
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by dstraugh

  1. Sue, Thank you for all you do - reading your blogs is always a welcomed part of my day.
  2. Billie Jo, :Clap-Hands: and Congratulations on the one year mark dear girl. My first anniversary was met with mixed emotions as I was still struggling with acceptance issues. So...enjoy your getaway and have a blast. Yes, spring is around the corner - thankfully.
  3. dstraugh

    Update of sorts

    Since last week's revelations by my Brother's mother, my child (thankfully) has not tried to call her again. Last Thursday evening I received an email from Bro stating he was going to call me as things are being blown out of proportion. Good thing I've haven't held my breath waiting for the phone call as I'd be purple not just blue. Even Kristi had sad to me "You know he won't call...that email was to pacify you. She may be 15 but she's so right. Thought I might get a call yesterday as we had a mini crisis. Kristi was late getting home from school and had not taken her key with her. Her cell phone was sitting on her dresser. I was upstairs "unavailable" when she got home - couldn't hear the knocking with the light/fan running (fan is automatic by the way...light on, fan on). None of our neighbors were home so she walked to her Uncle's house. He was home but didn't answer the door. She was totally hysterical by the time she got back to our house and came in. She texted my niece who promptly called her Dad - Joe said he didn't hear her at the door. Thankfully there was no true emergency and all was ok. Child is now sure to have her key...God forbid if something did happen to me she could get in the house. Through Taffy texting Kristi, Joe found out all was ok. Wouldn't it have been simpler to just call our house directly???? I'm the one with damaged brain cells yet I figured that one out quite easily. This coming Saturday following Pittsburgh's St Patrick's Day Parade is Joe's St. Paddy's Day Party (a larger event attendance wise than the Christmas Party). We've not been officially invited nor have we been questioned if we want to attend and how we'll get there. Kristi initially (when we first moved here) was told she'd be in the parade with her cousins riding in vehicles throwing out candy to onlookers. There's been no talk of that with her as Saturday approaches. She is going to the parade though with friends from school. Pittsburgh's Parade is 2nd in size to the one held every year in New York City so she'll have a blast. My Bro serves on the Parade Committee each year coordinating the cars and drivers for the Parade. As to the party, she may be babysitting that evening. I won't go (if even asked) without her as at 15 years old I don't like idea of her getting home and no one being here especially at 11 at night. Have had fun this week with the tiniest "rug-rat". Lili has claimed a small soft rubber ball as hers and wants to play fetch on the steps with it. She will drop the ball at your feet and then wait for you to carry it over to the steps and throw it up to the 2nd floor. She'll then either smack it back down to you or carry it partially down and then drop it so it bounces the rest of the way. She doesn't get tired out either as I pray she will. If no one will play with her, she'll go to the basemernt steps and bounce the ball down the steps and chase after it herself. She makes enough of a racket so we can hear her and go check out what she's doing. She did start a new bad habit yesterday though by jumping on the kitchen counter. She's had her bottom smacked and yelled at but she's holding out to do it her way. Her way will be out the front door if she doesn't straighten up. Crystal as a kitten tried things but listened when she was corrected. I think Lili has some damaged brain cells or is missing a few (2 bricks short of a load, etc etc) Her saving grace is that she's cute which she hears daily that she's lucky she's cute. I ask Crystal to correct her and I get glared at. Kristi feels that Crystal would be lost without Lili as she loves Lili. Crystal glares at Kristi too when she says that lol. Thank goodness I have the furballs as a distraction from the other drama.
  4. dstraugh

    Thirty Days

    Congrats dear on 30 days. Glad all is going well in John's absence. Continued hugs and prayers going out to your MIL
  5. Things sometimes don't go as planned but you made the best of it plus spent time with your Mom and son. Your Mom is fortunate to have the 2 of you.
