
Stroke Survivor - female
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Blog Entries posted by dstraugh

  1. dstraugh
    I had earlier typed a nice entry but it got lost in cyber space when my computer decided to have a technological stroke all of its very own..... :BashHead: I'll retry and see what occurs:
    This past week marked my one year anniversary being a staff member here at Strokenetwork. On Saturday (22nd) I received a wonderful surprise in the mail - a framed certificate of appreciation for the work I do. Kristi immediately hung my certificate close by. Thank you Steve for giving me this opportunity to do something so worthwhile post stroke. I am truly honored and blessed to be a part of this organization as well as having the most fantastic fellow staff to work with and a terrific membership to serve and assist. I still, at times, miss being able to be a part of our society as a go to work everyday working professional. especially the financial aspects, but I'm still afforded the opportunity daily to keep my non-damaged brain cells churning and productive. There are perks though - no rush hour commuting. My commute time is trying to get to computer when Crystal and Lili "think" they need crunchy treats at that very precise moment.
    The Easter holiday was spent with family (Auntie, cousins and their families). Great time was had by all - good company, laughter, and of course yummy food. My cousin Dar has made and sold chocolate candies for years and this year was no exception as she also created baskets for everyone chock full of her goodies. Even got to try chocolate covered corn curls - quite yummy inspite of my initial thoughts of ewwwwww. We also celebrated my upcoming birthday. Lisa and her family gave me a gift bag full of neat items. Dar, Bryan and Aunt Char got me no-no's - a carton of smokes. Dar had ot known that I had quit. As I was missing them very badly, I was totally like a child in a candy store. All us smokers promptly went outside to light up as we cannot smoke insde with Aunt Char's oxygen. And, I'm still on the first pack I am happy to say.
    Lisa had invited us to her home for Easter Sunday; we had to pass as I was way to tired out from being out Saturday. Saturday was the first I had been out of the house since I had the heart cath done in January. The exhaustion part remains a pain in the rear end as far I'm concerned. When we got home Saturday night we discovered my nephew had also called and wanted to invite us to his home on Easter Sunday. We spoke on the phone; we also left a voice message for brother-dear but did not hear from him. We had a quiet Easter Sunday here with our 2 furballs present and quite happy that Mommy and Sissy were home. We had our own feast with Kristi doing the mahority of the preparation but finding things I could do so I'd feel productive besides feeding my face. The furry ones enjoyed eating ham immensely. I swear that Lili, as a gown kitty, will be a fat lazy lump. She's soooooo active now that she burns everything off - just like us when we were younger lol.
    Kristi has been home from school on Spring Break; she returns to school tomorrow. She has some time out with friends; fortunately not finding any more dogs lol. She has been working on 2 huge projects for school. The one is a group project; it appears though that she is the only one who will be working on it. Her other group members are to get together with her to work on it but their spare time is generally spent getting intoxicated or getting over a hangover. So very sad. I am blessed and thankful that my child has good morals and values I was able to instill years prior to the stroke.I continue to pray that High School peer pressure does not becomr too hard for her to avoid. We've been receiving items in the mail pertaining to her academic achievements - nominations for whoswho in high school academics as well as national society of academic scholars. Colleges, as well as military, are beginning to send brochures. As this school year is winding down, there will be 2 years left before she's college bound. Seems like yesterday I looked at my baby and couldn't wait for her to do something other than sit in her swing or carrier. Now, I want it to slow down - time does not stand still though just continues to march forward.
    So...that's about all for the week of my life. :out_of_here:
  2. dstraugh
    Thursday afternoon I received a phone call from Kristi stating that she and her friend had found a lost dog as they were leaving the library. He was running back and forth across a busy street and almost got hit several times. Other individuals were trying to corral the dog without success. Kristi was successful. She called me then handed the phone to her friend who made the first plea for permission to bring the dog to our house - it was quite easy to tell Katarina no. The girls then decided to walk around and try to locate the owner. A bit later I received a call from Kristi advising they were having no luck and could they please bring him to our house. Kristi heard a resounding NO and we got off the phone with her saying they were going to go to our local vet's office with the dog they named Pogo since he was bounding back and forth across the street before catching him. He had no collar on but was wearing a faded red harness.
    A bit later, Kristi walked in the door - immediately showing me the pic she took with her phone of Pogo. Pogo and her friend were still at the vet office. The vet said he was young and unneutered and a yorkie mix. He was not outfitted with a micro-chip. Seeing the picture as well as my child's big brown eyes, I melted and agreed that Pogo could come to our home for a "brief" period of time.
    As you can see by the pictures he is precious and was very very well behaved. He's housebroken (thankfully) and tried to make friends with the girls but the girls were having none of that LOL. Fortunately, no one got hurt. Kristi took pics of him that we used to post on the internet on craigslist lost & found,
    On Friday, as Kristi was at school, it was just the felines, Pogo, and me hanging out for the day. I was receiving email responses to the notices I posted but none from his family. It was suggested that I contact the police in the area which I did and no one had reported a dog mising matching Pogo's description. The officer suggested I contact Animal Friends and supplied me the phone number. I was hesitant to call as I didn't want the liitle guy put down if he went to a shelter. I did call and the gal I spoke with assured me they would pick him up and he would be placed with Animal Friends who would try to locate the owner; if unsuccessful they will put the animal up for adoption. Last resort is the unspeakable. The gal, Lynn, took down all the info about our houseguest and me and advised she'd have a truck dispatched to our house. Lynn also gave me the website petfinders.com to list him on there as well.
    As I was placing the ad on petfinders, Lynn called and stated a woman called them to report her dog ran away. His description matched Pogo's. I was supplied Teresa's phone number and called her. Pogo's real name is Avery (which I verified by calling out his name and he came running to me all excited). Teresa surprised me by telling me that he's 7 years old. The darling holds his age well LOL. As we talked about him, Teresa cried. Teresa is disabled from a broken hip and arranged for her daughter to pick up Avery Friday evening. Teresa came with her daughter and was able to sget out of the car to stand and wave to us (Kristi's friend was also present for the farewell). Avery was thrilled to see Jenn and Teresa. Jenn advised that Avery is quite the adventurer; her father had never permitted neutering to be done. Teresa and he divorced 2 years ago and no one really gave it consideration. Teresa is considering giving him away though as he's becoming too much for her to handle. Our back yard is not fenced in so there's no way we could take him - this I had to remind my child of after they left AND I was candidate of Horrible Mom of the Year.
    Yesterday (15th) Kristi got to attend the St. Patrick's Parade in Pittsburgh. My Bro picked her up at 7:15 a.m. - he had to be there early being on the Parade Committee. Kristi walked the parade route with her cousins throwing out snacks to onlookers as part of Central Bloodbank's part in the Parade. The Parade itself lasted 3 hours and a good time was had by all. My niece was giving Kristi a ride home but as she had to leave Bro's St. Paddy's Party early herself, she said Kristi could go with them and she'd have her home in time to go to her babysitting gig. We had not planned on going to the party for 2 reasons - her banbysitting and all the crap coming down from "her" in AZ. Taffy explained to Kristi her Dad knew nothing of what had been said to her and had asked Taffy all about it. Taffy in turn had been gathering information via text messages since that fateful phone conversation. Kristi did call me and asked if I mionded if she went to the party. Being the kind of Mom I am, I told her to go. I got off the phone and immediately plopped on my pity pot and planned on staying there for an undetermined period of time :head_hurts: . Kristi came home prior to her babysitting gig and discovered me sulking in my bedroom. She knew I'd been crying as my eyes were red and puffy (dead give-away huh?). We talked and she assured me everyone gave her flack for being in attendance without me - including her Uncle. He told her he will be calling me this week. My nephew/landlord Billy had heard about our houseguest from his sister. He said if something like that happens again, we can keep the dog for a week (now my child will be on look-out for strays :toothy grin: ). He did say too that if we call him he'll consider letting us keep a dog if another comes along. He's to come over within next few weeks to install needed ramps for my power chair so I can use it to leave the house and cruise the area - YIPPEE!!! :happydance: I climbed off my pity-pot and was fine the rest of the evening.
    My dear daughter had been re-considering her future plans to be college bound for veterinary science as her peers were telling her otherwise. After her encounter with Avery, I think she is once again focused on becomg a vet. As we still have 2 years of High School to go, that may change.
    PS: Crystal and Lili are very very very happy :hahaha: that Avery went home. Lili has gone back to being her brat self. I've warned Crystal that it's her "job" to teach Lili right from wrong OR I'm bringing the doggie back. For today, at least, Crystal has been correcting Lili :Tantrum:
  3. dstraugh
    Since last week's revelations by my Brother's mother, my child (thankfully) has not tried to call her again. Last Thursday evening I received an email from Bro stating he was going to call me as things are being blown out of proportion. Good thing I've haven't held my breath waiting for the phone call as I'd be purple not just blue. Even Kristi had sad to me "You know he won't call...that email was to pacify you. She may be 15 but she's so right.
