
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by dstraugh

  1. dstraugh

    What's next?

    Janice, Yes, I do strongly believe that we all survived for a reason not as a punishment. and too that God will not give us what we can't handle; though at times I feel he pushes the limits a bit. Many a day I look heaven-ward and say "Enough". You might just need to discover your purpose here now post stroke...perhaps volunteering. Chin up dear friend, tomorrow is another day and it's in HIS wisdom that we cannot see into the future; therefore, we grasp each day and give thanks for still being a part of this world versus pushing up daisies. As I've never had a green thumb, I'm sure I wouldn't be doing the daisies any good either afterwards. lol
  2. Sue, I too send love, (((hugs))) and prayers to you and to Ray as well to help you both deal with all the changes that are now a part of your daily lives. We are told repeatedly that HE only gives us what we can handle. This is true though sometimes I personally feel HE is pushing the limits a bit. Donna
  3. Congratulation to Patrick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's fantastic. Enjoy your evening - you both deserve it. (((hugs)))
  4. dstraugh

    My doctor is busy

    There is possibly a shortage of "good" doctors in certain areas. You could also request they contact you if they have a cancellation - if you're able to get there in a short period of time that is.
  5. Hi Elondie, I think it is absolutely wonderful that your daughter and Tootie's Dad have Toottie involved in these programs. The family's support and encouragement of her will teach her an invaluable lesson in life - Never EVER give up your dreams and that life DOES go on after stroke. She'll be an adorable cheerleader - Give me a T, give me an O, give me another O, give me a T, give me another T, give me an I, give me a E...... Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo TOOTIE :cheer:
  6. Kristen, I watched the video book trailer and I'm in love with it. My library only has the sound recording and I've reserved it.
  7. That's all any of us can do is keepa Dancing. One...two....three...one...two...three. Or, as Lawrence Welk used to say "Anda onea anda twoa"
  8. Ann, First, Happy Happy Belated Anniversary. I'm glad you did wake up to oversee Bill. That is super that he decided to cook - bless his heart. Hope things continue safely for him and you both. You don't want to need the fire dept racing to your new home. Super Super about the added funds approved so you can get time to yourself. That's wonderful and gives you a chance to regroup as well as giving Bill someone else to interact with.
  9. dstraugh

    I have a need

    Janice, I think many of us go through periods where we want to blog but nothing is really going on in our lives that feel anyone would be interested in. Perhaps reading and replying to other blogs might spark a subject for you to blog about. You've got extra time on your hands now that you've got no more kittens to care for. It's amazing how much time we can spend with our furry friends.
  10. Janice, Yes, you better get to the doctor to see what is going on. You don't want further complications. Is there a history of diabetes in your family?
  11. Congratulations Gary!! That's wonderful - hard work pays off.
  12. Kristen, What a terrific birthday present that will be for you. Hope you guys have a great time - fantastic seating!! You deserve the night out and the new shoes :big_grin:
  13. dstraugh

    New AFO

    Ken, I'm sure you grow accustomed to your AFO very soon. I just received a new one myself last month. My new one has hinges in it for added flexibility in walking. Glad your daughter is home from her U.S. trip; I'm sure she'll have many many stories to tell.
  14. dstraugh

    How old do I feel inside?

    Janice, Stroke + age = stink lol. How's that for a simple math equation? I turned 54 this year so the creeping upward of age plus being post stroke has taken it's toll. I had my daughter as an older Mom (I was 38) I was told she'd keep me young. Sometimes that's true; as we go through the teen years though sometimes I feel I'm aging faster trying to keep up with her lol. What I strive to do is keep the "healthy" brain cells churning by reading, surfing the net daily and playing computer games. Volunteering here at Strokenetwork also helps me to keep my brain active. I've rambled lol - sorry - DON'T give in to age and stroke deficits I say.
  15. Janine, Seems that overnight we're not "newbies" to this stroke thing. Not that long ago you were so "up in the air" about all that was happening. Now look at you dear, being able to help another as her friend starts down the recovery road with her Dad. Bless you for all you're doing; hope Larry starts to feel better and that your's and Cecelia's backs can hold up til you can the laminate flooring installed.
  16. dstraugh

    overdue update

    Rich, Thank you for the update. Was wondering how all was going with you. Look forward to continued updates and maybe even some pictures posted here of your new home as well.
  17. dstraugh


    Kris, Welcome to the blog Community. Blogging is such a wonderful way for everyone to become further acquainted and to share all of our ups and downs. Not only are we blessed to be survivors but to have this wonderful group to call "family". Jessie is absolutely adorable.
  18. Sue, I'm so so happy that you and Ray had a good outing and that he had a good birthday. It is definitely one day at a time - or even Carpe Diem
  19. dstraugh

    thank you

    Thank you for reconsidering your decision dear. We're all family here and it's hard to let a family member leave our group.
  20. dstraugh

    my last entry

    Marie, I too hope that you continue blogging as blogging is therapeutic for everyone. Perhaps a bit of time away will help you. I know myself I've taken breaks here and there when I didn't think I had anything to say. Sometimes we forget that knowledge is power and and the knowledge we've gained in our own stroke recovery can and is beneficial to others as they embark on their stroke journey. You have NOT rambled in your blogs dear lady, you've shared a wealth of information and inspiration. You've inspired me that's for sure. You are loved.
  21. Gary That is wonderful news about Kyle starting to walk - brought a tear to my eye. God Bless him. And God Bless you Gary for the work you are doing there as well. Hope things can getting moving in the right direction for a stroke unit for the province.
  22. Sue, You are dealing with so so much right now dear lady. My heart goes out to you for what you are experiencing and to Ray for all that he is losing. Though he does not even realize what he is losing. (((hugs))) and prayers to you sweetie as you adjust to all the new changes in your lives.
  23. dstraugh

    There's a Fungus Among Us

    You poor dear. Talk to your doctor about a creme you can apply to the nails to help in reducing the thickness. My doc had prescribed a cream but I can't recall the name of it but I did find the following through google: http://www.publichealthforums.com/s-treati...CFQSPFQodQxDnig I also saw home remedies using a mixture of Listerine and water. Good luck dear and hope you can get all resolved without further pain.
  24. dstraugh

    good news

    Nancy, Glad you got an answer to your shoulder pain and are getting relief. That's wonderful. Knowledge is definitely power; sharing info about stroke can benefit so many others in the prevention as well as in the recovery. Glad your volunteering is going well at your daughter's school and you are mastering the copy machine. You Go!!! Yes, Life is good - it's different now but still good - definitely better than the alternative.
  25. Congratulations Girk! Knock their socks off and enjoy yourself at doing what you like and are trained to do.