  6. You Go Ken....We're behind you all the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. The teachers at school should be trained in dealing with aggressive behaviors such as biting. Poor Tootie - hope she doesn't learn from that other child and try it herself. I remember back to the early years with my daughter - anytime she came home with an off-the-wall behavior I went straight to the teacher and discovered she was "trying out" what she had seen others doing. Biting is a phase that has been going on since the beginning of time I think.
  8. :wtg: Tootie!!!!!!!!!!! That's terrific news
  9. Same here Sue - no George Clooney but you ARE beautiful and very much loved :friends: :wub2: :Dance:
  10. dstraugh

    Spring Break

    Congrats on the A's Young lady!!!!! I had no doubt though. Best of luck working with the find-a-friend program. I'm sure you are making a difference for those kids. Glad you'll be having a special dinner with your other scholars - you've stepped up and are noticed (in a very very good way).
  11. Kristen, Beautiful picture of a beautiful family. Thank you for sharing and way to go on the weight loss
  12. Butch Thanks for the update - good to see things are going well for you, Lisa, and the kids. So many families just don't have a clue in understanding stroke. I get to hear indirectly comments that are made to my daughter.....such as... I'm lazy and don't try hard enough. I recently let it be known quite loudly that I'm brain damaged - NOT brain dead. It is hard though...I try to do what I can to help my daughter around the house - we forge ahead day by day.
  13. Sorry things aren't going quite the way you'd hope - especially that irresponsible helper you've had. Hope you can find someone more reliable.
  14. Kristen, Thanks dear for the update - was wondering where you were hiding. Glad all is going well on your end. I think your almost "former" boss and one of my old boses are related. My old one was the CEO of the company though so there wasn't hope of her transferring. It's super that Patrick is still volunteering - reaching out to others is such a great feeling. And soon to be driving - way to go Patrick. Glad Brandon is doing well in his new school - it is good to get phone calls that something good is happening in school versus the negative. Hang in there - look forward to hearing your vacation stories.
  15. Sue said, "There is a joy in hearing the sounds of nature around. I'm listening with my heart and drinking it into my soul." How profound dear lady. I'm looking forward to the sounds of nature here as spring arrives. I've been anticipating seeing the "first" robin - none so far. I had learned (eons ago it seems now that I received my degrees) the best counselors are those who "listen" to others. Many of life's problems can be solved by the person themselves as they vent. I think that's why blogging is so helpful - as we type and read our own words, we receive clarification and insight into the situation at hand. I hope you receive positive feedback from cousins to visit.
  16. Sherry, Glad you made it through the divorce. Just seems like yesterday you were writing that he had left and you didn't know how you'd go on. Remember what we told you?? Yes you can and you did!!!!!!! Way to Go. Wish I lived nearby so we could celebrate your liberation. The next thing is virtual (((hugs))) which you deserve a bunch of. All will work out for you - hang in there.
  17. I have been going through some ups and downs around here which I had attributed to the dreary winter weather. As this is my first winter in 13 years being in a winter climate, it is definitely an adjustment. As I've floundered around in my mopey state of mind wanting warmer weather and going through smoking withdrawals it has taken its toll on me...to the point that I had set all my blogs as invisible (2nd time I've done this but this time I didn't delete them as a did over a year ago). What has helped me is to keep telling myself that God will not give me what I can't handle. Yesterday afternoon and evening though we (my daughter and I) were thrown massive curve ball that has been brewing for a few months. We have been literally ignored by my Brother and "his" mother (I no longer accept her as mine). Kristi has been calling both of them and not having messages returnerd. I've emailed my Brother and requested he call me - nothing. This has been since right after my heart cath in January. Yesterday afternoon, after school, Kristi was going to the grocery store to get us a few things and decided to try again to call her grandmother in AZ. Well....the woman answered the phone. Kristi pointedly asked her why her grandmother hates her. "That woman" proceeded to dump on my child and tell her that she does nothing but use people and that everyone is sick and tired of it and felt that she was an ungrateful girl and just out to use people for what she can get from them. When the call concluded, Kristi called me hysterically crying - I thought she'd been asttacked. Once I established that physically she was ok I planned to call AZ myself and download on her. Kristi begged me not to and said we'd talk when she returned home. I agreed and it was the longest wait I think outsife of the day I gave birth to her. After Kristi returned home, we sat, talked, cried, and vowed to never speak to that person again. As I told Kristi we moved 2400 miles away from her and her meanness only to have it follow us - next I guess we need to move out of the country. Her slams to my child were an indirect way of slamming me as well. SSDI money does not stretch very far. I am able to cover our rent and utilities but there is never any left over cash to even think of purchasing her clothes for school or other things a teenage girl wants. That makes me feel like scum of the earth and that bi**es comments yesterday only solidified my own feelings about myself of late. As I'm typing all of this, once again my eyes have been leaking all over the place. But God does not give us what we can't handle - though he is pushing my limits this time. enough already!!
