
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by dstraugh

  1. Right now it's 8 degrees in Pittsburgh but feels like -6 outside. Oh to be able to grill burgers outside.
  2. Katrina, I'm proud of you for maintaining the positive attitude in the face of adversity that you are dealing with with walking around on campus in the inclement weather and facing 4 tests in one day. I love reading all of your entries whether they be positive or not. Life is not a bed of roses and life is full of lemonades tumbling around us. It's what we do with those lemons that matters. Whether we make lots of lemonade or a lemon dessert, it shows we are coping with life and doing the best we can. Who would have thought, when you first started school that you would be speaking with a recruiter about a governmental employment position? You have grown up and are excelling although you may not realize it. We do as we're on the outside (in cyber land) looking in on you. You go girl and keep it up. And traveling to China AND a research position in Maryland? And we can all brag and say Katrina is our cyber niece. Love you sweetie and hugs (((HUGS)))
  3. Allan, You are definitely a legend AND a Saint. You thank us wherein we are thanking you for all you are doing. Your attitude towards your own health issues are inspirational to the rest of us. I, for one, am humbled and feel truly blessed to have the opportunity to consider you a dear friend. On behalf of all our members, I am so thankful I emailed you and inquired if you would want to become a volunteer here. YOU are our blessing. (((hugs))))
  4. dstraugh


    Glad you're feeling better John. ny room in the suitcases for a few stowaways????
  5. Hi Debby and welcome to Stroke Network. You have found a terrific place to receive support & encouragement. Depression following stroke is quite common for survivors and caregivers alike as lives have changed in a split second. I was into my 3rd year post before it hit me. Fortunately I was honest with my doctor (as a matter if fact, I broke down in her office to her and a med student). I was immediately prescribed celexa and have felt much better since then (July '07). It is important to speak to and be honest with your medical providers - they will not think bad of you. Look forward to getting to know you.
  6. Glad to hear you mde it through the first day Wes. Best ofluck to you. Each day will get easier. Hey, one day down - 4 t go till the weekend comes?
  7. dstraugh

    Screwing Up

    Wes, Please do talk to your doc about the hallucinations - quite possibly could be med related. Stroke deficits + age I think affects all of us one way or another. There are times when I'm "out there" really really bad. I think I'm totally losing it but then my daughter does something that makes me know that I'm still maintain some sanity. Initilly I'd allow myself to become bothered and upet about the forgetfulness. Over time, I've learned to laugh it off - humor is a good healer.
  8. Thank you Jan for including me in this blog entry. Before the game, one of our local radio station websites (Y108) had a link - http://imgsrv.y108.com/image/wdsy2/UserFil..._color_Y108.pdf that could be downloaded and printed up. The link for Y108 homepage is: http://y108.com/pages/1232668.php Jan, your analogy of survivors and and the Super Bowl is so so true. Anything is possible if you BELIEVE. Just like the Steelers being a team and there for each other, so is our Strokenet family a team. All for One and One for all!!
  9. Love it as well!!!!But...for rubbing it in about your weather.....I wish upon you a birthday gift of Legos. Be sure to wear your sunscreen
  10. dstraugh


    Thank you dear. Have seen it over the years but coming from you makes it even better.
  11. Jeannie, Welcome to our blog community. Great first blog entry. I as well am thankful for spell check. And to think I used to be a spelling bee queen and a typist of 100 wpm. One handed it's impossible for me to type anywhere near that and have any accuracy. Blogging is therapeutic for the blogger and the readers alike. Sorry I missed you and Jan last night in chat - I left just before you 2 arrived and my browser was throwing fits amd would not let me reopen chat. See you around.
  12. dstraugh

    Cute Puppy

    He is precious. The Kiss lasts the longest
  13. Jan, Alexis is absolutely adorable. She's so sweet - just want to hug and kiss on her. I'm sure Pat is smiling down on her family.
  14. dstraugh

    Toys and Such

    Wes, The first week maybe rough getting used to getting up early each and every day but you'll adjust as you do to all else. Got lots of faith in you. As long as playing the guitar at work is not required - yet lol - you'll do great. You've have built up to this moment with going in part-time. How does Deb feel about the early morning rise and shine? I bet she'll be dropping "hints" as to what she wants for Valentine's Day. For your birthday, instead of a fisher price gift card, someone will get you LEGO's (family hint here :silly: )
  15. Wes, Please please send your San Diego weather my way as well. Well...on 2nd thought maybe not exactly your weather....would not want the cost of living that comes from your weather . I also thoroughly enjoy reading your entries. The economy is the pits to put it mildly and, as Stessie stated, much of it goes back to greed of corporate entities with their bonuses while the rest of the "regular" folks pay the price. I was 3 months shy of turning 51 when I was selected to meet up with stroke (I do not remember standing in a line to receive that); I was working full time, taking care of my daughter and our fur baby, and enjoying being a first time homeowner. Post I was forced to sell my town home thanks to the mortgage company and became a renter. In a way that's ok though as repairs are up to the landlord (helps now too that the landlord is also my nephew and he looooovvvveeeeessss his Aunt and doesn't want grief from his Dad, my dear Brother LOL). Stroke does bring about facing our own mortality for sure. Not that I'm planning on pushing up daisies any time soon, but it has made me more appreciative of what I'm blessed with.
  16. TY Asha - want to save my heart and sanity as well.
  17. dstraugh

