
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by dstraugh

  1. Fred, That was totally beautiful and so so true - thank you dear for sharing it with us. As always, quite profound entry.
  2. Wes, For my first year I thought I was asleep more than awake. After that it did ease up though there are days when I could just sleep. You would not be sleepy if your body did not need it. With the week you had at work, your brain is probably tired as well. Do check with your doc though to see if one of your medications could be causing the fatigue. I was at a function yesterday where I was gone from home for 8 hours. I'm super tired today as I'm not usually out and about for that long of a time. I was praised though by my nephew's mother-in-law for my progress since she first met me in 2007 and my outlook of trying to focus on how far I've come since the stroke not to where i still want to be.
  3. Hiya Fred, Hope your first day went well for you. You'll get in the swing again and back on the saddle easily I hope. Using your :scooter: will help you alot I'm sure. I hope the pain does not get in your way. Bet it will be good to see your familiar customers as they come in to get ready for spring planting.
  4. Hi Sherri, That's wonderful news on the program - Congratulations!! Please do keep us posted. That's terrific that NASA is being supportive. I'm so sorry to hear about your friend.
  5. Happy Birthday dear Jeannie gal Yes you are still here!!!! My bd is coming up soon. Yeah we may be a year older but we've proven the stroke monster/demon can be fought off. Hope your day is super. (((hugs)))
  6. Sue, We miss you Dear and pray that TELCO will get your "end" of the service up and running. Like Sarah, I think I'd be scalping some heads about now. Unfortunately, when we call customer service, they are not the ones responsible for getting the job completed. The poor soul who answers the calls is the "messenger"
  7. Whoo Hoo on planning your vacation with you and Deb - that's sounds terrific. I was disappointed that Jasmine went home - I feel wrong song choice did her in. The season will be quite interesting for sure with the Judge's Save feature.
  8. Rudy and Harley pick strange times to play LOL sounds like my 2 cats. The youngest one likes us to throw a rubber ball up the steps - she chases it and shoves it back down the steps for someone to throw it again. It's a great balance exercise for me LOL The 2 of them generally decide in the middle of the night to chase each other up and down the steps I think to see who is going to wake up and yell at them. Good to hear that Sam's scans were ok.
  9. Leah, I'm glad to here you have a plan in place if you need assistance while Jerry is gone. Having your 3 furbabies there will be a comfort to you as well. Make the most of your "Leah" time and please try to check in with us to let us know how you are doing. I too tend to internalize things as I was always the "strong" one and handled it all on my own. Having someone to confide to is so important. Enjoy your Greta Garbo time
  10. Hi Craig, I am now 4 years post. What I learned about psychological concerns following stroke I learned here from Stroke Network. for me, it seemed that all the docs and rehab personnel were only concerned at that time with the physical deficits from stroke. Stress can do a number on anyone and can even be further intensified following stroke. You are dealing with a lot with your parents and your own health. Please speak with your doctor before further health issues arise.
  11. Wes, At 4 years post, believe me the blame games does not get us anywhere. You've realized that already; I was stubborn and it took me longer. One teeny piece of advice that I try to follow that was told to me - try not to focus on how far you still want to go in your journey but rather how far you've come since "S" day. You've come a long way as the commercial goes. Keep plugging away at it - one day I bet you will do jumping jacks. God Bless you for even being able to do a 1/2 of one. I'd fall on my nose if I tried I think. PS - I need to start creating my entries in word and copying and pasting as mine vanished last night after giving you advise LOL.
  12. Hi Ken, Ouch on the sunburn mate! Look out when you peel after all that burn. Here in the states we found an aloe vera gel that really helps the healing process after a bad sunburn. It's also good for other skin irritations as I've used it from where my AFO rubs on the outside of my leg on occasion. Here in the states they have a surgical procedure for fusing the ankle to help with the foot drop. You might want to check to see if the procedure is done in the land down under. Personally, I've noticed at the 4 year mark where my drop foot problem is getting better when I'm without my AFO. There are times when I can even motor around without my hemi walker and the ankle behaves. Enjoy sccer season and good luck to your kids.
  13. I be so frustrated right about now. I had an entry going where I was releasing some frustrating moments dealing with parenting my 16 year old. In the blink of an eye and an inadvertent bump of a button it was GONE except for the title. So you see gang these things happen even to the Stroke Network pro. Typing it, although I was the only one to see it, was therapeutic for me and perhaps it was God's will that I only read it. He does not give me what I can't handle but boy oh boy I think He likes to push the envelope. The issues I was having have been hopefully resolved. We watched American Idol together tonight, had a nice dinner, and had a heart to heart talk - tears were shed for both of us; the evening ended with a huge hug and love you's before she went to bed. I think I'll get better rest tonight as well as my 48 hour headache has finally subsided. A special thank you to Kimmie and Jan who have helped me to remain somewhat sane (with my remaining brain cells anyway ) over this trying ordeal. Will there be more parenting issues in the future? You betcha! We're both human and females LOL but we shall prevail as we've done through so many other things. We've fought stroke together for 4 years thusfar so anything is possible.