    Thought I might get a call yesterday as we had a mini crisis. Kristi was late getting home from school and had not taken her key with her. Her cell phone was sitting on her dresser. I was upstairs "unavailable" when she got home - couldn't hear the knocking with the light/fan running (fan is automatic by the way...light on, fan on). None of our neighbors were home so she walked to her Uncle's house. He was home but didn't answer the door. She was totally hysterical by the time she got back to our house and came in. She texted my niece who promptly called her Dad - Joe said he didn't hear her at the door. Thankfully there was no true emergency and all was ok. Child is now sure to have her key...God forbid if something did happen to me she could get in the house. Through Taffy texting Kristi, Joe found out all was ok. Wouldn't it have been simpler to just call our house directly???? I'm the one with damaged brain cells yet I figured that one out quite easily.
    This coming Saturday following Pittsburgh's St Patrick's Day Parade is Joe's St. Paddy's Day Party (a larger event attendance wise than the Christmas Party). We've not been officially invited nor have we been questioned if we want to attend and how we'll get there. Kristi initially (when we first moved here) was told she'd be in the parade with her cousins riding in vehicles throwing out candy to onlookers. There's been no talk of that with her as Saturday approaches. She is going to the parade though with friends from school. Pittsburgh's Parade is 2nd in size to the one held every year in New York City so she'll have a blast. My Bro serves on the Parade Committee each year coordinating the cars and drivers for the Parade. As to the party, she may be babysitting that evening. I won't go (if even asked) without her as at 15 years old I don't like idea of her getting home and no one being here especially at 11 at night.
    Have had fun this week with the tiniest "rug-rat". Lili has claimed a small soft rubber ball as hers and wants to play fetch on the steps with it. She will drop the ball at your feet and then wait for you to carry it over to the steps and throw it up to the 2nd floor. She'll then either smack it back down to you or carry it partially down and then drop it so it bounces the rest of the way. She doesn't get tired out either as I pray she will. If no one will play with her, she'll go to the basemernt steps and bounce the ball down the steps and chase after it herself. She makes enough of a racket so we can hear her and go check out what she's doing. She did start a new bad habit yesterday though by jumping on the kitchen counter. She's had her bottom smacked and yelled at but she's holding out to do it her way. Her way will be out the front door if she doesn't straighten up. Crystal as a kitten tried things but listened when she was corrected. I think Lili has some damaged brain cells or is missing a few (2 bricks short of a load, etc etc) Her saving grace is that she's cute which she hears daily that she's lucky she's cute. I ask Crystal to correct her and I get glared at. Kristi feels that Crystal would be lost without Lili as she loves Lili. Crystal glares at Kristi too when she says that lol.
    Thank goodness I have the furballs as a distraction from the other drama.
  4. dstraugh
    I have been going through some ups and downs around here which I had attributed to the dreary winter weather. As this is my first winter in 13 years being in a winter climate, it is definitely an adjustment. As I've floundered around in my mopey state of mind wanting warmer weather and going through smoking withdrawals it has taken its toll on me...to the point that I had set all my blogs as invisible (2nd time I've done this but this time I didn't delete them as a did over a year ago).
    What has helped me is to keep telling myself that God will not give me what I can't handle. Yesterday afternoon and evening though we (my daughter and I) were thrown massive curve ball that has been brewing for a few months. We have been literally ignored by my Brother and "his" mother (I no longer accept her as mine). Kristi has been calling both of them and not having messages returnerd. I've emailed my Brother and requested he call me - nothing. This has been since right after my heart cath in January. Yesterday afternoon, after school, Kristi was going to the grocery store to get us a few things and decided to try again to call her grandmother in AZ. Well....the woman answered the phone. Kristi pointedly asked her why her grandmother hates her. "That woman" proceeded to dump on my child and tell her that she does nothing but use people and that everyone is sick and tired of it and felt that she was an ungrateful girl and just out to use people for what she can get from them. When the call concluded, Kristi called me hysterically crying - I thought she'd been asttacked. Once I established that physically she was ok I planned to call AZ myself and download on her. Kristi begged me not to and said we'd talk when she returned home. I agreed and it was the longest wait I think outsife of the day I gave birth to her.
    After Kristi returned home, we sat, talked, cried, and vowed to never speak to that person again. As I told Kristi we moved 2400 miles away from her and her meanness only to have it follow us - next I guess we need to move out of the country.
    Her slams to my child were an indirect way of slamming me as well. SSDI money does not stretch very far. I am able to cover our rent and utilities but there is never any left over cash to even think of purchasing her clothes for school or other things a teenage girl wants. That makes me feel like scum of the earth and that bi**es comments yesterday only solidified my own feelings about myself of late. As I'm typing all of this, once again my eyes have been leaking all over the place. But God does not give us what we can't handle - though he is pushing my limits this time. enough already!!
  5. dstraugh
    51 The importance to my sanity of letting go...letting God handle things
    52 The past will not change no matter how much I might want it to
    53 For my salvation and sanity I must not let "certain" family members get on my last nerve
    54 I cannot control someone else's attitudes and behaviors
    55 To really enjoy select reality shows - such as American Idol
    56 Persistence does pay off when dealing with providers and insurance companies
    57 How to climb up and down stairs when I was initially told I would not.
    58 CAN'T is a word that wasn't in my child's vocabulary and was removed from mine.
    59 Safety must be remembered at all times
    60 How to register on-line and play with (successfully) Webkinz characters online - I now have 2 of the little critters...a koala bear and penguin. they're more
    than just adorable real life stuffed animals that sit on my desk
    61 Everything does happen in due time, such as decent and warmer spring weather
    62 Power of positive thinking
    63 How to sneak crunchy treats to Crystal without Lili finding out
    64 I can quit smoking (currently in my 3rd week)
    65 The importance of remembering what I believe in
    66 I am still me, only a different version of me post stroke
    67 Ways to deal and cope with short term memory issues post stroke such as writing notes for myself and making sure things are put away where they
    belong - and.......using the "remember me links" when and where applicable
    68 Perfectionism is highly over-rated and should be considered a stroke risk
    69 Importance of "not sweating" the small stuff
    70 How to retrieve mail from my mail box outside without dropping it or falling in the process of getting back into the house (specially in inclement weather)
    71 That I will probably not come up with the remaining 29 things I've learned post stroke unless, like a friend suggested, I list things that I've learned that I still
    cannot do post stroke (comically reported of course)
  6. dstraugh
    26 How to laugh at myself in the face of adversity (especially when I get stuck getting dressed or undressed)
    27 Patience with myself as well as others is a necessity of life
    28 To "tone down" my Type A personality
    29 I cannot change the world or those close to me
    29 How to prepare cake batter and place it in baking dish WITHOUT wearing it as well
    30 To look at life after stroke rather than what was before
    31 The past cannot be changed; I am not Samantha from Bewitched
    32 To kinda like the new me
    33 How to help around the house without creating more of a mess for my daughter to clean up
    34 Accidents can and will happen and Bounty paper towels ARE the "quicker picker-upper"
    35 I was never graceful before stroke so why should I expect to be afterwards
    36 To enjoy the small pleasures in life
    37 Multi-tasking is no longer a part of my vocabulary
    38 To enjoy country music more than I did oldies
    39 Ghosts do exist - I have one in my home (the previous owner)
    40 Total patience and acceptance is tough to maintain when you have extended family living with you
    41 Communication with a teenager is vital
    42 I'm a Survivor for a reason not as a punishment
    43 How to turn pages of a book while not losing my place
    44 Paperback books are too difficult for me to handle comfortably
    45 To make the most of each day
    46 To be thankful for each day that I've been given
    47 It is difficult at best to "pardon" the ignorance and selfishness of others especially when one of the "others" gave birth to you
    48 Not every day is going to be an "A plus" day and that's ok
    49 Change is hard but not insurmountable.
    50 This list is harder to compile than the first one was
  7. dstraugh
    Another member mentioned blogging about 100 things we've learned since stroke. I liked that idea and figured I'd give it a shot. They probably won't be in any particular order as I move down the list and I'll try not to be repetitive. Here goes.....
    I've learned.....
