
Stroke Survivor - female
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Blog Entries posted by dstraugh

  1. dstraugh
    Well.....Kristina has graduated from High School. The commencement ceremony was beautiful. I surprised myself and held myself together quite well. I kept busy by taking pictures and had to keep "calm" to do so lol. Her graduation party was the following weekend and was great.
    With the gift money she received, she bought herself a laptop. Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!! No more sharing the computer between us.
    College will begin on August 30th. Kristi will be attending Carlow University, here in Pittsburgh, for Nursing.
    My little girl will turn 18 on Aug. 15th. I think that's hitting me harder than her senior prom and graduation did.
    As for me, doing ok. Still receiving botox injections every 3 to 4 months. The left leg and ankle are responding better than the left arm/hand/fingers though. I've had increased tone in my forearm that is affecting the tone in my fingers and palm of my hand. This last time I received injections, my doc tried to address the additional tone issues by injecting into the palm of my hand and the inside of my forearm. It helped a smidge although the pain from the injections about sent me through the roof. He's going to ask for an increase in dosage from my insurance so he doesn't have to reduce the dosage in other areas as he had to this last time.
    When our weather is not too hot or too humid, I have been getting out in my power chair cruising around. We've had a hot and muggy summer so I am limited on getting out. By the time the sun goes down I am too tired from fighting the heat all day to venture out. I now have box fans in every room of the house so I'm never too far away from them.
  2. dstraugh
    Hi Strokenet Family.
    I'm so so sorry that I have not been around. Been spending lots of time on Facebook between Farmville and Bejeweled.
    I'm still receiving botox injections on my left side. Just received injections on Wednesday 6-16. As I'm having added tone in the palm of my hand that keeps my fingers from straightening, my Doc injected into the palm - talk about OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I'm getting out in my power chair when the weather permits. We've had a very rainy spring so I am limited as my access to the world must lead through my backyard. Wet grass and the tires on the power chair do not mesh too well, especially on my return as the yard is sloped. I have learned how to get myself unstuck while sitting in the chair.
    My dear daughter, Kristi, is graduating this Sunday (6-20-10) from high school. I posted a pic in my gallery. There will be a family/friends graduation party on 6-26-10 at my nephew's home. Hey, if anyone lives in our area and wish to attend, you guys are family and more than welcome.
    Well, just wanted to touch base and let you all know that I'm alive and well. I have experienced bouts of having staff withdrawal. Love to all.
  3. dstraugh
    On Tuesday, 9-22, I had an appointment with my Physiatrist. Dr. Munin was following up on my botox injections. He was quite pleased with the progress I have made.
    My next injections will be 11-14. I will not receive therapy after the next injections as I have been taught what to do at home by my PT and OT.
    Now....squelching rumors......On 9-24-09 I retired/resigned from my volunteer duties at Stroke Network. I was NOT fired as I have heard. It was a decision I made on my own being of sound mind (what's left of it after stroke :silly: ) during an administrative difference of opinion. Details of my retirement/resignation cannot and will not be discussed; it was a choice that I made.
  4. dstraugh
    The start of week 4's therapy - has included "firsts" at home as I'm finding that things are really working in therapy. I receive my prescriptions through express scripts. Prior shipments I had to have Kristi open the bottles for the first time (they're not childproof but so tight that I could not open them). This order, I was able to firmly grip the bottles in my left hand as I open them with my right!!!!! Yesterday (Sunday) I walked around my first floor and exercised without my brace on for an entire hour. I had no ankle flopping due to the footdrop though I did have difficulty in walking heel toe without my hinged afo. It was kinda flopping but not dragging either. Kristi of course had to inform me that I'm still her peguin . I've also been able to squat to pick up things off the floor (much less wear and tear on my lower back too)
    Today when the access driver picked me up for my transport, she said right away that I was more stable in my movements, was stronger, and had a "glow" from the last time she had seen me a few weeks back.
    During the drive, she praised CRS (Centers for Rehab Services) and the work they do there. She also gave me a tip for at home to strengthen my ankle - while watching tv or relaxing in a chair to place a bottle on it's side under the arch of my foot and to roll the bottle back and forth. I did confirm this with PT and she said yes it will help.
    During PT today, Kelly rechecked my time in standing up from a seated position - I had to do it 5 times as she timed me. During my initial eval it took me 24.5 seconds. Today it was 18.1. When I told her my "firsts" she was thrilled.
    PT was 10 minutes on the nustep with the resistance raised from 3 to 4. My wooden box climbing and foot tapping today was done while standing on the squishy mat to test and work on my balance. I also had to balance on the mat while turning my head from left to right and from ceiling to floor. I also did squats - 30 while standing on the mat. No side steps today with theraband on my legs. That hour of PT went fast today!!!
    OT started off by me telling Lynn what I did with the medicine bottles. I also asked her what I can do at home to strengthen my forearm. She said, as I use the arm more for daily things, the strength will increase. I mentioned that I am squeezing a stress ball. She cautioned me to only do that if I can release it as that will not build up strength unless I can release it (relax fingers). Today Lynn placed a tens unit on my arm while my arm was on a wedge so that my wrist bent back. As the muscle contracted, I was able to also lift my wrist farther (first time). I then (in between Lynn stretching my fingers) picked up tennis balls and released them into a basket (without my fingers being stimulated). It was a great feeling to actually get the balls released.
    I had such a great and intensive workout today that my blood sugar dropped while I was in OT - fortunately I had a piece of candy with me (Tootsie Roll) that I ate during a break. I was just inishing up in OT when the access van came for me. As I hurried out of there - yes I said hurried LOL - I carried my hemi-walker and cruised along. Mouths were dropping open as the therapists saw me. My PT caught up with me and said on Thursday I will be walking there with a single point cane - whooooohooooo.
    I was glad to get home to regroup for Thursday's therapy sessions.When I got in from therapy I called to schedule my transportation for next week. Pittsburgh is going to be the host city for G20 Summit. The Summit itself will be Sept 23 & 24 but ACCESS has had recordings that scheduling at all for the week of the 21si will be difficult. The area I go to for my therapy is in one of the no-no areas for the week. I was refused transportation for either of my therapy sessions but was able to schedule transportation to my appt. with physiatrist on the 22nd.
    PT and OT both went well. I let everyone know that I cold not get transportation due to the Summit. All understood and told me they'd miss me. My PT is a Chicago Bears fan so we were teasing each other about their game against the Steelers this Sunday the 20th. All exercises were the same as Tuesday's - no increase in time or torture LOL. I did receive my single point cane - my insurance will be billed. I had to promise Kelly NOT to take it out in the yard to walk unless I had my daughter with me to spot me. I have taken it outside in front of the house on the sidewalk in front to get used to the single point cane versus hemi-walker.
