I too suffer from somethimg similar, it comes from doubting your own capacity to do something. It is called the imposter syndrome. I get to do somethimg, it goes well, someone mentions that so and so did it but much better. That stops me in my track and if I have to do the same thing again I think I am only allowed to do this because so and so isn't here. That makes a real impact on my life , I felt that way when I took over as Blog Moderator from you Asha. There are all kinds of roadblocks in our lives and sometimes we build them ourselves. So Tracy's idea of cognitive therapy sounds a good idea.

  5. I think a compression stocking is the answer, they can come in pretty colours too. I understand you longing for pretty shoes, I do too but can't wear some of mine with the stocking which is thick at the heel and not very flexible at the ankle. However I wore red shoes to church today and felt great.😍

  6. Ray had to have new brace when he lost weight as the old one moved awkwardly resulting in a ulcer on his heel that took a long time to resolve. These things happen partly because of the little time staff have to really observe the patient, when a shower is a splash and dash affair. Ask staff to please look at skin condition etc when they shower him. You take time for yourself too my friend.

  7. George congratulations on embarking on what looks like a great adventure, hope it is the trip of a lifetime. You have had a stroke but after much struggling now live a good life. Bravo! Now my friend give us some pleasure following your adventures by blogging from time to time and if you can add pictures that would be a bonus for me. Love to Lesley and her Mum.

  8. The generous gift Dan and your family in consenting to the donation has created is it's own legacy. It is a great tribute to Dan and to you that the gift has brought new life to others. Sarah your son had a good example of that during his upbringing. I am so glad that brought you some happiness.




  9. Heather, the problem with getting the stocking wet is that it will chafe the edge of the scar behind my knee which is 9cm in diameter, quite a big wound, and with quite a bit of nerve damage around the rim. I can pack it with cotton pads for day wear but that would present another possible problem. I will work on finding a solution though, I am sure to find some kind of gel pad that fits the space.

  10. Kelli, don't know how long it took for me and my older son to get to understand each other, he is mid forties now and we are still working on it. Glad you're back home, you just did what you had to do, leave it at that.

  11. The only way I know would be to copy and paste the entire  contents from the blog set ups you don't want to keep into the one you want to keep and then delete them from the old blog entry by entry but  then you would lose the comments.Alternately you could just copy and republish on the preferred blog those entries you see as important with a historical note e g this was first posted  on 4th September 2016.