
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by dstraugh

  1. Hiya Stu, Yes, feeling needed is quite the case with many of us. Volunteering for me has helped fill the empty spot that was left when I had to medically retire after 1-1-05. Volunteering at the local rehab a few mornings a week sounds great. You would be quite an inspiration to other survivors.
  2. dstraugh

    The great flood

    Doug, You and Teddy have definitely had enough excitement. Glad to hear all is back to normal for you and you are back with your "stuff" in your own surroundings.
  3. No dear you are not the only one going through these things. Grace was never something I had an abundance of and now post it's long gone. As time goes on, there are good and bad balance days. Last week I had a bad balance moment and ended up sitting on my bathroom floor and subsequently hurting my left leg as I tried to get up. I'm not sure how much of my forgetfulness is related to stroke and what is related to the creeping up of years. It's a combination for sure and difficult to handle. You are right, we must be kind with ourselves. Beating ourselves up over the issues won't get us anywhere whatsoever. For me, if I can keep relaxed and calm, the knowledge of the yesterdays is more easily and readily accessible. In the words of my teen daughter....she says "Chill". She can be wise past her years lol. Hang in there Diane
  4. Jean, Thank you for the update. Sure hope you won't have to live in the blazer - you 3 will be awfully cramped. I'm sure Coper is proud of how Levi is coming along. He's such a sweetie.
  5. I'm glad that all is ok for Tootie; what a scare for all of you. I'm quite sure you will be addressing the 911 protocol issue next month.
  6. dstraugh

    I hate school

    Katrina, Dear gal, you are being hard on yourself. Each year of school is harder than the year before just as it was when you were back in high school, junior high and even grade school. I hear that all the time from my daughter hon. I remembered back to my college days (not that long ago but prestroke) I always experienced stress; when I did, I'd experience test anxiety as a result. Relax, study, and do your best. Try NOT to cram. Cramming leads to added stress and anxiety. You're always in my thoughts and prayers little one. Love you and (((hugs)))
  7. dstraugh

    The "P" Word

    Susan, Yes the one day at a time is hard to cope with. You and Jackie are facing this together - teamwork. Recovery never EVER stops though it slows to a snail's pace. I am almost 4 years post amd I still see improvements albeit small ones. Take one day at a time but look to the future -life goes on after stroke, just differently.
  8. Janine, It was so great to see that you blogged. Been wondering how you guys were doing. I'm so so happy that Cecilia has been there for you and Larry and that you have your daily out into the workforce. Maybe down the road Larry will change his mind about therapy. The old line though you don't use it you lose it is true. Without movement his muscles can weaken. Please stop by when you can as you are part of our cyber family. I can hear your "peace" right now as you have adapted to the caregiving role. Janine, you ain't no sissy!!!!
  9. Great blog Leah, Yes we do tend to try to pack too much into a day or week as we did before. I was a type A personality so it was go go go all the time 7 days a week. That came to an abrupt halt on 1-1-05. It has taken me quite a while to come to grips with that. Physically I can no longer do it though I try to convince myself I can. My Wonder Woman & Super Girl attire has been packed away in moth balls never to be donned again. I need to just pitch them lol as they would not look good on me anyway lol. Hang in there gal and know that you're not alone. Do what you can and leave the rest to another day. (((hugs)))
  10. Bart, I agree with Asha. You know we all climb on the pity pot now and again and that's ok. We just need to remember to stand up and flush the darn thing. There is life after stroke. Sometimes as we go through the everyday drudgery of pushing forward we get tired. Then we need to sit back for a bit and regroup. You are a survivor; come on chin up and keep fighting the fight with the rest of us. You're not alone. We might be with you here in cyber space but know that in spirit we're right beside you every step of the way - honest ((hugs)))
  11. Sue, You are one of the strongest gals I know of. I hope you do have a Wonder Woman outfit for everyday of the week so you don't need t do extra laundry than you already are. Hope Ray adjusts to his new medication and the diarrhea is eliminated sooner rather than later. Hang in there dear. There needs to be a caregiver poster designed showing a caregiver "hanging in there".
  12. Congratulations Sherri on your 3 year mark. So glad all is going well. The unpacking will get done. I bet your job is soooo onteresting and I bet you are a lot smarter than you give yourself credit for - you wouldn't be there if you weren't.
  13. You go girl, I bet it is a masterpiece. Definitely try to take a pic and post it in the gallery so we can all marvel at your talent. I think that's just super. The turkey cokies sound darling. I'm sure you will aster quite well the ex-wife being present at the holiday get-togethers. My Brother's ex-wife joins the family (for the kids and grandkids). Her and Bro are remotely civil to one another except for a dig here and a dig there.
  14. Hi Bart and welcome to the blog community. I agree cutting meat does suck. I've not tried Maria's solution of using my foot lol. If I did try to cut my meat that way, it would be down at my furbabies level and they would be thrilled though I'd lose my food. As time goes on, you'll learn adaptations to getting different tasks completed. I look at it as Creativity 101. I too am a one-handed typist. I used to type 100 wpm with 2 hands - not even at 50 wpm with one hand. Can't seem to get my brain and good fingers to coordinate. Thank goodness for spell check lol. It does get better - honest.
  15. Katrina, Glad dear that all turned out fairly well with the colonoscopy. I think that hemorrhoid can hit at any age; thankfully it can be treated with OTC meds - that in itself shows it's minor. As to your strength to endure all you are doing and having a crappy cold, my (((hugs))) are coming to you as always. You are a remarkable young woman - you are so inspiring and probably don't even realize it. Love you dear Cyber Niece.
  16. dstraugh

