
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by dstraugh

  1. dstraugh


    Fred, I believe too that there was a reason you found this sitting on a desk all by itself. Perhaps it was placed there especially for you to carry back to us. It was a SIGN oh dear friend.
  2. Wes, Loved your 20 things you have learned post stroke. I have a 21. for you - stroke survival is for a reason, not as a punishment.
  3. That video was quite moving Gary. Bless his heart. That was a terrific video he and his Dad made.
  4. Kyle, You are making terrific progress - keep up the good work and know that all here are cheering you on daily.

    Love and (((hugs)))

  5. Good for you Stu. Yes, guys do lose weight faster than us gals. The calories you are consuming you're working off at the gym as well. Great for you and Kath!!!! Ya know we're gonna wanna see pics of the new you.
  6. dstraugh

    I've given in

    Kathy, You are NOT giving in dear - you're reinventing and re-establishing yourself. Those days of our type-A personalities are gone with the wind so to speak. And as dear Scarlet says "Tomorrow is another day". It is - Yippee the days are getting longer just not quickly enough (there goes the type-A in me again :bouncing_off_wall: ) I'm more than ready. I'm glad you are getting some help for the household chores. There will come a day for me soon where I will need to do that as well once kiddo goes off to college. You can help guide me when I've got to re-invent myself when that time comes.
  7. dstraugh


    It is a daily thing Wes. My left hand has not cooperated with me as yours has for you. I still work with it even 4 years post. I hope one day that it will wake up. My oldest cat (she's been with me from the beginning of this life altering experience) will insist I am going to pet her with the "hand". She tolerates the thumping she gets and even purrs. Now that's unconditional love for ya. As to walking...I continue to need my afo due to the drop foot without it. I can though motor around the house without my hemi-walker and even climb steps. Early on, my daughter stated that I walk like a penguin. It has improved over the 4 years but when I'm tired it is more pronounced. So I'm a penguin - big whoop - I'm here and trying. Let's hope your co-worker was trying to be helpful - fooey on him/her whichever way it was meant. Five months ago you experienced a stroke, your affected side is returning, AND you are working full-time. God bless you. You've got the right attitude - keep on keepin on :big_grin:
  8. Joann, I too am sorry to hear you re sad and lonely. It can be frustrating when those around us do not understand what are saying or we believe they do not because to us we do sound different. We can be our own worse critics; I know I'm my worst critic. Here at Stroke Net no one is alone. Granted we cannot speak face to face with one another but we're still here for one another. We had another member Gramma/Diana who posted a link to a site. Here is the link to that thread: http://www.strokeboard.net/index.php?showtopic=12071&hl= Diana's post talked about feeling lonely. She included a link to a site that makes suggestions on overcoming lonliness. Please know that we are all here for you. You can also private message (pm) fellow members or use the im to contact fellow members who are also on site. Chin up - As you live in sunny CA, perhaps you can find somethings to do outdoors. When I get down in the dumps, I find that if I keep myself busy doing small extra things I may not normally do, my mood improves. For me, I get lots of enjoyment from this site. Not a day goes by that I do not read something that will bring a smile or a chuckle to me. Our live chats are terrific for that. (((hugs)))
  9. When stroke first slammed into me I considered myself a victim; I made it through it and survived the ordeal just as we all have. Better than pushin up daisies.
  10. Wes, You're doing it friend. FYI - you do NOT babble!! You've come a long way and the sky is the limit
  11. Hi Diana, There was another topic started - http://www.strokeboard.net/index.php?showtopic=12072&hl= that you my want to check out. Sorry you are on your own so much throughout the day. Hope you have better days dear. (((hugs)))
  12. Thank you Susan for sharing this. Quite informational and true. I also spend a lot of time home alone as my daughter is at school, working, or hanging out with friends (to be a teen again ) I've got 2 cats - conversation can be quite one-sided unless I'm in the kitchen using the one-handed can opener and they think it's for them lol My one cat is a siamese mix so she does "talk" in her way to me but I'm not fluent in meowese. You would think after 4 years being home with her all the time I'd have it perfected by now. She does though have Mommy wrapped around her paw. I read quite a bit throughout the day and volunteering here on site passes the time as well for me. As I love country western music, my radio is always in the background during the day to a local station. Just think how things would be different if we did not have the technology we do today and being stroke survivors. The computer is my "sitter" lol and to think I used to limit the time my daughter spent on the computer and television when she was little.
  13. Wes, It's a good thing the therapist sent you home with handouts. Keeping busy not only makes the time go faster but keeps our good brain cells actively churning. And....no time to sit on the pity pot for extended periods of time.
  14. Fred, We are blessed to have you among us. You might not post entries often but when you do....WOW And that's a super WOW!!! History was made as our President is Bi-racial.
  15. That's wonderful news for Sam. Please relay all of our cheers :Clap-Hands: :Clap-Hands: :Clap-Hands: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: to her. The boat sounds super. I've never been interested in fishing per say but being on the water I love. Your dog has the right idea - keeping warm though at 2 in the morning is bad timing lol. Our one cat has taken to sleeping in my bed of late. I have a king size bed all to myself but where does she sleep? You got it, smack up against me so I can't move.
  16. Wes, I know you don't wanna hear this but one day at a time. You are making great progress. It won't be long before you're on that bike of yours. Perhaps a stationary bike in the interim. That way if you tumble you're not moving at the time and experience further injuries. A stationary bike may help you too with balance issues. Just a thought. Hope your 2nd week goes as great as the first did.
  17. Yolie, Glad to hear your day was terrific. and glad our sweet Tootie enjoyed herself as well. A golden trout? How cool is that!!!
  18. Wes, Glad to hear your birthday was a great one!!!! I'll be hitting the double nickel the end of March- geez we're too young yet LOL Good for you the things you're doing with your affected hand. Keep up the great work!!
  19. dstraugh


