
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by dstraugh

  1. Janine, It's amazing how we stroll along in life until we or someone close to us gets slammed by health problems. Prestroke, I worked a high stress position and worked a minimum of 60 hours a week. Even when I weasn't in the office or out in the field I was working at home. Add in high blood pressure, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, and normal single parent and other family stressors and I was a stroke or heart attack waiting to happen. My survival served as a wake up call just as Larry's stroke has made you take notice of your life. Please continue to be diligent in your care. Larry sat up in the chair and ate today - whoooohooo - way to go Larry. Keep it up.
  2. Butch Glad to hear you and Lisa are doing well. In 2 years, I face the high school graduation with my daughter. When I think of it, my stomach begins to knot up. Major drawback of being a single Mom. Good that spring has hit your part of the country. It's a good rejunvenation time. The kittens sound adorable. Our kitten is now 8 months old; our first born, Crystal, turned 8 in April and her patience is very low when it comes to Lili. Lili is fortunate she's cute lol. There is nothing wrong with taking anti-depressants if they are helping you cope with everything. Glad to hear you're happy. ((hugs))) to you and Lisa.
  3. We're here to help dear as much as we can. We're cyber family and you've been adopted.
  4. You'll get the hang of it Janine. One good rule of thumb - want feedback and answers to questions, post on the message board. Need to vent and receive general support and encouragement blog. We don't want you to feel alone out there. Just from your blog entry, you've gotten responses from survivors. Our caregivers have more in-depth knowledge and many monitor the message boards more closely or on a daily basis.
  5. dstraugh


    How funny Maria. Yes, what we do lecture about seems to come back and bite us in the butt at times. I can just envision the clothing combination. Yes, we are definitely beyond the granimal stage of our lives.
  6. Sue, You can bommerang and land at my feet or smack me up long side the back of my head any day of the week :BashHead: Your presence was missed. Thank you for responding to my pm letting me know you guys were ok. I had hoped and prayed it was a computer malfunction and nothing more serious. I wish our system here on-site had a warning program that would alert us automatically if a "regular" member or staff vanished from our radar screen for more than a few days. For those of us who are either brain damaged or overly busy with caring for loved ones, it would bring to the forefront that one of our "buddies" is MIA. Glad your Mother's Day was enjoyable with family. I can now enjoy my cuppa (of coffee tight now) knowing that our Aussie family is ok. Love to you and Ray :wub2: :My Hero: :friends:
  7. We are definitely NOT tired of you. Blogging is the perfect place to "let loose" - best not to keep all that stuff bottled inside of you. Larry is progressing...stroke recovery can be ever soooooooooooooooooooooooooo slow and agonizing for everyone. You're starting to move forward in the scheme of things, which is good for you and Larry both. We cannot change the past or "Turn Back Time" as Cher sings so well. Life indeed does go on after stroke, just differently - counting our blessings is part of that.
  8. Wonderful, Wonderful news. All these small progressions are baby steps to recovery as we all know. Way to go Kyle!!!
  9. Anne, I hope that Dave's cardiac issues are resolved and that you both can get some neurological answers you want. As you said, it won't change things - you might be better not knowing. There was info that I never knew as my daughter did not tell me until recently. Did it make a difference or change things for me? No, though the new knowledge made me realize that in even more ways I've progressed farther than anticipated. As to the smoking - hope Dave is successful at quiting. Perhaps he could use the nicotine patches if his doc ok'd them. It is difficult to break the habit. In some strokes, that desire is eliminated - that would have been good for many of us.
  10. dstraugh

    more expectations

    Leah, Don't know how I missed this entry when you first posted it - guess my damaged cells were in control (as they sometimes are). Sorry to hear you could no longer do the things you loved but glad you could enjoy those things you could. Wish you oodles of success in your pool therapy (both at the hospital and at home). Be sure to use your sunblock - that's one thing I do not miss about moving away from AZ - the sweltering sun.
  11. You Go Girl - We are so so proud of you...your grades, your awards, completing your freshman year!! Now you're a student "pro". Glad to hear you're doing better and that you and your Dad will be going on vacation. Pictures, Pictures...we want pictures. (((hugs))) to you dear girl and love from one of your cyber aunties.
  12. You Go Girl - you're discovering another side of you - the "tough" one. Hope that you can use these experiences with Larry to keep him motivated in his recovery so he progresses to be able to come home. When I was in rehab, I'd get so frustrated at the incompetence of staff (especially one aide I had). In retrospect what wasn't being done for me motivated me more to become independent and do for myself. Hope all goes better. Another potential option for you is to "kill them with kindness" to get them on your side and befriend them so Larry gets cared for appropriately.
  13. dstraugh

    life in wareham

    Kathy, Yep, Connor sounds precious. My Grandma days too are a ways away (I hope). Little ones do zap your energy - on the upside Grandma and Grampy can go home and recuperate in peace and quiet Now rest and watch your birds - hope your imminent t-storm that we had here passes by you quickly. We're just now expecting rain and more rain with one day of sunshine (tomorrow). Have fun experimenting with your cake decorating - Conner will be so thrilled I'm sure
  14. Thanks for relaying the update Gary - Kyle's "spunk" will do wonders for him. Can't wait til he's better and posts here for himself. That will be a huge celebration!!
  15. Welcome to the site - keep fighting the good fight and NEVER NEVER GIVE UP!!


