
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by dstraugh

  1. Hi Mary, As Maria and Vi stated the crying and the roller coaster of emotions following stroke do improve over time. For each of us, that time varies. I'd like to direct you to some information we have here on site that may help you: A Letter From Your Brain - http://www.strokeboard.net/index.php?showtopic=83 The Five Stages of Grief - http://www.strokeboard.net/index.php?showtopic=857 Survivor's Bill of Rights - http://www.strokeboard.net/index.php?showtopic=2094 From our records, I see that you joined in 2006 so I presume your stroke was somewhere around that time. Stroke does play a number on us physically and emotionally as well. If you have been looking around the site, I hope you have seen the support and encouragement offered to all of our members. There IS life after stroke - we join together here to help each other through the rough periods. This is a safe place to vent, share, and be comfortable as we all know and understand what we've all experienced. I do hope you will become an active part of our community. I look forward to getting to know you. Please know too that if you have questions about the site you can pm (personal message) a staff member.
  2. Thank you Gary for the update on Kyle - wonderful news for sure. That young man is driven in his recovery. God Bless him. Hope all is going well with you as well.
  3. dstraugh

    We continue on

    Hi Naomi, Yes you've been busy for sure dealing with the aftermath of that horrific storm. But you have done it. With the grace of God you have dealt with all, finding the inner strength to prevail over what needed to be done and still needs to be done. Family support, the love and closeness of family is one to be cherished as you do. We never ever know what tomorrow will bring into our lives.
  4. Way to Go Bonnie! I hope this will help others who have not been able to add entries.
  5. Sue, I can "feel" your contentment at having this well deserved breather. I'm so happy it was a success for both of you. Hope the cruise goes well and the weather cooperates.
  6. dstraugh

    one more time

    Yep it's working :Clap-Hands: :thumbs up:
  7. Hi Wes, I'm glad you decided to post, even if not daily - we don't want you to burn out. A robotic welder - how cool is that. You're right - no breaks, no sick days, vacation or holidays. Hope all goes well with it. I'm glad you find doing yard work relaxing and unwinding. I never did - my Dad was a slave driver lol or so I thought as a kid. One place I lived I had 2 acres; my roomie and I would take turns or rather me and her boyfriend took turns lol. Post stroke my Bro has fellas from his work come and do it for us - thankfully not much yard but no easy undertaking for me. Glad to hear you got your parking space back - some people huh. Hope you and Deb have a great weekend.
  8. Katrina, You poor dear. I hope you are on the road to recovery now and no more future incidents with the Keppra. Perhaps the doc can try to wean you off of it by reducing your dosage to ensure you remain seizure free. I'm glad that wrist therapy was less painful after the botox. It appears all is good with your boyfriend as well :big_grin: Be sure to rest this weekend so you're ready for school on Monday. Take care dear girl and gentle (((hugs))) coming your way.
  9. dstraugh

    I'm feeling better

    Carla, I too am glad to hear things are improving. Remember we're here for you.
  10. dstraugh

    knee shots

    John, Great news on your knees feeling better. Be sure to increase your exercise routine with your doctor's permission so not to do any further damage. As to your wife feeling neglected - my suggestion is to try to balance your time spent between exercising and with her. It's always a good thing to keep the home fires burning :cloud9:
  11. Hi Wes, I too understand how the "well runs dry" after a bit. I used to post weekly entries at one point early on then slowly they slowed down to monthly - sometimes even bi-monthly. We all come to a point where we feel that life is in a non-important routine post stroke and that we'll just bore people. On the flip side though there are many guests who read the blog entries daily - our entries may touch their lives and offer them inspiration to keep moving forward as we have. Please update us as you can. Thoughts and prayers to you and your loving family.
  12. Normalcy will come for you and Teddy. All takes time. It's nice that Kim and her boyfriend are coming to help you. Good thing there are no coyotes around.
  13. Jeannie, You may benefit from reading blog emtries by one of our caregivers jriva. Jean is a caregiver to her husband, Don, who has aphasia. It is a blessing that Carl's recovery has gone so well. As recovery never ends his speech should continue to improve. Stroke recovery for all of us, even with aphasia issues, requires patience patience and more patience on the survivors and caregivers part.
  14. Jeannie, You are doing a great job with blogging dear. You can always pm Asha or myself with questions and we can help you.
  15. Leah, I KNEW you could do it gal!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry about your misshap and glad to hear no serious injury. I'm glad that you had assistance to help you out. Darn kitties lol. Mine will make some awful messes - times I can take care of it myself and other times not.
  16. Jeannie, I'm so sorry for your predicament. Life after stroke is difficult enough on it's own let alone through the differences between males and feales into the mix. You got the right attitude girl - make some lemonade, take a long walk, and regroup.
  17. Very beautiful entry Jan; I will pray that Lisa's surgery is successful and that her recovery goes well. Lisa's friendship/sistership with you is a part of the garden of love that you nurture. May Lisa continue to bloom and grow.
  18. Wes, "Normal" is a state of mind for sure. I am not physically the same person I was before stroke entered my life. But now I can look at myself and see improvements - improvements from within that are much more important than the physical ones.
  19. dstraugh


    Jeannie, Glad you are having good, no GREAT days dear. I'm sure having back pain reduced makes ya want to kick your heels up (well mentally anyway :happydance: ) Here's to many more GREAT days.
  20. dstraugh

    on my own

    Doug, Enjoy your new "digs". You and Teddy will both me adjusted to having your own space soon. Congrats on your achievement!!
  21. Sue, You will have a busy schedule in weeks ahead - I sincerely hope all goes well. We'll be here with open arms when you are able to visit with us. Your "Sue" trip sounds terrific - will give you a chance to regroup and just take care of you. Love and many (((hugs))) Donna
  22. That was beautiful Jan. You Mom had to be a very special lady, just as her daughter Jan is. I know she is in Heaven watching over you and so proud of your accomplishments in life.
  23. Sue, I do hope and pray that your "link" to the outside world is finally fixed for you dear. I know how I feel when my internet is not doing its "thing". I hope TELCO gives you credit for being down for 4 weeks though. (((HUGS))) to you and Ray dear.
  24. Another milestone Wes!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  25. dstraugh

    Back To "Normal"

    Glad to hear all is going well with you, Sam and and Rudy. spring is definitely in the air - Yahooooooooooo