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Blog Comments posted by swilkinson

  1. Jay, you will have to make your own fun. I have been home alone for a week and the days pass. I am rotating through my usual hobbies. Like you I really miss socializing but there is the phone and the computer and every day I ring someone or someone rings me. Weeks I can take, months I am not sure of. Nice to see you back blogging. 

  2. Nancy you are very brave. That is a big move. I hope it works out for you. I always wanted Ray to come home but knew from the first that it was not possible. Our nursing homes are allowing visitors still but with limits, no more than two a day per person and only in the resident's room. My Shirley is now Chaplain in a Aged Care Facility and there residents are restricted from going out except for a walk on the beach, a special treat as it is directly in front of the facility. She has offered to help the staff in any way she can while the crisis is on. I'm hoping you can hold out for whatever time that takes. (((hugs))).

  3. Kev, design your own routines. I do "Just Dance" on the Wii and know the value of movement. You may not dance but movement to music will take off weight if you do enough of it. And it will warm you up too. Thanks for your weekly update. I live a very different life to you so your blog gives me a little insight into a different world.

  4. Sarah, I am glad you have plenty to do, keeping busy was my solution to being lonely and missing Ray. Hope you find some good, fun things to do too, you do need some laughs. There are a lot of people thinking of you my friend, it will just take a while for them to  get back in touch.

  5. Heather, thank you for that explanation, it makes things plainer to me. In Centrelink we had a saying: "We have time to discuss  a situation or to fix it." So we would rush into a new situation with very little discussion, very little training and of course get it so wrong! So your alternative of looking at the variables first before accepting changes makes a lot more sense. If only I knew then what I know now....lol.

  6. Asha, I can see you're learning to share your husband's enthusiasms and that is good. Being a good companion is about those guestures that say: "You matter to me." As a widow I spend most of my time alone and really miss the things Ray and I shared, especially when I am surrounded by people doing couple activities together.

  7. From my point of view as a Christian it is God within us that is my answer. What I do, what I say, how I live my life is related to that.Whatever religion we follow we have that in common. So glad you didn't take your own life and so not be here to influence mine. As I have said before: You are the guru. You are the person who taught me to go with the flow. Thank you Asha.

  8. I went to a counsellor in February -April 2013, four months after Ray died. I found it really helped me to sort out what I was actually worrying about. She also helped me free myself from a lot of hurt, resentment etc that I had carried with me for a long time. I have thought of having more counselling because of my many medical problems and the emotional problems that accompany them.  I may do that in the future. I hope it helps you come to terms with whatever is bothering you.

  9. Went to the Melanoma Clinic today for my annual check up. All is well except the thyroid nodule is growing, good thing I have the operation coming up in March. Next check up in a year's time. On Tuesday I went to the. Pre-admission clinic for the operation In March. All booked in, only an overnight stay this time and then home and afterwards no driving for two weeks. Here we go again.

  10. My daughter Shirley puts on morning teas as fund raisers. She has a lot of lovely tea sets and utensils so provides all that and her ladies make the cakes etc. at least that was when she was in church ministry. Now at the nursing home it will be for smaller groups. There is something special about a High Tea isn't there?

  11. My dear friend, wish I could be with you at this time,  You are a champion. Your Gary had the best of care from you. His needs were always met. Your love for him was never ending. So glad his death was a simple and easy one. Take life easy now. All my love. Sue.

  12. Kelli, it is great that you got all the attention you needed and then some. The description you gave reminded me of some of the things Ray went through. We are fortunate if we live in a place with great hospitals and doctors. Hope you find the solution to the vertigo soon.

  13. Kelli, I have Muslim friends as I do have friends who have views on all forms of religion and those who have no views on religion at all. I have always mixed with all kinds of people, without any thought of race or culture, I was brought up in a neighbourhood where we all came from different backgrounds. All I was saying that by avoiding the discussion of our differences and emphasising our commonality our

    friendships have blossomed. 

  14. Kev in every plan there has to be a plan for things going wrong. I think you have already realised that. Look after your body and take extra care when you are sick. Plenty of liquids, nourishing food and plenty of rest and you will be well again soon.