
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by dstraugh

  1. dstraugh

    Who I Am

    Thank you Wesley for the intro. Your attitude is great and I too can see you riding your bike. I have a 16 year old daughter as well - Kristina is my one and only. Pete sounds adorable - I've not seen a chug. Debbie sounds like a wonderful person - you are blessed to have the family support.
  2. Sue, I too wish I was in "real" time to hive you a huge hug and a shoulder to lean on. Bless your heart, you keep plugging away. Perhaps his dinner needs to be a lighter fare so it digests easier and there's not that much "waste" - just a thought - or perhaps something to firm up bowel movements so he can control better.
  3. dstraugh


    We've got today - maybe. Even a second from now is in the future and we don't have crystal balls to see what will be. Happy New Year to you dear friend. :Cheers:
  4. dstraugh

    2008 is ending

    Kathy, It is tough to learn to "pace" ourselves now. Like you, I was always the go-go-go person - always on the move and ready to take on the world. We had strokes but strokes don't have us - we must keep plugging onward and not let that filthy thing called stroke win out. Enjoy your Y membership - you go girl - never know you could be our next olympiad I like Maria's idea of us all living together. US versus the world :cheer:
  5. dstraugh

    Time flies

    Susan, Things for Jackie are moving right along. Change can be difficult even without stroke being involved. You two are planning together and facing change together as a "team" Keeping her motivated is a key ingredient in her recovery along with the love you share. God Bless
  6. Happy New Year Ken to you and your family.
  7. dstraugh


    Bart, Chin up, ok? You're not a loser and you don't wanna feel like crap cos crap is awfully smelly. There are good days as well as bad ones. The bad ones do become less over time - honest. My rth anniversary is tomorrow New Year's Day. I have realized (dang I'm a slow learner at times lol) that if I allow the smelly stuff in life to get to me (especially if I forget to flush the pity pot) it over-flows and makes a bigger mess all around me. Try to look at it as tomorrow is another day - this day shall pass- and you will prevail through it all. Honest.
  8. Katrina, Congratulations gal on the 3.9 G.P.A. - there always seems to be "that" teacher who has to be the roughest on someone. Consider it a life lesson. Granted life in the real world, after college, is not based on grade point averages but it's those grade point averages that get us into the career of our choosing. Congrats and best wishes as well on your new best friend Jesse. Take it from your cyber Auntie, take it slow and easy - enjoy the small things - those small things add up. Your poem is beautiful - friends come into our lives as well as leave for a reason - life is all about learning though there is no G.P.A for it. Super news on your driving abilities. You are growing and advancing so much - I'm proud of you little one. Love & Hugs from Auntie Donna
  9. Fred, I do hope you are able to do the traveling you wish to do in 2009. Would be super to meet face to face with our cyber family. Wishing you an early Happy Anniversary for 1-15-09 and many many more. My 4th is tomorrow, New Year's Day. I'll be welcoming it in tonight with all my cyber family/friends here at Strokenet. We've come a long way haven't we. Good for you getting rid of 'stuff" no longer needed - great feeling huh? Wishing you a terrific 2009 dear friend. :beer: :friends:
  10. Remind her that she is doing better than she was Feb. 07. The first year can be the toughest on survivors. Ours and the lives of our family changed in a split second. Part of the stroke journey is acceptance of what has happened. You might want to read and print up the 5 stages of grief - http://www.strokeboard.net/index.php?showtopic=857 This might be of benefit to you both. My 4 year anniversary will be this week on New Year's Day. Even after this amount of time, I still face the day with a nervous feeling in the pit of my stomach. Encourage your wife to read the posts and replies either by sitting at the computer or you printing them up for her. Neither one of you are alone on this journey. We're all right here with you. God Bless & (((hugs)))
  11. Cathy, Welcome back dear friend. We've missed you - glad to see you up and operating. Computers are great as long as they are up and operational. I remember when we moved and I had to start over with a new computer - what a pain in the duppa lol. Winter weather can also affect our mood. I know it does me even if I'm in the house looking out. Just a hint of sunshine seems to make all much better. My doc has had me on AD's since July - she recommends a year being on them so I don't have any major relapses after I go off of them. Hang in there and know that we're here for you.
  12. Sue, I'm glad your Christmas went well. There was such a disparity in gift giving from what we could afford versus what others did. What we did for everyone was small but had special meaning from the heart. Nothing was left behind either, from what I could tell. Wishing you and Ray a just fine 2009.
  13. What a blessing Bart - Merry Christmas. You received the greatest gift of all. God Bless.
  14. dstraugh

    Christmas is here!

