
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by dstraugh

  1. That is wonderful for her. She's trying and that is so so important.
  2. dstraugh

    No more kittens

    Good for you Janice. No you certainly don't need the extra work involved with newborn kittens. It will be better for Momma cat too in the long run. Continous litters is not healthy for her.
  3. Kristen, What a bonding experience for you with Patrick - WhooHoo. Not sure I'd have been that adventurous as you guys though lol. The video was super and the scenery fabulous.
  4. dstraugh

    its too late

    Katrina, The ladies before me said it all so so well. There are times when I too still "sit on the fence" between acceptance and total pitypotville. I try to remain strong for others and shove the "woe is me" to the back burner. You know we can wish all we want about the should haves and could haves but we cannot change the past. We have today and tomorrow. Only God knows what miracles are still ahead for me and for any of us here on earth. I still say we survived for a reason not as a punishment. Perhaps your reason hasn't become clear to you yet. (((hugs))) to you dear girl - where's that gorgeous smile?
  5. Hi Mel and Welcome back dear friend. Have missed you around here. Great pics of your sweetie. Look forward to hearing from you.
  6. ]Welcome Home Ray!!!!!! So glad Ray is home Sue. Although there is still the "unknown", I can almost hear your relief that Ray is home again. You are so so right that at times ignorance is bliss; however, if there is a way to even slow down the kidney damage as a result of diabetes then that's good. For me, my diabetic meds were changed to a med that filters out through the liver instead of kidneys (glimeperide until it's determined that that med causes liver damage I suppose). Hope Mother Nature gets the memo that it's now spring in your part of the world. Until then, hope you both can keep warm with TLC for the both of you.
  7. dstraugh

    sad 3rd anniverssary

    Happy happy anniversary to you and Andre. You can still make your day special without leaving home. Hope he feels better soon. (((hugs))) to you both on your special day.
  8. dstraugh

    my birthday

    :friends: Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday to You. Hope your day is great Nancy - enjoy the day and your family time. Here's to many many more :beer: :Dance:
  9. Kim Congrats on your accomplishment - whooooohooooo for you dear. Yes, PA is definitely full of hills compared to Texas. You did it and that's what matters. You are an inspiration.
  10. dstraugh

    Here We Go Again

    Leah Your upcoming trip sounds wonderful. Yeah, I do think the overpacking is definitely a girl thing. For me, it's something I've also taught my daughter. :giggle: You are definitely blessed and we're blessed to have you here with us.
  11. dstraugh

    my 1st blog

    Bree, Welcome welcome to the blog community. We're so glad to have you with us dear. The support of family and friends is key for recovery.
  12. dstraugh

    no answers

    Sue, You know what is best dear and it would be great to have Ray home with you for Father's Day and his birthday. We are only worried about you as well as Ray. Only wish I could time travel and be able to offer you assistance - well I could offer one one working arm/hand and leg. Speaking to the care provider is an excellent idea and I hope that goes well.
  13. dstraugh

    no answers

    Sue, I firmly agree with what Kathy and Ann said. Of course you want your honey home so you can care for him but at what cost - your own health and well being? I'm sure if you spoke up and even demanded to speak with someone that Ray would not be discharged in his current state. God Bless you Sweet Lady
  14. Kathy, home-grown tomatoes - yummmmmmm Wish I was close by as your neighbors. My gardening skills are atrocious to put it mildly - even before stroke. Bless you. I'm sure all will be fine while Barry is gone. Granted, I've not spend 2 weeks home alone but I've got faith that all will go ok - your furry ones will probably watch over you. I'm sure your son will check on you as well. Smart idea you and Barry have to lay low until the vacationers are cleared out and you have peace, quiet, and less traveled roads. Good report from the cardiologist on your "valve job". Hope all continues to go well.
  15. Marie, Families can be so so cruel. I've had similar occurrences within my family after the stroke. They have no clue what we are coping with on a daily basis. I don't have nearly as many years post stroke that you do (it'll be 4 years for me on 1-1-09). My left arm and hand remain fairly nonfunctional. Thankfully I was right side dominant to begin with so that was fortunate for me. I too have learned to adapt with only having one hand to use but I still work with the left side (this week made progress in that could use the left hand to turn light/ceiling fan switch on and off - granted it's the fist but something I couldn't do before) I know I got a bit winded here - but Marie, what matters is what you have accepted and are content with, not what others think and say. They do not understand completely unless they have survived a stroke themselves.
  16. Sue, At your time of need, I wish I could be there for you besides being in cyber space. But do know dear I amongst many here wish we could be with you physically. Love you.
  17. George, Terrific job - You deserve a HUGE pat on the back for the job you did. Excellent pictures. Sounds like fall is definitely at your back door and winter/snow not too far behind.
  18. Marti Hope you can find a doc to listen to you. I worry all the time when my daughter gets sick, even with a common cold - sure as shootin, I'm going to catch it as well. I'm now on a good multiple vitamin that I take every every day religiously to ward off the yucks I hope as the school year gets ready to start. Plus I get a flu shot each fall- got a few years left on my pneumonia shot. Feel better soon (((hugs)))
  19. My baby turned 16 years old on 8-15-08. The day was met by me with mixed emotions as in 2 more years she'll be graduated from High School and college bound. I won't talk about the emotions right now as I can't type and proofread through watery eyes. We went to Auntie's house for the celebration with family. Dar baked and decorated the birthday cake in a "Kristiwood" theme after Kennywood Park (our area amusement Park). Kristi has been there several times this summer and loves it there. The cake was totally edible, including the rides. In the pictures, you'll see Kristi with her new hairdo, a birthday present from my best friend/adopted Sis - Deb. We went to Deb's house for the weekend (8-8,9-10). I also got redone (badly needed cut and perm). After our girl's day of beauty appointments and shopping, we had a cookout and a bonfire for the up-coming birthday girl. Only drawback of the weekend was me negotiating the sofa where I slept (low to floor and very soft). Getting off the sofa was a huge challenge but I refused assistance and conquered it myself. After getting home I was very sore for a few days but it was well worth the time away. I was worried about leaving my "girls" home for the weekend but all went very well and there was no damage done. Crystal at 8 years old has been left before but Lili has not. There were no injuries or missing hair on either of them so that was a good thing. School begins on 8-28 - Junior year in High School - dang I'm getting old :Tantrum: - summer went too too fast. I've been "training" this summer to work up to when she goes to college. She's been busy with friends and family going away many weekends. All has gone well for me but I've decided that once she's outta school and gone I want to move somewhere more easily accessible for me to get in and out independently and to be more self-reliant. If only I could 'train" my "girls" to take out the trash and do laundry :roflmao: .
  20. From the album: Sweet 16 Party

    "Uncle Chuck" did the honors and held her so I could dish out birthday smacks - my hand was sore after all of them lol.
  21. dstraugh

    Sweet 16 Party

    Kiddo's birthday celebration on 8-15