    The only time now that I use the hemi-walker is when going to the bathroom to shower and dress (it's perfect to carry the clothes) Not sure if my left arm would stay in place to walk into the bathroom carrying clothes and not drop them. Another goal
    OT also went well. Lynne set me up initially with the Bioness H200 hand rehab. After the stretching, I did functional movement of picking up blocks and placing them in a basket. From there I moved onto tennis balls after my hand was thoroughly stretched. Lynne held my outstretched fingers flat on the table and leaned on them while I shifted my weight to provide additional pressure. It smarted but also felt good. After I stood and picked up tennis balls and placed them in a basket. When basket was full of balls, I then picked them up and placed them back into their container. When my silly hand decided to go crazy and knock over the container, I got to start all over. I got the giggles :silly: of course which made it even harder. Lymm and I did discuss how my hand is wanting to tighten up again - it's been 2 1/2 months since my first botox injections. Lynne said that I may be tightening up so soon as it was the first injection and he had given me a lower dosage than normal.
    All in all a great week at therapy. Fortunately, I can do many of my exercises at home to give myself a workout for both PT and OT (don't want to go backwards). Another first too - turning on and off water in bathroom and kitchen with the left hand - YESSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    If my right hand could talk I imagine it yelling YIPPPPPEEEEEEE some help for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. dstraugh
    Completed my 3rd week of therapy. With the holiday this week, I only went on Thursday. It was a good session for both pt and ot.
    In pt, I used the nusp for r 10 minutes. I walked around the room with Kelly timing me to see how far I could walk in 6 minutes. I can't remember (darn short term memory) how far I walked; Kelly did say that I walked farther than I did the first time she clocked me :i_did_it!:
    The remainder of my pt time was doing activities at the parallel bars (stepping up on wooden box while standing and balancing on soft foam - 3 sets of ten, stepping over and back a quad cane lying on the floor - 3 sets of 10, semi-squats - 30 - this time I managed to squat lower, walking the length of the parallel bars sideways with a therand tied a around my legs - 7 times each way
    In ot, Lyn p placed large colored pegs into a mat and I had to pull them out and release them onto a folded towel. Success!!! :thumbup: It was a slow process as Lynne had to keep stretching out my fingers. She did say though that my fingers were loser than they have been. During breaks I was also able to stretch them out a lot easier than I could before. I finished up ot with rolling a wooden spool covered in velcro across a velcro covered board board. Lynne also had the idea that I should be able to pull the spool off the velcro board - not yet as the hand isn't that strong.
    Off to week 4 of therapy next week :out_of_here:
  6. dstraugh
    Today started my 2nd week of therapy. Pt was first and I warmed up for 10 minutes on the nustep machine. Today my left knee kept wanting to flop to the side on me - guess I wasn't focused enough (last week it didn't do that) I then was taken to the hip machine and did 3 sets of 10 of lifting left leg to the side, 10 lifting my leg behind me and 10 bending my leg up against the weight to the front.
    Up next was the ham string machine for the left ham string - 3 sets of 10 there as well with the weight set at 15 lbs. Next was the leg press - 3 sets of 10 while Kelly supported my foot and left knee. This time no clanging of the weights. I was given a break - whew - as Kelly had other clients she was working with at the same time.
    I cruised with the quad cane as well as cruised with only afo (Kelly spotted me from behind). Kelly wanted to try me out that way as I told her I walk around the house only with my afo.
    Today I also did the steps where I step up with left then down with right (3 sets of 10)
    Kelly doubled the step (extra step attached to the exiting step and locked in place) though for my balancing on my left and placing right on step. No Hand on railing!!! - 3 sets of 10
    I then stood in between the parallel bars on the foam pad with my eyes closed to maintain balance w/o holding on. Kelly worked with me to correct a habit never pointed out to me in therapy of old - no wonder I have lower right back pain as I don't balance properly between my left and right legs. Added excercises to address and correct this habit.
    OT - Lynn was back - Yeah!!!! Had the bionness hand therapy for the complete hour today. The initial settings were to stretch the fingers. Only the thumb and index finger completely respond to the stimulus to full extention. Today, Lynn held wooden janga pieces that I pinched to hold then released into a basket. After the device was removed, I was able to pinch and release pieces on my own.
    Good day overall - YES I'm pooped and took my Tylenol as soon as I got home.
    Back to therapy on Thursday. Tomorrow (Tuesday) visit to my PC.
    Back for the remainder of my update. Saw my PC and appt went great - my a1c was 6.2 (doc was thrilled as last time it was too low by her standards at 5.9)My BP was 140/80. When I had my routine bloodwork done prior to this visit I had to go for a recheck as my potassium was too high. The retest showed it too low - they retested it before I left the office on Tuesday - no results yet. My pt is paying off though as my left leg is getting stronger. I had to stand for an hour on Tuesday waiting for transport to return me home. I balanced better on my left side - both sides of my back ached from standing LOL
    Today was 2nd day of therapy for the week. Getting ready today, I was able to hold my mascara in left hand while opening and removing the brush - Yeah!!!! Had to stand for 1/2 hour outside waiting for transport to take me to appointment though.
    PT went well. Kelly increased the resistance on the nustep - no problem there...did the 10 minutes even though tired from standing and waiting for transport. All exercises were increased today to 3 sets of 10. The only thing I could not do pt wise today was the leg press - experienced pain on outside of knee and could not straighten the leg fully. Kelly was happy when I told her about the ability to stand as I did.
    My ot was happy about the mascara story but my darn hand would not cooperate in ot today. She and I fought it the entire time. She even placed it with heated pads to see if tone would relax - it did but not for long.
    As Lynn could not do what she wanted to with the hand, I had to sit and open empty bottles using my left hand for assistance then replace the caps and put the containers back into the box. I also had to squeeze clothespins open and closed and attach onto the edge of a towel. I was given clothespins to practice here at home. Not a very productive day in ot but I can't get discouraged.

  7. dstraugh
    My OT and PT started this week following the first round of botox injections. I go twice a week (Mondays and Thursdays) for 2 hours (an hour for ot and an hour for pt)
    For PT with my affected leg, right now we're working on strengthening mostly. On Monday this week, PT was conducted first. I was started off with the nustep machine - my goal was to use the nustep for 10 minutes (piece of cake - at the time LOL). Next, with a parallel bar for support, I would step up onto a wooden box with left foot first and step down leading with right. Then I had to balance on left leg while placing right up on wooden box. Both of these box exercises have a goal to NOT hold onto parallel bar - With the PT spotting me there were a few times I did not hold on (she wanted to prove to me that it's a mind over matter - my left leg is stable enough to do this. I lost track of how many sets of 10 I did of both of these exercises.
    I was given a break to regroup myself then it was onto walking sideways along the entire length of the parallel bar. As my right leg is so used to functioning for both legs, if it could have talked it would have been yelling yippppppeeeeeeeeee. The left side started off rocky but did improve.