  18. 51 The importance to my sanity of letting go...letting God handle things 52 The past will not change no matter how much I might want it to 53 For my salvation and sanity I must not let "certain" family members get on my last nerve 54 I cannot control someone else's attitudes and behaviors 55 To really enjoy select reality shows - such as American Idol 56 Persistence does pay off when dealing with providers and insurance companies 57 How to climb up and down stairs when I was initially told I would not. 58 CAN'T is a word that wasn't in my child's vocabulary and was removed from mine. 59 Safety must be remembered at all times 60 How to register on-line and play with (successfully) Webkinz characters online - I now have 2 of the little critters...a koala bear and penguin. they're more than just adorable real life stuffed animals that sit on my desk 61 Everything does happen in due time, such as decent and warmer spring weather 62 Power of positive thinking 63 How to sneak crunchy treats to Crystal without Lili finding out 64 I can quit smoking (currently in my 3rd week) 65 The importance of remembering what I believe in 66 I am still me, only a different version of me post stroke 67 Ways to deal and cope with short term memory issues post stroke such as writing notes for myself and making sure things are put away where they belong - and.......using the "remember me links" when and where applicable 68 Perfectionism is highly over-rated and should be considered a stroke risk 69 Importance of "not sweating" the small stuff 70 How to retrieve mail from my mail box outside without dropping it or falling in the process of getting back into the house (specially in inclement weather) 71 That I will probably not come up with the remaining 29 things I've learned post stroke unless, like a friend suggested, I list things that I've learned that I still cannot do post stroke (comically reported of course)
  19. 26 How to laugh at myself in the face of adversity (especially when I get stuck getting dressed or undressed) 27 Patience with myself as well as others is a necessity of life 28 To "tone down" my Type A personality 29 I cannot change the world or those close to me 29 How to prepare cake batter and place it in baking dish WITHOUT wearing it as well 30 To look at life after stroke rather than what was before 31 The past cannot be changed; I am not Samantha from Bewitched 32 To kinda like the new me 33 How to help around the house without creating more of a mess for my daughter to clean up 34 Accidents can and will happen and Bounty paper towels ARE the "quicker picker-upper" 35 I was never graceful before stroke so why should I expect to be afterwards 36 To enjoy the small pleasures in life 37 Multi-tasking is no longer a part of my vocabulary 38 To enjoy country music more than I did oldies 39 Ghosts do exist - I have one in my home (the previous owner) 40 Total patience and acceptance is tough to maintain when you have extended family living with you 41 Communication with a teenager is vital 42 I'm a Survivor for a reason not as a punishment 43 How to turn pages of a book while not losing my place 44 Paperback books are too difficult for me to handle comfortably 45 To make the most of each day 46 To be thankful for each day that I've been given 47 It is difficult at best to "pardon" the ignorance and selfishness of others especially when one of the "others" gave birth to you 48 Not every day is going to be an "A plus" day and that's ok 49 Change is hard but not insurmountable. 50 This list is harder to compile than the first one was
  20. Another member mentioned blogging about 100 things we've learned since stroke. I liked that idea and figured I'd give it a shot. They probably won't be in any particular order as I move down the list and I'll try not to be repetitive. Here goes..... I've learned..... 1. How much my child DOES love me even when I push her "buttons" 2. How much I love my child as I keep striving to do more. 3. How much I love my furry critters, especially being home with them 24/7 . 