
Stroke Survivor - female
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Blog Comments posted by dstraugh

  1. Bob,


    Congratulations dear friend on your recovery and your love life. WhooHoo for you!! Your story is very inspirational. I know it has given me an added umph to push ever onward with my recovery. Especially on those lazy days at home when I procrastinate in doing my exercises.


    After you telling us in chat about your recovery, I was telling my PT; she was excited for you as well.



  2. Congratulations Grammie Kimmie on the birth of your brand new grandson!!! Glad to hear all is well. I hope little Evan doesn't develop an infection like his big brother did.


    Hope Miss Gypsy is NOT pregnant fir your own sanity. You don't need any more added excitement.


    Looking forward to pictures of Evan.

  3. Hi Rich,


    Sorry to hear you're having such as rough time with Bioness. I'm on extensive OT and PT right now following my first botox injections that thankfully are covered by medicare - so far anyway. I just completed my 4th week of therapy and at 4 1/2 years post seeing improvements I thought I'd never see. My affected leg is stronger and I'm beginning to get some functional usage out of the hand. I've even graduated from the hemi-walker to a single point cane.


    Keep up the great work.

  4. Hiya Leppy,


    Great blog entry. You've definitely got some healing going on - terrific. We've all got our deficits to endure but coming here to share is as good for us the writers as it is for the readers. I love my daughter but she is 17 and doesn't really care about the finer points of my life now and my cats (though the DO really love me) are more interested if if I say the word "treats".

  5. Michael,


    I too enjoy your blog entries. As the newsletter comes out once a month, if you decide to be a writer, you would have time to create your article.


    Each of us is unique and you should not judge your abilities against another. Yes, Chris DeWald is an excellent writer and has quite a fan base here :) among members. I'm sure you would also develop a fan base as well :thumbup: .

  6. Vi,


    I'm so happy your traveling was a success. I bet you are a bit sore and stiff from plopping on the floor. It's great that you were able to get up with Paul's help. Glad you can laugh about it now - we weebles wobble and DO fall down huh. I too have been able to get myself up off the floor when I've plopped 3 times since we moved to PA in 2007. Only drawback to that though is I've not needed the cute firemen to help me LOL. Of course my plopping has been when my daughter is not home and my cats look at me stupid.


    Hope you don't have any repeat performances - it's super you were able to get to the bathroom without any further trauma or mishaps.


    Be careful dear. (((hugs)))

  7. Ruth,


    I will keep my fingers crossed that William is a candidate for the Walkaide. I was bummed that initially I was not; when my physiatrist told me they cost 5 grand and medicare isn't covering them just yet, I did feel better.


    Great to hear William's asking for you to make breakfast. He's working up an appetite in the pool exercising!! That's terrific. You're doing a great job with him.