
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by dstraugh

  1. I 2nd what Jean and Vi said Janine. If I was in need of a full-time caregiver, I'd vote for Jean. Very Very wise woman. You're still in the learning stages of all this dear. Patience, patience, and more patience right now.
  2. Good for you Kim- keep it up - what a thrill that must have been for you; quite a success. Would be great if you could find another buddy to ride with.
  3. dstraugh


    Rob, Have a terrific time in Vegas. It's a wonderful place to go. I always enjoyed myself; haven't been there since before stroke. Will look forwrd to hearing your account of Vegas as well as the convention.
  4. Katrina, Glad to hear your beach getaway with Dad went well for the most part. My affected foot too is sensitive and the slightest smallest thing to step on seems like a boulder. When I go out in public I wear slacks as I'm self conscious about my brace as well. Between the brace and my velcro tennis shoes I'd look like a character belonging on the Beverly Hillbillies if I wore a skirt. You've been quite the busy young lady besides your trip. Best wishes with the medical review board. Hope 3rd time is the charm for you.
  5. Hi Gary Thank you for letting us see the terrific pics . Wonderful news that Kyle's officially been transferred to the Rehab Unit - now the real workout will take place. Best wishes as well to your friend, John.
  6. Glad to hear your weekend went well and that you can look back and find some amusement in the some of the happenings. Duct tape is a wonderful invention though I'm sure they never thought it would be used to hold diapers shut :giggle: . It's amazing how creative we can be in the face of adversity. Good for you!!!
  7. Hope the weekend goes well for you and Larry as you both acclimate to life at home. I can just imagine how happy your kitties were to have Dad home. They might be scared at first of all the equipment you've got and the noise once the bathroom remodeling starts, but they'll adjust as well and will "supervise" everything if they're anything like my furballs. (((hugs))) to your both
  8. When I read that Kyle said Mom for the first time, it brought a tear to my eye. Enjoy your weekend Kyle, sleep late and get ready to cruise in your power chair. Thanks Gary for your continued updates on our new friend Kyle. God Bless
  9. Tootie is adorable. No wonder Mom and Grandma are so proud of the little darling.
  10. dstraugh


    Fred, I too am glad you're getting back to work - I'm sure the customers have missed you. Be sure to take it easy and I hope they soon find out what's causing your problems so they don't reoccur. Whooohoo, you get a raise - that's great news with rising costs everywhere. Hang in their friend. (((hugs)))
  11. Janine, Best wishes to you and Larry. Yes, the range of emotions is quite understandable and expected. When I came home from rehab, my daughter was petrified as was I. Seems like a lifetime ago now looking back. Enjoy having your hubby home and take one day at a time. (((hugs))) to you both
  12. Sherri Glad you made it safe and sound back home and that all is going well. I'm sure you'll be employed soon and Mr. Lizard will have his "space". Have you named him? Perfect pet - he's independent.
  13. You Go Kyle - Whooooohooooo once again. Yes, miracles DO happen!!!! Keep up the tremendous work
  14. Janine, You will do just fine dear. Much of it is trial and error but like Lin said, a daily schedule is important. It's great that Eric will be there to assist in getting Larry settled in. We'll all be cheering you both on. Being home is wonderful for a survivor. Hope that with Larry being in his "own" comfy surroundings will add to his recovery.
  15. Sue, I'm glad you guys arrived home safe and sound AND enjoyed your time with your northern family. Leave it to kids huh to come up with ways to divert from the daily regimen. Granma and Pa get to spoil them and then leave them to their parents to get them back to the daily tasks at hand lol. Brings back to me fond memories of my time spent with grandparents as a kid. You've been missed around here that's for sure - welcome home :friends:
  16. Gary, Glad you had a good time with your 2,000 friends - the more the merrier huh. Hope you can get some needed rest. WhooHoo for Kyle as he trudges ahead. Each small improvement is monumental towards the big picture. P.S thank you for your reply to my latest blog - appreciate your support
  17. Janine, I'm so glad to hear things are falling into place for you and Larry. You are sounding much more calm and in control with each blog entry (((hugs)))
  18. I'm so glad your birthday was a good one Katrina. Good picture of you - your smile just radiates :big_grin: Oh to be 19 again....(sigh). Hope you and your Dad enjoy your beach get-a-way.
  19. Dang, two months since I last blogged. I've been keeping an extremely low low profile and I apologize for that. Been doing my duties on site but not much more than that. I dropped down into a royal funk - letting things bother me that I have no control over - getting worse by the day. I did see my PCP this past week and am now on meds for depression. This first week I'm taking 1/2 a pill once a day (celexa 20 mg). Next weekend I'll start a whole pill once a day. To see doc again on 7-21. She also prescribed elavil for me to take at bedtime as I've experrienced difficulty getting to sleep with affected arm and hand's numbness and tingling. Who'd think that 3 years post I'd be having all this stuff going on. Not only did my doc exam me but so did a student doctor (he'll probably change his career after dealing with my meltdown). On the plus side, rest of doc appt went very well - all other test results good. Between now and when I see her again, will get more blood work done, get new AFO, and make appt for pyschiatrist to further address this depresssion. I hate being weak. I was a Psych major but can't help myself.
  20. dstraugh

    just an update

    Kimmie, Come on up is all I gotta say to you dear friend. You definitely got your exercise shopping. I haven't been in a store since we arrived here last year; that was in my w/c getting pushed. At least in the chair I could reach the low to the ground things - my problem is the up high items lol. I send my teenager to the store - then wonder if she'll get what I have on the list - generally 1/2 the items I wanted are still on the store shelves when she returns home. That's a shame about Tonya - I would not have thought that of her when we met last year. Ya never know. Hope things go well for Matt now. Shame you couldn't go with your hubby on his business trip to Vegas. You have a grandson to look forward to - how cool.
  21. Gary, That's wonderful news about Mr. Kyle - whooohoooooooo!! I look forward to your report of meeting him in person. I don't think Mark McEwen has joined strokenetwork. Perhaps I should send him our link. PS...I sent Mark McEwen an email with our link.
  22. dstraugh

    Disabled Heart....

    Oh Jean - I feel so bad for you and Don to experience that reaction from that woman. No matter what occurred to her previously, her actions ere unjustified. What a biotch! It is sad to that we survivors are automatically treated like we are a mentally challenged just because we walk differently. I'm glad to hear Don has "fans" at your regular haunts.
  23. dstraugh

    bad news

    Sorry you fell dear girl! Anytime I've plopped on the floor, it has scared the living daylights out of me for some time. It's been quite a while (knock on wood :BashHead: ) but most of the time I couldn't pinpoint what happened. If your headaches continue, you might want to see the neuro to be sure nothing is wrong. I feel for you regarding DMV -that stinks. I know you want your independence, that is understandable - I'm in the same boat - but mine is for financial reasons as I cannot afford a car. It stinks having to rely on others to take you places, I know. (((hugs)))
  24. Jean, Glad all is "well" with you, Don, and little Levi. I'm sure the darling keeps you busy. Routine can be a good thing.
  25. ((((HUGS))) to you dear - wish I could be there in person to offer my shoulder. It will take some time and prayers to digest this news from your neurologist. Adoption is an option for you and so is having a surrogate mother. In time, you and your fiance will determine which is best way for you two to go.