    Finding Balance

    Leah, Bless your heart Hon. Wish I was nearby to give you a huge (((HUG))). You are definitely positively NOT crazy. If you are, you're in great company as we're all there with you. Pre-stroke I was able to juggle so much on a daily basis. Now it's a different story completely. Could be the age + stroke remnants. I do have more post-it notes than I ever did. It's definitely one day at a time for sure - sometimes a minute at a time. You've come a long way - please remember it is ok to be kind to yourself.
  18. Thank you Dear. Now when I want to hide out in my room I can do something besides listening to radio and reading lol
  19. Yes, I am back on Staff :happydance: - yahoo, yippppeee :cheer: and all that good stuff. My "retirement" was officially one week. Three days into it, I realized I was quite "homesick" :badmood: . As an afterthought to the day I submitted my resignation I knew I should have taken vacation time or a leave of absence from my duties in order to regroup. We learn (or hope to) from our mistakes. Fortunately I did learn and am now a teeny bit wiser than before. Love and (((hugs))) to all who contacted me and helped to "wise" me up. Even Kristi realized (once and for all I hope) how much Stroke Network means to me. So far she's not fighting me as much for computer time unless she has a project to work on for school. She is to be purchasing a lap top from a friend of hers in the near future so that will help as well. I'll have the desk top computer to myself. On occasion, I'll be permitted to use her lap top . I made the decision, while on retirement, to have cable installed on the television in my bedroom. Part of the decision was based on the digital conversion policy going in affect here in the U.S. Cable to be installed today. Another plus will be not having to "bicker" over what television program to watch as we'll have an added cable box upstairs as well. Time will tell as to whom the furbabies will follow. I usually do not watch much television; it seems though, when I do have the desire, Kristi is already watching something and grumbles result. Peace and Harmony perhaps? :harp: I'll take every little bit I can get with a teen in da house :cloud9:
  20. dstraugh

    Back again

    John, Welcome back stranger! Good luck with the oral surgery. Each day of our yucky winter weather DOES bring us closer to pleasant weather once again. Here, this morning, the sun is peaking out here and there and is a welcome site.
  21. Kathy, For the first time in 4 years, I was out the other day at my cousin's home and I did not return home totally pooped out. I had hesitated on going due to the weather and parenting "issues" but she had so counted on me being there I went. I thoroughly enjoyed myself with her and her family including 8 month old granddaughter, 2 dogs and 4 cats. I even remembered the furbabies names LOL. Could I do that everyday? Probably not - the old me could have - but the old Donna is in the past - the "new" me is here in the present and future. One day at a time is a good way to look at it as in AA. We're all in recovery in our lives from something or other.
  22. Wes, Your "TV lookin" Doc appears wise for his young years. Taking it slow and easy returning to work full time is quite good to give your body time to adjust and to see any limitations you might have. Stroke zaps us in a split second; recovery is not that way though for many. You're doing terrific.
  23. Sue, Glad to see you are back among us dear. Spending time with family and friends is so wonderful as it tends to break up the monotony of our everyday lives.
  24. Hi Jan, Once again, a beautifully written blog. God does not give us what we can't handle; he wants us to learn to hand all over to Him. The Native American culture has always fascinated me - perhaps in a former life I was Native American. Years ago, for a college World Religion course, I wrote a paper and did a presentation on Native American beliefs....how I wish I still had the document to re-read and share. In one of my counseling classes we had to develop ways of "letting go" of troubles...kind of a hands on Let go Let God for those, like myself who have difficulties in parting with problems - yes I can be anal retentive. What I have used for myself and others was to picture myself sitting by a river (setting very peaceful), boxing up my problems, releasing the box in the water and let it float away without pulling it back into shore. May all be able to place their upsetting issues into a box and release the box and let them float away.
  25. Debbie, You are a great writer - you write from the heart. I bet you will miss Wes once he's working full time. It's quite normal to think back to before stroke and the "what could I have done differently". Believe me that thinking will pass over time as you continue to count your blessings that you have Wes with you. Happy Birthday to Petey. I'm sure he'll get extra lovings today.