
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by dstraugh

  1. Hi Jeannie, I don't do facebook or myspace myself as my daughter doesn't want Mom lurking around checking up on her LOL Little does she know I can access her info through my Aunt's accounts and I do on occasion check out her stuff. Instead I hang out here at Stroke Net and pass the time. Friends do have the tendency to vanish. Most of my friends from before were work colleagues and they are long long gone. A few have stuck around - those I consider true blue friends.
  2. Wes, So sorry you took a spill literally. Balance issues have a tendency to sneak up on us. Glad you did not get hurt.
  3. dstraugh

    What to Do??

    Wes, I absolutely LOVED your Hallmark wannabe's. I was taking a drink as I read them; my keyboard needed immediate cleaning lol My official "anniversary" is New Year's Day though my symptoms (though not typical stroke symptoms) started New Year's Eve. A the 1 year mark by daughter and I both held our breaths just waiting. This past New Years was my 4th. We don't throw huge parties or anything but look at it as a day of reflection and appreciation that I'm still here and don't need the “Through space and time, our spirits float; but today marks the day you missed the boat!” card.
  4. dstraugh

    The perch

    my one-handed installation of a kitty window sill perch
  5. Kristen, I look at the stroke anniversary with kinda mixed emotions. Yes my life changed forever. In many ways it changed as well for the good as my family has grown as I consider all here my family. With that in mind I do celebrate the day as stroke did NOT win I'm still here and still kickin - me and my timex.
  6. Wes, It's easy for many of us to offer inspiration and encouragement as this is what we'd do for our "real" worl friends and family. All here are my cyber friends and family to whom I know I'm indebted for all I have received.
  7. Thank you Gary for the link to the video. I wanted to reach through my screen and hug Kyle and his parents.
  8. dstraugh

    I did it!

    No cold air had to enter the house nor torture to animal or human (except when I pinched a finger) when into the construction. there are clips that fit over the sill close to the window and brackets that hold it sturdy (the brackets brace the perch from underneath and rest against the wall. Determination helped to drive me to accomplish. I refused to give in.
  9. dstraugh

    I did it!

    hmm putting together a perch for Lili? Hey why not LOL I'm a pro now at window kitty perches. Ann, thank you for the kudos It did take a lot of creativeness in figuring how to position the thing so I could get the brackets firmly attached.
  10. dstraugh

    my engagement part 2

    All that matters is yours and Andre's happiness. Their loss if they can't share your happiness. Perhaps they feel un-needed since you've been with Andre. The old saying "You can't fight City Hall" comes to mind thinking of them. I can empathize with you. I had same parental reaction when I had got engaged before stroke. She gloated when it fell part. That won't happen to you and Andre. Their blessings or not won't change the love you have for each other.
  11. dstraugh

    I did it!

    Kathy, no no extra pieces either LOL though I did drop some of the tiny pieces - one into a trash can. Insted of getting frustrated with myself I laughed my way through it to keep calm.
  12. dstraugh

    I did it!

    I had sent away for a kitty window sill perch for my furry daughters. The package arrived on Wednesday 2-11-09. I opened it excitedly; my excitement was immediately dampened when I saw all the pieces that need to be put together (brackets, clips, and of course nuts, bolts, and washers) I looked at the assortment of construction supplies (you'd think I was attempting to construct a house LOL). I could have waited for my dear child to do the installation but giving her another "chore" may have pushed her over the edge for the day when she came home from school and her part-time job. It very possibly could have been added to the list of things that I need to nag about to my teen. I made up my mind that I would complete the installation myself. Let me tell you, thankfully I did not time myself. One-handedly working I know that it took me at least 3 times longer to do the job than if I had 2 hands to work at it. The process would have been a good video for "You're on Candid Camera" if it was still being aired. As you can see by the picture of Crystal on the perch I was successful - it made my day for sure. Trying to get her to check it out was tricky. After all, she had supervised Mommy doing all the work. My "working" brain cells (yes there are still some that function) bribed her from the dining room to the living room to the perch with the handy dandy container of cat nip (I felt like the pied piper). She followed me gladly lol. as soon as I sprinkled cat nip on the perch and moved the curtain for further inticing she climbed onto it and STAYED for the picture. When Kristi returned home that night she was proud of me (and I'm sure relieved that she didn't have to do the work). On Saturday I walked into the living room to see Crystal sitting on the perch independently without any bribery. Now, I'm I ready to tackle larger projects? Ahh...think I'll stick with smaller ones for a bit - too large may get me in more trouble.
  13. dstraugh

    I am engaged

    MC, (((hugs))) and congratulations to you and Andre. You both deserve all the happiness in the world.
  14. Wes, I can understand your frustration about the sink. I was always able to work at "fixing" things on my own (I was always too independent for my own good). Now even if one of my cats is experiencing hairball difficulties, I inwardly hope it's in an area I can get to for any needed clean up. These little bumps in the recovery road are part of our lives now. Recovery includes asking for help (and even gulping and swallowing our pride). For me, when I can accomplish a "feat" on my own, it is a glorious feeling. Look at what all you ARE able to do versus what you cannot and rejoice in the accomplishments.
  15. Beautifully written Jan. Our time here is what we make of it. We all need to remember WWJD
  17. These are beautiful Jan. Not a Grandma yet or I hope for a long time but brings back fond memories of my grandparents plus the way I felt when my daughter was placed in my arms for the first time. I said her name and our eyes as well locked. I talked to her throughout the pregnancy. As she recognized my voice that was the most beautiful gift I ever ever received.
  18. dstraugh


    WhooooHoooooo Yahoooo is right Wes! I got chills as I read your entry. Bet Debbie cried as she took the pictures. Once again it is proven recovery never EVER stops!!!!! Thank you for sharing this accomplishment - made my day
  19. Thank you Jan for posting these. We do not know what tomorrow will bring. Wouldn't it be wonderful if every day were like Valentine's Day? Not for the gifts but for the love that is expressed. We need to live in this world as if it's Valentine's Day and Christmas every single day. Let there be peace and love on earth and let it begin with me.
  20. Tootie I bet was everyone's valantine cutie. She stole my heart a long time ago. The new picture of her and her heart t-shirt confirmed it.
  21. dstraugh


    Daddy & daughter fishing - how precious - they both had a terrific time. :fishing1:
  22. dstraugh

    Super Bowl 2009

    Super Bowl 2009 Steelers vs. AZ Cardinals 2-1-09