
Stroke Survivor - female
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Blog Comments posted by dstraugh

  1. Hi Karen,


    Dear lady you and your family have been through so much - enough is enough I'm sure you want to scream. It's good that you are going to be checked out - better safe than sorry.


    With all that you are dealing with, bless your heart, you are hanging in there. All this WILL pass and there will be better days ahead.

  2. Congrats to you and Bob for the new home. Virginia is a beautiful state. Glad you enjoyed your time away. I bet it was the wine that caused your balance issues - if not, it still sounds good. Even after 4 1/2 years I find that suddenly my balance will be off the mark. Generally, it occurs if I'm over tired and pushing the button too much and trying to be like a Timex watch or the Energizer Bunny.


    If you find a way to successfully go backwards in age, you could make a fortune and pay your home off :happydance:

  3. Terrific news!!! As Karen said ya already scored a perfect score by getting out there and picking up the ball. Now that you've got it figured out that an 8 lb ball is doable - bet your score will climb. Also, you may very well one day be able to handle the 10 lb ball again.

  4. Hi Sheryl and welcome to the blog community. Seeing the world through the eyes of a child is quite heartwarming. Their enthusiasm and curiosity keeps us going when the times are tough that's for sure. Henry is at that age too where he is learning and curious about all around him.


    You've got the right attitude towards stroke - ya can't let it win out - never ever. On bad days, know that you can vent and we'll understand as we've all been there at some point.

  5. Patty,


    Great first entry. I too hope that all will be easier for you as time goes on. Keeping a positive attitude at times is rough; of course we all tend to plop on that darn pity pot - whining and venting. But that's we're all here, we understand what each of us is going through.


    It helps to know that we're not alone in this. We're all here for each other walking side by side to keep strong agaiinst stroke beating us.

  6. Katrina,


    My condolences on the loss of your friend and congrats on being an Auntie yourself again. I'm glad to hear all is going well for you this summer. You will be a great freshman leader - I feel it in my heart. Another accomplishment for our sweet sweet gal. One way to look at the taxes, you'll have a good return next year at tax filing time.


    Keep enjoying your summer.

  7. Congratulations to you Stu on reaching your 3 year mark and your milestones in recovery. Added congrats to you and Kath on your weight loss program. You will need a new name on site - "Stud" :)



    You are proving there IS life after stroke - way to go and here's to many many more anniversaries and milestones :Cheers:


  8. In less than 24 hours, my alone time will come to an end. The time has been relaxing. I've had a few things happen that shook me up but overall all is well. I managed to care for myself and the furbabies with no problems.


    Today I received a text message from Kristi in which she said she missed me as much as a fat kid misses chocolate cake :rolleyes:

  9. Hi Gladice,


    Your new residence sounds beautiful. And to have an apartment with such a nice view too - how super for you. My Grandma had lived in a senior high rise and loved it with all the activities going on all the time.


    I bet you will be retiring your cane before too long. Good for you. I too look forward to seeing pictures.