    1. How much my child DOES love me even when I push her "buttons"
    2. How much I love my child as I keep striving to do more.
    3. How much I love my furry critters, especially being home with them 24/7 .
    4. How many true friends I have who have stuck by my side and will be by my side in my journey
    5. The importance of living in close proximity to family members who actually are there for us
    6. How to get dressed and undressed with only 1/2 my extremities operating properly
    7. How to wash and shower one-handed
    8. How to maneuver getting into the shower with only 1/2 of my extremities working and not fall in the process
    9. How to open mascara tube with using one hand and teeth
    10 Apply mascara and other makeup one-handedly without looking wierd when I'm done
    11 How to make my bed one-handedly with a "certain" kitten chasing the bedding around or plopping in the middle of the bed
    12 How to one-handedly pick up a 4-legged furball
    13 How to use my teeth when opening my deodorant
    14 How to fold and hang clothes although it does take time
    15 How to ask for help when I get "stuck" trying to accomplish something
    16 To be thankful the one-touch can opener was invented
    17 The importance of taking my prescribed medications in order to eliminate additional stroke or health risks
    18 How to one-handedly open medicine bottles
    19 How to one-handedly open for the first time a 64 oz bottle of juice
    20 How to one-handedly make a drinkable pot of coffee
    21 How to open sweetner packets with one hand and my teeth
    22 To be thankful I don't have a dentist in the family who would have a fit with all the things I do with my teeth
    23 How to make toast and butter said toast with one hand
    24 How to spread peanut butter one-handedly on bread without tearing the bread
    25 How to open and close bread bag ties (again with using teeth or between chin and chest while holding tie in good hand)
    That's all for now.
  8. dstraugh
    Yes, i made it through the heart cath procedure successfully - no blockages to balloon or stents to insert - have 20% plaque build-up. I had to be at the hospital 6 am on Thursday (1-31). My Bro drove Kristi and I to the hospital and dropped us off. He had told Kristi it would be a "piece of cake" so he didn't stay. Fortunately, for my dear child, my cousin Lisa arrived before they took me to the cath lab. Lisa stayed with Kristi unitil I was back in the short stay room. The 2 hours I was gone for the procedure would have been tough on her if she was alone. While I was in "recovery" area, the Cardiologist met with Kristi and Lisa and advised them how the procedure went and her concerns going in with risk factors (stroke, diabetes, and elevated renal levels that could have been a problem with the dye used for the procedure). Prior to me going and afterwards I was given medication to counteract any reactions.
    I had to lie on my back without moving my right leg or raising my head for 6 hours. I quickly learned how to drink juice and coffee from a straw without raising my head lol. Of course Lisa threatened to purchase a roll of duct tape and use it on me if I didn't listen. A 1/2 hour before discharge, my nurse came in and got me up out of bed and walked me to the bathroom. He (Rege) was patient and understanding about my deficits (especially the drop foot issue). I was officially discharged at 3 pm (very long day) with orders for 24 hour bed rest. Kristi and I discussed the stair issue for me. I was strictly told to have Kristi right with me and rest after getting into the house before I headed to my bedroom. I was permitted to walk to bathroom as it was on same floor as my bedroom.
    Sleeping was not an issue for me Thursday afternoon and evening. I have to admit I was not the best cooperative patient for my dear daughter. It's one thing to be down due to stroke deficits but this added "down time" was frustrating by Friday morning. Kristi was still sleeping when I woke (of course it was 5:30 am). I got dressed and snuck downstairs very quietly. Crystal and Lili didn't tell on me lol as I bribed them with their morning treats. I made myself a pot of coffee. All told I was downstairs for not even 30 minutes and was totally wiped out. I got back upstairs on my own (thankfully) and promptly went to sleep.
    I did receive an earful when Kristi did wake up and came to check on me. No damage was done (no bleeding or even oozing from the cath site). My daughter/nurse/appointed boss text messaged everyone in the family and told them what I had done and asked their opinion on letting me come downstairs to rest on the sofa when I woke up. She walked with me downstairs and we watched a netflix movie (Firewall w/Harrison Ford - good flick btw). After the movie I went back upstairs and went back to sleep.
    Kristi did try to extend my 24 hours of bed rest as I had not been in bed for the entire 24 hours - she's lucky she's my daughter and I love her lol.
    So...thankfully this is all behind me now; today (Sunday) I'm finally not as exhausted as I was. Even though Steelers aren't playing today I plan to at least catch the entertainment portion of the Super Bowl. I do hope the Giants win though.
  9. dstraugh
    My home is back to just me and My Girls. My nephew and his Girlfriend moved out last night. With the help of my Brother and me nagging at them to follow through they moved into a studio apartment about 10 minutes away from us. Angel obtained employment through a telemarketing company that is nationally known (I worked for them just prior to my last employment).
    I really think they were becoming quite used to being on "vacation" with no real responsibilities, running up my utility bills and eating all of our food. No matter how much I harped, I was ignored. At one point Joey and I had a HUGE argument over him disrespecting me and my home. Kristi fortunately slept through it and didn't hear him call me a wh***. I told her about it later; Angel and Joey didn't think I heard what he said. I'm not brain dead - he's lucky I didn't back-track down the steps and smack him one. He did apologize the next day. Not sure if I will receive any money from him for the added cost of them being here.
    I'm just thankful they're out before the 1-28 deadline. Their last day here was yesterday (1-26) and also the day I quit smoking cold turkey. Because I had quit, I washed and put away the ashtray and wouldn't let them smoke in the house even with the ionizer in the kitchen. I'm not sure how long it will last - I really really enjoy smoking. I was to get the patch but my doc said no with the upcoming heart cath to be done. It's now been over 24 hours since I've lit up and, at times, it's very tough. With all the stress of the past 12 days, I was smoking more than I normally did.
    This might not be the best time to be doing this with the week I have ahead of me. If I get too frazzled, I made need to have someone get me some. I have not spoken to my Brother-Dearest since he had me tell them about the apartment. I'm sure he's stressed with all of this. He was very upset with Joey for coming here in the first place. Joe was out of town when Joey descended upon us.
    We've done our good deed and helped them regroup - I wish for them the best but will be sure next time to say "no can do" if they re-appear at my door.
  10. dstraugh
    Hi gang.......Yes, I'm ready to hear all the I told ya so's and I well deserve them. To those whom have it's me this past week, thank you for listening to my babbling, frustrations :yadayada: and yes even a few cuss words.
    I have houseguests . Couldn't exactly say no as I was their only resort. I was told by nephew that it would be for 2 weeks. They arrived on 1-14 so their 2 weeks is up on 1-28 and I'm holding them to it without a doubt. There have some upbeat points to them being being here but for the most part it's been much grief and aggravation as you all warned me it would be.
    It has been necessary for me to vocalize (to put it mildly) my frustrations and rules/regulations. I try to focus on being able to help out and the good we're doing but it does stink to be quite honest. I'm not going to recount all of my issues with the 2 of them as I would be here until after they moved out listing them.
    I had another health related issue come up. I saw the Cardiologist on 1-15 who I was referred to by my PC. I was impressed with her. On 1-31 I will be having a heart cath done. My Cardio believes there is a blockage which was indicated in the nuclear medicine portion of the stress test I had on 1-24.
    Plans are to relieve the blockage during the catch. If this occurs, I will be kept in the hospital overnight for observation. Should anything else be wrong that can't be rectified during the heart cath, we'll discuss the plan of action to take. On the plus side, I really haven't experienced any severe symptoms. I have had here and there some "pressure" but that could be psycho-somatic too (I hope).
    When I returned home from the appointment on 1-15, Kristi and I talked about it. Bless her heart...she looked upward and announced "No touchy...she's my Mommy". I cried (blubbered) :Sob: then as well as a few other times since. What if we were brought home so there would be family near for Kristi as my "number" may be called. As I have discussed this with others (you know who you are), I've been told that my purpose here is not done yet and that I have much work to do. I feel the same; but I'm still nervous and apprehensive.
    Not only will my "guests" 2 weeks be up on 1-28 but I want them out of here when I go into hospital. My house, my stuff if you know what I mean. I have placed a password on my access onto the computer as my Auntie advised me that "I " was on-line 2 am Friday morning. I was not - I was asleep and so was Kristi. As the cats don't use the computer you can take a good guess as to who the culprits were. I wasn't even asked if they could use the computer either.
    On a quite positive note I received my power chair from the Scooter Store. It's the jazzy select model. The base is metallic candy-apple red with the chair gray and black. My doc prescribed a gel cushion so it will be comfy. Right now it's parked in my dining-room. I'm practicing and getting the hang of maneuvering it around. Once I can get it situated in the basement that's where it will be stored and charged so I'm able to cruise my part of the world. As of now and in the future (God willing) I will not have to use it daily within the house. There are accessories I can get for it, which I hope to be able to do over time.
    Oh well......enough rambling and babbling :out_of_here: later.
  11. dstraugh
    My last blog entry was right after the new year. This past week has been full of ups and downs, highs and lows. My dear Brother has been in Arizona visiting and staying with his mother - I know, she's mine as well but for my sanity I try to squelch that fact. He flew out on Jan 8th and will return home some time tomorrow (15th).