4. How many true friends I have who have stuck by my side and will be by my side in my journey 5. The importance of living in close proximity to family members who actually are there for us 6. How to get dressed and undressed with only 1/2 my extremities operating properly 7. How to wash and shower one-handed 8. How to maneuver getting into the shower with only 1/2 of my extremities working and not fall in the process 9. How to open mascara tube with using one hand and teeth 10 Apply mascara and other makeup one-handedly without looking wierd when I'm done 11 How to make my bed one-handedly with a "certain" kitten chasing the bedding around or plopping in the middle of the bed 12 How to one-handedly pick up a 4-legged furball 13 How to use my teeth when opening my deodorant 14 How to fold and hang clothes although it does take time 15 How to ask for help when I get "stuck" trying to accomplish something 16 To be thankful the one-touch can opener was invented 17 The importance of taking my prescribed medications in order to eliminate additional stroke or health risks 18 How to one-handedly open medicine bottles 19 How to one-handedly open for the first time a 64 oz bottle of juice 20 How to one-handedly make a drinkable pot of coffee 21 How to open sweetner packets with one hand and my teeth 22 To be thankful I don't have a dentist in the family who would have a fit with all the things I do with my teeth 23 How to make toast and butter said toast with one hand 24 How to spread peanut butter one-handedly on bread without tearing the bread 25 How to open and close bread bag ties (again with using teeth or between chin and chest while holding tie in good hand) That's all for now.
  21. Yes, i made it through the heart cath procedure successfully - no blockages to balloon or stents to insert - have 20% plaque build-up. I had to be at the hospital 6 am on Thursday (1-31). My Bro drove Kristi and I to the hospital and dropped us off. He had told Kristi it would be a "piece of cake" so he didn't stay. Fortunately, for my dear child, my cousin Lisa arrived before they took me to the cath lab. Lisa stayed with Kristi unitil I was back in the short stay room. The 2 hours I was gone for the procedure would have been tough on her if she was alone. While I was in "recovery" area, the Cardiologist met with Kristi and Lisa and advised them how the procedure went and her concerns going in with risk factors (stroke, diabetes, and elevated renal levels that could have been a problem with the dye used for the procedure). Prior to me going and afterwards I was given medication to counteract any reactions. I had to lie on my back without moving my right leg or raising my head for 6 hours. I quickly learned how to drink juice and coffee from a straw without raising my head lol. Of course Lisa threatened to purchase a roll of duct tape and use it on me if I didn't listen. A 1/2 hour before discharge, my nurse came in and got me up out of bed and walked me to the bathroom. He (Rege) was patient and understanding about my deficits (especially the drop foot issue). I was officially discharged at 3 pm (very long day) with orders for 24 hour bed rest. Kristi and I discussed the stair issue for me. I was strictly told to have Kristi right with me and rest after getting into the house before I headed to my bedroom. I was permitted to walk to bathroom as it was on same floor as my bedroom. Sleeping was not an issue for me Thursday afternoon and evening. I have to admit I was not the best cooperative patient for my dear daughter. It's one thing to be down due to stroke deficits but this added "down time" was frustrating by Friday morning. Kristi was still sleeping when I woke (of course it was 5:30 am). I got dressed and snuck downstairs very quietly. Crystal and Lili didn't tell on me lol as I bribed them with their morning treats. I made myself a pot of coffee. All told I was downstairs for not even 30 minutes and was totally wiped out. I got back upstairs on my own (thankfully) and promptly went to sleep. I did receive an earful when Kristi did wake up and came to check on me. No damage was done (no bleeding or even oozing from the cath site). My daughter/nurse/appointed boss text messaged everyone in the family and told them what I had done and asked their opinion on letting me come downstairs to rest on the sofa when I woke up. She walked with me downstairs and we watched a netflix movie (Firewall w/Harrison Ford - good flick btw). After the movie I went back upstairs and went back to sleep. Kristi did try to extend my 24 hours of bed rest as I had not been in bed for the entire 24 hours - she's lucky she's my daughter and I love her lol. So...thankfully this is all behind me now; today (Sunday) I'm finally not as exhausted as I was. Even though Steelers aren't playing today I plan to at least catch the entertainment portion of the Super Bowl. I do hope the Giants win though.