    Doug, Until you know the absolute reason why those things appeared, you should slow down in accusing your brother of wrongdoing. Not to say he's not guilty but, as in a court of law, a man is innocent until proven guilty.
  20. dstraugh

    Super Bowl 2009

    Asha, If you click on the picture it enlarges. The picture is of Pittsburgh at dusk with all the lights coming on . The way the graphics were set up, the trophies look real.
  21. dstraugh

    Super Bowl 2009

    On 2-1-09 the Pittsburgh Steelers won their 6th Super Bowl World Championship in franchise history. The game, for those who did not watch, was a close one - final score was Steelers 27, Cardinals 23. My Terrible Towel got a great workout. I had it twirling so hard that my daughter and her friend were waiting for lift-off. This past Tuesday (2-3) I was able to watch the entire victory parade telecast live from downtown Pittsburgh. There was an estimated 350,000 people in attendance). It was football weather that day - I was glad though to watching from the warmth of my living room. I've been battling a stupid head-cold and since Monday. Sunday night after the game I was hoarse and had a sore throat (I thought just from all the yelling). Monday morning I woke totally congested. I felt like I had been outside in the cold following the game celebrating the win. I've got the sinus drainage and of course the cough that comes with. As I've got a history of bronchitis amd walking pneumonia, I am being careful - so far the congestion is not dropping into my lungs - honest. Just when I feel I've conquered it the stupid thing comes back and hits me again. It's a pain but I've overcome worse; sure better situation than pushing up daisies I tell myself each morning and during the day as I drag myself around the house. Warmer weather is predicted for this week (until next Friday right now) and living in Six-burgh is a good thing :happydance:
  22. From the album: Super Bowl 2009

    Cool picture I received through email following our super bowl win
  23. dstraugh

    Super Bowl Kitty

    From the album: Super Bowl 2009

    Crystal agreed to a photo - of course I had to bribe her with crunchy treats
  24. From the album: Super Bowl 2009

    me before the game attired in my black n gold - I was ready!!!!!!!!!!
  25. First of all Wes, Happy Birthday to YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You got through the first week back full-time - Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's amazing how the things we did automatically before stroke we have to now take the time and think about them. The day will come for you where they will be automatic again. However, to keep you on your toes, there will be days when (as I reference to it) the damaged cells are in control and the automatic things are forgotten and we are once again humbled. With your sense of humor, you will conquer all the tiny roadblocks in your path.