    The next feat was the leg press using only my left leg. The PT did have to support my left knee as it wanted to flop over to the side. I was NOT to let the weights "bang" into place - oops that too improved but man did it smart. I feel that one especially today (Tuesday) in the old muscles.
    PT finished off with walking round and round the room using a quad cane instead of the hemi-walker. Again, with the goal to prove to me that I don't need the hemi-walker - it's my security they are working at breaking me away from. We know how change affects survivors LOL.
    OT was quite interesting. The OT was working to stretch my fingers. As it was quite cool in there (their ac works great) my left hand and fingers felt like popsicles. OT/Lynn used hot pads to warm up my hand and arm. She then placed the Bionness H200 on me. The remainder of my ot session was with the Bionness. With the unit, I was able to open and close my hand (of course it was stimulated to do it). After the Bionness was removed, I was able to hold onto and carry a small paper cup to the trash can. Now getting the fingers to release was interesting. When Lynn started teasing me that I just wanted to take the cup home with me, I laughed and the fingers released.
    I return to therapy on Thursday. Today (Tuesday) though sore, I did do my pt exercises using my stairway here at home. I was even able to not hold onto the railing when I balanced on my left leg and placed the right on the step. I did have to put my right arm behind my back to keep it from automatically wanting to "help". With my left hand, I'm trying to hold on to small objects and release them. My child has absolutely NO SENSE OF HUMOR. I actually carried into the living room a cat toy in my left hand and released it and she thought I was being weird. I got told "leave the cat toys alone you're not a cat."
    Part 2 of my first week of OT/PT
    Today was a rougher day for PT as I think my PT (Kelly) is out for blood. When my physiatrist said intensive therapy, he was not joking. I had a jammed packed hour of pt today, building on what I started on Monday - with many extras thrown in for good measure. Wish I could afford a nustep for here at home that's for sure. Did another 10 minutes today to "warm" up. My steps per minute increased over Monday's speed too. Did the wooden box as well for a longer period of time. Walked laps using the quad cane. Today, Kelly started correcting me in my toe pointing when walking. Multitasking....heel strike first, toe pointing forward, don't lose my balance AND answer Kelly's questions Used a new machine today too - to strengthen the left hip. Climbing up on the platform of the machine was higher than that first step on the transportation van but did it on my own (of course was spotted).
    OT was with another gal as my therapist was at a training. Today my arm was stretched from shoulder to finger tips. No Bionness hand rehab today as Hilary is not trained to use it. Today, with Hilary, I picked up tennis balls and dropped them in a basket and a cylinder. Hilary also tested my grip of the left hand - during the eval it was 7 lb today it was 9 lb. I was set home with stretching exercises to do for the arm.
    When I got in, my bottle of extra-strength tylenol was waiting for me.
    Next week's sessions are scheduled and transportation arranged.
  8. dstraugh
    August 15, 1992, 17 years ago today, I gave birth to my daughter Kristina Lynn. As I am writing this entry I am tearful. Not all the tears are joyful ones either. Yes, yours truly has plopped on the that darn pity pot and I'm not standing up off it to easily to flush the bugger. By the time I'm done, I'm going to have a major clean up operation but that's ok.
    The birthday girl is off for the weekend to my niece's house. She'll be home Monday evening. This time alone will give me the chance to regroup myself and get ready for the next teen onslaught.
    Kristi is basically a great kid; however, she lapses into moments of total stupidity - like breaking curfew on the eve of her birthday. She rolled in the house at 1:20 am. And of course I was told it's all "my" fault. The child who once told me that she was glad I had the stroke as I was such a workaholic and was never totally "there" for her. In retrospect, I see that - she does not see though that yes I was working so hard to pay a mortgage, home owner's association dues, utilities, car payment and upkeep, clothes and of course food for our tummies. I digress....last night I was told that she is now so to speak getting even with me for not being around as much as I should have been. As a single Mom I thought I was doing my best - guess not. Therefore, she's doing these stupid things as payback.
    Normally, her birthday each year for me is a totally happy experience as she was my miracle. This year though is different...in reflection, I wonder if she would have been better off had I placed her up for adoption after her birth. Especially now since the stroke. Last evening not only did I hear she was getting even but I also heard that I care more about people here than I do her. Once again, it's the thing where an outsider, even my own flesh, blood, and DNA doesn't "get it".
    Sorry to ramble gang. As Scarlet O'Hara said so profoundly, "After all, tomorrow is another day"
  9. dstraugh
    In addition to being able to say "I'm somebody, I'm somebody's Mom I can now add that I'm somebody's Human GPS System. I am my child's human GPS System . As we do not have a car, Kristi walks or takes public buses. I have Port Authority of Allegheny County's website saved as a favorite to my computer so that I can access it quickly when I get text messages or phone calls from a frantic child needing bus information. Most of the time I hear "what's the time of this bus or that"; however, when she's going to an area unknown to her the GPS system kicks in - especially if she has to go into downtown Pittsburgh and transfer to a different bus to get to her destination.
    My most recent GPS experience was coordinating her schedule so she could attend a training yesterday for work. She had to go to another Boston Market store for the training. Initially I was told she had to be at the training at 7:45 am. Not only did I look up the bus times for the trip, I also looked at a downtown map and wrote down the directions for her to walk from point A to point B. Kristi was at work while I was doing this. When she called me after work, the first thing she asked was did I look up her info. I replied that I did and also wrote down the info for her as to where to walk downtown. You see, I did this extra work cos I know my child, I would have gotten a panic stricken phone call that she was lost. Unfortunately my work was partially for not as she informed me she needed to be there at 8:30 instead of 7:45.
    I did mutter to myself but did go back to square one to replot her trip. The first bus Kristi had to catch was at 6:31 am - the second at 7:30 from downtown Pittsburgh to an area called Pleasant Hills.
    I was teased by my dear child for doing what I did - BUT I was not woken Saturday morning by a lost hysterical child. 2 points for Mom :cheer:
    Fortunately for me, my directions were right on - my damaged brain cells were NOT in control as they sometimes are :dunce:
    Now onto the 2nd part of my title...Botox injections. I received my first Botox injections on 8-4-09. Had injections in my affected arm and leg both. As the doc and his nurse were setting up the procedure, the nurse (Janine) was asking me if I was ding ok. I explained my apprehension as I feared "pain" from the needles (yes I'm a wuss :crying: ) I was assured that that I would know everything they were doing, including the injections. Dr. Munin did the injections on the arm first - I had quite minimal discomfort. The leg injections smarted though but not unbearably. I almost laughed though - every time Dr. Munini got ready to inject, Janine looked away. I'd say she herself has an aversion to needles but was encouraging this wuss to be brave.
