
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by dstraugh

  1. Charlene, Your on-line classes sound terrific. I agree that it may be a good idea for your doc to sit down with hubby and explain stroke to him. I'm sure it's out of fear that he's being so cautious - he may try to wrap you in bubble wrap next to keep you "safe". Life does go on after stroke and you need to be afforded the opportunity to see what you can accomplish independently and safely. I have the opposite of you. I don't have a hubby and I'm a single Mom. My daughter expects me to be able to do more than I can do. Many days are full of challenges to overcome - sometimes I'm successful, other times not but I do try. Hang in there and you ARE useful...not useless
  2. Jean, How sad for your poor relative though Bless her, she probably doesn't have a clue as to what is going on. Hope you can hold fond memories of her close to your hearts rather than current ones. Keeping busy with Levi should help occupy your spare time though.
  3. Hi Bill, How about trying out the work then on "part-time" basis. Very part-time - really slow and working yourself back into the everyday stuff. You may discover that it is too much for you plus you don't want 2 steps forward and a whole bunch backwards. Your ex may have to remove herself from her high horse and chip in to care for her children. They are hers also you know. Life often does not follow the plans we devise - I know you didn't chose stroke
  4. Kathy, As the creepy crud weather passes through or near here, I think of you. We've been gloomy the last several days with rain as well. Forecast is calling for isolated t-storms. A few nights ago we had frost warning. This coming week we're to be upper 60's and low 70's. I'll take it versus Arizona though. As to baking - are you related to Betty? - Girl, you may have found your calling - Birthday Cakes by Kathy. Enjoy your birds - tweet tweet
  5. Hi Greta, Hope you achieve your goal of returning to work. You might be harder on yourself than necessary. Personally, I get myself stressed out over deficits and I'm told they're not as bad ad I feel they are. If it's meant to be for you it'll happen. Perhaps volunteering is your "calling" right now. volunteering could possibly lead into a paid position.
  6. dstraugh

    May 10, 2007

    Greta, There are times when I reference to my pre-stroke days in terms of a lifetime ago. And it was a different life then. Yes, it does stink most days and it's not a bowl of cherries trying to accomplish tasks one-handed. But...I., like you, was provided another chance at life. It's up to us what we do with the chance we've been given. No one can force-feed us determination and positive attitude tonic but we can be there for each other...sit on the occasional pity-pot...flush it when done...and prepare for the next hurdle. It does get easier with time - honest. (((hugs)))
  7. Hi Ho Hi Ho it's off to work you go....you're the 7 dwarfs all rolled into one. You're definitely keeping ocupied until Lesley returns home with your projects. Hope you get the finishing touches completed before fishing season and bread selling season is in full swing. I'm sure it will be done as you seem like the kind of guy who doesn't have the word "procrastination" in his vocabularly (Lesley is lucky lady). Glad to hear your 4-legged children are doing well and that the "special" collar is helping curb Tippy's negative behaviors. Thanks for the update - glad all is well - hope you can finish your projects with minimal injury to extremities.
  8. Gary, I agree with Louise; encourage his family to join our site to facilitate the exchange of information. Even if they just visit the site right now as guests, they can join when the chaos declines a bit.
  9. dstraugh


    Bill, For your sanity, the love and sanity of your soulmate and your kids, take care of yourself and don't let ner snide comments get to you. I take it that she's not content or accepting of your admittance as to what you've done wrong. That's her way of saving face - unfortunately there are many individuals ib the world like her. It's almost over - chin up, chest out look ahead to your future and close the door on the past. Try to keep her in the context she now is - mother of your children.
  10. Sherry, Ann is one of the many blessings you have - she's been there in your dire time of need and threw out the life preserver for you to grab onto. I'm so glad you grabbed it and allowed yourself to be reeled back in. Your trip sounds quite interesting and should prove to be uplifting for you. Life does go on after stroke dear and you're gaining the tools to help you do so.
  11. Hiya Marden, Congratulations on your very very special day - which encompasses anniversary and birthday. It is a rebirth, yet I wouldn't want to start all the way over from birth - now to "shave" off a few years.... LOL. Yeah go figure that hubby would lose weight quicker than you - men are so fortunate that way. We've got a weight loss forum that is starting up - http://www.strokeboard.net/index.php?showforum=76 in case ya might be interested. Get a good workout to your music dear!!!!
  12. Yes, Janice, you've done well - you raised these darlings and their future is in God's hands. I'm sure, you will keep God reminded of them lest they slip is mind with all else.
  13. Levi is A-d-o-r-a-b-l-e!!!! Can't wait to hear more about the bouncing bundle of fur. It's nice that Cooper is helping out Levi with his blogging. Can't wait to hear of Cooper's antics that are passed down as well. Afterall, the traditions must continue.
  14. dstraugh

