
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by dstraugh

  1. Phil, Prior to stroke smacking me up alongside my head I worked in social services. I worked directly with individuals who massively played Russian Roulette with their lives on a daily basis as drug addicts, alcoholics - they also involved their innocent children as well. I worked to help them regain control of their lives, sometimes it worked, times it did not. When I was in college earning my BA in Psychology, I followed the beliefs of a Psychologist - Carl Rogers. He believed that everyone has good in them and wants to do the right thing. They need guidance. I learned as well they have to "want" it for themselves. Back then I tried my hardest NOT to follow society and also pass judgement. Even post, as I watch individuals around me, I try not to pass judgement upon them for the chances they take with their lives and their health. It is difficult not to get caught up in passing judgement; howver, if I do so, it's not going to help me with my health. It won't make the fact that I experienced a stroke go away. Now I have more to teach as I can explain how my circumstances permitted stroke to select me. If they chose to go the Russian Roulette way, so be it - it's free will.
  2. Great for you!!!!!! Keep forging ahead Wes - your what you can do list will keep expanding.
  3. dstraugh


    Katrina, You are not giving up dear girl - that's not what acceptance or adaptation means. We're proud of you and will continue to be. (((hugs)))
  4. What fun going to Mexico - just don't drink the water - seriously only do bottled water. I was in Mexico once (Rocky Point) and loved it. I heeded the warnings about the water but no one mentioned getting your hair braided and sunbathing could be detrimental. It was!!!! I ended up with sun poisoning and was off work for a few days as i could not put my glasses on with my face being so swollen. There is a picture in our album that has a caption "No this is not an Alien, this is my mother". I notice too, at times, my affected side is not ice an ice cube anymore. I too experience days where suddenly what has worked suddenly stops working. Frustrating isn't it - I'm glad you mentioned it - I don't feel alone now. I started thinking (there are still some cells up there that work lol) that I was regressing or even having tia's that I was missing. If you see the IT fella again - he might be the standard tech, you could get his name maybe.
  5. Hi Wes, The membership ranks change with the number of posts you have on the message board. If you enter chat and click on actions, you can select page separator or even double spacing between member's lines of text. It helps tremendously. Also, if people are going to fast, ask them to slow down. We were all new to chat at one point as well, so understand that it can be mind boggling to our already damaged brains. Just so you know, afternoon chats tend to be quieter than the evening ones. You'll be a pro in no time. How cool you've got most of your family here as well :party: Now that IS family support.
  6. Good for you Wes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Never give up...Hang in there!!!!!!!
  7. Bart, making the hot chocolate and supplying warm hugs is the better part of the deal I think. No chance of frostbite either. Heck we're all different now but that is a good thing. We were the chosen ones so to speak - now we get to educate those around us as well as inspire each other. Hang in there - extra marshmallows for you
  8. dstraugh

    old sins

    So very very true Sue. You really really need to write a book.
  9. dstraugh


    Yesterday, 1-20-09, I resigned from my volunteer duties at Stroke Network. I had posted the following on the message board: Hi to my cyber family. I wanted all to hear the following from me: I have resigned as a volunteer with Stroke Network. I have been a volunteer for close to 2 years and have loved the opportunity to serve everyone. I will still be around, posting, blogging, and coming to chat as I still love all of you - I will be pursuing other ventures as well when ready after a needed regrouping and resting. -------------------- Donna Survivor since 1-1-05 "Love is a canvas furnished by Nature and embroidered by imagination." ...Voltaire My topic was set invisible though. I wanted all to hear it from me.
  10. My thoughts and prayers are with Lindy that she can receive the transplant and have her health restored as did Ben.
  11. dstraugh

    Sad news X 3

    Vi, My deepest condolences to you sweetie. If I was there with you I'd give you a HUGE hug. But as that is not possible, I'm sending (((HUGS))) to you via cyber space.
  12. dstraugh

    More to Come???