    I will begin intensive OT for the arm and PT for the leg the week of 8-17. Therapy has been ordered for 2X/ week for 8 weeks. Dr. Munin was pleased to let me know that the Centers for Rehab Services I will be going to specifically address stroke recovery. Dr. Munin did say it would take about a week for the botox to kick in. Since the stroke, my left hand has had pins and needles which worsens at night and interferes with me going to sleep. Since the botox injections in my arm. the pins and needles in my hand and fingers is more pronounced. I hope that the "kicking in" of the botox will alleviate that.
    Will keep you all posted - later :out_of_here:
  10. dstraugh
    Hi gang,
    Since yesterday (Tuesday 6-16) and until the evening of Tuesday (6-23) I will be home alone - well with the exception of Crystal and Lili as Kristi flew to AZ yesterday for a week to reunite with old friends.
    Quite honestly I was glad for her to go as the atmosphere here has not been a pleasant one of late. School for her has finished for the year - unofficially, until grades come in, she's now a high school senior. Now my dear child "thinks" she should be able to come and go as she pleases - NOT!!!! The stress level here for me has been through the roof.
    It's amazing how much more I'm relaxed just in the short time she's been gone. I sincerely pray that her return home brings a rejuvenation of my "nice" and loving daughter.
    Since my last blog entry, a month ago today :Doh: , I have been cruisin around in my power chair. I went to the school orchestra and band concert on June 2nd and have cruised to the grocery store, and even went to my brother's house to cool down during one frustrating evening.
    I was gone for 2 hours so I did calm down - only draw back was that I was cruisin after dark and my chair does not have headlights. Maybe I need to buy a miner's hat with light on it LOL. Then I'd be stylin huh LOL
  11. dstraugh
    I had another first today!!!! I was told that I best blog about it, so here goes - another entry in the same week.
    I left home and went to the local convenience store with my power chair!! First run on my own since I got it.
    When I first got the chair and relocated it to the basement (that's where ramps are to get out as I can't utilize the front of the house easily) I experienced difficulty getting it up the ramps and into the house as my ramps were not "professionally" installed. I was advised by family that I'd not be able to get out and back in on my own. That one and only time, Kristi had to lean into the back of it to give me the added umph to get the chair up the ramps.
    Today, I was home alone as Kristi was working. I was going stir crazy being cooped up and not totally independent. As our back yard was finally mowed (after all the rain we've had it had been a jungle and I would definitely not have been able to negotiate the yard) I figured, it was sunny but chilly - good time to venture out. I even put on a bit of makeup too LOL.
    Initially I was going to go out with my hemi-walker but thought to self, "Donna, why not try the power chair and see if you can do it"
    Not only did I get the chair out the door but locked up the house after and went on my merry way. I did need some assistance from a neighbor (kid that Kristi knows from school) to help me adjust the seat belt so I didn't slide off the chair going downhill. One handed I could not get the darn thing adjusted. He helped willingly (nice kid ) and off I went down through the yard to the alley way that runs behind our house to the main street and the sidewalks.
    Now, that main street in a hill and I had to go down it. Going downhill the first time was mighty scary as I was fearful the darn chair would take off on me. When I came to a stop, with the steepness, I could feel the back of the chair lifting up on me a little. As I was unsure how far it would go (it does have the added stopper in the front though - honest so not to tip over forward) I put my good foot on the ground to be an added brake LOL.
    After I got off the hill, it was clear sailing for the remainder of my journey. Coming back was even easier. I know as I get more used to it, I'll be a pro in no time.
    My first independent cruise and power chair 101 was exhilarating to say the least. Kristi was on break from work and called me on my cell while I was out and to say the least was surprised and happy for me. She wants me to meet her after work, when she gets off the bus from work and we'll come home together. Yep gonna go - 2nd outing and a bit farther of a cruise :happydance: . The chair is on charge right now to ensure I don't run out of "juice".
    A song comes to mind..."On the road again....."
    Later gators!!
  12. dstraugh
    I can't believe it was March 11 that I posted my last entry. Gosh 2 months. I'm such a slacker LOL. Much has been going on around here - some good, some not so good. But that's life huh - chock full of ups and downs. We must or must try to learn from the down periods in order to better cope with them in the future. I do count my blessings that the downs are not worse but it still does not make them any easier to handle.
    In my last entry I discussed issues that I was experiencing with my daughter. In some respects things have improved, in others not, in yet others a work in progress. Kristi did finally open up to her school counselor as well as the school psychologist regarding her behaviors. I too had conversations with both of the "professionals". For the most part, she is a great kid - super grades and looking towards her future.
    Her behaviors tended though to start a spiraling affect and needed to be addressed before there were serious ramifications for her. We were referred to the STAR program (serious teens at risk) in our area. We both had to appear for her 4 hour psychological evaluation. Results were that she is experiencing severe depression and she has bi-polar tendencies (inherited from her father).
    I was advised she may or may not fully develop bipolar; at least it's out in the open now and we can address it rather than guessing. Kristi has been assigned to a therapist at STAR for 1:1 counseling rather than group counseling. After speaking with Kristi and I together, the Psychiatrist agreed no meds at this point; that may change to mood stabilizers which do not have the same side affects as anti-depressants in teens.
    Prior to this, our PC had placed her on anti-depressants and they made her worse instead of better. Now, it's a day by day thing; fortunately she does open up to her therapist and relates issues to her to address them.
    As to me, as Pam has been studying changing beds 101, so have I. As I have a king size bed it was quite hysterical. I honestly felt that someone at any point was going to announce "Smile you're on Candid Camera". Can't say I've mastered the feat but it got done - not quite ready for my diploma yet LOL
    Also have been doing some spring cleaning as well as deep bathroom cleaning. I felt good to be able to maneuver and get things done "my way" versus the way a teen would do them. I've even ventured as far as to cleaning out litter pans (prepping myself for when Kristi is in AZ for a week in June and I'll be caring for my fuzzy ones on my own) Missions have been accomplished without me falling head first into litter pans :happydance:
    I once again discovered that weebles do wobble AND fall down at times and...do not bounce back up. I was in the kitchen taking care of the trash bag and smashing up boxes to put into the bag. All was going well until I began to lose my balance and kurplunk to the kitchen floor I went. In retrospect, I think the bad leg was the cause as it did not do what I wanted it to do.
    There I was sitting on the kitchen floor thinking no what do I do - of course I was home alone except for Crystal and Lili. I realized I was not going to be successful trying to use a kitchen chair to get up as the chair would slide on the tile floor. I scooted backwards (on my back as I couldn't scoot while sitting on my rear) into the dining room. Crystal appeared at my shoulder starting down at Mommy. When I asked her if she was coming to help me, she nudged me with her head. She stayed with me while I headed for my computer desk and chair. Fortunately I have a very old fashioned sturdy cherry wood desk. I was able to get up on my knees and place my left foot solidly on the floor. I was then able to boost myself upward from the bad leg (first time in 4 years) and get to my desk chair. Thankfully it did not move on the carpet (on wheels of course LOL). As I sat on the chair, regrouping, my "watch kitty" came over to me to be sure Mommy was ok. Not a feat I want to try any time soon but I did it!!!