    On Thursday (10th) I had an evaluation for medical transportation. I went with my hemi-walker. The transportation company did provide me with a ride to and from which was an interesting feat all in itself. First of all, the driver was early so I had to scramble to get outside. I was picked up in a mini-bus and driver had parked it out on the street - he said he couldn't help me get to bus. I managed to get to almost end of property to where it was steeper before street. The driver did help me there the last few steps down to the street. He did give me an "upmf" up the few steps into the bus as well and seat belted me in. Once we arrived in town, he got me into the building then I was on my own. With no difficulties, fortunately, I got myself into the waiting room. The gal who was interviewing and taking my picture was very sweet. The therapist was from the Easter Seals (she comes in and conducts the evaluations for the medical transport) I was put through various exercises including a timed simulation of crossing an intersection (I would've been run over probably if it was a real life situation). The therapist and I also walked outside (no street crossing thankfully). She then walked me back into the lobby of the building to wait for my ride back home. Unofficially, I was approved for medical transportation. I'll get the official word in 2-3 weeks. The ride home was non-eventful and I got in safe and sound. I was exhausted and in bed quite early.
    On Friday (11th) I had appt. with my PC to review all test results. Mark, who works for my Brother, transported me. He and his Wife are totally SUPER.
    Anyway...test results....diabetes and cholesterol under control, carotid Doppler - nothing to be concerned about, stress test - 1st part of test was excellent; however, during nuclear medicine part of the test there was a possible abnormality discovered - I may have ischemic heart disease. Before I left the office, they scheduled an appointment for me with a Cardiologist for tomorrow (15th). My doc also wrote script for lopressor (generic of course) and changed my lisinopril hctz to straight lisinopril 10 mg. She told me to take it easy - no over-exertion or stress. I also will be having additional blood work done as there was elevated readings in renal something or other.
    So....at this point I'm trying to chill out as much as possible.
    My nephew and his girlfriend came over Friday evening and asked if they could move in with us for a while. He was told that it was against the lease and he'd have to speak to his brother/our landlord. The way he spoke to me, it would only be for a few weeks - the way he spoke with Kristi, a few months.
    They left and Kristi went to spend the night with cousins and see the movie Juno. Kristi had texted his Sister and in Taffy's words - "once he gets in you won't get him out".
    This Monday (14th) - a bit ago Kristi called me from achool and said that Joey had sent her a text message saying they're moving in. I called my nephew/landlord and spoke with Billy. Billy said that Joey had called him yesterday while he was in checkout at grocery store. Billy told Joey it's between me and Joey but he did tell Joey NO parties. Billy said he wasn't sure if his Dad knew any of this or not. I then called my Dear Brother. He was quite surprised as he had not spoken to Joey since before he left for AZ. He had helped Joey and Angel get the motel room they've been staying in cheaper than the normal price of $100/night. As Joe said, Kristi and I are the only ones who haven't rejected Joey as of yet. Joe did say that, if Joey does actually come to stay that I should have a list of rules and regulations that MUST be followed. I told Joe about doc appt - Mark had filled him in on me seeing the cardiologist (and guys say we women are bad with talking :yadayada: lol). Joe is to call here when he arrives back in Pittsburgh (1-15) to see what's going on with me as well as Joey).
    Please everyone pray for my sanity and peace of mind and that all goes well.
    Yesterday morning (13th) my stupid drop foot caused a problem. As I was getting out of bed and going to bathroom, my foot and ankle flopped over. I didn't fall but her 2 "pops". I've been hobbling around since then. Don't think there's a fracture as I can get my AFO on and off. There is some swelling tho. I sat yesterday with it elevated a good bit of the time. I'm falling apart or so it seems.
    On brighter note - of course as proud Mom - prior to Christmas break in Kristi's Civics Class they were working on a project dealing with Presidential Election. The teacher assigned a project of a mock election - Kristi was selected as democratic nominee. Last Tuesday (8th) she had to present her campaign speech to the class preceding the actual mock election. I'm now the President's Mom lol That was definitely the highlight of the week.
    One other definite highlight - our bathroom is now Lili-proofed. My cousin messed with the door and the latch - it now closes and little tint terror cannot get the door open - Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. dstraugh
    Kristi, the "girls" and I spent New Year's Eve at home. We were to go to a party with my brother but the weather forecast called for rain/snow showers so we stayed home. Good thing we did as Bro-dear partied hearty and had a massive hangover yesterday when he drove Kristi to Target. He admitted to Kristi, not me, of how close he'd been to getting a DUI. Thankfully for him and for other drivers, he made it home safe and sound.
    For our New Year's Eve, we rented 2 movies through Comcast: Georgia Rule and Premonition. Both excellent movies - I recommend seeing them if you haven't already. At midnight we toasted with non-allcoholic cold duck (nasty stuff - I like sparkling cider better but Giant Eagle was sold out). Shortly after midnight Kristi and the "girls" went to bed - I rejoined New Year's Eve Chat - what fun we had. We east coasters (Phyllis and I) helped ring in the new year for the rest of the time zones - way cool :clap:
    At 3 am I departed chat and shut down the computer and ventured to the 2nd floor of our humble abode. I crawled under the covers at 4 am and was wakened at 9:30 by a certain 15 yr. old who hadn't known what time I got to bed - nor did she care when I told her :SLEEPING: Yesterday, New Year's Day, was my 3 year anniversary. We cruised through the day much more relaxed than in the years previously. Being here in Pittsburgh and closer to family is the definite reason for the calmness. Of course, we did talk about how we both are thinking about our friends in AZ - the funeral for Alina's mother will be Thursday - noon our time. Thankfully, Alina still has her Dad, Brother, and other family and friends with her. Life is so fragile. I told Kristi that, God forbid, should something happen to me she has family close by. I was promptly informed that I'm not going anywhere anytime soon.
    Kristi and I did discuss New Year's Resolutions - mine is to continue working on improvements and hers is to start running when the weather warms up.
    Before our traditional New Year's Day dinner of pork and sauerkraut, we rented another movie through Comcast - Wild Hogs. Another super selection. As I was sooooo exhausted, I retired to my room around 6:30. Kristi did ask if I was having another stroke (bless her heart - as THAT particular year I had spent the entire New Year's Eve in bed. I re-assured her I was just tired as "someone" wouldn't let me sleep. I was sound asleep by 8:30. Good thing for me cos this morning, at 6 am I was awakened when she HAD to inform me they were on a 2-hour delay for school. I had to smile though as today was first day back to school after Christmas break and she was wearing the sweater I got her for Christmas.
    I was on the computer when she left for school all bundled up in her fake ugg boots, very warm jacket, and matching knit hat, scarf and gloves which she received from my cousin and her family for Christmas. We didn't get much snow accumulated but the temp is nasty (wind chill factor is single digits). I'm thankful I'm indoors snuggled and warm with a mug of hot tea next to me :thumbs up:
  13. dstraugh
    Christmas 2007 is in the history book. Christmas Eve morning began quite early (5:30ish) as Kristi and I had appointments at a nearby hospital for various tests. I had complete blood work-up done then was scooted off for a carotid doppler. First time for one of those. The tech was a sweetie and permitted Kristi to stand beside her and she explained what she was looking for. "Plumbing" on the right side was totally plaque free. The left side showed a few small spots of plaque (on the q-t the tech said it would be like 500 years before there was anything to worry about - I'll see what doc says though). Then it was down to cardiac lab for stress test. The counter person was quite rude in saying that I was not scheduled and there was NO WAY I was having test done. I kept my cool and explained that I had called in to schedule all the tests. The fact that I did not have a cardiologist unnerved her even more. Fortunately one of the techs took over and went to see what could be arranged. There was a cardiologist present who agreed to be present while the test was completed. I had the chemical stress test - I could see me trying to go on the treadmill. The test when fine - the highest my BP got during the 4 minutes of the chemical being infused was 136/76. Kristi had to wait in the waiting room for 1 1/2 hours, poor kid. The only thing left to do was urine specimen to take back to the lab. This was a first doing urine test away from home and my bathroom riser. I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!! I do think I had my Guardian :Angel: assisting me though. When my Brother picked us up that morning, he gave us our gifts: digital camera w/printer, portable DVD player, recording DVD/VHS combo to hook up to the tv, and a Panasonic digital phone system.
    We were home for about 2 hours and then it was off to Aunt Char's house for dinner and gift exchange. We had a blast and terrific meal.Dar had baked a cake and we sang Happy Birthday to Jesus. The girls opened their gifts first. When Kristi was opening her gifts, she was totally overwhelmed. She had never experienced Holidays with so many people watching and taking pictures. She received a footprints necklace and that did her in. There was not a dry eye in the house.
    Gift giving for the adults went around the room. I felt like a little kid as I anticipated my turn. I'm not going to relate all that I received as that would appear like bragging. The one biggie was a Dirt Devil vacuum which I immediately told Kristi that I would share with her - ANYTIME she wants to push it around the house would be fine by me :idiot: Needless to say, I had many tears of happiness flowing. My tears were contagious too.
    Christmas Eve concluded with church services. My cousin's (Dar) hubby Bryan is an ordained minister. Right now, services are held in their home so that's where we all headed. During the service, other cousin's (Lisa) hubby Chuck stood and announced that he wished his wife to join him to renew their wedding vows. Again, not a dry eye....afterwards Lisa told me it was doubly special as Kristi and I could not attend their wedding in 2006. Bryan is an excellent minister; it was our first time attending one of his services.