  22. dstraugh

    Peace and Quiet

    My home is back to just me and My Girls. My nephew and his Girlfriend moved out last night. With the help of my Brother and me nagging at them to follow through they moved into a studio apartment about 10 minutes away from us. Angel obtained employment through a telemarketing company that is nationally known (I worked for them just prior to my last employment). I really think they were becoming quite used to being on "vacation" with no real responsibilities, running up my utility bills and eating all of our food. No matter how much I harped, I was ignored. At one point Joey and I had a HUGE argument over him disrespecting me and my home. Kristi fortunately slept through it and didn't hear him call me a wh***. I told her about it later; Angel and Joey didn't think I heard what he said. I'm not brain dead - he's lucky I didn't back-track down the steps and smack him one. He did apologize the next day. Not sure if I will receive any money from him for the added cost of them being here. I'm just thankful they're out before the 1-28 deadline. Their last day here was yesterday (1-26) and also the day I quit smoking cold turkey. Because I had quit, I washed and put away the ashtray and wouldn't let them smoke in the house even with the ionizer in the kitchen. I'm not sure how long it will last - I really really enjoy smoking. I was to get the patch but my doc said no with the upcoming heart cath to be done. It's now been over 24 hours since I've lit up and, at times, it's very tough. With all the stress of the past 12 days, I was smoking more than I normally did. This might not be the best time to be doing this with the week I have ahead of me. If I get too frazzled, I made need to have someone get me some. I have not spoken to my Brother-Dearest since he had me tell them about the apartment. I'm sure he's stressed with all of this. He was very upset with Joey for coming here in the first place. Joe was out of town when Joey descended upon us. We've done our good deed and helped them regroup - I wish for them the best but will be sure next time to say "no can do" if they re-appear at my door.
  23. Hi gang.......Yes, I'm ready to hear all the I told ya so's and I well deserve them. To those whom have it's me this past week, thank you for listening to my babbling, frustrations :yadayada: and yes even a few cuss words. I have houseguests . Couldn't exactly say no as I was their only resort. I was told by nephew that it would be for 2 weeks. They arrived on 1-14 so their 2 weeks is up on 1-28 and I'm holding them to it without a doubt. There have some upbeat points to them being being here but for the most part it's been much grief and aggravation as you all warned me it would be. It has been necessary for me to vocalize (to put it mildly) my frustrations and rules/regulations. I try to focus on being able to help out and the good we're doing but it does stink to be quite honest. I'm not going to recount all of my issues with the 2 of them as I would be here until after they moved out listing them. I had another health related issue come up. I saw the Cardiologist on 1-15 who I was referred to by my PC. I was impressed with her. On 1-31 I will be having a heart cath done. My Cardio believes there is a blockage which was indicated in the nuclear medicine portion of the stress test I had on 1-24. Plans are to relieve the blockage during the catch. If this occurs, I will be kept in the hospital overnight for observation. Should anything else be wrong that can't be rectified during the heart cath, we'll discuss the plan of action to take. On the plus side, I really haven't experienced any severe symptoms. I have had here and there some "pressure" but that could be psycho-somatic too (I hope). When I returned home from the appointment on 1-15, Kristi and I talked about it. Bless her heart...she looked upward and announced "No touchy...she's my Mommy". I cried (blubbered) :Sob: then as well as a few other times since. What if we were brought home so there would be family near for Kristi as my "number" may be called. As I have discussed this with others (you know who you are), I've been told that my purpose here is not done yet and that I have much work to do. I feel the same; but I'm still nervous and apprehensive. Not only will my "guests" 2 