
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by dstraugh

  1. dstraugh

    theme chats

    MC, Sunday's chat was well attended. As we are not sitting physically in the room together and we cannot see when someone is typing, it is difficult. What is important though is that the atmosphere is supportive and encouraging to all those in attendance.
  2. Glad you and Teddy were able to enjoy the break in the weather. It won't last unfortunately. Now Doug, how do you think your expression would be if you had a thermometer up your bottom? It is comical as their eyes get SOOOOOOOOOO big. Talk about being violated lol. At least Teddy can get mad at the vet for toenail clipping rather than you. He might hesitate the next time his aunties want to take him out for a ride. They may need to bribe him into the car. Glad your room is getting back in order. Hope the chance for another flood has been addressed.
  3. Gary, Thank you thank you for the updat from the J-room. I was wondering how things were going. Perhaps in the near future we'll get the opportunity to speak directly to Kyle himself. That would be wonderful. Kyle is doing wonderfully. Hope you get to see his parents at your meeting on the 10th. You keep so busy Gary. I do hope that others appreciate all your hard worek y6ou do in the stroke community. You are definitely appreciated here dear friend.
  4. dstraugh

    muddy feet

    Sue, I'm happy that the assessment for carer assistance has been scheduled. Will keep my fingers crossed and say a prayer that she shows up and does not cancel after all this time trying to get the assessment scheduled. For your electrical/computer issues, do you have a surge protector(s) to protect your computers. Not that they will make them totally full proof but any little bit helps versus running around unplugging everything in the house if there is a storm. Instead of being tied to the house for the care of a loved one or pet, you're tied to the house due to weather. I can understand you wanting to be totally "free" during your respite time as you do deserve it. What if though there is a true emergency for which you are needed? Perhaps the agency itself could have your cell information in case there was an emergency and the carer called them.
  5. Bart, Nope, sleeping until you can take a dirt nap is definitely not an option friend. Not at all - no way shape or form. Might I suggest speaking to your doctor. To my untrained mind you seem to be in a royal funk that possibly a script for anti-depressant or anti-anxiety meds might help. It doesn't mean you are weak. Even the strongest of us here have had to sometimes admit we are not super heroes. I was in a terrible funk this summer (and I'm almost 4 years post) and fortunately talked to my doctor. I take that back - I had a MAJOR melt down in my doctor's office in July.
  6. dstraugh

    It was Easy

    Pete, My cats too are thrilled when Mom is in the kitchen making something to eat. They hover like vultures just waiting for any morsel. As to the decaf coffee - I've been told the same thing. I've learned to fool myself into thinking that it is actually "leaded" instead of "unleaded". Another suggestion might be to mix decaf and regular together so you're only getting 1/2 the caffeine power. As to the sloshing coffee cup - my carpeting is tan so sloshing is not an option lol. I have a coffee mug with a snap on lid that I use. Got the mug at Walmart.
  7. WhoooHooooo Tis official - Yahoooooo Mountain Doooooooooo I will attend your chat with rings on my fingers and bells on my toes - not literally lol
  8. Jan, I'm so so glad you joined the Blog Community and that I was able to help you get all up and operational. I look forward to your added words of wisdom and insight. You are a dear and wonderful lady and loved so very much
  9. dstraugh

