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Blog Comments posted by swilkinson

  1. Congratulations Sarah and Gary, you're both strong people. Sarah I know how much you have struggled to get this far, 14 years of hard, continuing caregiving surely takes its toll. And yet you maintain your sense of humour. You and I had our time together in Hawaii and I am so glad we did. Hope you have the best summer ever. Blessings on you both. 

  2. I got that way for a year or so after Ray died, I put it down to anxiety attacks. It passed after a while. It could also be related to the stroke in your case. You might mention it to your doctor, maybe there's a solution. In my case it was easier once I got my head around being alone. I rarely get that now.


  3. I can't comment on the aspect of living in a disabled body but on the subject of loss and disbelief  I have been known to hear a noise and call out to Ray, who has been dead over five years. I do know he is not here but still waking out of sleep think he is. Some things we can never truly get over or as Heather says can't internalise.

  4. Kelli, that is amazing, you just walked into the woman's life just when she really needed someone like you.I am glad she took up the offer of free classes, hopefully your friendship will blossom there. You have so much to offer as a friend and may be a way of helping give her new enthusiasm for life.

  5. You know how much you mean to me Pam, and how much you have helped me on my journey. I am one of those strange people who do remember others are worse off than me. When I am in pain  people like you inspire me to be brave and stronger because my suffering is only temporary. Keep on being you my friend and in the process educating and empowering others.

  6. I can see in a way that a picture without sound does enable you more control. I think we've all wanted to  rewrite an ending so maybe that is what your husband is doing. I did go through a stage when Ray was in the nursing home when out of a large collection of DVDs I could only watch about three of them. I put this down to stress. I simply! I wanted some stability in my life and so I wanted movies where I knew the ending. Perhaps you could take your husband to his doctor to see if this behaviour is anxiety based.

  7. Love, crush or not, is always a good feeling as long as you know it cannot be reciprocated. Look around there might be someone almost as attractive among your present friends. After all it is almost Spring in your part of the world and in Spring a young girl's fancy may turn to love 😘

  8. Finally got the two leg drains out so only one more to go but that one will have to be on for up to three months. I need to make an effort now to stop being the patient and start being me, even if it is in loose fitting dresses to disguise the drain, another learning curve for me.




  9. So true, parents that gave us a great start in life, gave us support and encouragement and helped us to have values. I am very grateful for that and tried to do the same for my three children. Like you I do have some days when things go wrong and I am down and it takes an effort to get back up again so I look for inspiration. I don't have to look any further than this group. You and Kelli and Sarah and so many others inspire me to go on, to have faith, to look forward not backward. Thank you Asha.

  10. I went to the WAGS meeting today and it was so good to see those who have been an influence in the journey we have taken together due to Ray's strokes. The people in the group are showing their age now as I am sure I am but old friends are the best friends. So good to have them in my life and that we are ageing together.