
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by dstraugh

  1. Sherrrie, Please keep us posted on how the therapy goes. Good for you - I can imagine your exhaustion.
  2. Katrina, You look absolutely beautiful in the pictures!! Congrats on the sorority. You are reaching out in the world and succeeding. Good for you!!! You are proving that life does go on after stroke and you are NOT letting your disability define who you are.
  3. dstraugh

    Clay Balls

    Beautiful entry Jan.
  4. Wonderful news Gary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. More snow!!!! And ya thought spring was coming. Hopefully this will be the last of it for you and Teddy. No steps for him yet or is he unsure of them to get onto the bed. I would bet on Teddy being close to you to protect you from the UPS man - this stranger who invaded his turf.
  6. dstraugh

    Still bouncing

    Hiya Phil - Webby - and welcome to the world of blogging. So glad you decided to take the plunge.
  7. My thoughts and prayers are with you that all gets resolved.
  8. Hi Ken, In the Classic Postings and Advice Forum I found http://www.strokeboard.net/index.php?showtopic=9703 and http://www.strokeboard.net/index.php?showtopic=9225 I have heard here in the States where various facilities are using the Wii as part of the rehab for survivors. It's fun to do plus beneficial.
  9. Ya didn't put me to sleep gal!!! Have missed your words of wisdom. Parental teaching can only go so far. Like Momma ducks, we need to let our babies loose and pray we've taught them well. It's a terrific moment, when they put into affect the things we've taught them. We're still Moms with or without the stroke - we just can't chase after them as quickly as we once did.
  10. I too did not see the presentation Gary but watching the Eagle was fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Jeannie, That's fantastic. I am so happy for you and Carl both - here's to his continued recovery.
  12. Interesting information Gary.
  13. Ruth, I read both of your entries - God Bless you dear for all you have experienced and dealt with for the both you and Dick. Who would ever think on top of coping with stroke deficits one would also face the ramifications of Vascular Dementia. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers for brighter days. Sending you gentle (((hugs)))
  14. Sherri, It's amazing how we learn to adapt as part of our recovery. My left hand is still might weak HOWEVER there are times the booger will grab a hold of something and refuses to let go no matter how much I will it too. It's like my left hand has the mindset of a toddler not wanting to share - screaming "MINE" as well as the stubborness and shouting "NO" when I want it to hold something LOL
  15. Thank you Gary. Taking brave steps is definitely a part of stroke recovery as well as with other illnesses.
  16. dstraugh

    My big adventure

    Doug, cruisin the neighborhood now huh? Good for you!! Ain't independence grand? Way to go!
  17. I'm glad that our precious Tootie is ok - what a frightening experience. The doc should have ben having her levels checked to ensure that she was receiving the proper dosage for her condition, size, and age. Thank God your ex took her to the ER to be checked. T-Ball time of year! Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That means we'll get to see more pictures of our lil sweetie :Clap-Hands:
  18. dstraugh

    Knees still painful

    John Hope you get relief soon - if your weather is cold and damp that copuld make the pain worse as well.
  19. Doug, Clean clothes is a good thing for sure. I hope Teddy's steps and leash do come in soon for both of your sakes. You are getting settled in slowly but surely. All in his time for sure. All the trials and tribulations you have been through thus far have been a learning experience for you and you have handled all very well. He does not give us what we cannot handle. You and Teddy are troupers.
  20. Terrific Beth - will look forward to an entry! Welcome back dear!!
  21. Wes, Your telling of the excursion was totally priceless. Now that you re an expert as washing gravel, perhaps you should open your own area and have people pay you $20 a head to "pan" for treasures! You did get a treasure though that is totally invaluable - an outing with Deb and Sabrina. The bakery sounds yummy too
  22. Hiya dear Leah! I'm so glad you did not have a serious injury from the fall. You are building your self-confidence; I'm so so proud of you. Enjoy your gardening dear.
  23. My thoughts and prayers continue for our dear fearless leader and his family. We love you Steve!!
  24. Doug, I hope the steps work out for Teddy. I'm sure he's frustrated. He's a big boy and doesn't need Dad to lift him. I know with my oldest cat wetried to have her own bed - nope - our beds are more comfy. Her favorite place is to lay on my pillow wrapped around my head.