    I was quite sore for a few days and did experience some bruises.
    A few days after that episode, I had problems as I attempted to walk to the local convenience store. Thankfully Kristi was home. I called her from my cell phone and she came flying down the street to help me and get me back home. She had been on the phone with my brother and when he heard I was having troubles, he got in his car and came to my aid as well. I did not fall but it scared the dickens out of me as I was so close to going down - again.
    I'm looking forward to attending a walkaide foot drop evaluation clinic on June 3rd. Oh to be able to get rid of the AFO and wear real shoes (slip ons) again would be heavenly :cloud9: . I know it will be a work in progress but it will be worth it if I can qualify and if my insurance will cover it.
    I just changed medicare supplemental insurance companies and it was (so far) the best decision I could make. I had heard an ad on my local radio station, wrote down the number and called. So far, I've experienced savings from what I've had to dish out of pocket compared to the old company.
    This past week I received a fantastic surprise from my Brother. I had asked him for a ride to and from a local beauty shop to get my hair cut and permed (makeover time :roflmao: ) He took me, not where I planned to go but to another salon where he knows the owner. As we walked in, he told Louie to give me the works and that cost was no option Bro's treat. I received a cut and a perm - was there for 3 hours being pampered - way cool. I go back this week for color and highlights. I tried to reimburse Bro for it and he told me it was "free" - yeah right LOl I'm brain damaged not brain dead. I heard the charges and saw the credit card being used.
    Once I'm all madeover, my profile picture will be updated.
    Another first for me, I'm walking a tad bit more outside the house without using my hemiwalker. Trying to step out of the comfort zone more. I have the walker with me though but carrying it and only put it down if I feel wobbly (as I've proven, this weeble can and does fall down :oops: )
    So...that's what's new in my life. Until we meet again :beer: and :out_of_here:

  13. dstraugh
    I be so frustrated right about now. I had an entry going where I was releasing some frustrating moments dealing with parenting my 16 year old. In the blink of an eye and an inadvertent bump of a button it was GONE except for the title. So you see gang these things happen even to the Stroke Network pro.
    Typing it, although I was the only one to see it, was therapeutic for me and perhaps it was God's will that I only read it. He does not give me what I can't handle but boy oh boy I think He likes to push the envelope.
    The issues I was having have been hopefully resolved. We watched American Idol together tonight, had a nice dinner, and had a heart to heart talk - tears were shed for both of us; the evening ended with a huge hug and love you's before she went to bed. I think I'll get better rest tonight as well as my 48 hour headache has finally subsided.
    A special thank you to Kimmie and Jan who have helped me to remain somewhat sane (with my remaining brain cells anyway ) over this trying ordeal.
    Will there be more parenting issues in the future? You betcha! We're both human and females LOL but we shall prevail as we've done through so many other things. We've fought stroke together for 4 years thusfar so anything is possible.

  14. dstraugh
    I had sent away for a kitty window sill perch for my furry daughters. The package arrived on Wednesday 2-11-09. I opened it excitedly; my excitement was immediately dampened when I saw all the pieces that need to be put together (brackets, clips, and of course nuts, bolts, and washers) I looked at the assortment of construction supplies (you'd think I was attempting to construct a house LOL).
    I could have waited for my dear child to do the installation but giving her another "chore" may have pushed her over the edge for the day when she came home from school and her part-time job. It very possibly could have been added to the list of things that I need to nag about to my teen.
    I made up my mind that I would complete the installation myself. Let me tell you, thankfully I did not time myself. One-handedly working I know that it took me at least 3 times longer to do the job than if I had 2 hands to work at it. The process would have been a good video for "You're on Candid Camera" if it was still being aired.
    As you can see by the picture of Crystal on the perch I was successful - it made my day for sure. Trying to get her to check it out was tricky. After all, she had supervised Mommy doing all the work.
    My "working" brain cells (yes there are still some that function) bribed her from the dining room to the living room to the perch with the handy dandy container of cat nip (I felt like the pied piper). She followed me gladly lol. as soon as I sprinkled cat nip on the perch and moved the curtain for further inticing she climbed onto it and STAYED for the picture.
    When Kristi returned home that night she was proud of me (and I'm sure relieved that she didn't have to do the work).
    On Saturday I walked into the living room to see Crystal sitting on the perch independently without any bribery.
    Now, I'm I ready to tackle larger projects? Ahh...think I'll stick with smaller ones for a bit - too large may get me in more trouble.

  15. dstraugh
    On 2-1-09 the Pittsburgh Steelers won their 6th Super Bowl World Championship in franchise history. The game, for those who did not watch, was a close one - final score was Steelers 27, Cardinals 23. My Terrible Towel got a great workout. I had it twirling so hard that my daughter and her friend were waiting for lift-off.
    This past Tuesday (2-3) I was able to watch the entire victory parade telecast live from downtown Pittsburgh. There was an estimated 350,000 people in attendance). It was football weather that day - I was glad though to watching from the warmth of my living room.
    I've been battling a stupid head-cold and since Monday. Sunday night after the game I was hoarse and had a sore throat (I thought just from all the yelling). Monday morning I woke totally congested. I felt like I had been outside in the cold following the game celebrating the win. I've got the sinus drainage and of course the cough that comes with. As I've got a history of bronchitis amd walking pneumonia, I am being careful - so far the congestion is not dropping into my lungs - honest.
    Just when I feel I've conquered it the stupid thing comes back and hits me again. It's a pain but I've overcome worse; sure better situation than pushing up daisies I tell myself each morning and during the day as I drag myself around the house.
    Warmer weather is predicted for this week (until next Friday right now) and living in Six-burgh is a good thing :happydance:
  16. dstraugh
    Yes, I am back on Staff :happydance: - yahoo, yippppeee :cheer: and all that good stuff. My "retirement" was officially one week. Three days into it, I realized I was quite "homesick" :badmood: . As an afterthought to the day I submitted my resignation I knew I should have taken vacation time or a leave of absence from my duties in order to regroup.
    We learn (or hope to) from our mistakes. Fortunately I did learn and am now a teeny bit wiser than before.
    Love and (((hugs))) to all who contacted me and helped to "wise" me up. Even Kristi realized (once and for all I hope) how much Stroke Network means to me. So far she's not fighting me as much for computer time unless she has a project to work on for school. She is to be purchasing a lap top from a friend of hers in the near future so that will help as well. I'll have the desk top computer to myself. On occasion, I'll be permitted to use her lap top .
    I made the decision, while on retirement, to have cable installed on the television in my bedroom. Part of the decision was based on the digital conversion policy going in affect here in the U.S. Cable to be installed today. Another plus will be not having to "bicker" over what television program to watch as we'll have an added cable box upstairs as well.
