
Staff - Stroke Support
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Status Updates posted by swilkinson

  1. getting used to the winter again after my lovely holiday

  2. Still have sad days, still have sleepless nights, but I think I am getting stronger now.

  3. warm day, blue sky, nothing I HAVE to do, what could be better?

  4. Frustrated, I can niether blog nor do a blog report.

    1. BluesMa


      And I'm locked out of chats. ;-(

    2. Jhari


      I can't get into any of the forums. I sent a message to Steve.

    3. Jhari


      The whole format is changed.

  5. Visited Ray and Mum today - both well.

  6. a lot of stuff to be worked through

  7. Hi Don, just saw your first post and realised you are an Aussie too. Welcome to a great stroke support site. Sue.

  8. hi Dyan, nice chatting to you last night. It is good to join a support group and I hope you enjoy being on here. (((hugs)))

  9. Saw you said you tidied up your profile. So I just smuggled some dust bunnies in to make a mess of it again so you'll have to come back...lol. Sue.

  10. Welcome Bob and Chris - look forward to getting to know you. Sue.

  11. Welcome Ali, hope you find a lot of support on here. Sue.

  12. Hi Hostsarah, I guess that means I am not alone as Cargiver chat host any more? Congratulations on your new job. Now buckle in for the ride of a lifetime...lol.

  13. Nice to have you in chat tonight An. Come back soon. (((hugs)))Sue.

  14. Nice to meet you on chat today Bob. All the best to you and Dominica. Sue.

  15. Happy Birthday Scott, and may you have many more of them. (((hugs))) from Sue.

  16. Welcome Glenda, I'm Sue, caregiver chat host, you missed tonight's chat but maybe we will see you next week in chat? I hope so. Sue.

  17. Thanks Rick for showing some of what Isabel can do. We all need inspiration. As a caregiver you need support, we have chat here as you know and other means of support whenever you need it. Sue.

  18. Hiya Keeley, thank you for your comment on my blog. It's a bit late to welcome you to Strokenet but welcome to the active life here. Hope you can come to chat too. Sue.

  19. Hey Anne, where have you been? How about updating that blog so we know what you and Baz are up to? Sue.

  20. hello angella, you seem to come on about the time I usually log off,midnight in Australia. Maybe we can chat sometime.

  21. Sorry Gwen you came int ochat just after i had said I was going to get Ray's lunch as it was 1.30pm our time. See you next week in chat I hope.

  22. Kath - just looked at your site - very informative. I'm glad you are here as so many have questions about loved ones with for example locked-in syndrome and maybe you will be able to help them understand what is going on.

  23. If you are on daylight saving that is 1pm your time if not it is noon.

    Hope this helps. Sue.

  24. The chat button is on the top of the forums page, click on that and it should activate java (the operating system for parachat). If all you see is a line and not a spinning circle you will have to upload the latest Java which is sometimes on the site or go to www.sun.com and upload the latest version there, it is free.

    y time for chat now is 11am Wednesday, we are on daylight saving...

  25. Just saw you have left a message on Lin's blog, nice to see you back on again.