  16. Congratulations to you and Don on the upcoming anniversary. "you've come a long way baby" applies to you both as you've adapted to the post stroke normalcy. Life does go on after stroke and you are proof of that. You will always be an inspiration to me as well as to many others. The Cooper and Levi Chronicles are absolutely adorable too.
  17. Janine, (((hugs))) to you sweetie. I wish I could offer you more but as a survivor with one half of my body that works and being here in cyber space I can't do more. Wish I could. All the mixed emotions you are feeling right now are quite normal as you are only 2 weeks into this. I'm sure the caregivers here can jump in and offer you perhaps more than I can. I just want you to know that your frustrations are heard. May I suggest making an appointment with the doc to be able to sit down face to face and get your questions answered. Three years ago, after I was slammed by stroke, my daughter (who was 12 at the time) got herself up in the doctor's face and demanded answers as to wgat was going on with me. Of course she did not relay this to me until much later. At the time, she was not given a very good prognosis. When they refer to it as the practice of medicine they aren't joking. There is so much not yet known about the brain in spite of the advances of modern medicine. A lot of recovery depends on the survivor's outlook and drive to improve as well. Yep Larry is sleeping a lot right now and this is normal as the brain begins to heal. If you haven't yet read it, in the Classic Advice and Postings on the message board, there is "A Letter From Your Brain". Please read it - it may provide you with further insight. Don't feel guilty either about taking some time for yourself and puttering around the house. You need to release your frustrations rather than bottle them up. Hope that blogging is also a good release for you as well. You might too want to see if there is a "live" in person support group you can join. Hang in there dear, it will get better. (You probably want to scream each time you read these words but it is true)
  18. Janine, I too had to chuckle at the thought of sitting in the dog poop. Didn't your Mom teach you to look before you plop LOL? Glad it did get you to laugh though - that may have been the reason you sat in it in the first place. One of the hardest things for a survivor is not being able to communicate. May I suggest a communication board until such time as Larry's speech improves to be able to communicate effectively. Music has also been used to help those with speech deficits - a person may be able to sing when they cannot talk and use the singing to work into verbalization. I was fortunate to have no speech deficits but have heard about the above.
  19. Thanks for the update Gary. I emailed my get well wishes. I do believe the family registered as members here at Strokenet the 5th; they haven't posted yet though.
  20. Best of luck to you in whichever way the pendulum swings for you. You've gotten out there and proved you could accomplish your goals and dreams. You Go Girl!!!!
  21. That's wonderful news for Texans. Perhaps future plans will include a pediatric unit.
  22. Way to Go Ken - WhooooooHoooooooo for You!!!! I hope your daughter enjoys her stay in the U.S. Congrats on your water therapy. Wish you the best on your upcoming presentation - sure you'll do fantastic.
  23. Ruth, Your weekend sure ranked up there as one to be remembered. Hope there are many more like that one and hope the memory of these stupendous ones will support you through the not so good ones that always pop up for us.
  24. Sherry, I wish the best dear while you're away. Hope all goes well for you and that you receive many answers to your questions. Change is scarey, and you've gotten quite used to your status so the changes this week will take you out of your comfort zone. But your current status is not providing you with want you want, which is further recovery. As I'm frequently told by my child...."suck it up Mom - you can do it". At the end of your journey you will have lots to tell and we'll be all ears to hear.
  25. dstraugh

    I'm Home

    Oh Dear Bonnie, So glad all went well for you in Arizona and that your dear MIL is doing so well. Bless her heart. Glad you had good visit with your in-laws as well. I can only imagine how happy the furry ones and John were to have you back at home though. They all survived the 10 days just proves all well you have taught John to takr charge of things (we won't let him know that though :nuhuh: ) Get rest from your vacation, get back into the groove - we'll have the coffee brewing Monday morning and the Krispy Kremes waiting for you. The mental image of us all sitting in your lap giving you kissies staggers the imagination a bit - how about :friends: :bouncing_off_wall: :wub2: :Cheers: :You-Rock: :forgive_me?: instead. Luv ya!!