
Stroke Survivor - female
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Blog Comments posted by dstraugh

  1. Hi Diana,


    Perhaps you could get a six month lease at an apartment. Sorry to hear things are "touchy" with you and your son; sometimes that happens when a parent and a grown child are living under one roof after you've both been on your own.

  2. Anne,


    How Dave will love his new freedom once he gets his rollator. Accidents do happen and of course the pets believe that it's a special treat. My cats will hover in the kitchen in hopes that Mom will drop something. They both love spaghetti noodles. It's a laugh a minute to see them actually slurp a longer piece of noodle into their mouths too when they do get a sampling of dinner.

  3. Michael,


    Yes, for many of us, our faith has helped us in our time of need to get through and prevail. That and the support and encouragement that oozes from every megabyte of this site proves that there is life after stroke and lets everyone know that they are not alone in their journey.

  4. Hi Jeannie,


    My Mom used to always use the saying "robbing Peter to pay Paul" with her fixed income. I now fully understand the dilemma trying to get my ssdi check to spread out over the monthly bills.


    Fall is definitely a relief - the in-between season, like spring. Here in Pittsburgh we've had a few chilly days where the highs aren't even reaching 70. My Crystal kitty (1/2 Siamese) already has cold feet LOL and was following me around yesterday (I knew she wanted the heat on) which Mommy refused but laid out a fuzzy blanket for her. I got a dirty look but she did finally curl up on it.


    Hope your fall weather is enjoyable and you get the opportunity to do your garden clean up.

  5. Katrina,


    Thank you for the update dear girl...was wondering how you were doing. You are definitely keeping busy and it's a happy kind of busy too.


    Will keep my fingers crossed that you get your paperwork to the medical review board and approved without a glitch this time.


    Here's to a great Labor Day weekend for you.

  6. Fred,


    You and Marion are definitely in my thoughts and prayers as our all my dear cyber family here. I look to you and the rest of the gang here as family. You are a kind and dear man; hope you can get the house renovations done quickly. Enjoy that sweet granddaughter of yours.

  7. Karen,


    You've definitely made your fair share of lemonade of late. As sweet as you are and with your sense of humor - it's naturally sweetened so healthy for those diabetic. Hope you can stop making it; if you bottle it up and decide to sell. let me know.


    Take care of your new owie - maybe that happened to help you forget about the tooth.


    Hang in there.

  8. Ann,


    Yes, summer is coming to an end. When I have to get up during the night and turn off my window fan as I'm shivering, I know it's coming - and that's a low of 60 degrees LOL. Guess to some extent, my body is hanging onto the AZ climates I endured for 13 years.


    How cool that Bill is getting a power chair. Hope he adjusts well to it. Instead of smoking, he can go cruising the neighborhood maybe as long as he doesn't try to bum smokes from someone. I'm working at giving up the darn things. If I even smell cigs, I want one. I was bumming one off my nephew yesterday - my kid busted me and told him "Don't do it" - he then tried to tell me he was smoking his last one - yeah right LOL. After he left, I was conned to go to the store and get kitty litter by being told that if I went she'd pay for a pack of smokes. When it's convenient, it's ok for Mom to smoke. I got to cruise in my chair at least :)


    Your get together sounds like great fun.


    Our dear Pam touched many of us and will remain in our hearts. Stroke is definitely not fair!!!

  9. Hiya Bill,


    I too will be praying for you and Bud. He has a god Dad and friend to help him rehab after surgery. Please give him an extra hug from his friends here.


    Good luck on house hunting. Hope you find exactly what you are looking for.

  10. Ruth,


    For your situation with William, I agee small increments of him being alone will be good for him. In my situation, I was on my own once I came home as y daughter was in school. I did have home based therapy for a bit so thet checked on me. On occasion, my Mom would also visit. As I was of the mindset to "do things" for myself she basically just visited.


    To be honest, she was more of a hindrance one time as she overcompensated helping me when I was trying to get outside and statred wobbling. I ended up plopping on my butt in the doorway. By the time I was sitting on the love seat in my livingroom we both had tears streaming down our cheecks from laughing so hard.


    Will he have a cell phone with your number programmed into it so he can call you if need be?