    Lisa and Chuck drove us home - we got home around 1:30 am Christmas morning.
    Kristi was kinda bummed there was no snow for her first Christmas here...but for all the traveling and for me accessibility wise it was a blessing. Christmas morning we exchanged gifts...from her and the critters I got an angel snow globe, an angel figurine, and kitty bookmarks.
    She and Aunt Char had custom made me my Christmas card - you guessed it, I blubbered. The "girls" got treats and a toy. Kristi loved the sweater I ordered for her (surprise, surprise as it's harder and harder to keep up with the teenage taste in clothes.) She really was thrilled when she saw her guitar - I had it hidden behind a door after it was given to me last week. Now we just need to get some beginning guitar books and a pick :big_grin:. From Kristi's friends in AZ I received a 2008 Arizona Highways calendar so I don't forget the sights of Arizona. Kristi received presents as well but I'll let her update her blog and fill everyone in.
    Mid-day my Brother picked us up and we drove to my nephew's home for an early dinner and gift exchange. I got a body massage pad (my back loves it). Fun, fun, fun time was had. Billy's MIL was there and she is a real sweet lady. Late afternoon we went to a Christmas Party with my Brother (cousins by marriage). More yummy food and good company. There was a "white elephant" gift exchange. I had picked a times clock radio but it was stolen lol -I came home with a container of candy with $10 attached to the top. We got home after 10 pm last night. I am beyond exhausted today - but a happy contented tired.
    Christmas 2007 was truly blessed for me. Now to recoup for New Year's Eve. 3 year anniversary on New Year's Day.
  14. dstraugh
    Yes, it's almost here - the message board provides a continuous reminder :santahat: . We're ready, or about as ready as we can be at this stage. my previous blog was my 100 things, which helped to distract me from what had happened with the Steelers losing to the Jaguars. They redeemed themselves this past Thursday when they beat the Rams 41-24. One huge drawback was our running back Willie Parker will be out the rest of the season due to a broken fibia :stretcher: .
    I've been working on the project my cousin gave us so she can compile a family memory book. My segment was almost 7 pages long. I finished mine yesterday, Kristi is still working on hers. We'll present them to Darlene Christmas Eve when we all get together.
    This week I attended the first annual Strokenet "virtual" Christmas party with Host "Santa"Bob. Had a terrific time. I must say that Steve implementing the Christmas skins helped to put the icing on the cake for me in terms of giving me the holiday umph to push me over the edge in loving Christmas this year. There are little things getting to me...things that previously would have knocked we over the edge into stressville to the max....but I cannot control the actions of others. Nor am I going to let the stupid actions of others affect my health.
    Tomorrow Christmas Eve Day will commence quite early as Kristi and I both have lab appointments...both for fasting blood work and me for carotid doppler and stress test.
    This week (Tuesday evening) was the Orchestra and Band Winter Concert at Kristi's High School. The orchestra is small considering the size of the school. Kristi is one of 20 who are in Orchestra this year. The kids did a terrific job. For the first time, there were family in attendance besides me to see her. My cousin Lisa and her entire family were there. Lisa's hubby is a photographer - he went up to the balcony area and took pictures while Lisa videoed Kristi. Proud moments for ME :santasmiley:
    Our deal Crystal has always been affected when there's a full moon. Well........so is the tiny terror (my new nickname for her) Lili. There's a full moon tomorrow night, 12-24, and Lili has been bonkers for the last few days. (More bonkers than usual). When she's a brat to the max and we want to kill her, she decides it's time to purr and be a love. Her prrrrrrrrr can be heard across the room. The Christmas tree is still standing though the Nativity receives the most terroristic activity. Nothing breakable is hanging on the lower branches. I have had ornaments brought to me as I sit here on the computer in the dining room :ChristmasTree: .
  15. dstraugh
    :hiya: :Ask: 100 things about me - well.......
    1) I was almost born on April Fool's Day (missed it by 1/2 hour) - I popped out 3-31-54.
    2) I was hoped to be a boy- my name was to be Donald Eugene (Eugene after my Dad's middle name). Instead, my middle name is Jean.
    3) I was raised an only child...found out as a teen that I had a Brother (we have different Dads)
    4) As a child we always had a dog - most memorable was Pierre Bouquet II - small miniature apricot poodle. He was 15 years old when he
    5) My first boyfriend was Dave - the boy next door(I was 13, he was 14). He taught me how to swim and a few other things - broke my
    heart when he and his parents moved out of state
    6) My parents divorced when I was 18 and attending business school. Oh...I was straight A student.
    7) My Dad and I disagreed on my future...I wanted to enlist in Navy and become a Registered Nurse. Instead, I went to business school
    and worked as a secretary for many years.
    8) My Dad was a stubborn German...life was his way....I was always told I was insulting his intelligence when I attempted to disagree with
    9) I am a 2-time survivor of Domestic Violence. I spent 9 years with 1st abuser (Charlie) but no kids. I was a once-upon-a-time stepmom
    to his 2 sons. I was a virgin when I met him.
    10) At age 29 I was single and having a blast for first time in my life.
    11) I was a Pennsylvania State Certified EMT/Paramedic with a volunteer ambulance corps.
    12) Career change occurred when I was in early 30's - tried to find a niche....ended up finding 2nd abuser (Karl - thank heavens we never
    13) At age 38, I gave birth to my beautiful daughter. Labor was 22 1/2 hours - stinker took her time in coming out.
    14) When kiddo was 8 months old, my Dad passed away from colon cancer
    15) I began taking college classes at local community college - wanted to pursue becoming an RN.
    16) When kiddo was just turning 2 years old, we relocated to Arizona to get away from the abusive father. My mother and Stepfather were
    living in Arizona.
    17) I continued to attend college classes in AZ - ultimately received AA/Chemical Dependency Counseling and a BA/Psychology as I could
    not get into the nursing program at my school (there were 500 applicants for 50 openings. After 3 rejections I changed my direction.
    18) When kiddo was 3 years old, my Stepfather passed...he had ALS (very sad time).
    19) As I received my degree in CD Counseling, I completed 2 internships as part of schooling...1 was with a rehab facility for women, the
    other was with the AZ Department of Juvenile Corrections.
    20) My internship with Juvenile Corrections lead to employment with a nonprofit agency that worked with at-risk juveniles and also with
    families involved with CPS.
    21) I worked my way up in the company to become a Program Director of the Parent Aid Program.
    22) While I worked, I was single Mom and full-time college student
    23) My Mother and I were never close as I was growing up. After my Stepfather passed the relationship slid more downhill. After 1-1-05,
    it became even worse.
    24) I was engaged to a fella named Bob. We broke up when I developed some female plumbing problems.
    25) At 49 yrs old I had a complete hysterectomy
    26) After 8 years with the non-profit agency, I resigned before I suffered a heart attack. I was working 7 days a week - my daughter saw
    me most when she went to the office with me evenings and weekends.
    26) For less than 4 months (prior to 1-1-05) I was happily employed with AZ of Child Protective Services as an Investigative Worker.
    27) After 13 years living in AZ, my daughter, our kitty, Crystal, and I relocated to Pittsburgh, PA to be closer to family.
    28) My nephew Billy is our landlord as we moved into a home he renovated.
    29) Our current home is over 100 years old..we have a ghost, Maryanne, and her kitty ghost, Tink. We feel they watch over us.
    30) It's wonderful being with family again..we have my Bro, Joe, and his grown children, My Aunt Char (Dad's Sister) and her grown
    children and their families.
    Note: I started out working on this in chronological order but there were things I forgot to add or wasn't sure where to place them so.......
    31) I am the youngest of 4 children my mother had. I had a Sister put up for adoption when my mother was 16. Then there is my Bro who
    is 4 years older than me. When my mother was 4 months pregnant with me, my Sister Vicky died of a blood disorder. There was a
    genetic disorder inherited from her father. All 4 of us had different fathers.
    32) When I was born, I was quite sickly. I spent a lot of time as a patient in Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh. At one time I was in coma
    from a high fever. I still have tiny scar on my forehead from an IV.
    33) I was born with my hip socket nor properly formed. I had to wear a special brace and did not walk until I was 3 years of age.
    34) I was born and raised mostly in Pittsburgh area but did live with my parents in Wheeling, WV and Johnstown, PA due to my Dad's
    35) When I graduated from High School in 1972 it was the 9th school I had attended - we moved around.
    36) In high school I wore hip hugger bell bottoms, Nehru style tops, and fishnet stockings.
    37) Once I left for school in the morning, I'd roll the waist band of my skirts so the length would be shorter (just fitting in with the style)
    38) As a child, I was overweight, then slimmed down when I started menstrual cycle.
    39) As a teen my favorite music groups were the Beatles, the Monkeys, Tommy James and the Shondells and Diana Ross & the Supremes
    40) Before I went "steady" with my first boyfriend Dave, I had a crush on his older friend Chris.
    41) When Dave and I went steady (for a few years) I wore a silver ring of his with the band wrapped in yarn so it would fit.
