
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by dstraugh

  1. Sue, I so hope you can get "Sue time" during this respite period. Bless your heart with the chat issues. Hopefully next week the third time will be the charm and you will be able to properly host your Caregiver Chat. I give you kudos for utiilizing the site im to touch base with a few of us. Bless your heart. (((hugs)))
  2. Bart, Please please contact your doctor. It is better to be safe than sorry - seek medical attention and please keep us posted on how you are doing.
  3. My first 6 months were lonely even though I was kept busy with in-home as well as out-patient therapy. As we lived out of state away from the majority of our family, I had to "adjust". The highlight of my days back then was when my daughter returned from school (she was in junior high then). As I became more comfortable with the "new" me, I learned to be more self-sufficient and to find ways to decrease my lonliness - that's one reason I began volunteering here at Strokenetwork.
  4. Janine, Great to read your blog dear. "You've Come A Long Way Baby" applies to you. You have grown so much during this past year. It's a heck of a way to have to do it but you were up against the wall and you came out swinging and have taken all this in stride and have learned and accomplished what you never thought possible. Wishing you, Larry, and your family a blessed Christmas and added Blessings for 2009.
  5. Kathy, Well Mrs. Claus I think that is just super that you have a transformation in your household each year Whoohoo!!! You''ll need to get out Sasha's antlers so she get her share of the attention. I hope you have a terrific visit with your folks - how neat.
  6. dstraugh

    a party

    Bart, The gals before me are right. I'm sure your wife would not go out if she was not secure in you being alone while she was out. As your recovery progresses you too will be able to do more.
  7. YahooHooo You were successful. Great blog. Gave me something to ponder :Ask:
  8. Gary, Dynamite thought provoking blog entry and so very true.
  9. You're a fighter dear lady. You WILL conquer and SUCCEED in getting your blog entries added. Me and our good Lord will guide you as best we can. (((hugs)))
  10. I am so so happy that you have your Harley Boy. All happens in our lives for a reason and ours is not to wonder why. (((hugs))) to you and your sweet boy.
  11. Like Mother Like Daughter is so true in your case Sue. Two GREAT ladies. I know, if your Mum could understand and convey things to you, she would be telling you how very very proud of you she is. I'm happy for you that you have in your heart fond and loving memories of your childhood with her. Those will be with you always. (((hugs)))
  12. Gary, You are a wonder dear friend. Garrett's story brought a tear to my eye. As we battle along in our own daily trials and tribulations with stroke, there are others, like these young ones, who are facing their own struggles as well. God Bless all of them. May he keep his gentle loving arms around them all, as he has Kyle and Garrett, and guide them and their families along the recovery road. There is power in prayer as has been shown numerous times.
  13. dstraugh

    Im Sorry

    Sweet Girl, There is absolutely no need to apologize for writing when you are down. We all have the down times in our lives. That's why blogging is therapeutic - it gives you a place to let it all out. With your young age it is tough not having a "honey" to share your spare time with but that will change. The right guy will come along when you least expect it. Believe me, I know. I'm sorry to hear there is so much negative happening on campus - that's just as it is in the outside world as well. Would be nice if we could surround friends and loved ones in cotton to keep them safe but we cannot. All we can do is pray for their safety and know that all is in HIS hands. You might not have a 4.0 after next Friday but I'm sure your grades will be great anyway and that you will be able to maintain your scholarship status. You are trying really hard. Try to think of Christmas break as a down time, a relaxation time for you. A time to re-energize yourself. Yes, the cold weather bothers we survivors as well. I've learned though that the stiffness will alleviate itself once warmer weather comes again. You might want to slap me for this but I'm going to say it anyway as it keeps me going. For every cold and icky day I make it through, it is one day closer to nicer weather returning. Am I an eternal optimist? Yep I am. But it does help overall to keep more positive ad keep a smile on my face. There's an old saying that I've heard since I was a child: "Keep smiling - everyone will wonder what you are up to". Hang in there little one - huge (((HUGS))) to you.
  14. Gary, If you haven't noticed, Kyle joined as a member. His display name is Kyle123.
  15. Bart, You have not totally lost the old you - the old you is still within you. Your outer self changed after the stroke but you are still you; thinks are just done different now. You are slower now than before. In time you will learn to accept the new you and put all this behind you.
  16. George, That is wonderful news. I am so very happy for you. Hope the progress continues for you.
  17. There's our smilin Jan alias Sunrise. :big_grin:
  18. Bart, My favorite movie of all time is Gone With the Wind (Yes I'm a lover of that era). The last line in the movie, said by Scarlotte was "After all, tomorrow is another day." I live by that on my bad days. Tomorrow is another day as is the one after that. Bart, you may not want to believe this right now with what you are experiencing but you and I as well as all of us here survived for a reason NOT as a punishment. I learned to count my blessings daily for being permitted a second chance at life. Life does go on after stroke but we need to make it happen. Someone is not going to come and knock on my door and say "here, I have a life for you". I have to work at that myself and let all up to my Creator.
  19. dstraugh

    My Girls

    My 3 Girls
  20. dstraugh


    From the album: My Girls

    Hi Mommy
  21. dstraugh


    From the album: My Girls

    Crystal in a blanket
  22. dstraugh


    From the album: My Girls

    Crystal in her red for Christmas
  23. dstraugh


    From the album: My Girls

    Lili perched on the printer
  24. dstraugh

    Lili Marie

    From the album: My Girls

    Lili with cool whip on her nose
  25. Bart, You will be in my thoughts and prayers for better days to come. There are good and bad days for us, just as there was prestroke. It's just that post we don't have the stamina as we did before. The bad days do become less over time. Hang in there. Wishing you a better tomorrow.