    my life lately

    G-ma Kimmie., Perhaps we need to change your name to grandmakimmie from hostkimmie for a while :congrats: :congrats: to you and to the "new" family. A bouncing baby boy Welcome Baby Welcome Baby to our world how brave of you to come. We are here to welcome you as your journeys just begun. Here's our opportunity to help each other grow. To experience all the things, alone... we would not know. You have been successful, from your very start. Just welcoming you, has made us all release love from our hearts. So remember little Baby as you grow into your dreams. Everything in this world is not always what it seems. Welcome others into your world and it is there, that you will find. All the love you ever knew was never left behind. Copyright 2003 Christine Michaels www.WelcomeBaby.com
  17. dstraugh

    my life lately

    I csn just imagine the fun you are having out shopping for that grand-baby. Wow a week from now huh? Seems like it was just yesterday that you told us they were expecting. Thoughts, prayers, and (((hugs))) to all. And you go girl - walking through the stores - neat to see things from a standing upright angle huh. Even with our AFO's that darn drop foot is a pain. My foot tries to flop on over within the brace and that hurts like the devil. Stops me in my tracks until it relaxes and decides to behave. This is the time of year I miss AZ and wish I could afford to be a snow bird. Right now we're at 35 -brrrrrr
  18. Vi, I can definitely relate as I too am left side affected. It's amazing the adaptations we learn. using scissors is also an accomplishment for me. Any printer scrap paper we use as scratch paper. I cut the sheets into 4's to have for grocery lists etc. I fold the sheets in half then weigh down one side so I can cut along the fold. It takes a bit but I feel so good to accomplish. If my daughter is home, she'll try to take over to get the job done - I do it now when she's not around :nana: The next huge job to tackle will be our Thanksgiving dinner. We'll have a family get-together but always do one of our own as well. I "help" and supervise; thankfully we're a good team in the kitchen. Then Christmas decorating will be that weekend. Anyhoo good for you on all your triumphs dear. Keep up the great work and know that we love you.
  19. Sue, If I could I'd be on my way to see you and Ray. That would be a vacation of a lifetime for me. The time you spent with Babs & Eddie sounded absolutely wonderful. Yes dear you are definitely missed here - none of us can begin to fill your empty shoes. Hope to see you soon - darn computers.
  20. That was beautiful - thank you for sharing this with us.
  21. Stu, Steve's dream has definitely become a reality. It is sad it's neeed by so many but thankfully it is here for us. Three cheers to Steve as well to our members. Without the membership, the dream wouldn't be a reality.
  22. dstraugh

    I hate it!!!!

    I'm so glad for you Bill - thoughts and prayers are with you both.
  23. From http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/stress/MH00030 - 11-4-08 Stress and depression can ruin your holidays and hurt your health. Being realistic, planning ahead and seeking support can help ward off stress and depression. For some people, the holidays bring unwelcome guests
  24. Ann, What a wonderful blog entry and a tribute to Choe. We can only all wish to have someone like Choe in our lives. Fond memories will keep her forever alive in everyone's hearts. Yes, God is good. Thank you for sharing Choe with us.
  25. dstraugh

    I hate it!!!!

    I'm so so sorry Bill. Long distance relationships can be difficult. As close as you 2 were, it is a shame. You've got Bud by your side to ease your heart. It's hard to think of it this way right now, but in time, you may be able to look at it as a love you might not have ever experienced. One door may close as another opens. Take time to regroup and heal from your broken heart. (((hugs))) and prayers that you feel better soon. We're here for you dear friend.