    Merry Christmas to you and your family. We traveled for Christmas Eve to my Aunt's home where we all celebrated with her. Today we're traveling to other family about an hour away. The "loons" are always out. We just have to pray we're in the right place at the right time. One plus is a "green" Christmas for us. Will just be cold. Enjoy your Christmas and the smiles on your granddaughter's face.
  15. We're ready as well Stu - leaving within 2 hours to be with family for Christmas Eve. Merry Christmas to you, Kathleen, Daniel & Marli from Kristi, Crystal, Lili and I. P.S. Still waiting for my shortbread you sent me. Must be coming via very slow delivery - snail mail perhaps.
  16. Sue, I also wish you, Ray and Trev a Merry Christmas and a happy 2009. Here on my end, as a survivor, if my kiddo is short tempered with me and my "issues" I try to zip it up and not snap back so I understand what you go through. It is difficult at times - many times I just ask for God to give me strength and I try to gently remind her I AM still the Mom as well as her elder. Love and (((hugs))) Donna
  17. Gary, Thank you so much for keeping us posted on how Kyle and his dear family are doing. I wish them and you as well a very Merry Christmas. May Peace, Faith, Love and Joy but with all of you this Christmas and into 2009. ((hugs)))
  18. I am sooo glad the Jake is doing so well. I wil pray for you that you can get to see baby Jake, his Mommy, Daddy and your Dad and Brother. Traveling on icy roads is no fun this time of year that is for sure - especially with being used to driving in the AZ desert. Merry Christmas to you dear gal from your PA sister and niece. We love you (((hugs)))
  19. dstraugh

    It's SOO Hot

    Vix dear you are battling the heat and at the same time I am sitting at my computer shivering lol. If it will help to cool you off any, here in Pittsburgh, PA it is currently 12 degrees F. with a wind chill factor of -2. And I know it's warmer here than in some areas lol. Drinking water is good - I'm drinking hot water as coffee for quite different and obvious reasons. Take care and keep cool.
  20. dstraugh


    I pray the same Fred. Let there be Peace on Earth and Let it begin with Me.
  21. MC, I feel for your disappointment. Hope you and Andre have a blessed Christmas.
  22. Thank you dear and the same to you and your family. God Bless
  23. dstraugh

    The truth hurts

    Doug, Yes the truth hurts sometimes. I too have a brother but we were not raised together. I could write a novel lol about the skeletons in the closet. We cannot go back and change the past nor can we change others though we try. Trying to change others only leads us to more frustration and hurt. We have today to live for and to look towards our futures. You do what you can to get you and Teddy to Arkansas if that will be better for you. As a door closes, another opens. Take care and give Teddy a hug from his cyber Aunties.
  24. Hi Kathy, Mrs Santa, and now Rudolph You are a diverse lady. I'm glad you have terrific neighbors and will still attend the party even after the waxing boo-boo. I'm sure you will look beautiful - just be careful walking. You were definitely missed at the party. Santa even made an appearance and was looking for you. I think he wanted to sample the rum cake you were bringing lol. I don't blame you for WARNING Barry about the rum cake - naughty boy - Santa will place him on the naughty list if he pilfers any of the cake before the party. Yes, stroke does make us more sensitive and emotional dear. I'm close to the 4 year mark, and even with meds, I still have issues though not as bad as before the meds. I too will many times don the "mask" that all is ok when I'm crumbling inside. For me though, my daughter can see through the mask as my eyes are a giveaway and she will prod until the mask cracks and the emotions flow. Merry Christmas dear to you and yours. Hope no power failures keep you away from the New Year's Eve Marathon chat bash we will have going on. You'll definitely have a White Christmas - not sure if we will or not though it is predicted.
  25. Bart, Hooray the surgery went well. A little of soreness is a small price to pay for the relief you will have. Ptayer does indeed carry us far. You are surrounded by many who love and care about you. Praise God. My thoughts and prayers definitely go out to your new friend Evelyn.