
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by dstraugh

  1. dstraugh


    Anne, I too am glad Dave has been doing so much better. I will pray his procedure goes well. Regaining the sense of homor is wonderful. I have found, for me, that humor helps me to keep truckin along. I sincerely hope 2009 continues to go well for you and Dave. (((hugs)))
  2. Bart, I too enjoy reading your blogs. there are times when the system has blurp or hiccup as we're trying to post a blog. What I suggest to members is to type their entry into their word processing - safe it - then copy and paste it into their entry - title it and click on add entry. Good luck and hope all goes well.
  3. Bart, Life for us does need to be taken a day at a time - it's hard to do at times but if we remember to daily count our blessings it helps. I try to live by the motto "Let Go Let God"
  4. those are beautiful Jan. And they are so so true
  5. Welcome Back to us Billy Jo - sorry to hear you've had a heart attack dear lady. You will overcome that as well I'm sure. You are a strong and determined woman so I have no doubts.
  6. 2009 is going to be a great year for you dear. Between your Y classes and your painting classes you are broadening your horizons. That is truly inspirational. I like the idea of the mountain boots with the heavy duty cleats - such a fashion setter you are - better to be safe than sorry though. I too am petrified of ice. I never liked ice before stroke - now forget it. You're right - each day of this winter ick we make it through is closer to nicer and warmer weather. It's at this time of year I wish I could afford to be a snow-bird lol.
  7. Tootie will be the most adorable cheerleader I'm guessing. Look forward to seeing pics of her in the gallery. Sorry to hear she's still having seizure activity; however, it's not slowing her down one bit with that schedule. Bless her heart - hope she grows out of the seizures very soon so no more meds. I'm sure Grandma is beaming from ear to ear with all the hustle and bustle. (((hugs)))
  8. dstraugh

    A Little Off

    Wes, I do think part of stroke survival is coping with the "off" days. Before stroke, the off days did not seem to phase us any we just plowed ahead. Now those days are noticeable. As time goes on they do become less and less - especially living in San Diego lol. Hope you get to try your driving - will look forward to a report lol. Good luck with the budget reviews - that's one thing I do NOT miss anymore.
  9. Hi Debbie and welcome to the blog community. I can hear the love in your words for your hubby. He is fortunate to have you by his side. All of your lives changed on 8-29-08; bless you for all you are doing for your family. You are another of our Angels Here on Earth. (((hugs)))
  10. The Power of Prayer was once again proven - all was ok with the biopsy. I will need to have a repeat ultrasound completed in 6 months. I know HE does not give us more than we can handle; however, the parenting part proves HE has a sense of humor.
  11. Bart, There is nothing wrong with needing emotional support. Our lives and the lives of our loved ones changed in a split second. I know, for me, I cannot begin to thank all who have been there for me to help lift me when I was sagging. By hanging in there and being the best I can be, I show them their support helped raise me up just like the song Wind Beneath my Wings by Bette Midler. Try not to beat yourself up as much - chin up.
  12. Hope your test driving goes well. Try to remember all is in HIS time not ours. The one thing I've had to learn post stroke is patience.
  13. Allan, Welcome to the blogging community. You are in my thoughts and prayers for your upcoming procedure and for all you plan to do in 2009. Good for you. With your outlook and attitude, you WILL succeed.
  14. Sherry, Welcome back - missed you. Glad to hear you are doing better. Yes, you do deserve the best; please never ever settle for less.
  15. Bart, I don't remember my thoughts at the time stroke slammed into me. I recall what I was doing before. Always remember how far you have come since that day rather than where you still want to be. Stroke is quite the humbling experience; those that make it through it as you have have been given another chance - Hooray for all of us. Keep pluggin and know that you're not alone.
  16. You go Wes - glad you had another good day. Yes, stroke survival is about acceptance and adaptation. It makes no sense nor is it healthy to dwell in the why me, how could this happen to me, etc. We can't change the past can we. We survived for a reason not as a punishment; there are days when we doubt this but then that gives us something to think about and we know that thinking is good for the brain cells. Hope all your days are good ones and the not so good ones are few and far between. My daughter is a member - as she's 16, myspace and facebook take her computer time so she rarely snoops at what I'm writing lol.
  17. Happy 2009 Katrina, You two look adorable together. Look at that award winning smile on your face. Your happiness radiates off both of your faces. Best of luck for the next term. Hope you get the med issues resolved quickly and safely. Dizziness is nothing to mess around with - it's good you are being proactive. Your 3.9 is definitely good enough - it's fantastic.
  18. I sit here and wait for the biopsy results. On Tuesday the 30th I underwent the breast biopsy. Only one spot was biopsied as the doc could no longer find the other questionable area. There were 6 samplings taken of the one area. Results to be received Monday the 5th. Just glad it's over and done with. What will be will be - ya know? Yeah, I know, I'm not my usual upbeat self. Been a bit melancholy these past few days. There are definitely days when I cannot wait for my child to be 18 and then maybe, just maybe, the feuding will stop. That's another 2 years -will be both survive the time in between? Teenage years are tough to begin with for parents let alone being a disabled parent trying to cope. I have spoken with family but she is my responsibility not theirs so I need to be able to stay strong and tough as I did before stroke messed everything up. Can I remain strong, maintain my sanity and still love her? Where's my "crystal ball"? After all, tomorrow is another day as Scarlett says.
  19. Oh yummmmmmmmmmmmm Wish I was there.
  20. Hiya Wes. Perfect weather is sure to add to the delicious meal you are preparing. Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. MC, Glad the "ice breaker" went well and finally took place. At least you were on your turf so to speak. My suggestion would be to take it slow and easy with them. It was probably difficult for your Mom to put into words how she feels about you. Although we'd like to to, we cannot change the past. Two wrongs don't make a right either. Hopefully today's visit can be a stepping stone for your future relationship with your Mom.
  22. Happy New Year Gary. Wishing you a terrific 2009 as well. May all continue to go well for Kyle and Garrett and their families.
  23. Leah, Seeking professional help is your gift to yourself dear. May your 2009 be filled with everything you deserve and more. If hubby is taking a time-out vacation, perhaps you need to do the same.
  24. dstraugh


    Super Ann - Thank you dear for sharing it with us.
  25. Susan, There are days when it is defiitely a toss up as to the half-full or half-empty. Love your sense of humor. Whether the glass be half-full or half-empty I just hope not to spill it - liquid a pain in the duppa to clean up.