
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by dstraugh

  1. Hi Kimmers, There are days when we do feel like "ziggy" with his little black cloud just following us everywhere we go. God does not give us what we cannot handle. When at times he tests the waters, he has made sure there are friends to turn to to help us through the rough patches as well as to celebrate the good things that occur. The Power of Prayers is wondrous as we all know and has helped your Dad, Marc, and baby Jake. Prayers are also with you and all that you are experiencing and your buddy Stimpy. As he is 14 years old, his time may be drawing to a close here on earth with you. He will always be with you though in your heart and watching over you from the Rainbow Bridge. Perhaps he and my beloved Angel will become fast friends when that time comes. If you lived in a 2-story house you could do what Tim Allen did in the Santa Claus movie with his tooth and the toaster. As I have a 2-story home, you are more than welcome to use my stairway As it's now Monday, you are closer to Tuesday to be able to see your dentist - cheaper probably to go to him than fly to Pittsburgh LOL Hang in there dear.
  2. Jan, Hope any power failure does not last long. Be sure to wear snuggle and keep warm if it does. Poor lil Harley; I'm sure he is doing his "duty" quickly to back inside out of the snow and wind and the subsequent windchill. That's what we're getting here - the wind and windchill. It's deceiving here as the sun is shining; right now our windchill is at -1. Winter doesn't want to let go. Each day though we are getting closer to nicer weather. Think WARMTH. Good for you on your outlook with nutri-system - the weight is being released rather than lost. The lost can be found. Perhaps when you go to the bay to release balloons you could also release them for the weight you are releasing too. Your prayer is beautiful.
  3. dstraugh

    Still Here

    Ken, Congrats on the success of your hydrotherapy. Glad to hear it's going so well for you. My one cousin is into the family tree tracing. She has even compiled a book for us. Best of luck to you - hope you find everyone.
  4. Thank you Gary, It's encouraging to see work being actively done to increase stroke rehabilitation. Kyle's and his parent's dedication towards being involved with improvents is terrific. Hope all comes to pass as planned,
  5. dstraugh


    Wes, WhooHoo for you! You were definitely back in your element. Without our dreams and goals, we'd all be lumps on the sofa.
  6. dstraugh

    Are you Reliant?

    Hi Jean, Don, Angel Cooper & Levi, Levi is a year old - my how time as flown by (though you may not think so being the one teaching him). He's quite handsome and dashing. Good to hear that Cooper is keeping an eye on all of you from the rainbow bridge. In October '08 my mother's shitzu, Angel, joined the other furbabies at Rainbow Bridge after my mother passed away (long story). Angel was always a sweetheart; perhaps she and Cooper will become friends. Glad to hear that you and Don are doing well. We miss and love you all.
  7. Jan, I could feel your glow through reading this entry. The lyrics to that song are gorgeous. I had taken a break from early spring cleaning in the living room and I now feel energized to continue my chores I outlined for today that I'm accomplishing on my own while me dear daughter (yes the Irish brogue is starting to surface a wee bit as st. Paddy's day is a comin round the bed). Love you and oodles of (((hugs)))
  8. dstraugh

    Exciting News

    That is super your Sis is moving closer. At the time of my "event", my daughter and I were living in AZ. As the majority of my family is in Pittsburgh, we finally relocated here in 2007(with the help of my dear brother). Family is so so important. Glad to hear spring is starting to spring - there's hope huh. Today we're at 29 brrrr - I think it's just trying to linger. One of my close friends has seen a robin - either it's a good sign or a not so smart robin lol
  9. dstraugh