    It Is Okay

    Pete, You are right. To talk about our fears out loud takes the wind out of the power than fear has over us. This is true about anything in our lives, even before stroke and definitely after. To talk about it and share helps us to learn from others ways to overcome fear so it doesn't eat us up. Plus you then have the opportunity to work towards overcoming or reducing the likeliness that the fear will turn into a reality. Thank you for discussing this - might be good material for one of our Sunday theme chats.
  10. Bart, We women aren't always right, honest. But if this in regards to your recovery, I'm 100% behind her. I do not have a spouse to drive me but my 16 yr. old daughter is my shover and kicker when I try to slack off. She's also my #1 cheerleader as well. Hang in there and keep forging ahead and don't let stroke win.
  11. Susan, You and Jackie both have had a rough 4 months and have endured a lot. Good for you that you have overcome so many of your fears. As we're human, we all have fears that we are always facing. Understanding and coping with our fears is all we can do.
  12. Pete, That was hysterical. I have 2 of the darlings myself. My oldest is 8 and is a black n white siamese mix. The youngest (my little idiot) is a brown n gray tabby and a year old. I think her momma dropped her on her head during delivery. Lili is NOT wrapped too tight; she's told repeatedly she's fortunate that she's so darn cute. Crystal the oldest was with me before the stroke and we have quite a special bond. They both keep me occupied while my daughter (a teen) is at school. Never a dull moment when one has critters. Crystal tries her version of acupuncture on my affected arm but I feel it just can't my arm out of the way on its own .
  13. Hi Wilson, Welcome to the Blog Community. And you thought your entry would go unread. Nope. Doesn't happen here. Granted not all entries may be commented on but they are read. Blogging gives others a chance to get to know you. We know so far you are a 2 year survivor and a writer. Your goal to stay a survivor shows a great attitude. Your one-handed typing was impressive. Looking forward to hearing more about you.
  14. Fred, Inspiring blog entry Dear Friend and so so true. I agree, God doesn't help us around tribulations we are helped through them. God Bless you as well. (((hugs)))
  15. dstraugh


    Susan, I'm glad that you and a thankful Thanksgiving that included Jackie. May the holiday season be truly blessed for you, Jackie, and your family.
  16. Bart, Yes you as well as many of us have lots to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. It sure is better than the alternative.
  17. Kathy, Yes dear the holiday season is officially upon us now. Only one year did I venture into the stores for "Black Friday" and that was post stroke. Guess I was more brain damaged than I thought I was lol. My kiddo saw that Target was having a special on an mp3 player that she wanted. At that time we were in walking distance to Target (well walking for her pushing me in my wc) so off we went. We got the player but she had to wait until Christmas to use it hehehe. Since then I've developed ways to keep her from knowing in advance her gifts. I also baked but with the help of Schwan's and a yahoo im reminding me of the time. Did a pumpkin pie - quite tasty. I've always loved to bake especially for the holidays. Yes, there are challenges post for all of us; however, we are blessed to still be here facing the challenges.
  18. Leah, Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. Your Mom in Law sounds like the type of Mom in Law everyone hopes for. Glad to hear you are getting over the icky cold. Tis the season (especially here in the east lol). I had my flu shot on 11-11 and am waiting for the full effect to kick in so I do not catch the yucks my daughter brings home from school. Hope you enjoy your Thanksgiving to the max. I plan to eat all but within reason lol.
  19. Sue, Welcome Back Lady! Hope all will be well now with your computer :BashHead: . It will be like old home week when you enter chat dear. Can't wait to see and talk to you in chat.
  20. Happy Thanksgiving Kimmie. Enjoy your day and God Bless.


  21. Happy Thanksgiving Jan. May you have a blessed day.


  22. Katrina, Beautiful poem dear. I am glad to hear you are listening to your cyber Aunties and trying not to be so critical of yourself. The harder you are on yourself the more stressed out you will be. Kathy is so so right. There are many successful and prominent people in the world who did not have a 4.0 GPA. Enjoy your Holiday weekend and the chance to regroup. We love you.
  23. dstraugh

    Second Guessing

    Susan, You've got the right spirit (even with the snow) take it one day at a time. Each day gets easier post stroke. As long as Jackie keeps motivated to recover, her attitude will carry her far. Chin Up - there is light and hope there. Recovery is in HIS time, not ours.
  24. Hi Katrina, I'm slipping; I missed your latest entry. For shame on me. Could be something to do with a recent fall and my own exile to the 4 walls of my room as I could not motor down steps to the computer. You are being hard on yourself young lady. Being on the outside looking in we can all see that. Just as stroke does not dictate who we are, neither do grades. What is most important revolves around are you learning and retaining what you learn to help you in the future as you move into more studies. We've all encouraged you to relax dear. Until you learn to do so, you are going to continue to feel overwhelmed. You are not your brothers and your success is for YOU not them or your Dad or even us. Chin up and oodles of (((hugs)))
  25. dstraugh

    back soon

    Sue, Sorry to hear you are continuing to have computer woes. When it rains it pours huh. Sorry to hear too that Ray is having further issues with incontinence. Hope that all starts going better for the both of you (((hugs)))