
Staff - Stroke Support
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Everything posted by swilkinson

  1. Hi Kelli, a few of us have been trying to keep the site going. I'm glad to see you on here. After so many years and as a widow I don't think I contribute a lot but do enjoy interacting with the rest of the people on here. Maybe we can build up the numbers again so that new people can feel they can not only get support but also make friends here as I have done. Hope you can find another good job but without the stress the last one put you through. Hugs from Sue.
  2. swilkinson

    Sue & Mark

    Mark which Sue is this? Great to see people meeting up because of Strokenet. Sue from Downunder.
  3. Are you okay Janelle? It's been a while since we've heard from you?
  4. Keep on posting. Not a lot of people on here at the moment so its like a small community and we like to hear from each other.



  5. January always used to be my wind down month after the rush of Christmas. The run up to Christmas was busier than ever last year. With our minister due to retire at the end of December (which he did) more work came down to the ministry team of which I am a member. Then there were the other end of year parties etc in the organisations I belong to. And I spent a few days selling cakes for Lions in the shopping centre, something I love to do as I often catch up with old friends there. At the end of December I had a visitor for five days and then Alice and Trev arrived for their two weeks holiday. They keep me very busy, what shall we do today Grandma, says Alice so out we go, to different shops, out to lunch, off to visit the other cousins who were visiting their Mum about forty minutes drive from here. Trev and Alice were able to go to one of the local beaches three days in a row, three days without the onshore winds which blow in the stingers known as "bluebottles " up onto the sand. Their visit was followed by a visit from my friend Peter from Armidale who enjoys a visit back to the coast. So I had a full schedule throughout January. But there were highlights. I get out more when I have visitors, I become that socialising person, enjoying shared memories. I always find it good fun having the grandchildren around to lunch or just going out for the day even if it is just a picnic in a local beauty spot. I don't get out as much by myself. I need companions to enjoy it with. And I believe having other people to make precious memories with is a bonus in my life. My life for the thirteen years of looking after Ray and my mother were precious years but very hard work. One carer looking after two people is a big strain. It was easier when I got my mother into care and only had Ray to look after. Of course his continuing to have strokes throughout those years took its toll on him and on me. I was very grateful for the other caregivers and survivor's on this site who knew what it was like and supported me through it. Those who haven't been in my position just can't understand. Better for them if they never have to go through it. I think back to those years looking after Ray and I don't regret a minute of them but they were very restrictive. We could never do anything on the spur of the moment, everything had to be planned and catered for. Everything had to be planned so take into account Ray's disabilities. Everything was work for me rather than pleasure. Which is why I am now an advocate for disabled people and their carers to get as much help as they possibly can. Our care system is good but very limited in the way care is provided. There needs to be a lot more help for our long term caregivers.
  6. Deigh, other services are available here, shopping is one I had when I was recuperating from the melanoma op. I wasn't allowed to drive for eight weeks so the home aid took me with her to the shopping centre. She also allowed time for me to have a coffee too, that came under socialising. Sometimes it's nice to go for a drive or to the scenic part of town with someone to help you. Always good to check up and see if there are any extras you have been missing out on.
  7. I am stiff today as I had a fall yesterday outside my local fruit and veg shop. I was carrying a box, not sensible at my age and misstepped. Just a reminder I have some mobility problems because of the melanoma op behind my left knee and my age. Hope you are all feeling well today and enjoying life.
  8. George I have intolerance to lactose, palm oil, which can be in anything marked vegetable oil, and seafood. I had my gallbladder out 33 years ago and have been on restricted diet since then. Dairy free or lactose free foods have boomed recently and that has been wonderful for me. I do maintain a good healthy diet and try to keep it a nutritional one too. Sometimes I just envy others when I am eating out for being able to eat luscious desserts etc but I know I need to keep to what I can eat without pain or discomfort.
  9. Great to see you blogging again George. You and Lesley have had a wonderful time travelling around Scandinavia and Europe by the sound of things. I envy you that in a way. But I am a homebody these days, happy with a small circle of friends and an occasional visit from my kids and grandkids. My life has been involved with the church, my Lions Club and some socialising before Christmas and friends and family since. I have my younger son and youngest granddaughter here right now. I understand at our age we are still important for them to come home to.
  10. Have you seen any new members on chat Deigh? No-one new has posted.
  11. Yes Asha, something new to do occasionally can give us a new interest in life. I am doing some surveys now, earning points toward one of my rewards cards and enjoying that. I find there is plenty to do this time of the year and keeping busy keeps me grounded.
  12. Good to hear someone is using chat Deigh. In the late '90s it was so busy on Friday nights in the "Coffee shop", a room only used on Fridays, that the posts reeled up too fast to read . Those were the days of Host Denny who was a legend on here.
  13. Could you post a message on how to join the chat please Deigh. I know a lot of people come to a forum like this out of frustration, looking for help. I know that was the case for me and the reason I stay. We really need people to post, to chat and to blog about their post stroke life. I was a chat host for many years and that was very rewarding and I made a lot of friends who are still friends on my Facebook page. Please Asha if you read this message can you reply too.