    42) I attended my Senior Prom with a friend of my Brother.
    43) My first car was a pale yellow VW Bug, stick shift
    44) My 2nd car was my most loved - '69 metallic blue Mustang w/black vinyl roof and black interior.
    45) I was Christened Catholic as my Dad and his family requested; my Mother is Protestant. As a child I rarely went to church...my
    Dad went to StMattresstohearFatherPillowpreach.
    46) Growing up we went on one family vacation to Atlantic City - my Dad preferred porchville for vacations
    47) My favorite color has ALWAYS been blue
    48) As an adult I went to Catholic church and had my daughter Christened Catholic
    49) We have not attended church regularly though past 5 years as there were issues within the Church that deterred us.
    50) I still Believe and worship from my home.
    51) I did smoke pot 2 times and hated it.
    52) I love music and wished I could still dance like I used to.
    53) Christmas is my favorite holiday and always has been
    54) I still Believe in Santa.....He lives in my heart.
    55) Favorite Christmas song is by Alabama...Santa I Believe in You (refer to #54)
    56) All time favorite movie is Gone With the Wind
    57) All time favorite book is Gone With the Wind
    58) Have read the book and watched the movie so many times I know the dialogue
    59) I love the Civil War era
    60) I once spent 4 days in Gettysburg with my stepson Jeff touring just about every inch of battlefield
    61) When I was married to Charlie, we were Amway Distributors
    62) When married visited Niagara Falls, Cedar Point/Ohio, Sea world/Ohio,
    63) Used to love riding roller coasters
    64) Love to read - Danielle Steel favorite author - but also love murder mysteries and romance novels
    65) Listen to Country Western and Oldies radio stations except at Christmas - then listen to continuous Christmas Station
    66) I do smoke - I enjoy it
    67) On occasion I will drink alcohol - like mild drinks
    68) Used to go dancing with my one cousin every weekend
    69) Have always loved the Pittsburgh Steelers (no duh)
    70) I love surfing the Internet
    71) Until last year I refused to use anything but dial-up to connect to Internet as I was too frugal
    72) Favorite tv show is ER
    73) I am a people person
    74) In kindergarten I got in trouble for being a "social butterfly" in class
    75) Until 9th grade I had straight D's in math - had turnaround in 9th grade as math teacher was cute
    76) In High School I was in many clubs including National Honor Society
    77) In college years had no lower than 3.8 G.P.A.
    78) Was a Cheer Coach when my daughter was involved with Arizona Competitive Youth Football League
    79) Due to cheer involvement, spent 3 Thanksgivings in Las Vegas at competitions for football team and cheerleaders
    80) Was never athletic
    81) Had one broken bone - little finger right hand (me, a girl, and a basketball collided in Gym class)
    82) have had 2 car accidents - neither my fault
    83) Never received a traffic violation
    84) Love animals - would like to have a dog but adore my two "girls" Crystal and our newest addition Lili
    85) Accidentally killed Kiddo's Beta fish when I gave aquarium and tubing good cleaning with Bleach
    86) Other pets included hamsters and a guinea pig
    87) Favorite foods are Italian
    88) Won't eat spinach, liver, or unbreaded (naked) fish except tuna
    89) I am somewhat superstitious
    90) I believe in reincarnation and feel in a former life I was a klutzy southern belle and died when I tripped in my hoop skirt and fell down
    the steps
    91) First saw Gone With the Wind on a High School field trip
    92) When I went on school field trips I always would buy a toy to bring home to Pierre
    93) I collect Angels
    94) I also collect Gone With the Wind memorabilia
    95) I love to play practical jokes
    96) I love Venison but could never ever look into those big brown eyes and kill a deer
    97) One time a deer ran in front my hubby's car while I was driving, she was followed by the fawn who ran into side of car and died from
    a broken neck. I was hysterical.
    98) When I was EMT, was on a call where a young man killed his family by shooting them
    99) Always wanted to deliver a baby in the ambulance but never happened
    100) Would like to remarry some day should right gentleman come along
    I did it!!! :Clap-Hands:
  16. dstraugh
    What a week it was. For the majority of the week, my week was filled with supervising lil Mis Lili Marie (Kristi provided her the middle name as well as her first name ) Lili is one day shy of being 3 months old. Crystal and she do play together though there are many times where Crystal, the mature 7 year old she is, looks at her with complete exhaustion in her eyes. Lili may start thinking her name is "Lili NO" lol.
    Anyhoo......Kristi was invited to spend the night at my cousin Lisa's home Friday night. Lisa picked her up. Kristi had a terrific time with her cousins Tori and Becca. On Saturday, Kristi attended a Christmas Party with them. The party was with a group of volunteers that Lisa and her hubby Chuck are affiliated with - a disaster shelter. Kristi did call me frequently as she was concerned that I'd be ok. She was gone over 24 hours - all went well on the home-front tho I started missing my babbling teenager lol. Not used to THAT MUCH peace and quiet. The "girls" helped occupy my time and I had funny stories to later relate (hey - my damaged brain easily recalled what occurred - go figure).
    When Kristi returned home, she and Becca carried in bags of items we had needed from Target (Lisa was amazed at how well Kristi could budget and still get what was needed - good training ). When Lisa and Chuck came to the door, Chuck walked in trying to hide that he was carrying a box behind his back. He plopped it down on the floor quite ceremoniously :yikes: .....the shelter group had "adopted us" and chipped in and purchased us a Christmas Tree, lights, Angel Tree topper, garland, and ornaments to replace what we had to leave behind when we relocated. I cried :Sob: tears of happiness. My dear Bro had not yet scrounged up a tree and the fixins and now it wasn't necessary. :ChristmasTree: Lisa had also taken Kristi Christmas shopping so she could get some small gifts for the family. Everyone has told us not to worry about gifts but it bothered us that they we'd have gifts to open but nothing to give in return. After Lisa and family left Saturday evening, we put the tree together and even decorated it. Kristi was exhausted(not much sleep lol) but she said it was worth it to stay up and help get our home decked out. So.....now we're ready.
    On Sunday, my Bro took her and his granddaughters shopping...Lili now has her stocking - all our stockings have been hung with care :downchimney: on the mantel in the diningrooom with the stocking holders Kristi also got.
    The weekend did not end well for Steeler fans (boo-hoo). I was totally bummed though we're still in 1st place for our Division. This Sunday we can cinch a playoff spot.
    This morning I received an email from Figi's.com (placed an order last evening) that stated my order was approved - can make payments starting in February...so I ordered gift bags for the kids in the family (yes...there will be an extra bag for my #1 kiddo) I also ordered cookie tins to take to family get-to-gethers as my gift. I've gotten 2 gifts for Kristi (can't say what :nuhuh: cos she reads my blog LOL :giggle: ).
    All-in-all, pretty darn good week :big_grin:
  17. dstraugh
    Yes, my "furballs" are slowly adjusting to one another. Lili follows Crystal EVERYWHERE she goes. Lili will torment her bigger sister to the point that Crystal has slugged her a few times. - claws have not appeared. Lili though comes back for more and more. We do remind Crystal that Lili IS a baby and be gentle with her. Crystal is becoming more loving - jealousy lol I'm sure. Their relationship is like that of Garfield and Odie but the line from Crystal is :Thats-Funneh: "dumb dumb cat".
    On to family cheer.......
    On Friday, we attended my Brother's 8th Annual Christmas Party for family and friends. This was first time we got to attend due to being out of state. The party was planned to start at 5 pm. My niece picked us up earlier in order for me to get in safe and sound before everyone started piling in. As the steps going into the rented hall had railings, I was able to climb up of my own accord. Bro was waiting at the top of the steps if he was needed. We did take the w/c for my overall safety as it WAS crowded (300 people). I was unsure how I'd do with the mass of people and the overwhelming noise levels. I could not go "off" by myself anywhere. It seemed though that Kristi had "radar" tuned in as she'd appear and talk and sit with me. Cousins on my side of family plus close friends were there as well.
    The hall was decorated nicely for Christmas. the DJ was terrific (fella Joe has used for a number of years). During dinner he played Christmas songs and slowly integrated other genre. Food was out of this world (prepared by a gal who owns a local tavern). There was an open bar :Cheers: ...Joe always ensures the behavior of the adults as there are children also included in the invite list.
    Yes, I did partake in alcohol...had 2 Hurricanes (which had been prepared prior to party). Being served over ice helped to water them down for me as I am not used to partaking.
    There were door prizes consisting of musical Christmas Santas, snowmen, reindeer and dogs. Kristi won a Santa that moves to the song "Lollipop".
    We all received necklaces made up like strands of Christmas Lights as well as antlers to wear.
