
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by dstraugh

  1. dstraugh

    thank you

    Marie, It is a definite pleasure getting to read about you and in turn getting to know you. Stroke recovery is definitely not a breeze and clear sailing. For those able to overcome what has been dished out, it makes us stronger individuals I feel.
  2. Kim, Keep pedaling away - hope all goes well with your riding partner. Good luck in your employment search. Busy Busy lady.
  3. Glad to hear the relationship between you and your Uncle is getting repaired and that you are able to "be there" for him in any capacity as he and your Aunt begin to walk the road to recovery. Perhaps he will consider joining Strokenetwork as well.
  4. dstraugh

    look mom new shoes

    Marie, You truly are added proof (if we need it) that recovery never ever stops. You go Girl!!!!
  5. dstraugh

    More kittens

    I bet they are totally precious! My Crystal, who turned 8 this year, is a tuxedo. I'll pass lol - our other baby is 10 months old and is still a monster covered in fur.
  6. You'd need to ask an attorney that one. If she understand everything else, she might not be "getting it" on purpose as she doesn't want to go to a nursing home. What you could do is take her to visit area nursing homes (but preview them first to make sure they'd be good for her. Perhaps once she she went to see one, her views would change if it was really nice there. Change is hard. My Grandma had to go and live at a nursing home as there were no family who could care for her - at first she was very angry but adjusted fairly quickly considering as stubborn and set in her ways she was.
  7. Question for you - do you/your hubby have a power of attorney over her financial affairs, does someone else or is she able to control her finances herself. Hate to be mean but it sounds like the family just wants the money when she passes away and heck with what she needs now. That's a darn shame they are being like that. If someone has power of attorney, they need to step up to the plate and assist you in the decision making. If she is capable, sit and talk with her and let her know the current situation cannot go on indefinitely. If you burn-out or develop health problems, who will help her then and who will care for your family?
  8. Sorry to hear about your Aunt. Glad you were still able to enjoy your week after all was said and done. Cell phones have created another dimension for us in being able to reach out and touch someone huh. So glad your vacation had something for everyone and that you've had the opportunity to build lasting memories. God Bless.
  9. Hi and Welcome to the site. So sorry to hear of what you're experiencing and that you have no assistance. Have you contacted Dept of Health and Senior Services in MO - http://www.dhss.mo.gov/AAA/index.html It is admirable what you are doing for her, but not fair to you or your own family. You may need to call a family meeting to discuss all the options available. If you cannot get family to assist you, the only option might be to have her placed in a nursing home if family will not help. You mention she does not qualify for medicaid - does she have medicare?
  10. dstraugh

    mcd's blog

    Bless your heart - You have conquered (or at the minimum let the stroke know it wasn't going to hold you back). Good for you!!! My daughter, if she catches me opening things with my teeth will ask me if I'm hungry or advise me not to eat the paper/plastic that I'm trying to get opened. I tie small trash bags up using my teeth (grocery store size with handles). Guess you can guess that I only have one functioning hand and you're right - my right one and fortunately my dominant one. We are strong, we are invincible, we are WOMEN!!
  11. dstraugh

    Mid-Summer Update

    Jean, It does not surprise me that you've been offered a job for what you do so so very well. If your hectic schedule could permit it, I'd say go for it!! Bet if you wrote a book it would be a best seller.
  12. Kakii, Bless your heart sweetie. Sorry things did not work out with hubby but in the bigger scheme of things, it's better to find out now rather than go back to him and be "jumping from the frying pan into the fire". Hope you get your "little place of your own" and can do your garden. You have your church friends and your friends here rooting for you. God Bless
  13. dstraugh

    I wish....

    Sue, Yes Dear we can all wish can't we but reality is present each and every day. Your experiences do so much help others - shame that you have to experience them at all but remember you are not "walking" alone - http://youtube.com/watch?v=xLsMBdbBNhA
  14. Ann, Dear Lady, you have definitely earned your angel wings :Angel: in my book as well as a gold medal. We survivors would be up the creek without a paddle if it wasn't for angels like you. God Bless and (((hugs)))
  15. That's wonderful news Gary; thank you thank yiou for keeping us enlightened on how Kyle is doing. Day Passes - Whoohooo for Kyle. Kyle, do you like your scrambled eggs with cheese melted in them? And cheese cake - quite the combination but good eatin nonetheless. Enjoy your passes and time home with your folks. Glad your glasses are helping; pretty soon we'll have messages from you yourself. God Bless and (((hugs))) to all.
  16. Kathy, As a fellow survivor, I know for me, the "comfort zone" thing has become quite prevalent. I'm even leery to go anywhere without kiddo by my side as she knows so well how to help me when I need help. Not that anyone else wouldn't assist me but it's a trust thing for me. It's great you get out to go to the library - perhaps as Anne said, build up to the museum trip. As you build confidence it'll get easier for you. I'm going to try to step out of my comfort zone as well - wish we lived closer, we could do it together.
  17. dstraugh

    Summer time

    Hey Bill, How about posting some pics of you and your sweetie?
  18. dstraugh

    Summer time

    Bill, Thank you for updating us. I'm so so happy for you, your lady, and Bud. Glad all is going well.
  19. Sue, I as well missed your typo until Sherry and Jean replied to it and brought it to our attention lol. I have no solutions for you either sweetie - sending (((hugs))) and oodles of love your way. I will say this though, our God might not be into mind reading, vocally ask for his help or through prayer, whiich I'm sure you already do. Makes me think as well of the words to a song I hear all the time on the radio - Garth Brook's "Unanswered Prayers" - http://youtube.com/watch?v=6yhKuIZIdz0
  20. Butch, I'm so glad Lisa wasn't hurt in the mishap with her chair - Yikes - she must gave been terrified. Cool on the van - way to go. I'll face the empty nest in two years as well; I'm scared to be honest, as it will be just me and my furballs in the house then. Have to train them to help with trash, laundry and shopping lol.
  21. dstraugh


    Sharon, I agree with these smart ladies. He is the best place for his safety right now. It is good that he can be there right now. One day, he'll improve and get to be home with you. Wish I could be there to give you a huge (((hug))) God Bless you both.
  22. Enjoy yourself Gary - just remember your sunblock. Look forward to the day when Kyle himself writes his updates. Mom J does a terrific job, bless her heart, but will be great to hear from our recovering friend himself. Potatoes & chicken - yummmm With his glasses, Kyle will get to see all the things he's been missing, including the pretty nurses lol
  23. dstraugh


    Katrina, Whoohoo Girl! I got a tear in my eye when I read your blog. I am so glad the hearing at DMV went well and you'll soon be getting your driving permit. We do have the tendency to forget where we've come from post stroke. We're always looking to how much more we want to regain. "You've Come A Long Way Baby" as the saying goes. Keep smilin. Love and (((hugs))) Auntie Donna
  24. Ann, I'm so glad to hear that you, Bill, and the "boys" got moved in after the ordeal of moving day. I agree with Lin to file complaints. May nor result in much for you but might help another consumer down the road. Enjoy your new home, look forward to getting a visual tour. Missed you around here as well.
  25. dstraugh

    Hubby's Family Reunion

    Enjoy the outing Janice. My family, on my Dad's side, get together generally for a few holidays and some of the birthdays. My daughter's Sweet 16 is next month and she would like both sides of the family to get together to celebrate. Not sure who will actually show from my maternal side but we'll invite.