
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by dstraugh

  1. Janine, You're getting into the routine. So much initially is trial and error as not everything works for everyone. You're finding out slowly what works fir you and Larry. I'm glad you 2 were able to get out of the house as well and walk to the store.
  2. Glad to hear you had a good time and all went well on your excursion.
  3. I'm glad Sue requested this reprint Jean. And yes, the boys have been buy blogging as well. Levi is one smart boy lol. Now if you wanted him to turn on the lamp, of course he'd sit and look at you thinking "right, Mom"
  4. Kyle, your drive and motivation is phenomenal - keep up the great work. Gary - keep up the great cheerleading :cheer: :thumbs up:
  5. Sue, Wish I could be there to give you guys a hug for the 40th Anniversary. The wedding vows you guys definitely took seriously which is so heartwarming and commendable in today's world. Virtually, I too would love to have some of the cake.
  6. Leah, It is very difficult for someone who has not walked in our shoes to fully understand what being a stroke survivor entails. We have good and bad days just like everyone else; however, with us our deficits can and do have a greater impact on us. I am 3 years post; I still have times when I need to retreat to the quiet confines of my room until I am more relaxed and able to deal with everyday life - things that before the stroke I accepted as the ways things were. Stress is believed to be a cause of stroke and none of us want to have reocurrences. Take the time for yourself, be gentle with yourself. We are our own worse critics. You're a survivor and you're not alone.
  7. dstraugh

    Lotsa water

    So so sorry to hear of your ordeals. Thankfully you, hubby, and your critters were not physically harmed with the flooding. It is a shame you could only get assistance for your primary residence and not for what was lost in your trailer. You will though have the memories and perhaps can acquire a new vacation home to create new memories.
  8. Hi and welcome to Strokenetwork and to the Blog Community. I like your metaphor of learning to float. As a survivor myself I can relate to that completely. Stroke affects the entire family not only the survivor. Through the blog community we are afforded the opportunity to further get acquainted with a member. We're on this stroke ship together and are here for each other to support and encourage one another. Strokenetwork has been my life preserver and I'm so glad you found us. Please extend a Happy Birthday to Deloris.
  9. dstraugh

    Another Trip!

    Wishing you and hubby a safe trip and an enjoyable "cooler" time. It's at this time of I year I especially to not regret moving away from the Valley in the Sun.
  10. Ken Recovery never ever ends and you are proving it. Way to Go!!! Here's to much more progress :beer: Hope your daughter enjoys the 4th og July festivities as well.
  11. Katrina, My definite thought and prayers are with you for the DMV. I know the feeling about needing more medications. I too wish for the "magic" pill that will cure all that ails us. Until that is invented though we must do the best we can and keep on plugging forward - which you are definitely doing. Be proud of what you can do and accomplish. I, for one, am very very proud of you.
  12. dstraugh

    Home Health Care

    Wonderful news Fred - Wish you the best of luck in it. Hope too the person is dependable and reliable and is able to assist you.
  13. Hi Gary, First and foremost - Keep up the progress Kyle - You're doing terrific. Continued thoughts and prayers to he and his family. As to Dr. Taylor, I have not yet read the book -0 I have it ordered through my local library to read. It is out of curiosity that I want to read it. I've got her video and was not quite impressed with her outlook on stroke survival. I can see where some might take a different view regarding experiencing a stroke.
  14. Super, Larry is getting involved in life around him.
  15. Janine, Glad to hear all is well on the home front with you and Larry. Glad to hear Cecilia is working out as well and you and Larry got to out for a walk and enjoy yourselves.
  16. dstraugh

    Family or Foe?

    Sharon, As the saying goes, you can pick your friends but not your family. So sorry to hear the family is acting this way; I understand as I've experienced the same thing. If it wasn't for having my adolescent daughter I'd probably not hear from any of them. There is love and support here in our cyber family.
  17. dstraugh

    Home Health Care

    Fred, Wish you the best of luck to get assistance. Between our strokes and getting older it is difficult at times.
  18. I'll 2nd Kristen's motion for you being awarded a Gold Medal. All our problems are so minute compared to the grande scheme. Enjoy our ocean view.
  19. dstraugh

    Two Years !!

    :congrats: on reaching the 2 year mark Stu. Glad you were able to get your blog posted as well. Nope, never give up - I'm sure that Kath lovingly cracks the whip :whip: Here's to many many more anniversaries :Beer-Chug: :clap:
  20. That is terrific news!!! Best wishes to all!!!
  21. Gary Great job for your first time on webcam. Enjoyed it very much and look forward to more. Hope Kyle enjoyed his shower - another first of many more firsts for this amazing young man.
  22. Hi Fred, Yes sir, your blog was "insightful" as AJ said. I bet you do get an eyeful. Can you just imagine the eyeful the tatoo artist gets when applying these tatoos? Modesty and decency has flown out of the window I think.
  23. I have the book requested from my local library to read. I'm going to try and read it with an open mind but I saw the video that was posted on site and I was not impressed with her revelations that the stroke experience was wonderful. As any survivor/caregiver/family member knows, stroke stinks (though my verbage could be stronger this is a rated "G" site) Like Lin, I was drawn to her experiences prestroke. I'm glad I'm not purchasing the book only renting it for 3 weeks.
  24. Sue, God Bless you and Ray.