
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by dstraugh

  1. Happy belated birthday Kyle and here's to many many more. Glad to hear you're going home - Whoohoo. Keep up the good work. Hugs and prayers to you and your family. You are a remarkable young man.
  2. I'm sure it was with mixed emotions you did go back to work. What many families do is place a notebook in the room and request that the nursing staff write notes to the family as to what goes on. If they agree to do that, you can also leave messages for them as well. That way you have a running daily update, in writing. The web cam is a good for at home, if you can arrange it; will your employer permit you to do that though at work? You don't want to do anything to risk your job as you are on "company time". It is similar to a working parent taking away from their job with issues regarding their child. I know this from experience as a single Mom with a boss who felt I should eat, breathe, and sleep my job. Be sure to get your rest and eat right as you're doing double duty.
  3. Janine, Of course you're going to worry about what is next - that's only natural as well as expected - none of us can determine what that future holds. Having visitors is really great as it is a diversion away from what Larry is experiencing. Once everyone is gone, it's time to get back to reality - the unknown, the frustrations, all the emotions brought about by stroke. Hope Larry bounces out of his "funk" and experiences better days. I wish for you the added "umph" to deal with all the upcoming changes.
  4. Glad to hear that Larry has had positive days and responding to his therapy. As others want to visit with him, let's hope they do not interrupt his therapy sessions. As important as seeing familiar faces is is as important that therapy is achieved. I remember when I was in rehab there were patients who used "company" as an excuse to get out of their sessions.
  5. Wishing you and Ray a super trip with the family. Relax when you can and have fun. You'll be missed but we'll hold down the fort to you return and provide us with your eloquent verbal view of the trip.
  6. No, you are definitely NOT crazy. On the message board, you can do a search (click on community links and select search from drop down menu) then type in Central Pain Syndrome. Many here suffer from it. You would think, it's enough to have the deficits we have after stroke; why does pain have to be part of the mix. Hope you get relief.
  7. dstraugh

    Getting Packed

    Sherry, Hope all goes well your week away at therapy. I'm 3 years post and there are times when I still catch myself putting on a t-shirt backwards - not often but there are days. If a new fashion trends starts of wearing panties on the outside of clothes, be sure to get the credit and royalties :silly:
  8. Gary, Let's hope no news is good news. Isn't the old saying - "Change is good?" Think a man came up with that. I'm just glad it's not a female making the changes lol. The guys would be very very upset like when females rearrange the furniture lol.
  9. dstraugh

    second stroke

    Beth, Glad to see you're recovering from this second stroke. I do hope they can find the cause to alleviate it happening any more. If I had a protective hubby (which I don't - single Mom here) I wouldn't nag or argue with him over being protective. Stress can lead to high blood pressure and therefore stroke as you know. If you've got time home alone (kids at school, him working), work on your cooking - as long as you're safe - surprise family with small creations at first to build up his confidence you are ok. Baby steps right now - don't cook for an army.
  10. Doug, May you find peace within and move on with your life. We cannot change the ignorance of others as much as we might try. The Lord closes one door and opens another. Your open door is your present. Take a day at a time and keep plugging.
  11. Gary, Thank you for this new update. I'm glad Dr, Shawn was able to visit Kyle. It would be nice if we were able to go and visit him as well as added proof that life does go on after stroke. Unfortunately, as many know, pain is part of our lives post stroke. Hope they get his pain managed quickly so it doesn't interfere in his continued recovery. Each day forward is a day towards recovery and independence.
  12. Janine, Hope your next visit with Larry goes better. You'v got to keep in mind, change is hard enough for the average person. For a stroke survivor it's worse as there is not much you have control over initially. Larry has lost his independence and his "man of the House" role so you do need to be compassionate and not overload him. I know you didn't get him upset on purpose but my suggestion for now is to leave it on a "need to know basis" with no massive details. What you could do, is keep a journal on things that are changing that, at a future date, he could read.
  13. Welcome to the blog community. Love your poem. I have it hanging above my computer as a constant reminder.
  14. Kyle, You hang in there and keep feeling better. You can do anything you're determined to do. ((9hugs)))
  15. Have a safe trip Kath and try to think positive about it. Each day there is one day closer to returning home to your oasis. Glad the bank was on the ball and called you. Had you lost your card or did someone acquire your #? I'm glad all was resolved though. Connor's cakes were totally adorable - bet he was totally so thrilled.
  16. Bless her heart. As I'm diabetic, I had the "special" yucky bland diet for consumption when I was in. My daughter too would sneak me small amounts of yummy things. There were times she was with me for meals and they would bring her a guest tray. If I played my cards right, as well as puppy dog eyes (she learned fromn the best), she'd sneak me a bite or too. No wonder there were times (not many though) I needed insulin injections in addition to my oral meds. Please give your Mom a hug from us.
  17. Kim, Please please don't feel guilty about taking the time for your family and yourself. Remember, you're not Wonderwioman. As your Mom is aware and is telling you it's ok to stay home, do it - she's giving you permission to do so. That shows she's doing well. You've kept up this pace for a month - and who is going to care for you when you're too sick to be there for anyone. Talk to your Mom on the phone, as Chris mentioned. She's in a good facility so there's no reason for worry she's not being cared for. By the sounds of it, she'd be able to let you know if things weren't quite right there and then you could take appropriate action. As a suggestion too, make friends with the staff, so they will know you'll be following up on her care even when you're not bodily present every day.
  18. Katrina, Your internship sounds very interesting and rewarding. I too had done an internship while in college - mine was with Juvenile Corrections in Arizona and was also rewarding. I worked with the Juvenile Parole Officers and even had my "own" youth to monitor while there. Many of the kids I worked with were in the state's locked facilities - I attended hearings for them and worked with them for their release and mainstreaming back into the community. Seems like a lifetime ago now. Reading about your experiences, made me think back to some of the youth I worked with. Your driving will come I'm sure. It is all in His time dear, not ours. Will continue to pray that all goes well for you.
  19. Yes, Gary things are aways being upgraded and rearranged here in our little world. As I got down to the bottom of reading this entry of yours, I could click on the comment link and was then able to post a comment. As I cruised through other blogs and scrolled down, there was a box to add comments. Kyle, Keep plugging away dear new friend and feel better
  20. We definitely have the choice to either play the hand we were dealt or to pass. All of us here are playing our hands in one way or another. I too look at all this as being one step closer to Heaven and will play my hand until that point.
  21. Rich, Thank you for the update. Sorry to hear the trip and the facility was not what was "advertised". I guess too, here the motto comes into affect - "buyer beware".
  22. Sue, You overlooked another identity - our dear dear cyber friend. We love you.
  23. Sherry, We all climb on the pity pot now and again even with recovery time under our belts. What we've learned to do oer try to remember to do (with our damaged brains lol) is to get off the pity pot and flush. I, for one, still will have crappy days but they are less than what they were at the beginning. Glad to hear you're feeling better.
  24. Hope Kyle can battle and overcome this latest hurdle. He's such a trooper. Hugs and prayers he feel better soon and can get back to his therapy. Getting over the 'bug" post stroke is so much more of a pain as you feel doubly worse.
  25. Another great day in the recovery world for Larry and his loving wife - Whoooohoooooo!!!! It all takes time and he's doing excellent for this period of time.