
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by dstraugh

  1. Dear Adopted Niece of ours, Of course you've got my ever continuous prayers for you. When you previously said that you were not doing well in your classes, I never though that not doing well was 2A's, 1B, and a C thus far. We are are own worse critics. I remember back to my college days (I starting attending college at age of 38). If there was any chance of not receiving an A in a class I was beating myself over it. Please please try to relax before you develop an ulcer over all the wory. You are an intelligent young lady. WhooHooo for you making th entire 5 miles. I'm so so proud of you fot the accomplishment. If you are tired or sore over the next few days from the walk, please go gentle on yourself, ok? Your schedule is pretty hectic with your studies and meetings. The mentoring you do will be worthwhile - any student having you as a mentor should feel honored. Am I biased? You bet I am; I'm a proud Auntie :big_grin: Best of luck and prayers with your driving. The road trip with your Dad sounds super - sounds like he's finalizing accepting you are growing up. Thst's a tough step for a parent. My daughter turned 16 in August and I'm still adjusting
  2. Little Miss Taylor is way way beyond cute and adorable. If she were in a competition, she'd definitely receive my vote or 2 or 3 or 4 or more.
  3. dstraugh

    kicking bees

    Sue, I just hope you do not get stung as you "kick at the bees". Frugal shopping and spending is definitely a way of life. Kristi knows the importance of getting bargains and hs become quite the shopper. Even before stroke I used to day I squeezed Lincoln (our penny) so hard that he screamed for mercy. Now the sqeezing is even more crucial but we do what we must do. Bless your neighbor for her Attitude regarding her illness and the chemo. I bet she also looks at a glass as half full rather than half empty.
  4. Louis, I can empathize with you. Your son should be ashamed of himself being in the health field and all. Both he and your wife need to learn a bit of compassion and understanding. To cut them slack, they might be going through the Five Stages of Grief. Stroke does affect the entire family - they need to understand though that you need their support as part of your recovery not their animosity. You didn't request a stroke being part of your life. Please know that we're here for you Louis. We understand.
  5. Huh Huh, now the truth comes out lol - the doc has another role of eye candy WhoooHoooo that's an added perk.
  6. dstraugh


    Katrina, Dear cyber Niece you are NOT rude. I think you now know the support and love we feel for you. Through good times and bad we're in your corner and very proud of you. You're are working towards your dreams rather than sitting on the sidelines "wishing" to do things. Way to go on your driving lesson - sometimes e overlook the good things when feeling poorly about others. love and (((hugs)))
  7. Sue Change is so hard for everyone; hope Ray will get used to the change in his schedule. Your Mum might get scared if she can suddenly see things after this long. Shame they discover the actual cause earlier. Enjoy your warmer weather - here we're beginning the downward slide towards winter.
  8. dstraugh

    downhill skiing

    Oh how wonderful Marie. Even prestroke I never tried to ski - I think I would've either broken every bone in my body or turned into a human snowball. I'd like to try bowling - I used to enjoy going though I wasn't all that good - had a wicked curve ball - had gutter balls mastered but always had fun and a good laugh. Obviously was not league material. never quite coordinated before and definitely not now lol What a terrific example to set for your children.
  9. dstraugh


    SharonLee, Welcome to the blog community. I agree with Vi and Asha, let Keith fend for himself or let the church save him. He's an adult. Your concerns are that of your Mom and yourself. The nursing home has the responsibility for protecting your Mom as she is there under their roof. Work with them so your brother can't harm her but be sure to protect yourself.
  10. Janice, By all means call and speak to doctor. You deserve to have your questions answered no matter how many of them you have.
  11. Sue, I'm so so glad you had an enjoyable visit with your northern family. How nice for you and Ray. Your comment of how much to tell our families is an excellent one. I think when it comes to family or even with our friends we try to maintain that all is fine when, in all reality, that may be farthest from the truth. I'm not totally sure why we tend to do this; perhaps it is an extension of denial. If the truth be told, then we believe we'll lose our standing of being strong and can do and handle anything. Unfortunately, by keeping any trials and tribulations to ourselves, it begins to snowball and we reach a point of not being able to express things how they really are to those around us for to do so is really losing "face". There are instances in families where there is denial on the part of those outside looking in when they are faced with what is going on. In my family, I see it from two different viewpoints. My Aunt, who is now 65, is disabled and has been in a wheelchair for close to 40 years. She has also developed emphysema and is on oxygen 24/7. Her immediate family goes through their own various stages of denial with regard to their Mom even though she is quite vocal about her needs. In their eyes, my daughter and I have no real needs. Promises are quick to be made but quite easily broken. So...what do we do? I dunno - wish I had a suggestion. What we all do have is a safe place to retreat and vent to release some of the pressure on us. (((hugs)))
  12. Katrina, you are definitely stronger than you think You do, I hope) understand that you can pm any one of us and we'll be there for you. Can't be there in person for obvious reasons. but send you virtial (((hugs))) and pray that things will go better for you. Your poetry is beautiful, escape to your writing. Others have suggested reading inspirational books. For me, I enjoy reading fiction where I can so so speak lose myself in the plot. Reading for me is an outlet. Take care of yourself, you are loved.
  13. dstraugh