weeks be up on 1-28 but I want them out of here when I go into hospital. My house, my stuff if you know what I mean. I have placed a password on my access onto the computer as my Auntie advised me that "I " was on-line 2 am Friday morning. I was not - I was asleep and so was Kristi. As the cats don't use the computer you can take a good guess as to who the culprits were. I wasn't even asked if they could use the computer either. On a quite positive note I received my power chair from the Scooter Store. It's the jazzy select model. The base is metallic candy-apple red with the chair gray and black. My doc prescribed a gel cushion so it will be comfy. Right now it's parked in my dining-room. I'm practicing and getting the hang of maneuvering it around. Once I can get it situated in the basement that's where it will be stored and charged so I'm able to cruise my part of the world. As of now and in the future (God willing) I will not have to use it daily within the house. There are accessories I can get for it, which I hope to be able to do over time. Oh well......enough rambling and babbling :out_of_here: later.
  24. Christmas 2007 is in the history book. Christmas Eve morning began quite early (5:30ish) as Kristi and I had appointments at a nearby hospital for various tests. I had complete blood work-up done then was scooted off for a carotid doppler. First time for one of those. The tech was a sweetie and permitted Kristi to stand beside her and she explained what she was looking for. "Plumbing" on the right side was totally plaque free. The left side showed a few small spots of plaque (on the q-t the tech said it would be like 500 years before there was anything to worry about - I'll see what doc says though). Then it was down to cardiac lab for stress test. The counter person was quite rude in saying that I was not scheduled and there was NO WAY I was having test done. I kept my cool and explained that I had called in to schedule all the tests. The fact that I did not have a cardiologist unnerved her even more. Fortunately one of the techs took over and went to see what could be arranged. There was a cardiologist present who agreed to be present while the test was completed. I had the chemical stress test - I could see me trying to go on the treadmill. The test when fine - the highest my BP got during the 4 minutes of the chemical being infused was 136/76. Kristi had to wait in the waiting room for 1 1/2 hours, poor kid. The only thing left to do was urine specimen to take back to the lab. This was a first doing urine test away from home and my bathroom riser. I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!! I do think I had my Guardian :Angel: assisting me though. When my Brother picked us up that morning, he gave us our gifts: digital camera w/printer, portable DVD player, recording DVD/VHS combo to hook up to the tv, and a Panasonic digital phone system. We were home for about 2 hours and then it was off to Aunt Char's house for dinner and gift exchange. We had a blast and terrific meal.Dar had baked a cake and we sang Happy Birthday to Jesus. The girls opened their gifts first. When Kristi was opening her gifts, she was totally overwhelmed. She had never experienced Holidays with so many people watching and taking pictures. She received a footprints necklace and that did her in. There was not a dry eye in the house. Gift giving for the adults went around the room. I felt like a little kid as I anticipated my turn. I'm not going to relate all that I received as that would appear like bragging. The one biggie was a Dirt Devil vacuum which I immediately told Kristi that I would share with her - ANYTIME she wants to push it around the house would be fine by me :idiot: Needless to say, I had many tears of happiness flowing. My tears were contagious too. Christmas Eve concluded with church services. My cousin's (Dar) hubby Bryan is an ordained minister. Right now, services are held in their home so that's where we all headed. During the service, other cousin's (Lisa) hubby Chuck stood and announced that he wished his wife to join him to renew their wedding vows. Again, not a dry eye....afterwards Lisa told me it was doubly special as Kristi and I could not attend their wedding in 2006. Bryan is an excellent minister; it was our first time attending one of his