    just checking in

    Zoos are just way too cool - I haven't been in quite a few years. I bet your grandson just kept everyone and everything lively. Think it'll be a few years though before he's wanting the car keys. A new AFO huh? Whoooooooohooooooooooooo for you. Amazing what gets us excited these days. Guess you guys are getting the rain we had come barreling through here last night. Nasty t-storms and rain today + quite cooler - not even out of the 50's today.
  15. dstraugh


    Blue, Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging. Reality for us survivors and our families isn't a bowl of cherries covered in yummy chocolate that's for sure. Time does heal although at this point you'd probably like to throw us out with the bathwater. Tell you a secret... :secret: .....flip us off and give us a razzberry :nana: :thumbup: :whack: :whistling: ...we won't know it. It's ok to crawl on top of the pity pot now and again - just remember to get off and flush. We're all here for you - we've all been riding the stroke roller coaster and some days are definitely better than others. Even 3 years post, there are days that totally stink!!!! but those days are less than what was experienced early on.
  16. Gary Thanks for the update - yep, you're keeping quite busy - you're our social butterfly/guru huh. Way cool. My daughter has the myspace and facebook networking going on. So far, I haven't ventured out of my social networking outside of Strokenetwork and my regular email/im contacts. If I do, I'll be sure to add you as a friend.
  17. Jean and Don, Cooper will always live on in your hearts and I'm sure the puppy will be taught a few of ol Cooper's tricks in order to keep you and Don on your toes. Cooper - gonna miss hearing about you - you're one-of-a-kind. Enjoy your after-life...hope you have an endless supply of socks to chase.
  18. You've been busy Missy - doing much planning. I sincerely wish for you the best as you deserve it. I do hope that you will still be able to remain in touch with your cyber family and let us know how things are going. Please remember that we're always here for you - just a keystroke away. You have grown a lot since we first met you - God Bless and take care of yourself.
  19. dstraugh


    Sue, Glad you are having a good weekend for your anzac tributes. I guess there will always be some sort of conflict in the world that will reek havoc among families. God Bless all who sacrifice for our freedom. Upcoming anniversary, eh? Good reason to have a virtual party - agree everyone?
  20. Elondie, I'm having difficulties in seeing my keyboard and monitor :crying: at the moment (joyful tears). I agree to with what all the other "Aunties" wrote about your Tootie. Those words were in there just waiting to comer out. Bless her heart.
  21. Sue, It is definitely a privilege getting to read all that you share. I, for one, feel quite honored and wish we could sit and share in real time over a cup of tea or coffee.
  22. dstraugh

    It's SPRING

    Ann, You guys have so so much to look forward to with the new house, Closing in 2 months - whoooohooo! Us nosey ones are gonna wanna see pics ya know lol.
  23. Ellen, Welcome back dear lady!! Congratulations to all of you on the birth of your grand-daughter. Glad they moved and are now in close proximity. Also glad to hear about Mr. Denny's accomplishments - Whoohoooo! He is added proof that recover NEVER stops. Glad to hear your Dad is doing better now - thoughts and prayers for his continued good health. Congrats to you as well on your job - glad it's going well. Looking forward to further updates on how you guys are doing.
  24. gentle gentle (((hugs))) coming your way dear lady. Hope you feel better soon. I worry about that too sometimes as Kiddo forgets her own strength sometimes and engulfs me in a massive hug. She has learned though to remember balance issues as many times I've almost toppled over.
  25. Jean, That's terrific news about Don's speech progress - Whoohooo!!!! I wish him the besy of luck in getting the affected muscles to wake up. Cooper and his Charmin lol - our kitten, Lili, loves Charmin as well. Fortunately she can't turn the knob on the door - yet lol.