    Katrina, Please please speak to a campus counselor about your feelings. You are so young dear and have your entire life ahead of you -it was not time for you to go to Heaven's Gate when you experienced stroke. Stroke has entered our lives for a reason, not as a punishment. Please know that we love you and worry about you. If you don't want to go to a campus counselor, then speak to your doctor for some medications and/or seek help by going to www.suicidology.org or by calling the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline number, 1-800-273-TALK (8255). If you wish, you can also pm me your telephone number and we can talk.
  14. Kathy First dear Congrats on hitting the 3 year mark and on successfully managing while Barry was gone. Pat yourself on the back :You-Rock: for a job well done - well except for your one-handed hair cut :giggle: . Glad the salon could fix you up. I give you credit - that's one thing I have NOT attempted to do post. I won't even attempt hair coloring on my own lol.
  15. dstraugh

    Going on respite

    I am thrilled for you. Bless your son for agreeing to stay with his Dad so you can get the well deserved break. Enjoy your time away and enjoy the massage - sounds wonderful.
  16. Jan, you are so very very wise and speak the truth. I try and try to continue to love myself as God loves me. He gave me another chance at life and for that I am forever grateful. I do continue to struggle to overcome deficits so that I can continue to enjoy my remaining time and I ask all the time for his guidance. Faith and attitude will carry us far as well as close loved ones here on earth continuing to support and encourage us.
  17. dstraugh


    Katrina, Dear gal, depression is nothing to mess with. I know you hate taking meds but perhaps one is needed right now or some counseling to help you over this latest hurdle. We all need a help here and there along the way. Ladst year when we relocated from AZ to PA my daughter felt she's not make any friends and deeply has missed her friends from AZ. One thing I suggested to her and I'm going to mention to you. Two words - Body Language. Someone who walks around with their head down and trying to ignore the world will get ignored as well. Use that sweet smile of yours and chin up - walk with your head high. You ARE wonderful and deserve great things to happen just as everyone else does. It's ok to climb on the pity pot now and then but you have to remember to flush it before it overflows and you have a stinky mess to clean up. Love you
  18. Janice, You're only as old as you feel. There are days when I feel older than dirt itself lol. Could it be your spare time used to be filled caring for kittens and now that Momma cat is fixed there are no babies around. Maybe you need to adopt a lil darling to liven things up for you. Or perhaps chase hubby around the house.
  19. Sherri, You are hard on yourself; we are are own worse critics in so many ways. We all have weaknesses as none of here are pefect - far far from it. But we're here for each other in any way possible. Please rememer you are loved here and please please keep us posted on how you and Bob are doing in Virginia and how your new job is going. God Bless.
  20. dstraugh

    50 things about me

    Marie, We too have things in common besides being females. I'm 54. play Mahjong daily via http://www.freegames.ws/games/boardgames/m...freemahjong.htm (there's no time limitations but no points either - you clear board and volcano erupts). I too am an avid reader when not cruisin the internet and Strokenet. I listen to music all day, usually country western (Y108 is our local station). I too worked in the public sector as a Social Worker and have been a volunteer post stroke.
  21. I got the book and it IS FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. Congrata to you for the 2 year mark. Here's to many many many more anniversaries.
  23. George, My my YES the bread looks sooooo yummy. Thanks for posting the pics of the goodies and Leslie. As tough as it is for you to sit and care for yourself, yo need to do so as you heal from the surgery. Don't want any setbacks. Sure looks as if a recession is on the way.
  24. Hey to break even would also be ok Fred. My condolences to your family. Get some rest when you can, enjoy what you can - specially the food and have a safe trip home.