
Stroke Survivor - female
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Blog Comments posted by dstraugh

  1. Ruth,


    Keep plugging ahead. They may be forced to stop the OT due to insurance. Sometimes, after a period of time, you can get the doc to write another script for therapy or perhaps even appeal the decision of the insurance company to stop. I was able at one point to get therapy extended when my doc filed an appeal.

  2. Katrina,


    Best of luck to you with the DMV. Congrats to you on passing the road test!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel too you will be a licensed driver very very soon.


    Hope you can spend quality time with your boyfriend before he leaves for college.



  3. Hi Ruth,


    As the ol saying goes, "time flies when you're having fun". As active as you and William are with his therapy that adds to the time flyin right on by. The weekend down time is probably a good thing for William as your weeks are so busy, his body gets a chance to try and catch up. I hope that is the only reason he is experiencing confusion. You'll have to monitor it and may be keep a log so as to inform the doctors.

  4. Diana,


    I too am glad to hear that all is going better for you dear. You deserve the happiness. I hope your daughter can get the stress under control and does no have any further health issues.


    A Mom's job of worrying never ever ends no matter how old they are. How cool to be reuniting with old friends.

  5. Ken,


    I agree with Sue; still strive to walk independently but use aides to assist where needed. I'm able to cruise around my home with my AFO on and no hemi-walker now. If I go out, I take the hemi-walker or for my local excursions in the neighborhood, my powerchair. I have walked to a local convenience store with my hemi-walker but have realized that is NOT the safest thing for me to do. This here weeble (me LOL) does indeed wobble and she DOES fall down. Rather than injuring my ego or breaking a hip I've had to adjust my ways of getting things done.


    Keep at it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Hi there Katrina,


    Sorry to hear about the DMV nightmare you're experiencing. Your Dad's negativity could also be considered as an added lesson in driving and dealing with others.


    I see you're being hard on yourself once again sweetie. Having a stupid arm myself that does not want to listen and recover, I DO understand and have empathy towards you. tell you what....let's have a pity party right now, this very minute for all of us who have stubborn limbs. Ready.....set.....GO....One....Two....Three........Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww


    OK, pity party over; stand up so we can all flush and get back to business.


    Hope I've made you smile, even a teeny one. You are definitely loved unconditionally.



  7. Kimmie,


    Sweet little Gypsy will establish her territory in short time and all the boys will be listening to HER. I'm so glad you had a great time with your little Jake. Jake will be a big brother; hope all goes well for the remainder of Tiffany's pregnancy. Good she'll have the hysterectomy after giving birth.


    Look forward to seeing the pics in the gallery.