services. Lisa and Chuck drove us home - we got home around 1:30 am Christmas morning. Kristi was kinda bummed there was no snow for her first Christmas here...but for all the traveling and for me accessibility wise it was a blessing. Christmas morning we exchanged gifts...from her and the critters I got an angel snow globe, an angel figurine, and kitty bookmarks. She and Aunt Char had custom made me my Christmas card - you guessed it, I blubbered. The "girls" got treats and a toy. Kristi loved the sweater I ordered for her (surprise, surprise as it's harder and harder to keep up with the teenage taste in clothes.) She really was thrilled when she saw her guitar - I had it hidden behind a door after it was given to me last week. Now we just need to get some beginning guitar books and a pick :big_grin:. From Kristi's friends in AZ I received a 2008 Arizona Highways calendar so I don't forget the sights of Arizona. Kristi received presents as well but I'll let her update her blog and fill everyone in. Mid-day my Brother picked us up and we drove to my nephew's home for an early dinner and gift exchange. I got a body massage pad (my back loves it). Fun, fun, fun time was had. Billy's MIL was there and she is a real sweet lady. Late afternoon we went to a Christmas Party with my Brother (cousins by marriage). More yummy food and good company. There was a "white elephant" gift exchange. I had picked a times clock radio but it was stolen lol -I came home with a container of candy with $10 attached to the top. We got home after 10 pm last night. I am beyond exhausted today - but a happy contented tired. Christmas 2007 was truly blessed for me. Now to recoup for New Year's Eve. 3 year anniversary on New Year's Day.
  25. Yes, it's almost here - the message board provides a continuous reminder :santahat: . We're ready, or about as ready as we can be at this stage. my previous blog was my 100 things, which helped to distract me from what had happened with the Steelers losing to the Jaguars. They redeemed themselves this past Thursday when they beat the Rams 41-24. One huge drawback was our running back Willie Parker will be out the rest of the season due to a broken fibia :stretcher: . I've been working on the project my cousin gave us so she can compile a family memory book. My segment was almost 7 pages long. I finished mine yesterday, Kristi is still working on hers. We'll present them to Darlene Christmas Eve when we all get together. This week I attended the first annual Strokenet "virtual" Christmas party with Host "Santa"Bob. Had a terrific time. I must say that Steve implementing the Christmas skins helped to put the icing on the cake for me in terms of giving me the holiday umph to push me over the edge in loving Christmas this year. There are little things getting to me...things that previously would have knocked we over the edge into stressville to the max....but I cannot control the actions of others. Nor am I going to let the stupid actions of others affect my health. Tomorrow Christmas Eve Day will commence quite early as Kristi and I both have lab appointments...both for fasting blood work and me for carotid doppler and stress test. This week (Tuesday evening) was the Orchestra and Band Winter Concert at Kristi's High School. The orchestra is small considering the size of the school. Kristi is one of 20 who are in Orchestra this year. The kids did a terrific job. For the first time, there were family in attendance besides me to see her. My cousin Lisa and her entire family were there. Lisa's hubby is a photographer - he went up to the balcony area and took pictures while Lisa videoed Kristi. Proud moments for ME :santasmiley: Our deal Crystal has always been affected when there's a full moon. Well........so is the tiny terror (my new nickname for her) Lili. There's a full moon tomorrow night, 12-24, and Lili has been bonkers for the last few days. (More bonkers than usual). When she's a brat to the max and we want to kill her, she decides it's time to purr and be a love. Her prrrrrrrrr can be heard across the room. The Christmas tree is still standing though the Nativity receives the most terroristic activity. Nothing breakable is hanging on the lower branches. I have had ornaments brought to me as I sit here on the computer in the dining room :ChristmasTree: .