    Feb 29th

    Interesting trivia - thank you oh wise one
  10. Jeanne, We'll look forward to hearing about your new baby Riley. I'm glad your hubby has read the posts and is understanding more. I have my daughter, who is now 16 at home with me. She was 12 when stroke slapped me up along side my head. There are times when she totally "gets" it and other times she doesn't. The times she doesn't, I try to remain patient with her as she is a teen. She has told me many times in the past 4 years that she is glad I had the stroke. I was a workaholic in social services as well as a college student from when she was around 2 years old. As I'm a single Mom, education, hard work, and dedication has been a terrific lesson for her. She is my personal cheerleader in recovery as well as my motivation to keep forging ahead. We also have 2 furbabies (cats). My oldest, Crystal at 9 years old has been with since 6 weeks old and has become my guardian kitty when I'm home alone. Animals, with their unconditional love (as long as food & water bowls are filled and treats are handed out :hahaha: ) are invaluable.
  11. Jeanne, You are making the best step you possibly could - getting yourself a shelter dog. Not only will you be giving him/her a second chance on life but he/she will give you unconditional love. Your family needs to learn about stroke. Perhaps provide them a link to the site so they can visit as a guest. Or perhaps print up or email to them information you have read here that you think would help them. As a survivor, you have rights - http://www.strokeboard.net/index.php?showtopic=2094 Please check it out. Brighter days are ahead - I promise. You are not alone - we are here for you every step of the way.
  12. Jan, I'm pulling for you as well dear. Fred is right - eat to live not live to eat. I wish you all the best - it's good the food is tasty. Many many moons ago I tried nutri-system and i was some kind of nasty - to give the food "taste" they smothered it in all kinds of spices that were way to difficult for my digestive system to handle. Glad to see they've improved. You go Girl - you'll be the featured dancer of the Strokettes.
  13. dstraugh


    Terrific story Fred; Bless each of their hearts for finding a positive way of beating the system. I'm with you on wishing this to take off and fill the entire Country.
  14. dstraugh

    Time Out

    Terrific pics Wes. You look like a movie star there in your shades and hat incognito from the paparazzi.
  15. dstraugh


    Naomi, Great thought provoking entry dear lady - adopted Mom Years ago, in my pre years as a college student (not that long ago in reality but it seems like it now) I came to the realization that everyone is in recovery from something in their lives. Whether it be from life experiences, Mother Nature, or health issues we all have that in common. What we do with it, how far we advance, depends on our inner strength, fortitude, and Attitude. I'm a firm believer that God does not give us what we cannot handle and will guide is through all as long as we let Him do his job.
  16. Gary, You have definitely earned your wings for the way you ensure that we know what is going on with Kyle, Garret, and families.
  17. Hi Naomi and welcome to the blog community. Terrific first entry and introduction. See? We don't bite hahaha. Glad yo took the plunge and gave it a shot. Now we know where Wes gets his writing abilities from. Look forward to reading future entries.
  18. Oh Wes, I'm so so glad you decided to go. What a thrill that must have been for you to finally get to see first hand the cyclists that you've followed over the years. Look forward to the pictures.
  19. Cathy, I hear you gal. Do you think it could be the winter weather getting to us? It's so nice and cozy in bed. I pray all will go ok with Rachel and the baby.
  20. Katrina, Your advisor is right dear, the grade does not matter the learning does. I've never been asked my GPA either over the years. What is important is passing the class so B's and C's are ok. I can empathize with you as I was initially the same way when I first started my college classes. Prayers to you sweetie for better days ahead.
  21. Jan, Beautiful lyrics. (((hugs))) to you sweet lady. I'm so proud of you for doing the shower on your own. It may have taken you 5 years to get to that point, but you DID it. All in HIS time as we well know. Wayne may want brand new spanking tv, top of the line; but I'm sure he knows deep in his heart that no material things really matter in this world. I pray that things start going better for both of you.
  22. dstraugh

    Wake up Call

    Wes, There is no need to thank any of us. You'd do the same for us if we got off "the path". We've all been there and needed the nudge to stand up and flush. Oh how cool is that getting to see the race tomorrow. Be sure to let all know that you are our entry for next year. Will look forward to seeing the pictures.
  23. dstraugh

    Dog Wars!!

    Our critters whether feline or canine are such delights and good for a good laugh or two.
  24. Jeannie, All I can say and send to you dear girl is hugs (((HUGS)))) Hope the remainder of your weekend goes better.
  25. Wes, We're all here as inspiration to each other. We've all been slapped down by that beast called Stroke and yet we have prevailed one way or another and did not let it take us to the ever after. We all come here UNITED. UNITED we stand against Stroke and rejoice for all that we can do versus the day that stroke entered each of our lives. For those of us who have been at this for a while, like me at 4 years, you give me personal inspiration to keep forging ahead and try to regain more. You keep on writing, and we'll keep being inspired - got that? WE ARE FAMILY, FELLOW SURVIVORS AND ME