    Time will tell as to whom the furbabies will follow. I usually do not watch much television; it seems though, when I do have the desire, Kristi is already watching something and grumbles result.
    Peace and Harmony perhaps? :harp: I'll take every little bit I can get with a teen in da house :cloud9:
  17. dstraugh
    Yesterday, 1-20-09, I resigned from my volunteer duties at Stroke Network. I had posted the following on the message board:
    Hi to my cyber family. I wanted all to hear the following from me:
    I have resigned as a volunteer with Stroke Network. I have been a volunteer for close to 2 years and have loved the opportunity to serve everyone.
    I will still be around, posting, blogging, and coming to chat as I still love all of you - I will be pursuing other ventures as well when ready after a needed regrouping and resting.

    Survivor since 1-1-05
    "Love is a canvas furnished by Nature and embroidered by imagination."

    My topic was set invisible though. I wanted all to hear it from me.

  18. dstraugh
    I sit here and wait for the biopsy results. On Tuesday the 30th I underwent the breast biopsy. Only one spot was biopsied as the doc could no longer find the other questionable area. There were 6 samplings taken of the one area. Results to be received Monday the 5th.
    Just glad it's over and done with. What will be will be - ya know? Yeah, I know, I'm not my usual upbeat self. Been a bit melancholy these past few days.
    There are definitely days when I cannot wait for my child to be 18 and then maybe, just maybe, the feuding will stop. That's another 2 years -will be both survive the time in between? Teenage years are tough to begin with for parents let alone being a disabled parent trying to cope. I have spoken with family but she is my responsibility not theirs so I need to be able to stay strong and tough as I did before stroke messed everything up. Can I remain strong, maintain my sanity and still love her? Where's my "crystal ball"?
    After all, tomorrow is another day as Scarlett says.
  19. dstraugh
    Seems hard to believe that it has been close to two months since my last entry. A lot has happened during that time. On 11-15 we had the memorial service for Mom. The service was beautiful and emotional; there was a luncheon in the church hall following the service.
    I held it together pretty much until the pianist sang and played Wind Beneath my Wings. Kristi was next to me, trying to keep me together but she too failed towards the end. Where I was sitting in the pew straight ahead of me was a portrait of Mom and her ashes. Kristi and I both were prepared to get up and speak but the priest never asked and the service concluded.
    During the luncheon, her portrait stood on it's easel and Elvis music was played in the background. Mom loved Elvis and is probably following him around Heaven as I type this. When everyone was busy, I went by myself and read the poem I was going to recite during the service. Final closure will be when we spread Mom's and Angel's ashes in the spring.
    My Bro and his kids sent us boxes of Mom's things to keep. Joe has many boxes at his house as well; I'm hoping to acquire some of her angels to add to my collection which can then be passed down to Kristi one day.
    Thanksgiving was a quiet day spent with me and my girls here at home. Kristi had to work part of the day but was released early to be home with me and the furbabies. Family get togethers were canceled as many were fighting flu bugs. We had our own feast here as well as plenty of leftovers lol. I think I'm turkeyed out lol.
    On December 9th I had to go for a mammogram retest of the left girl. Before the tech started, she showed me the previous shot and I could see the "suspicious" area. After the mammogram I had to have an ultrasound done. As a result of the ultrasound, I will be going on 12-30 for a needle biopsy of 2 questionable areas. I was told that approx 10% of women have to have the needle biopsy done. The doc who did the ultrasound said that the areas may be nothing but if there is something there it may be in the beginning stages. With my Mom just passing away from undiagnosed breast cancer no chances are being taken.
    I'll admit, I am quite anxious but have got to remember to Let Go Let God. As Kristi will be home from school on Christmas break, she will be with me. My Bro is driving us to the hospital that day so I don't have to contend with medical transportation .
    On 12-5 we attended my Bro's annual family/friends Christmas party. A good time was had by all as we did last year. I do think the Hurricanes were stronger this year than last as I did feel the effects quite profoundly. I had the same amount as I did last year but WOW. Wonder if my nephew spiked mine lol to see his Auntie get wasted. No hangover the next day so I survived it fine - better than my Bro did I might add. The food was great as was the DJ. I even danced to the family song "We are Family" with my Bro.
    My niece, Taffy, used the opportunity of the party to raise money for MDA as she's participating in a MDA fund drive where she gets "arrested". Whatever monies she raises her employer will match. That night she received $240.
    We're now getting ready for Christmas. The house is decorated - We received Mom's decorations so they are added to ours and the house is decked.
    I probably will not have another entry until after the holidays and my biopsy so wishing you all Peace, Joy, Love and the best for 2009.
    (((HUGS))) to my cyber family - I love you all so very much.
    To each of you I give the following:
    Message From Santa Claus

    If it were in my powers,
    I would bring peace and love,
    To this world of ours,
    But I don't have magic enough,
    I can cross the sky,
    and pass by the stars,
    But I can't seem to stop,
    Any of hatred's wars,
    I see children on the street,
    With no hope left,
    in the eyes.
    So many homeless people
    with no where to sleep.
    And my heart cries.
    I can't give the things they need,
    Oh But God I would try.
    I'm only a fantasy,
    that once took wings to fly,
    Some are deceived,
    by the gifts that money can buy,
    But those who truly believe,
    see the gift with the heart,
    not with the eye,
    I sometime stop and go to my knees,
    and pause,
    and I too always pray,
    That we will find a end to wars,
    and live in peace one day.
    For all those who believe in me,
    I will continue my cause,
    Across the stars,
    over the wars,
    On Christmas Eve,
    For the hearts that still believe,
    In Santa Claus

  20. dstraugh
    Hello my Cyber Family. This week, beginning Tuesday night, my life changed for ever. As many here know, there were quite a few issues going on between my Mother and I pre and post stroke. The last year we were in AZ things became worse in our relationship; after we relocated to Pittsburgh, it became even more strained to the point we quit talking in January after Mom said some hurtful things to Kristi.
    Tuesday, 10-21-08, Mom's one close friend/neighbor called me to say that Mom was taken by ambulance to the hospital. Phone messages had been left for my Brother on his home phone and he had not returned them. Arlene asked me for Joe's cell phone number which I supplied. As we talked, Arlene told me some of what was going on. On 10-19 Mom sat Arlene down and told her that she had a cyst on her breast that had been bleeding and seeping for 2 years. Mom had not talked to the doctor about this so it was never properly checked out and treated.
    During this 2 year period she also experienced back and stomach pain which just treated at home with no medical attention. She did not want to go to the hospital because she didn't want to be away from her dog, a shitzu, named Angel.