    Around 10 pm, the dancing began :Dance: . I danced in my chair to favorite songs and...since it was noisy....I sang along since no one could hear me lol. At one point the DJ announced it was time for our family to dance to our traditional songs - Family Traditions and We are Family. When the DJ played We are Family, I could not resist (plus the 2 Hurricanes gave me confidence) and I got up to join the family. My Bro and oldest nephew saw me venturing towards them. Bro came forward and got a hold of me and we danced and sang. When Kristi realized I was up there dancing with her Uncle she hooted and hollered. Camera flashes were popping everywhere. My youngest nephew's girlfriend (who was "quite happy" and feeling no pain), thought we should do the bump. Thankfully my Bro was right there or I would've have plopped on the floor. After being reminded of the potential danger she was more cautious.
    By the end of the dance (DJ played the extended version of the song) I was ready to sit down.
    At midnight we sang Happy Birthday to my Bro as 12-1 was his birthday. My oldest nephew drove us home at 12:30 and saw that I got into the house safely.
    I was a happily exhausted and recuperated all day yesterday (Saturday)
    Since then...my dear child has thanked me for moving us back here. She now understands and realizes the importance of family love and support. She told me of what occurred between her and my oldest nephew (I missed this). Billy walked up to her, gave her a huge hug and kiss on the forehead and told her he loved her. Wish someone would have got that on film. Though a camera did catch him trying to rein-act when he held her as a baby at her Christening. :giggle:
    The Christmas 2007 party was declared a HUGE success. Next celebration sponsored by my Bro will be St Patrick's Day 2008 :yay: .
  18. dstraugh
    This has been a very very special Thanksgiving for me and will hold many many memories. Although no one took pictures, mentally I did, and hope I can keep them in the memory bank to cherish.
    This was the 1st Thanksgiving in 13 years that we've been with family and it was a 3 parter. On Thanksgiving Eve, My cousin Darlene and her hubby, Bryan, picked up Kristi and I and drove us to Auntie's house. My other cousin Lisa, her hubby Chuck, and daughters Tori and Becca were awaiting our arrival. There were 9 of us for dinner and a bunch of yummy food and laughter. Darlene gave us all an assignment to be completed by Christmas Eve when we all get together. We've each got to write down (or type) our memories of each person the family. Dar wants to put together a family memory book. This project may be a bit hard for Kristi as she doesn't remember way back when we were all together before the move to AZ. Dar told her she can do current memories. One thing that was neat to see was how Kristi, Tori, and Becca are repeating history.....Me, Darlene, and Lisa were always close growing up - like sisters.
    On Thanksgiving Day, my Brother-dearest picked up Kristi, me, and his youngest son - Joey and we all drove to my nephew/landlord Billy's house. They just moved into this house last month after the sale was finalized. It's gorgeous!!! I could not navigate to see the bedrooms upstairs but Kristi and my Bro were good informants. Billy had prepared 2 turkeys...1 traditional and 1 deep-fried. Was the first time I tried a deep-fried turkey and it was pretty good tho I'll stick with traditional bird :big_grin: Once again...lots of good grub. There were 9 in attendance at this dinner as well including Billy's wife Jessie, little girl Kaleigh, Billy's stepson Brandon and my ex-sister-in-law Cathy - that was a treat lol). Billy also had "light-up" nite with his outside Christmas decorations. Way Cool. After dinner, there were more arrivals (Jessie's family) and my Niece and her hubby and 3 kids. I was drained by the time we got back home.
    I had firsts as I used the basement door to walk out to vehicles both Wed and Thurs. Going out the basement door involves a slight step up then a step down. there is a paved walkway to the grass then a drop down. As we've had rain...it was soft and even more uneven. My #1 coach (Kristi) talked me through it and I didn't plop on my nose. At each home I had to do some navigating as well since the old w/c was left behind and I used the hemi-walker. But I did it!!! :thumbup:
    On Friday Kristi and I had doc appointments with our new PC. I had to get new scripts and Kristi was having some shooting pains in her arm*Doc found nothing abormal and said we're to keep an eye on the situation. Kristi could not get flu shot as I did because of her cold. I also received tetanus shot. We've NEVER been to a PC so thorough. Really liked her "bedside manner" as well as she sat and talked to each of us prior to exams. I was not in with Kristi during her exam and vice versa. But...on me....they did EKG, normal physical type stuff including diabetic exam of feet, a breast exam AND a rectal. That was a first :blush-anim-cl: Plus she ordered a bunch of tests. And, doc is to be completing paperwork for me to get a power chair through The Scooter Store. Insurances should cover completely. Please pray for me it all works out as I then can also become more independent and leave the house on my own.
    I asked her about Botox treatments for my arm. She will be speaking with her neuro colleagues. I kinda gathered she has not had many stroke patients but is willing to consult with others. Thankfully, she is not cocky and feels she knows everything either.
    Yesterday, Sunday, we prepared our own Thanksgiving feast in our house. Kristi and I were a pretty good team in the kitchen tho she had a bird herself when she had to lift the turkey out if the sink and place him in the cooking bag. All I heard was "ooooooooooooo, gross......yuck and how could we violate Willy - yes she named the turkey. We stuffed "Willy" plus had stuffing on the side. Also prepared mashed potatoes, gravy, candied yams, corn, and crescent rolls. And....last but not least pumpkin pie. My Bro was to be here but he wasn't feeling well (seems he caught Kristi's nasty head cold). My 2 great nieces, my youngest nephew and his girlfriend and a friend of Kristi's were here with us. Before everyone came, we set out the few Christmas decorations we have to sit out. (My Bro believes he can rustle up an extra tree for us) We had one box we brought from AZ that Kristi packed (leaving behind some of my favorites, I must add - Kids :nuhuh: )
    By last evening, I was totally worn out physically and mentally drained. Thank goodness for having a working dishwasher that's all I have to say.
    My Bro has been teasing me that I'm earning frequent driving miles as I was out of the house 3 days in a row. On Friday after the doc appt (he had his granddaughter's with us too), we all went to dinner. Out of the blue, my dysphagia decided to flare up and I ended up quite ill. On the positive...I was able to get myself in and out of the raised booth and to the restroom numerous times. Thank goodness the restaurant we were at was not busy and it is very "child friendly". What I got to consume tasted quite good. I haven't had a dysphagia flare up for several months...this time was a doozie. Since Friday, I have to be very careful as anything I eat wants to get "stuck". But....I'm keeping my head up and being positive that the dysphagia and other stroke-related maladies will not become worse.
  19. dstraugh
    Yesterday (Sunday) was interesting in our humble abode. Ya see, we have acquired a new addition to our family - a 9 week old female light brown tabby. Her name is Lili. She's quite darling from the bit of time we've actually seen her. We got her from a posting on Freecycle (a yahoo group) where all is free. She arrived around 3 pm - she was scared to death but briefly checked out the dining room on her way to the basement/family room where we later found her under the sofa. Kristi walked to the store and purchased kitten food - nothing has been consumed yet. Last evening, Kristi was able to bring her up to the living room and...until the phone rang...she cuddled with me on the sofa. Her eyes are huge and my guess is she weighs maybe a pound.
    And......how is Miss Crystal dealing with her new sister you probably ask? Well......Kristi is getting hissed at if she even looks at Crystal. As I am typing this though, Crystal is upstairs on Kristi's bed either pouting or scheming how to get rid of Lili. Crystal has ben friendly with me though and let me love on her this morning. Lili is in the living room under furniture occasionally meowing. Last night as I was getting settled for the night in my room, Miss Crystal was mouthing off - I can only assume that Lili had made her presence known. Times will be interesting here as we all adjust to the newest member of the family.
    Lili's arrival helped to smooth my ruffled feathers as the Steelers lost in overtime 19-16 to the Jets. This game took everyone by surprise. It appears that our beloved team can win when they are up against a tough team but lose to those whom they should easily defeat. Next game, Monday Night Football against the Dolphins - hard to say what will happen. At least the Jets are not in our division - we are still 1st place in our division...yes...I am justifying....it's part of licking wounds.
    On a very definite and positive/proud moment, Kristi received her first High School Report card....High Honor...5 A's and 2 B's. The B's were in PE and Algebra 2 (she missed an A by 3 points).
    Looking forward to Thanksgiving with family. We're to spend turkey-eve with my Auntie and Cousins/families and Thanksgiving Day at my Nephew's. Plus, we're getting a small turkey and trimmings to make here over the weekend. Friday...day after Thanksgiving...I'll be seeing my new PC for the first time. She is my Brother's Doc and comes highly recommended. Kristi and I both will be getting flu shots and I have a ton of questions for her. (already have part of my subject material for next blog update)
    Happy Thanksgiving one and all...gobble, gobble
  20. dstraugh
    Here's my 2 girls hamming it up together. This week has been a good one - especially being a STEELER fan :cheer: The Steelers whupped the Ravens in Monday Night Football and beat their rivals (the Browns) today 31-28. My Terrible Towel is definitely going to be classified as the Terrible Pile of Strings by the end of the season.
