
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by dstraugh

  1. We are all here to listen and to provide encouragement and virtual hugs as needed. Many of us have found the support here as a life preserver at a time when we were sinking in the murky waters of stroke. It's definitely not a picnic but remember you and your hubby are not walking this path alone - we're all here with you.
  2. dstraugh

    Will I never learn?

    Oh contrare Stu, you are smart - you're out living life after stroke - showing and proving to newcomers that there IS life after stroke. Glad you guys had a good time. With all that shopping, did you buy us anything???
  3. Congrats on #3 grandbaby. Glad you both had a good day. Such is life post stroke - a roller coaster ride and a half. (((hugs))) to you both.
  4. dstraugh

    This Day

    Phyllis, Congratulations on your anniversary sweetie. Your blog was beautifully written. Stroke sucks but we are playing the hand that was dealt to us, some are able to do it better than others but we're all on this journey in one way or another. We must remember we survived this thing called stroke for a reason, NOT as a punishment. ((hugs)))
  5. Hey George, I envisioned being out on the water with the eagles soaring overhead - beautiful sight I'm sure. Tried NOT to envision plopping into 55 degree water though brrrrrrrrrrr. I too look forward to hearing all about New Zealand when Leslie has the opportunity. Hmmmmmmm, yummmmmmmmm, the smell of homemade bread. Warm homemade bread with peanut butter- now I must clean off my keyboard from drooling.
  6. Kristen, Glad to hear all is going well with you guys and you had some great "away-time" wth family, though it was short. And a big Whoooohooooo to Patrick for his accomplishments. Just seems like yesterday you were discussing him "wanting" to drive and here he is now doing so. Your dear Patrick is an inspiration. Enjoy being the passenger.
  7. dstraugh

    It's All Good

    Ann, The house is fantastic. It will be sooooooooooooooo nice for you and Bill. It would be great to do the walkthrough around your birthday. I'm glad dear Bill has had a good week. You're so right dear and I never really thought about it - today is present. We don't know what tomorrow will bring. Hope it brings you and Bill many many more presents. Wishing you and Bill and pleasant and peaceful Memorial Day weekend, which, thanks to our armed forces, we are able to celebrate and remember them for what they have given up for us. (((hugs)))
  8. Gary, Thank you for keeping us posted on how Kyle and family are doing via the J room. With all you've got going on, you're a dear for keeping us in the loop. I've checked your blog links - impressive. I agree, no news is good news.
  9. Sherry, SSDI for us is a mixed blessing. Although it does mean we're that horrible thing called disabled, it also means that we have a steady income. For me, it was a blessing as I was able to provide a roof of my head as well as the head of my minor child. Had I not been approved, I'm sure social services would have stepped in and I would have had a larger nightmare going on. As a single disabled parent, that would have been a horrible circumstance. You have the added blessing of not having to have a trustee which is an indicator that you have working brain cells that can manage your money. (((hugs)))
  10. Janine, Ruth is so right - as part of your "learning" experiences, receive instruction on how to transfer Larry. This will be beneficial in the long run as you will be doing the transfers once he comes home. As he gets stronger and the brain rewires, he will hopefully be able to work with you and not be dead weight. You are new to all this, as is Larry; it takes time and patience to learn how to adapt to your new lives. Larry. I'm sure, is every bit as frustrated as you are but he cannot effectively express his frustrations at this point. Hopefully that will change. As a survivor, I know and can emphatize with his frustrations.
  11. Glad to hear Bob is feeling better and hope whatever it was does not reappear. Your hospital comparisons were one way to pass the time lol. Some 30 years back I was in the hospital overnight following exploratory surgery. I had never been treated like that before or since being an in-patient. We nicknamed the facility as the sickie Hilton. In January I was at the same facility though for the day due to a heart cath. I had top notch treatment once again - times didn't change with that facility which is nice to know.
  12. dstraugh


