
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by dstraugh

  1. Katrina, I try to look t it as we've all survived for a reason, not as a punishment. You're definitely here for a purpose - to achieve your goals and be an inspiration to others. (((hugs))) to you "niece" of ours Auntie Donna
  2. Hi Marie, Very powerful blog. May I suggest that you perhaps print this up and send to your family. I can understand ad empathize with you very much as my life has run similar parallels.
  3. dstraugh

    day one

    Hi dear and Welcome Welcome to the world of blogging. Blogging provides therapy for everyone and gives a chance to know the person even better. Hope the cortisone continues to help you. Best of luck with the MRI and the knowledgeable stroke therapist. So sorry you've a bit down. We all experience the pity pot - I must remind myself of the importance of "flushing" when I'm done. Maybe with the school year coming up around the bend, you can find something to occupy your time when your daughter and grandchildren are not around. My daughter starts back to school the end of the month - she'll be a H.S. Junior this year. It's with mixed emotions that I will greet the commencing of the school year.
  4. Hi Gang. You'd think I was a busy beaver with no time on my hands. Almost another 2 months have flown by since my last entry. Nope, nope.....not that busy...just time flies by each day. Had a near disaster the afternoon of 8-1. I was returning home with medical transport after getting fitted for new AFO at Hanger Orthodics. The driver of the van (looks like mini-bus) pulled up a bit past our property. I exited the van and she had my walker ready for me. As I was not right our property, I walked towards the rear of the van to reach my access to my property. The driver pulled out while I was motoring along and the bumper of the van caught onto my walker. not only did the walker get pulled out of my hand, but I lost my balance and fell to the ground. The driver kept going despite my screams for help and did not check her mirrors. So there I was on the side of the street sitting...nothing was broken, except my pride. This was the first time I've gone out to an appt. without Kristi either going with me or awaiting my return. As I have several upcoming appointments over the next few months AND don't want Kristi missing school cos of me, I was trying to get used to going out a bit more independently. Fortunately, with thanks to a dear friend, I was able to whip out my cell go-phone and call 911. I then called Kristi and told her what happened. Told her I'd get to meet our rescue squad (they're always hunks lol. I was to call her when I got into the house. As I was awaiting their arrival, dispatch called and advised they did not know when they could get to me as they had a backlog of true medical emergency calls. Having been (in my former life) an EMT/Paramedic, I understood. Although where I was sitting was not comfy, I had a bottle of water in my purse and just prayed I'd not have to pee. I called Kristi back and told her what happened. She was at Kennywood Park for the day with her cousins and panicked that she wasn't able to rescue me herself. She called my cousin who lives 20 minutes away. Lisa and her one daughter flew to my house and got me up and back into the house. They stayed for almost 2 hours to be sure I was ok. At the time all I had in the house was extra-strength tylenol. As time wore on and the evening came, I was hurting big time. Had a few bruises here and there, nothing major and pain was muscular, no numbness or anything severe. On Saturday Kristi went and purchased me some Exedrin's back and body pain relief which has helped greatly. I return to Hanger Orthodics tomorrow (8-8) and I'm nervous about traveling with the medical transport. I lodged a complaint with the contracted company - I was told they are a door-to-door company as mandated by their contract and the driver should have walked me to my door. Some have suggested that I sue the company; however, I must rely on them to get to all my medical appointments. Our dear Lord worked overtime that day. On a more upbeat note, getting ready for my kiddo's sweet 16 birthday on 8-15. Thanks to getting in the irs stimulus check and my 2007 rent rebate, I've been able to order her a few things on-line. The fun part is trying to wrap and hide. Plans are to have a family celebration at my Aunt's house on the 15th. Of course the days are filled with female teen drama. Boyfriends are nopw part of the mix. I will survive this although I can feel the gray hairs popping out of my scalp. Kiddo and I are going to Butler PA Friday evening to stay with my adopted Sis until Sunday. She's picking us up after work. Saturday is "girl's day" at a beauty & nail salon. This is Deb's present to Kristi for her birthday. We're also going shopping to try and get a sun-dress for her for her birthday. Her new favorite color is turquoise. That's all for now I suppose :out_of_here:
  5. George, Gald to hear you, Leslie, and the furry ones are enjoying your summer. I 3rd what Asha and Sue have said. I too wish I could order a loaf of the homemade bread to pick up. I bet the smells of those loaves baking are heavenly. Thinking about it makes my mouth water and makes we think about grabbing the jar of peanut butter - warm homemade bread with peanut butter.
  6. dstraugh