    Other than that, the week motored along fairly well. I got us signed up for the budget payment plan with the gas company as well as applied for an energy assistance program through the state. I also checked into housing assistance programs and both programs through the state and county are closed (figures ) with no idea as to when they will re-open to accept applications. Financially, we're making ends meet for the first time in a long time - but then cost of living is less than what it was in AZ. There's just not any money for extras or for wish lists. Also this week I applied for the county's medical transport assistance program - of course they will take me somewhere to test me and my disabilities in order to qualify for door-to-door service. My Auntie (who is also disabled and is 100% wheelchair bound) was initially expected to roll herself to the bus stop until her doctor got involved. The fact I can maneuver very short distances will probably go against me but we'll see. There is no way I could safely climb onto or depart a bus, as much as I wish I could.
    There are things that are definitely out of my control so I must keep my faith.
  21. dstraugh
    This week school pictures were delivered. This one is fuzzy because she took a picture of the pic and emailed it to me. I need to figure out how to scan the pic to the computer, then I'll have a better one. It's soooooo hard to believe she's 15. This coming week she will begin volunteering at the Children's Institute as a "Buddy" to an autistic child. The program is conjunction with her high school and the institute. Kristi and other classmates will spend time with these kids 2 times a month. They will go during the school day and work with their "buddy" in school activities. It'll be quite the experience for her.
    Well......weather is cruising downhill or rather the temps are cruisin in a downward fashion. Rain/snow showers are expected on Tuesday. No accumulation has been predicted so we'll see. The temps will be borderline on freezing for the low. :cold:
    Thanks to Ms. Asha, I have a cool bag to carry things in when I go up and down the steps. One step closer to independence. Today, for laundry day, I went downstairs to help sort laundry. I was surprised that Crystal didn't come and watch cos she usually has to snoop when we're in the same room. Then again, it's colder down there this time of year - poor kitty. If she'd let herself be covered we'd get her a sweater and booties but that ain't gonna happen with The Princess - no way - no how!! :nana:
    There is no Steeler game to report "boohoo" as they're playing on Monday Night Football. I've been practicing staying up later so I don't have problems getting up the steps after the game. I can yell for Kristi if I have problems but that's part of the independence thing......after we first moved in, I went upstairs when she went to bed so I had her help if needed. Granted, there are times I'm ready to turn in early but there are times I'm not. So....I have graduated - Yeah Me :i_did_it!: . It is amazing how we tend to forget the little accomplishments we have after we've been at this for a period of time.
    Until later....
  22. dstraugh
    Yes indeed, summer is gone gone gone. The powers that be announced a freeze warning for tonight (1st and definitely not last of the season) Here in the city we may not get exactly to freezing but awfully darn close. That's par for the course and our locale. Tis the season to be chilly..... I keep trying to convince myself I'm not cold lol. Kiddo will experience it first thing tomorrow morning leaving for school.
    So....this week, everything went ok here for the most part. Tiny issue occurred but was quickly resolved. And, most importunately.......................
    S T E E L E R S WON!!! After the loss last week, I was nervous...my Terrible Towel received a good workout :clap: They beat the Bengals 24-13 GO STEELERS
    The silly little Princess who is master over us has decided it's totally cool to run up the steps past me and meow at me when she reaches the top before I do. Little Brat - as I tell her - She's lucky she's loved soooooooooooooooooooo much. She did have a rather stupid look on her furry face though this week when she discovered me downstairs with Kristi. She quite understood though as she sat on the step and looked at the railing.
    Nothing much else new or exciting - just puttering along, keeping occupied and passing the time.
  23. dstraugh
    The past week was rather uneventful, which is ok - no mishaps - I didn't stumble or break anything :BashHead: . My Cousin Darlene stopped by with Auntie on Wednesday for a bit after Auntie's doc appt. They brought us a crock pot, waffle iron, and some other odds and ends . Had a good visit. Auntie hasn't been in this part of the city for a very long time - she felt as she was in a different country. With her disability and health problems, she doesn't get out or stay out often. She was having a good day so we got to see her.
    The week cruised along but ended in my "firsts". Saturday morning, my niece came to pick up Kristi. Kristi spent the night at their home. They brought her home Sunday around noon. So....I spent my first 24 hours alone in the house. Not totally alone as Crystal was here but she couldn't help me if I had a problem. Only slight problem was when I was preparing my dinner. I was going to have left-over Schwan's sweet n sour chicken with rice. As there was not much chicken left, I was going to prepare some chicken strips to add. I thought no biggie....put them on the cookie sheet and pop into the oven...easy right???? Wrong!!! One-handed I could not get the stupid bag opened (brand new re-sealable bag). Instead I ate sweet n sour rice with a few veggies that were mixed in.
    Other than the dinner fiasco, the time was quiet. I cruised the internet and finished reading a book - started another. Crystal did sleep with me for a bit but didn't stay the night (thankfully - have a king size bed but she HAD to be smack up against me). When Kristi returned home, Crystal let her know she was not happy that her Sissy wasn't home with her. Even conning her with treats didn't totally make up for her absence. That continued even during Steeler game, which I'm trying to forget I watched. Crystal stayed with Mommy and didn't even go to bed with Sissy. She left after I went to sleep.
    In a way I benefit when Crystal is mad at Sissy...she's more affectionate with me (think to make Kristi jealous).
    Now to my other "first" - my cousin Dar and her hubby, Bryan, came late yesterday afternoon and installed 2 railings leading to the basement. For the first time I saw my basement and even sat in the family room. Wow - way cool!!! Bryan also changed the lock on the basement door as there was no key for the door (that anyone knew of anyway). So now access for me is a bit more doable. The basement door can be accessed via off street parking behind the house. I can now have easier access to getting into a car. Just the possibility of being able to get out more was enlightening. You see, mainly, other than going outside on front porch to have a smoke, I'm cooped up 24/7 here in the house . Good thing I like the house.
    That's my week. Until next week....c-ya round :out_of_here:
  24. dstraugh
    Yes, the week was more peaceful for me :cloud9: And why you may ask? Cos I did not speak to my mother is my reply. I have not called there and Kristi has minimally spoken with her this week. My dear Auntie, very protective of me, spoke to Kristi and made some suggestions - one being that she doesn't relay :yadayada: to me all the negativity coming out of her grandmother's mouth. Kristi is listening and I've had less stress :happydance: . Tis a shame it has to be this way but it does.
    The weather here has been very chilly (so used to the heat from AZ) that I'm shivering constantly it seems. This cooler spell was a more gradual onset than the last so at least my teeth weren't chattering like they were before a few weeks back. We're to be in the 70's this week - more seasonable for this time of year. Even Crystal hasn't just stayed upstairs either. She is definitely sleeping on Kristi's bed at night - won't stay in my room long still. When she walks into my room, she's all cautious poor baby. In AZ she used to sleep w/me (of course she had to share my pillow) so maybe I'm better off lol.
    Today (Sunday) Chat was great with new Host Kathy. Kathy and I both have an adopted Mom - Mommie Phyllis has taken us under her wing.
    After Chat, my niece and her family came for a bit - Taffy hooked us up with freecycle.org run through yahoo groups. It's pretty cool. As Kristi wants a guitar, and as my funds are limited, I'll be checking the site out often. Plus, my cousin Dar asked us to put together a Christmas list for family.
    Only sad news was that the turtle Kristi was to get through her cousins passed away - "somebody" forgot to feed it - oops.
  25. dstraugh
    The week was moving right along until Wednesday evening. I was heading into the kitchen to take meds before bed. Instead of focusing on what I was doing, walking, I was talking to Kristi at the same time. As the house is over 100 years old, there are funky things here, like a slight downward slope going into kitchen. Also, we have to have a small throw rug in the doorway until we can get my nephew over here to deal with carpet nails sticking up. Can't have Kristi or Crystal getting hurt - Me? I'm always in shoes when I walk cos of AFO.
    Back to my tale.....I was stepping into kitchen...not focusing completely....I lost my balance on the slope plus got caught up in the throw carpet. I promptly went "skating" across the kitchen floor and slammed into the counter - ouch!! That smarted. Kristi came running into the kitchen all worried. What do I do, I stood there and laughed like a ninny. She got so mad - talk about emotional lability to the max.
    I was not laughing though as I tried to go to sleep - pain had set in from the slamming I took plus I had tensed up in fear of falling. I moaned myself to sleep. Thursday was a rough day as I lived on extra-strength tylenol. For most part doing much better just having trouble with good knee paining when climbing steps and standing up after sitting.
    The pain was better to handle though since the Steelers whooped Seattle 21-0 (sorry Bonnie) .
    My dearest child walked to the library for us yesterday - she brought me home Danielle Steele's Sisters. Dynamite!!!! On the way home she stopped at Subway as well. Yummy - haven't had Subway in looonnng time. Kristi was working at making me feel better. I've been bummed - you guessed it...AZ once again. Kristi was told by her grandmother that we're a burden on Joe. That he's got enough to deal with his kids and friends and now he has us as well. I sent him an email but have not gotten a response. Perhaps she's right this time and not twisting words around like she's done before. Time will tell.