    After Arlene left, Mom called Joe and told him she was sick and told him about the cyst. When Joe offered to go out and stay at her home with Angel so she could be in the hospital, she said "we'll see". Joe spoke to her on Monday and she said "you better come out"
    On Tuesday the 21st Arlene walked into Mom's and got scared. She called the ambulance but Mom refused to go saying her son was coming and she had to wait for him. As the afternoon wore on Mom was getting worse. She couldn't walk as her legs were swollen to her thighs. Arlene once again asked if she should call the Ambulance; this time Mom said yes and was transported. The medic said they'd transport Mom to the closest facility which Arlene told me. Arlene told me that Mom had been going downhill for many months and Arlene felt there was a lot wrong.
    After I disconnected my call with Arlene, I contacted the local hospital but was told she was not there. I called Joe and he told me he was flying to Phoenix that next morning 10-22 and he would find out what was going on and let me know.
    Wednesday morning I called Arlene to see if she had heard anything. She had not; I then contacted the hospital that is covered by Mom's insurance. Mom was a patient in the ICU unit. I spoke with a nurse and after being on hold I was transferred to Mom's room
    I spoke with Mom and she said the ER doc said the cyst was cancerous. I talked to her about options such as surgery. Her voice was weak until she heard me say that; she raised her voice and said she had already signed papers for no treatment - they would get strong and she was going home to Angel. As Kristi was home from school concerned about what going on, she got to speak to her Grandmother. They rectified their relationship and Kristi called her Grandma and told her she loved her. Mom got off the phone as she was in horrible pain. I did not have a chance myself to express my love.
    Joe got to the hospital around 1 pm and stayed by Mom's side. A sonogram was completed and it showed that the cancer had spread throughout her body. Mom still insisted she was going home. Hospice came in and spoke with Joe to develop a plan of action.
    At one point while she was resting he walked outside the hospital and called me. As he was going back to her room, I asked him a favor - to give her a hug, kiss, and tell her I loved her.
    At 4:15 pm she passed away. As soon as Joe was leaving the hospital he called me before I called the hospital myself and found out.
    He gave me play by play on all that had occurred. Even in all the pain she was experiencing she still smiled and tried to laugh at Joe's comments. She told Joe she loved me too. I got off the phone and was crying and telling her I was so sorry for everything that had happened between us and sorry that she was sick and we did not know it or we wouldn't have left AZ. Kristi was not home at this time so I had a huge outcry of emotions. I was able to calm myself enough to call Kristi to see where she was. She was on her way home thankfully.
    I was on the phone with my Auntie when Kristi arrived; I got off the phone to tell Kristi. She took it hard, understandably and said that we left a dying woman alone when we moved.
    Mom is to be cremated and Joe will bring her remains home where a mass will be held.
    My one nephew and his wife and older children and my niece and her daughter are flying to AZ 10-25 to help Joe box up and ship memento's. Mom had no will, no insurance. As all happened so quick Joe couldn't get a power of attorney either.
    I have wanted to help in someway. I wanted to get to get to AZ to be with my brother to help but my finances don't permit that. I spent much of my time trying to arrange for financial help - had no luck. Joe gave me an assignment to find a way to get Angel transported to Pittsburgh to live with Kristi and I so we can care for her for Mom. Time and money is of the essence. Thank God it appears thing are moving in the right direction to make this happen.
    I know the days ahead will be full of ups and downs as Joe returns and memorial services are arranged as well as Mom's final resting place. My doctor prescribed Ativan for me to help with my anxiety issues.
    Through this ordeal, my strokenet family has been by my side and I thank you all. Special thoughts and appreciations go out to 4 special members: Chris, Kimmie, Jan & Maria. Without these 4 individuals helping me and being there for me I'd be lost.
  21. dstraugh
    My baby turned 16 years old on 8-15-08. The day was met by me with mixed emotions as in 2 more years she'll be graduated from High School and college bound. I won't talk about the emotions right now as I can't type and proofread through watery eyes.
    We went to Auntie's house for the celebration with family. Dar baked and decorated the birthday cake in a "Kristiwood" theme after Kennywood Park (our area amusement Park). Kristi has been there several times this summer and loves it there. The cake was totally edible, including the rides.
    In the pictures, you'll see Kristi with her new hairdo, a birthday present from my best friend/adopted Sis - Deb. We went to Deb's house for the weekend (8-8,9-10). I also got redone (badly needed cut and perm). After our girl's day of beauty appointments and shopping, we had a cookout and a bonfire for the up-coming birthday girl.
    Only drawback of the weekend was me negotiating the sofa where I slept (low to floor and very soft). Getting off the sofa was a huge challenge but I refused assistance and conquered it myself. After getting home I was very sore for a few days but it was well worth the time away.
    I was worried about leaving my "girls" home for the weekend but all went very well and there was no damage done. Crystal at 8 years old has been left before but Lili has not. There were no injuries or missing hair on either of them so that was a good thing.
    School begins on 8-28 - Junior year in High School - dang I'm getting old :Tantrum: - summer went too too fast. I've been "training" this summer to work up to when she goes to college. She's been busy with friends and family going away many weekends. All has gone well for me but I've decided that once she's outta school and gone I want to move somewhere more easily accessible for me to get in and out independently and to be more self-reliant. If only I could 'train" my "girls" to take out the trash and do laundry :roflmao: .
  22. dstraugh
    Hi Gang.
    You'd think I was a busy beaver with no time on my hands. Almost another 2 months have flown by since my last entry. Nope, nope.....not that busy...just time flies by each day.
    Had a near disaster the afternoon of 8-1. I was returning home with medical transport after getting fitted for new AFO at Hanger Orthodics. The driver of the van (looks like mini-bus) pulled up a bit past our property. I exited the van and she had my walker ready for me.
    As I was not right our property, I walked towards the rear of the van to reach my access to my property. The driver pulled out while I was motoring along and the bumper of the van caught onto my walker. not only did the walker get pulled out of my hand, but I lost my balance and fell to the ground. The driver kept going despite my screams for help and did not check her mirrors. So there I was on the side of the street sitting...nothing was broken, except my pride. This was the first time I've gone out to an appt. without Kristi either going with me or awaiting my return.
    As I have several upcoming appointments over the next few months AND don't want Kristi missing school cos of me, I was trying to get used to going out a bit more independently.
    Fortunately, with thanks to a dear friend, I was able to whip out my cell go-phone and call 911. I then called Kristi and told her what happened. Told her I'd get to meet our rescue squad (they're always hunks lol. I was to call her when I got into the house.
    As I was awaiting their arrival, dispatch called and advised they did not know when they could get to me as they had a backlog of true medical emergency calls. Having been (in my former life) an EMT/Paramedic, I understood.
    Although where I was sitting was not comfy, I had a bottle of water in my purse and just prayed I'd not have to pee.
    I called Kristi back and told her what happened. She was at Kennywood Park for the day with her cousins and panicked that she wasn't able to rescue me herself. She called my cousin who lives 20 minutes away.
    Lisa and her one daughter flew to my house and got me up and back into the house. They stayed for almost 2 hours to be sure I was ok. At the time all I had in the house was extra-strength tylenol. As time wore on and the evening came, I was hurting big time.