    Helpless to help

    Janice, You have tried and that's all you can do. Hope the kittens and Momma will be safe living near the large dog. Maybe she likes to live life on "the edge"
  7. Keep plugging away Kyle. You have many who've got your back and wish the very best for you. Gary, You stated "vvvii is a new phrase and stands for "very, very, very. important indeed"" So true, so true dear friend
  8. dstraugh

    At the lake

    You are proving for sure that life DOES go on after stroke. Bless You!!!
  9. dstraugh

    The water-park

    Marie, I took look forward to your life experiences. Whooosh - 100 mph - WOW
  10. Sue, Congrats on being able to be a part of the class. Knowledge is definitely power. As much info as you receive, I'm sure others will be grateful for learning your knowledge and expertise. How cool that Ray has been invited again to Camp Breakaway. Will be great for both of you.
  11. Gary, Thank you dear for the update from the J room. I was wondering how everything was going - he is making great strides - God Bless him. Keep up the good work Kyle. Gary, enjoy all your upcoming activites and be sure to have Gary time as well.
  12. Good for you Stu. Can't wait to read the article and pass it on to others
  13. dstraugh

    vroom vroom

    Marie, That's super to have that freedom of getting out and on your own terms. Good for you.
  14. dstraugh


    Good for you Marie that you can personally attack the grocery store. I've not yet been able to do that. My teen daughter is the shopper for the actual walk to the store for things. We do supplement (which makes it easier for her) by using Schwan's - http://www.schwans.com/ Here, I can shop on-line and the food is delivered to our door.
  15. Doreen, I too hope that Bill willingly goes for the respite idea. You deserve and need that time to re-energize yourself.
  16. Janine, Yes, you are our modern day Scarlett O'Hara. After all, tomorrow is another day. Got a kick out of Larry's hat. If that hat helps get him willing to leave the house and attend sessions - Go for It I say!!! You've come so so far and you are a strong woman.
  17. Good for You!!! One step at a time and of course all in HIS time not ours. You're doing great and you've come so far and you're not done. Keep up the good work.
  18. Marie, I had hit my 3 year anniversary without having anti-depressants. Right after the stroke my doc prescribed them but insurance refused to cover them. I battled on my own what stroke dished out plus the after effects on me as well as on my daughter (she'll be 16 next month). All finally got to me and I experienced a major melt-down when I saw my doc in June of this year. She prescribed an anti-depressant which has helped me immensely. She does want me to continue them for another 6-9 months to be on the safe side. It's ironic, I've experienced other traumas in my life but never had this occur. At first I too felt week; my doctor reassured me that I've been dealt alot to overcome in life and it finally caught up with me. On a lighter side, she did say that being a parent of a teenager in of itself can be just cause for depression. One day at a time.......
  19. Sherri - WOW - what an interview - You Go Girl!!! You got through it successfully and also had the perks of a nice suite to stay in. Best of luck - will look forward to hearing their decision.
  20. Sue, Beautiful and heartfelt blog entry. We are so blessed to have your input here at the site.
  21. Doreen, Welcome to the Blog Community. The first year of stroke recovery can be the hardest; you and Bill have made it through it together. Doctors can be so so wrong with their prognosis for improvement after stroke. They tend to lean on the skeptical side not taking into consideration a person's determination. Sorry to hear you did not get some rest for yourself as Bill would not go to respite. I understand how you felt when he cried and didn't want to go; however, for YOU it is vital to have that time away so you can re-energize yourself. If you're not physically and mentally healthy, yuo'll be of no use to either of you. Are you able to get someone to come into your home so you can take time for yourself, even for a few hours (friend, clergy) Take care and God Bless
  22. Ann, So so sorry to hear about your outcome at the doctors with your back and shoulder. Our resident angel here on earth :Angel: is worn out from all she does. :hug: Hope the therapy and the motrin help you. bribery might be the key to Bill's bathroom issues - perhaps even a reward system.
  23. dstraugh

    one of my pet peeves

    Marie, So sorry this happened to you. I can understand fully as it's happened to me as well. I've experienced too, trying to walk into an establishment, battling to open the door while managing my walker. I ended up doinf got myself as no one would assist me. I succeeded but it was frustrating.
  24. Gary. Shame shame on you for forgetting to report on happenings from the J room - only teasing lol. Glad all is going well with Kyle. So sorry to hear the news about others encountering stroke. Enen as the work gets out to warn people, there are still so many affected by stroke, Is it due to the mindset that this won't happen to me, but someone else?
  25. dstraugh

    a golden day

    Sue, So glad your special day was indeed a special affair.