    Bonnie, Congratulations and blessings on your 5 year anniversary of your rebirth. You are in a good place dear lady. You've decided to take the "life after stroke" attitude which is so true. We cannot change what occurred in our lives. We have the choice of dwelling on it or grasping our 2nd chance on this earth and "running" with it. No, you might not be able to run a Marathon - your grandkids don't care about that I'm sure. In many ways, and for many of us, stroke has served as a wake up call - I know it was for me. Glad your dear mother in law is fighting as well. (((hugs)))
  13. I can imagine how beautiful your garden is. You have your own oasis - gorgeous blooms and birds singing away. Ahhhh......serenity. I'm sure Connor's cake will be adorable as well as delish. Glad Barry is receiving some relief from his meds. Ain't it amazing how, at times, family presume we aked for stroke to enter our lives when we wouldn't wish this on our worse enemy. Wishing you continued contentment and your high maintenance hubby peace. (((hugs))) to you both.
  14. dstraugh


  15. dstraugh

    Ashlynn Marie

    From the album: Donna

    Here is a close up shot of baby Ashlynn
  16. dstraugh

    Baby Ashlynn

    From the album: Donna

    Ashlyn - born 5-12-08 is the newest addition to the family.
  17. Ken, Wonderful your presentation went well. Was it possibly videoed and you could post a link to it. I for one would like to see it. Your therapist was proud of you and so are we!!!! Good luck in starting a local group. We had the start of spring then it did a u-turn into fall temps. I too grumble with the cold - I tried to keep the mindset of each day through it leads to warmer weather returning. Now of course, we get that lumpy white stuff that falls from the sky and accumulates.
  18. Janine, Great progress for Larry - Whoohoooo!!! Stroke recovery ain't the easiest thing in the world and Bless his heart he's getting into it with a flourish. After doing so much one day, if he's exhausted the next, that is quite normal as his stamina needs to rebuild. Your garden sounds gorgeous.
  19. Sherry, Welcome back AND a huge WAY TO GO TO YOU!!!!!!!!!! So glad all went well for you and that you successfully completed the week of testing. Hope the outcome is positive and they will work with you and insurance will cover. I'll be praying for you.
  20. Gary the 3 videos are exceptional. You definitely need to be commended :clap: for all you do - you look and sound terrific. You are proof once again that life can go on after stroke. Bless you. If Kyle needs any additional inspiration to forge ahead, I hope he sees these videos as well.
  21. Janine, The therapist may have already said this but....not only is it important to let Larry know what you're doing so you're not just taking over but he can "try" to move the affected limb along with you as you are doing it. That helps in the rewiring of the brain process. Whooohoo that Larry was able to don a t-shirt. Even now, 3 years post, I still get tangled at times, especially when tired or battling soreness/stiffness/pain. Glad to hear that Larry is responding to the therapists and starting to build a rapport. Looking at them as the enemy is not conducive for good outcome. Remembering back to my rehab days - my therapists were, for the most part, terrific. I did like the ones during the week better than the weekend shift. Maybe cos I spent more hours with the week day bunch huh. Glad day by day you're feeling better. You will still have the down times, but they do become less over time. You CAN do all this - it does stink there is no denying that. I understand you and Larry are not religious but I pray for you both to have the strength and fortitude to cope and adjust to this new life.
  22. Spring in your part of the country - Whoohooo!! Glad Lesley returned home safe and sound and life is ruturning to normal for you and your family. Hope your shoulder does not worsen to the point that you cannot put off treatment. Enjoy your fishing!!
  23. Kimmie, My thoughts, prayers, and (((hugs))) are with you and your sons and the new baby to come. I know it's hard to do, but keep yourself as calm as possible. If it gets too much for you, maybe speak to your doctor and get on some meds to calm you down. The joys and tears of parenting are always there huh. One good thing, the furry grandchildren are just wanting and giving unconditional love.
  24. Kyle keep up the good work and keep fighting the good fight. You'll overcome this and lead a fantastic life. Continued thoughts, prayers and (((hugs))) to you. PS - I chuckle to myself every time I think about you flipping someone off
  25. Bless his heart - that is terrific news. Walking and he actually typed, which shows a start of the gross and fine motor skills. Isn't the brain and will power amazing as well as prayers? Prayers are being answered for dear Kyle. Keep up the fight!!!