    Rick, Welcome to the world of blogging. Quite profound and insightful first entry. You spoke from the heart. I look forward to reading more of your entries. Yes, we all at times need a kick in the pants to get us back on track.
  13. dstraugh

    A Good Day

    Great Photos Wes. One day you will be cycling with Deb - you are too driven for anything less to occur. Pete is aham for pics even while sleeping - he's adorable.
  14. dstraugh

    Meet MG

    Jan, Thank you so much for sharing the background on MG. If it were really a car, I could just envision you toodling around in it - can we say ROADTRIP?????? You are an inspiration dear for what you have experienced and how you have handled those experiences. God Bless you dear :friends:
  15. Janine, May 2009 be much better for you and Larry. (((hugs)))
  16. Hi Anne, Welcome to the blog community. Look forward to reading your blog entries. By all means if you find the "miracle cure" share it. I am 4 years post and have found, for me, it's vital to Keep on Keeping on and to Let Go Let God. Some days are easier than others, the bad days due lessen as time goes on.
  17. Good for you Cathy. It's important to keep occupied. You've got quite a few terrific projects lined up. As it takes about a month for new medications to take affect, that is probably why the psychologist wants to see you in a month. IF you start having any problems though, do not hesitate to call him asap. (((hugs)))
  18. Doug, I hope the issues at hand can be resolved. If your Dad pays the bills, then possibly your "male unit" got access to your information at your parent's home. It appears that your folks need to be a bit more cautious about where your financial records are kept.
  19. Sue, My condolences to you in the loss of Beryl. She is at peace now watching over her family and friends. On your rough days, I'm sure she will be your guardian angel guiding you through the tasks at hand. Modern technology is great when it's working huh. Hope they get your lines repaired not just patched very soon.
  20. I agree Bart, GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO STEELERS!!!!!. Here is Pittsburgh it's been terrific as game day approaches. The excitement here is like it's already the Super Bowl. Our Mayor Ravenstahl changed his name this week to Steelerstahl. Every other song on the radio is usually a Steeler song. My Schwan's delivery man came in this morning with his terrible towel hanging from his pocket cheering "Go Steelers". Enjoy your party- hope it will be a kick-off to the Super Bowl with the Steelers versus ?????
  21. dstraugh

    Pseudo Seuss

    Wes, Super super poem. Deb is a fortunate gal - you re both fortunate to have each other as well as your family. I could hear the pride in your Mom's reply.
  22. dstraugh

    A New Beginning

    Leah, Glad to hear things re going much better for you dear. Hope your dinner out was great. Open communication is usually the key to relationships; glad you and Jerry had a heart to heart talk and cleared the air a bit. I have faith that you will be just fine while Jerry is away on his trip. Kudos to you for setting your boundaries with your friend. I 'm sure that was difficult for you but necessary.
  23. dstraugh

    I hate school

    Dear Niece Katrina, I want you to promise to flush that huge old pity pot when you climb off of it - and you will. You're a fighter girl. If you weren't you would not be as far as you are now. I'm glad that Jesse is there to smooth out the rough edges for you. Starting the new term, the added walking is hard after 3 weeks of vacation at home. That's the only draw back to vacations - they end and it's back to the "real" world. Keep smiling little one, that gorgeous smile of your will warm the hearts of new friends. Remember to smile - it's good for your teeth.
  24. Prior to my life changing on 1-1-05 via stroke, I worked as a helping professional in the social services field. I even have been a volunteer EMT/Paramedic in years gone by. For me, being able to help others, as I volunteer here at Stroke Network, has been rewarding and has let me continue my love of helping others. Thankfully, stroke did not affect that part of my personality of being a "people" person. I count that as part of my blessings post stroke. We're all on this cruise ship together, by being here for one another we keep each other afloat and throw out life preservers to those in need. Maria, your post was "right on" dear.
  25. dstraugh

    This Website

    Hi Wes, We are so glad that you have discovered us and that you are getting so much support from the site. The commradity here cannot be beat that's for sure. It's hard for some "real world" friends and family to understand us. But here we find our safe haven. I look at all here as my cyber family who are very near and dear to my heart. Having said that I must say something to you, oh cyber cousin - sorry my team beat your team - c-ya next year Love ya :friends: