
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by dstraugh

  1. Bart, I sighed in relief when I read this entry. In the short time you've been blogging you have already grown. When a bad day crops up and we know they do, be sure to re-read this entry. Not only do you have God and Kelly with you, you've got us as well - your cyber family.
  2. dstraugh

    let it it snow!

    Kathy, I'm hoping, in a way, fior a white Christmas. It has been 14 years since I've seen one. That was the one strange thing about living in the AZ dessert. Heck usually Christmas Day you could sometimes go swimming. I know the "snow birds" did lol. We had heavy rain here today. If it had been cold enough to snow - YIKES we would have been snowed in for sure. Sunday they are calling for a wintry mix here. I know up north of me they were getting snow and freezing junk today.
  3. Stu, I do the extra strength tylenol for pain or on occasion ibuprofen. I don't like the buzzed feeling either and my doctor won't prescribe anything. The cold weather afffects me as well. What a great feeling it is huh to be all ready for Christmas. We've got wrapping to do. My kiddo will do the family gifts versus me doing them one-handed. I will do hers - she's used to me post endeavors lol. P.S. I'm still waiting for my email with the shortbread attachments
  4. dstraugh

    Free at last?

    Doug, I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers that all works out for you to relocate to Arkansas. That sounds perfect for you and Teddy. Merry Christmas to you both. (((hugs)))
  5. Bart, Asha and Lin both are so so correct. When I met up with stroke I was living in Arizona. The docs there were never really on my side. I had a neuro who told me after I hit the one year mark to get a life I'd never regain anything more. On 1-1-09 I will celebrate, yes celebrate my 4 year anniversary. I'm walkin, talkin, and yes have had further improvements although they are slow in coming. In 2007 I relocated to Pennsylvania to be closer to family. It was the best thing I've done as my doc now is fantastic and very supportive and encouraging. We're all still here. You are right in not focusing on what the doc told you - keep forging ahead prove that doc wrong.
  6. Yes Jo, you are a stroke survivor. We all survived for a reason and still have a purpose here. Yes Christmas is almost here. We need to remember to rejoice. We are all blessed to be here and so glad that you have joined us as well. Welcome to the Blog Community.
  7. Fred, That was so eloquently written. I am with you - Merry Christmas to all. I am proud to say I am a Christian - a Catholic even and I believe in God Almighty and Jesus Christ his Son. I fear for future generations if there is not a turnabout in our world.
  8. dstraugh


    Hang in there dear lady. We are not given what we can't handle though I think sometimes He has a strange sense of humor.
  9. Kathy, I'm glad that all went well with your folks visiting. I'm sure it was mixed blessings that you felt after they left. You have your room and bed back plus peace of mind. Let's blame your parent's comments on their age and not insensitivity. Our little Santa is quite busy isn't she. I'm sure your neighbors will appreciate you and your neighbor's thoughtfulness. See you at the shindig.
  10. Sue, Your blogs are continuously insightful and inspirational to me as well as to others in our community here. Bless you for allllllllllllllllllllllllllll that you do for us and for our buddy Ray. We love you.
  11. Seems hard to believe that it has been close to two months since my last entry. A lot has happened during that time. On 11-15 we had the memorial service for Mom. The service was beautiful and emotional; there was a luncheon in the church hall following the service. I held it together pretty much until the pianist sang and played Wind Beneath my Wings. Kristi was next to me, trying to keep me together but she too failed towards the end. Where I was sitting in the pew straight ahead of me was a portrait of Mom and her ashes. Kristi and I both were prepared to get up and speak but the priest never asked and the service concluded. During the luncheon, her portrait stood on it's easel and Elvis music was played in the background. Mom loved Elvis and is probably following him around Heaven as I type this. When everyone was busy, I went by myself and read the poem I was going to recite during the service. Final closure will be when we spread Mom's and Angel's ashes in the spring. My Bro and his kids sent us boxes of Mom's things to keep. Joe has many boxes at his house as well; I'm hoping to acquire some of her angels to add to my collection which can then be passed down to Kristi one day. Thanksgiving was a quiet day spent with me and my girls here at home. Kristi had to work part of the day but was released early to be home with me and the furbabies. Family get togethers were canceled as many were fighting flu bugs. We had our own feast here as well as plenty of leftovers lol. I think I'm turkeyed out lol. On December 9th I had to go for a mammogram retest of the left girl. Before the tech started, she showed me the previous shot and I could see the "suspicious" area. After the mammogram I had to have an ultrasound done. As a result of the ultrasound, I will be going on 12-30 for a needle biopsy of 2 questionable areas. I was told that approx 10% of women have to have the needle biopsy done. The doc who did the ultrasound said that the areas may be nothing but if there is something there it may be in the beginning stages. With my Mom just passing away from undiagnosed breast cancer no chances are being taken. I'll admit, I am quite anxious but have got to remember to Let Go Let God. As Kristi will be home from school on Christmas break, she will be with me. My Bro is driving us to the hospital that day so I don't have to contend with medical transportation . On 12-5 we attended my Bro's annual family/friends Christmas party. A good time was had by all as we did last year. I do think the Hurricanes were stronger this year than last as I did feel the effects quite profoundly. I had the same amount as I did last year but WOW. Wonder if my nephew spiked mine lol to see his Auntie get wasted. No hangover the next day so I survived it fine - better than my Bro did I might add. The food was great as was the DJ. I even danced to the family song "We are Family" with my Bro. My niece, Taffy, used the opportunity of the party to raise money for MDA as she's participating in a MDA fund drive where she gets "arrested". Whatever monies she raises her employer will match. That night she received $240. We're now getting ready for Christmas. The house is decorated - We received Mom's decorations so they are added to ours and the house is decked. I probably will not have another entry until after the holidays and my biopsy so wishing you all Peace, Joy, Love and the best for 2009. (((HUGS))) to my cyber family - I love you all so very much. To each of you I give the following: Message From Santa Claus If it were in my powers, I would bring peace and love, To this world of ours, But I don't have magic enough, I can cross the sky, and pass by the stars, But I can't seem to stop, Any of hatred's wars, I see children on the street, With no hope left, in the eyes. So many homeless people with no where to sleep. And my heart cries. I can't give the things they need, Oh But God I would try. I'm only a fantasy, that once took wings to fly, Some are deceived, by the gifts that money can buy, But those who truly believe, see the gift with the heart, not with the eye, I sometime stop and go to my knees, and pause, and I too always pray, That we will find a end to wars, and live in peace one day. For all those who believe in me, I will continue my cause, Across the stars, over the wars, On Christmas Eve, For the hearts that still believe, In Santa Claus
  12. Bart, Try to remember you both are going through yours and her medical issues together. Your love for each other will carry you both during this rough time. As Kathy said do not over do your hand exercises. Rome was not built in one day and neither is stroke recovery. Do what you can. The most important thing is to love each other and express that love. (((hugs))) to you both.
  13. I don't think tropical heat wave of 1 degree is enough to don your bathing suit Doug . Poor brave lil Teddy. When you gotta go you gotta go. Hope you both can stay warm :cold:
  14. dstraugh


    Katrina, I agree with Kristen. You not experiencing seizures may be as the med is doing its job. Maybe the doc can try to reduce the mg bit by bit to see what the outcome would be. You don't want to cause added problems especially now that your driving permit was allowed. Don't want to go backwards.
  15. Sue, My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family in the passing of your sweet Uncle Don. Hope you can get a bit of Sue-time this next week. On a plus note, the old chat is up and running so God willing we'll get to talk tomorrow night to you dear.
  16. Fa la la la la la la la la. Glad you enjoyed the sweet little voices.
  17. Bart, I was not hungry til I read your entry lol. Hey, if you're able to use one affected finger that's a start. First one then another. 45errere33ewr w34erwd (that's me trying to use my affected hand to type LOL It makes a better paper weight for now. I know many of us would rather consume what is good versus what is good for us. As you learn and your body adjusts to what is good, once in a while small treat of what is not so good won't hurt. The steady consumption of the bad stuff is what gets us in trouble and increases the health risks.
  18. Leah, You've had a rough go of it of late dear gal. I hope you're able to shake that cold/bronchitis once and for all. It's good that you did seek medical attention. For me, I've had ignored bronchitis turn into walking pnuemonia. Now I'm susceptible to walking pneumonia errrrrrrr. Feel better and enjoy the holidays the best you can.
  19. dstraugh


    There will come a point in time when Jackie's therapy will come to a halt. I feel she should get and deserves to get all that she can. Each day of successful therapy and advances = a day closer to Jackie returning home with you. I can empathize with her for trying to vacate the premises. She's getting anxious with the amount of time her recovery is taking. That is a natural and understandable reaction. Although hapens in a split second the recovery seems to take forever. You and she are receiving lessons in patience, patience, patience. Hang in there and please tell Jackie we're rootin for her.
  20. Sue, My condolences, thoughts, prayers and (((hugs))) go out to you and your family. Uncle Don will live forever in your hearts as you cherish memories of him. God Bless
  21. Bart, It could be meds, it could be a virus. You NEED to call the doctor. Please stop being a stubborn male.
  22. dstraugh

    Associated reaction

    Vix, Hope you find relief. I'm darn close to my 4 year mark (1-1-05). I think my toes would be doing the curling thing if it were not for my AFO. As much of a pain as it is and I want to be free of it, it does have it's benefits I guess.
  23. Susan, 5 months into stroke recovery is like a drop of water compared to the ocean. For me, when a wanted to move my affected side in rehab to show my daughter what I learned to do, sometimes it worked and sometimes it did not. If she is able to move her big toe here and there, hopefully that is just the beginning. Jackie is making terrific progress though. She has her sights set and goals to be achieved. She's a survivor - all WILL work out.
  24. Jan, Your determination and fortitude is inspiring dear friend/Sis. There's no such word as can't - too bad our young people of today rarely abide by that.
  25. MC, My thoughts and prayers are with you for family peace and love. Life is so short to be separated from our loved ones.