  14. Fred, Those were really cool and so true in some cases. After my great grandmother passed away, I was given some of her religious items which I will always cherish and hand down to my daughter.
  15. Modern technology huh? But without it we could not enter blogs or even have Stroke Network. Another possible suggestion would be from work email it to home and copy and paste the entry after you return home and open your email.
  16. Cathy, Congratulations to Grandma and to the new Mommy & Daddy. I bet Riley is totally adorable. I glad she is doing so well.
  17. Katrina, I think your adoring cyber aunties are ready to make a personal trip to see you and physically convince you that that one "c" does NOT define who you are. Can you make an appointment with your Geography teacher for when you are both available? Hang in there young one - we love and are proud of you! Good luck with her OT on your wrist. No pain no gain as they say.
  18. Sue, TELCO needs to understand YOU are a VIP here and we NEED you. I hope with this downtime you're experiencing they are giving you a break in your bill for being out of commission. Now, if the dust bunnies and the spiders start talking to you and you back to them LOL don't be surprised if some very nice men in white coats pay you a visit and want to take you on a trip to the funny farm. Of course, if they have reliable internet you may go willingly . Hang in there dear, give Ray a hug from all of us. Good luck to Trev in his job searching.
  19. Fred, Going back to work next Saturday - that's wonderful. I'm so happy for you. Yep, we are all on this cruise ship together - the SS Stroke Network. Without it we'd all be floundering in the ocean. Hope your plateau is a temporary lull for you. It's a darn shame that the love and understanding we have here in cyber space can't spread around the world and all the wars come to an end forever.
  20. You go Gal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WhooHooo for you. Now you need your boots..."these boots are made for walkin"
  21. Naomi, Glad you weathered the storm alright. Good time to start the ol spring cleaning. I know I've started here, doing what I can as I can so that I don't need to nag at my daughter to do things. Less for her to do means a more pleasant experience for me LOL (self-preservation when it involves a teen).
  22. Jeannie, How cool is that to be in contact with someone from high school days. Glad to hear your weather is getting nicer. So is ours, it's wonderful!!! I am so soi ready for it.
  23. So glad to hear nothing major happened from Sam's fall. Just like the stroke, a fall can occur as quick as lightening. Hope this does not give a setback in her recovery.
  24. Harley-boy is totally adorable. You said "He is my 'mini me'" I didn't know you had 4 legs and a tail Jan LOL Bet you wanna through a snow ball at me. You can't get me na na na na na na :nana: How sweet of George to come to your rescue.
  25. "kanderson, Today, 12:49 AM wes, for goodness sakes, have you heard of pacing yourself? your body is not the same now. it takes a stroker 3 times the energy to do anything a non-stroker does, a therapist told me that. your lucky it only takes you 1 day to recoup. others might take 3 to do something less challenging. rome was'nt built in a day, comes to mind here. by all means, do what you enjoy, just do it at a slower pace, spread it out a bit. if i did what you do in 1 day, i would stroke again, LOL god forbid. take it easy on yourself. you can still have fun. just my thoughts from 1 strokee to another. * Delete * Edit V Full Edit V Quick Edit * Reply #4 hostjan, Today, 05:48 AM Wes: yes, my friend, it's me again. You remind me of me ..... when I get going on something I will do it until I complete the task or activity or whatever, with the MG like I shared with you, same goes for my Stroke deficits, after reading your Blog Post, I wasn't going to say anything, but I thought about it a lot and I just had to share with you my thoughts. I have a dear friend, Lisa, who comes to visit me from Virginia with her kids. When she comes up, we go out, we are out all day, From 10am until 10-11pm, seriously, we shop, go to movies, lunch, dinner, you name it, it is a day of pure happiness, she will say through out the day, your eyes are starting to droop, or your face is drooping, or you are starting to slurr. But, I am out, I don't get out much, and I want to savor those moments for ever. I know, in my heart, I am going to pay for this, but it is worth it ..... so I think. I have started to think about this, is pushing the envelope worth it? Am I causing damage to my health. Could it cause stroke? I don't know but I have decided to not do it. I need to do things in moderation. I know you have set goals for yourself, I do for myself, but, please take care of yourself. I know I am not your Mother, and I'm not trying to scold you or anything, I am just trying to share thoughts with you. Maybe doing a bike ride, start off slow, and not go for a walk. That will all come in due time. I don't know, these are just my concerns for you. I have paid big time for overdoing it. Is one day of bliss and fun worth a week or more in bed? No, I don't think so. I told Lisa I finally see her concern for me. She only loves me and wants the best for me. Take care, I keep you in my prayers daily. Hugs, Jan Believe In Miracles And SOAR" My thoughts exactly Wes.