
Staff - Stroke Support
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Image Comments posted by swilkinson

  1. WOW. Can't think of any other word to describe a fish like that. Well when it is cooked you could say: YUMMY.


    Glad to see you, your Dad's neighbour, your caregiver and the fish.



  2. Sitting pretty beside the begonias Fred. How appropraite that your name used to be "Scooterman" it suits you so well. How nice for peple to have the opportunity to be greeted by someone with a happy smile like you. Good on you mate!



    Diane Elliott


    Wow Diane, you have had a long hard fight to get to where you are now. Your story is an inspiration and there really have been miraculous events in your life.


    Your children have had to grow up fast but that is what happens in life sometimes and is not a bad thing. We've had our grandchildren since Ray's major strokes and that has made a big difference to our lives. Kids certainly give you the incentive to get well and stay healthy.


    Thanks for posting your story. I am sure others will be inspired by it too.


    Kirk Luke


    Welcome to the site.

    Come and post on the message boards so we can reply to your queries, as surviors and caregivers we all have questions we want answers to.

    My husband had his first stroke at 48 so I know how frightening it is to be in your prime and yet lose abilities with stroke,hope to see you on the boards soon.Sue.