    Had a few bruises here and there, nothing major and pain was muscular, no numbness or anything severe. On Saturday Kristi went and purchased me some Exedrin's back and body pain relief which has helped greatly.
    I return to Hanger Orthodics tomorrow (8-8) and I'm nervous about traveling with the medical transport.
    I lodged a complaint with the contracted company - I was told they are a door-to-door company as mandated by their contract and the driver should have walked me to my door. Some have suggested that I sue the company; however, I must rely on them to get to all my medical appointments. Our dear Lord worked overtime that day.
    On a more upbeat note, getting ready for my kiddo's sweet 16 birthday on 8-15. Thanks to getting in the irs stimulus check and my 2007 rent rebate, I've been able to order her a few things on-line. The fun part is trying to wrap and hide. Plans are to have a family celebration at my Aunt's house on the 15th.
    Of course the days are filled with female teen drama. Boyfriends are nopw part of the mix. I will survive this although I can feel the gray hairs popping out of my scalp.
    Kiddo and I are going to Butler PA Friday evening to stay with my adopted Sis until Sunday. She's picking us up after work. Saturday is "girl's day" at a beauty & nail salon. This is Deb's present to Kristi for her birthday. We're also going shopping to try and get a sun-dress for her for her birthday. Her new favorite color is turquoise.
    That's all for now I suppose :out_of_here:
  23. dstraugh
    Dang, two months since I last blogged. I've been keeping an extremely low low profile and I apologize for that. Been doing my duties on site but not much more than that. I dropped down into a royal funk - letting things bother me that I have no control over - getting worse by the day. I did see my PCP this past week and am now on meds for depression. This first week I'm taking 1/2 a pill once a day (celexa 20 mg). Next weekend I'll start a whole pill once a day. To see doc again on 7-21. She also prescribed elavil for me to take at bedtime as I've experrienced difficulty getting to sleep with affected arm and hand's numbness and tingling. Who'd think that 3 years post I'd be having all this stuff going on. Not only did my doc exam me but so did a student doctor (he'll probably change his career after dealing with my meltdown). On the plus side, rest of doc appt went very well - all other test results good. Between now and when I see her again, will get more blood work done, get new AFO, and make appt for pyschiatrist to further address this depresssion. I hate being weak. I was a Psych major but can't help myself.
  24. dstraugh
    Just when I was thinking this week (dumb thing to do huh) that my recovery had plateaued, some new things occurred. First I was able to wiggle my index finger side to side. Was able to do it so far the one time but it's the first time in 3 years.
    Last night was way cool :laughbounce: . Kristi, Lili and I were on my bed sitting and talking (not Lili lol) and I laid back on my bed and raised my arm straight up to 90 degree angle and held it there without any assistance. In the past it would waiver in the breeze and flop back down. I was able to move it to the right across my body, to the left and behind me as well. Since I was on a roll, I ventured to bend my arm at my elbow and touch my hand to my forehead. I did that as well without clonking myself in the face, which Kristi half expected. And, I was able to raise my arm back up as well. As Kristi had previously taken NyQuil for her horrendous cough, she was half asleep on my bed so she didn't really have a reaction. Lili however thought about chasing Mom's arm going up and down. She had the "look" so I knew what she was thinking lol. I was able to accomplish my arm feats several times but quit when the old arm started wavering and quivering a bit to much. This was the first time post stroke that this occurred with the old arm. Now, if all this could occur when I'm sitting or standing so it could be a tad functional it would be great. I told Kristi, if I could hold a brush in my hand, I could brush my hair lying down.
    Standing, I can now bend my arm and raise my hand to my chin though it does wiggle some. Previously I got it chest high only.
    Just proves that recovery does continue past the first year. I'd love to call my old neuro and tell him but why bother - the idiot probably wouldn't remember me anywhoo as he only saw me one time. I have the satisfaction though and it helps keep me motivated and determined to forge ahead.
    I get to work on my balance several times a day during the week thanks to Lili. The ball fetching kitten :play_ball: lol. She has Mom throw her rubber ball up the steps for her to chase. She will then sit at the top of the steps and release it so it bounces back down to me. If she releases it easy enough, I can catch it when it gets down to me. If not, I get to practice bending down to pick it up without falling on my nose - So far so good there. Hopefully one day I will be able to throw it for her with the left hand. Now that would be a huge Whoohoooo.
    Today, Kristi did say it was cool and she was so happy - she admitted that she barely remembered telling me I was going to bonk myself in the head with my hand lol. Good old Nyquil had kicks in quick. She told her one friend from AZ today on the phone.
    I do think she's finally on the upside of the nasty flu bug though the cough remains. Fortunately, I've held it somewhat at bay other than aches (more than normal) and an occasional sore throat and cough. Theraflu is nasty tasting :no: :yucky: stuff for sure. But it does help. As Grandma always said the good tasting stuff doesn't help lol
    Next feat is to walk around downstairs without AFO and hemi with shoes on. When that's mastered, will work on the steps. Would love to retire the AFO. I must keep in mind that I'm farther along than I was on 1-1-05 and continue to count my blessings. Plus, with very limited income, my prayers are being answered in His time.
  25. dstraugh
    Well, this past week was pretty quiet here until Friday night when Kristi came home Friday from school with the start of a whopper of the flu-bug. She ran a fever all weekend, spiking at 102.9 with all the non-delightful side affects of the flu to go with it. Poor kid. She was to go with her Uncle and her cousins to breakfast Saturday morning and shopping afterwards for my birthday present. Obviously that did not occur. She was also to be talking over family issues with Joe. When they spoke on the phone Thursday evening, he admitted there some issues that needed to be addressed. Still have no idea as to what they were.
    I received email birthday wishes from him as well as being told he will be calling so we can "talk". He did tell me/us not to listen to any "bull-sh**" that has been said. Love him dearly but being a male, who knows when we'll talk. We have a good idea though as to where the 'bull" originated.
    The 54th birthday came (can't stop them lol) and was a quiet day. Kristi listened to me and stayed home from school - guess from that standpoint she agreed (for once ) that I was wiser than she. My wise status ended this morning :bangin: (Tuesday) as she went to school although running a slight fever again. She justified herself saying that today (as well as next 2 days) they have late starts at school as Juniors are taking exams this week. Classes will only be 18 minutes long through Thursday. She did promise :whistling: to go to the school nurse if she feel's worse. She did take some over-the-counter fever reducer before she left and took some with her to take at school. She also has cough drops. Stubborn and bull-headed like her Mom, right???
    The birthday was quiet but very sweet with phone calls, emails, and im's as well as greetings here on the message board. We did get a cake baked - quite yummy. The furballs were their normal selves - chasing each other all over the house. Of couse Lili had to keep scooping dry food out of bowls to chase across the kitchen floor. Kitty Hockey....she's lucky she's cute lol.